Resolution-PC 90-184,~^~ti d~a~`'9 ~ E_~QL I N N~,,_pS g 0-1,.~,$ ~- R~SOLLTTIQN 0~' THE ANAHErM CTTY PLANNING CqMMISSTON xHAT F~~;T~TTO27 FUR CONDITTONAL i15~; PF;£thfY1.' N0. 33~6 $~ GR.~~~D WIi~REAS, the ~lnatl~im City planning Comr~is~ion dic~ receive a veri.fied Petition for Conditional Use Permit tor r.ertain rQal property sit•,ua't City o~~ ,~naheim, C.ounty oF Oran e g' St~~Q dF Californa.a, described a~: e~ in the PARCEL l, I1~T THE CITX OF ANAF.IEYM, COUDTT`l UF ORANGE, STATE AF ~aLICORNIA, AS PER pAR~ET, FzLED iN BUOK 163. PAr,ES 5 AND ~P N0. 81-235, THE QFF'IC~ L~g~ TFiE COUN~Y RECORU~R OFrSA.IA COTJNTXps~ YN ~E~~AS, ths Ci~y P1~~ning Commi~sion did h.o1d a khe Civic Center .in Che City oE Anaheim on ~Tul Y6 of said publfc Yleaxin publa.c hearing at g havin y ' 1990 at l;~p accordanc~ with the px~ovisions~4f ethe A aheim Munici al P~m'' n°tice Y given as required by law and ir~ to hear and considar ovidorice for an d a p Code pc~ rmi t and to investigate ai7d makQ Pindi ~,~ a~ rQ ommendationsc11a p ter 1 8.U3 ro osed coxiditiona~ use thorewith; and n connection WHEREAS, said Commissior., after du~ inspection r skudy made by itself and in its bekialf: evidence . and afker due cons ~er t o~tio£ and foll~wing ia~ts: all and reporr_s ofEered at sa:U hearii:g, does find anfl determinc~ the 1• That r,he Yro~posed use is use permit is authoriz~~ 1~y Anaheim Muri ~pp~rly 02~~ for which a permit a physical fihness r_entex 1Pa1 Code Section 18.61 Q50.606 nt~ indust.rial Luildin ~~ance instruc!:ion Section 1 g~`'ith w7iver of thQ fo'llowin jtudio) xn an exisl•ing ~.06.Oa0: 9 ltncler authozit y of Code ~~~9.~..~~.~-4~U 21 - bt x n i m t~m n m ~ r ?~~-~2~_250 0215~ ~-~~._~f ,~ar inc~~~.~e~. (~L~~ required; ypq e~~i5ring) ~ ~-~.Q.~.05 Q~~ 2 6¢ 1 ~,.~~., 2~Q ~~ ~ 1 s~nL~. 1 ~ • 61 ~4.~~.~.~ Z• That the requested waiver .i.s hereb ' ~=he parking waiver will not cau~~ an increase an ~z n~e~ °n i.mmediate vicinit the basis C;iar y nor advorsely affect an afF2C congesticsn 3.n the ot the parkir.y waivQr un~~r th~ Y adjoining land uses ~n~ der_rimQntal to the cont3itions imposo~, ,~~ ~il ~ranting o£ tY,c~ ~it Peace, health, saPe~ and Y• will not b~ y of )~nah~im. y general welfare of c:he c:it3zer.s ~• That the proposed use is hereb instructi.on studi~ only ~nQ ~~S a h~ Y qrarated f P.[sical fitness ~pntiQr ~r us~ as a dance 4• That ttie pro~osed use wi11 not adversel l~tnd uces and th~ yr~Wrh ~nd developrnent af to be located, Y affect the adjoining the are~ in which it is propc,ssd ~. 1550r. -i- ~ ~c9o-is~ ` ;;; _ . ;;~ :.f ,; _ _~ ~ ;i . ~ . . . . . .. .. .~ .. .~ ~ ... .. ~. 1~ ~N ;r~r . . . ~ 5. 7.`hat~ the size ~snd shape o[ thQ aite proposed for the use is adoquate to al'low the full ~evc~:lopment oi thEa proposed use i.n a m~nner not datrimentt~l to t.he par~icular araa nor to ~he peace, h~alth, saf.e~y and c~ener.al welf-are of thd Citizens ~:f tho City of An~heim. 6. That the granting of ~ho Co:ldiCion~l Uso Permit, under the canditions imoosed, if any, wi.11 not be detrimental to th~ pEacQ, health, saf.ei-.y and general welfarF: of the Citizeiis oF tY~e City of Ana2..ezm. 7. That the traffic genc.rated by the proposad usa wi11 no-: '_mpoae an unciuQ burden upon t.he streets and highways designed and improvecl to ca.rry the traffi.c iii the area. 8. That no ono ix~di ~ated thair prosence at said public hearing in epposition; and t.nat no c~rrespondence was raceived in opposxtion to the su~iject pet5.tion. i~LI~R~fIA_ GNVIk~ NMFNTAL Q~JALITX A T FINDTNG: That L-he Asiaheim City Planning Commissiori h~s r~viewed the proposal to ~ermit a physical fitness center {dance instruction stuc~io) in an oxisting industrial building with w~i.ver of minimum numbs•r of ~;arking ~p~~ces on dn irregul arly-sYlaped parc~~ of land caiisis~ing of. arproximately 12.2 acres, having a.t`r~ntage of appraxima~ely 5Q0 i~et on '-.he north side uf La i~alma Avenu~, having a maximum depth cf approx.i.mately Z,32~ feet, being ]ocaLed ap~+roxima'~ely ~,850 feet west: of tYie cer.l:er~.ine o£ Tmperial Highaay and iusther described as 5435 Eaat La P31m~ Avenuo; and does hereby ap~rove the Negative Declara~ion u.pon finding 'that it has considered tY~e Negat•ive Declaration together ~rith any cornm~nts receivQd dur:ing the public revzew process and furth~r finding on L•he basis oE thn ir.~iL•ia.l study and uny caimnents received that there is uo substantial c:~ide:.tae t:hat tha ~r~je~C will have a si.ctnificant effact on the onv~.r~rur~ent. NOW, THCREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE~ that tho Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditianal Use Permit, upon the f.ollowing c~nditions whic2i are hereby Pound Co be a necessary ~rerequi.site to tho pr~Y~osed use of the subject propQrtl in order to preserve thQ safcty and general welfare of the Citizens oP the CiY.y of Anaheim: 1. * That siclewalks shall be Lk15rc~11QC~ along La Palma Avenue as requirc~cl by the City Lngineer and in ~ccorclance wi.fih standard plans and spocifications on file in the OL-F.i.ce of the City Engineer. 2, ih3t a privatc watei• system with separat:e wat~r service for fire protertior and demestic ~aater 5ha1]. bc~ providea. 3. That tho watsr b~ackflow equipment arld any other 2argc~ watar system oqtiiipment shall be installed Lo ths satisfaci:ioii of the Water Utility Divisi~n in either (a) unc]ergroand vau.lts or (b) behind the streot setback area in a manner r:uliy scroenea from a.il public straets and alleys. _?_ PC90-104 ~ ;,. , . t,tC , , ; . ., ,:. ., , , _ ,, ,; ,..,. . ,. . , ~ , ; :$' ~ ~~r(~~;..j 4. * That trash stor~ge areas shall be ~^eFurbished to the ~atisEaction of the ^atreet Maintenance and uan3 tation Di~~isa~n ~.o compl;~ witk~ approved plans on file wz~:h said division. 5. Tha~ ~ubject propezr.y sh~l1 b~ devoloped substar~tia7ly in accordance wiL-h plans and specifi~ations submitL•ed to the City of Anaheim by the petitionQr and which plans are on file with the Planniny Departmenk marked E:xhibit Nos. 1 and 2, 6. That prior. to final buildir,g f~.nd zoning 3nspectians or within a perioc~ of one (1) yenr f~om the daCa of: ~his ros~lution, whick~ever occurs first, Condi~icsn Nos. '1 through 5, above-m~n*_~pnod, sha17. be cnmpliecl ivi~h. 7. That this approval is specifically for a dance instruction ~tudio for ~tudents averaging 5 to lb years old. 8• ~ 7.'hdt approval of t2:is application cunstitutQS approval oE the proposed request only to the extenh tli~t it comglie~ witki the .'~nahe~m Municipal Zor.ing Codo and any othHr applicable City, State and I'ederal ,~ requlat:ions. Appraval doas nat~ include any actian ar findings as ta compliance or approval of tihQ request xegarding any other applicable ardinance, regu.lation or requiromQrit, Conditxons marked with e-n ast~risk (*) are required by ~stablished laws, codes, regulations and agreements and are, therefore, not subjeck to negotiation. BE IT FiJRTHER RES~'LVED that the Anaheim City Planning C,a~ission does hereby £in~3 and determine that adoption of this Resolutaou is expressly predical.Qd upon ~pplicant's cam~liance with each and a1~ of the condit,ions herezna~ove set fozth, Should any such ~onditions, or any p1rt rhereof, be dee:larec3 invalid or unen£oreeable by the final judcJment oE any c:ourt o.f competent jurisdiction, then this R~SOlution, ar~d any ap~rovals harein containe8, shall be deemed null ancl void. TIiE FO1tEG0ING RESOLUTION was aaopted at the Planning Commissi~n meeCing o£ July 16, 1990. ; ~~~> ,, _ f" ~--~1 ~ ,:~ ff:,,,%!~., ~C ~ <<_~,.~~ - CHAIRWQMAN, ANAHEJF~S C?TY pLANNIN'G COMMTSSION ATT~ST: --.-.'~ '" ?,' ~. ~.~~ r~, % l, !' , , ------ ;'~SEd~ETARX PRO TEMpQR~ A~HEtM CITY PL~SN~IING CQ2~fTSSION ~ ... ~' -~- PC90-184 ^~ .~,, , , µLU; h ~ STATE OF CALIrORNIl1 ) COUNTY' OF ORANCE ) ~s~ CITY OF ANA,~iEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, SECxe~ary P.ro TemporQ ~f the Anaheim City Plmnning Commission, do hereb~ c:ertify tha~ the f.oregoing resolution was passed and adopt.ed at a meeting of the Analieim Cii;y Planning Commissian he],d on July 16, 1990, by the following vote of tho members t2isreof: AYES: COMMTSSI'ONERS: B~YUS'SUN, SOUAS, F~LliHAUS, HELLYER, MC BURNEX NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE ABSEN_T: COMM]:SSInNRRS: M~;SSE VACANCY: ONE SEAT /l II3 W:[TNESS WH~REOI', T have hereurzto set my hand this ~-7~-~~r"~!' da~, o f ~rs` :~~~_. 19 9 0. - '--• - ~ . , ~ , ~ ~ ~~ : ~, .~i", ~~~;~ ,. -! ~~ - --~i , ". ~,,, : i . S~CRETAR`l PRO TEMYO~2E '~ 'bNAFIE7M CITY PI,1aNNING COMMISSION d, v~ ! ~ `4- PC90-~84