Resolution-PC 90-188~;,,, ij4~ „~ • ~. •, a s% ;~. ;.,.`~ rtiNirly . . ~rsor.,UTT.ON N0. pc~~ x~ A RE;SOLUTION OF T~TE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNT.NG COMMISSTON THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSf~ICA'PI011 N0. 89-9p-4f3 lir GRANTED WEIERFAS, the Anaheim Ci~y P'lanning Commissiou did receive a verified petition for Reclassifieation of cortain real ~roperty s.ituatc~d in the City oE Anaheim, County of Orang~, Statca of Cali.fornia, ~lescribed as f.ollows: '' PAI2CEL~ 2, AS SHOLVN ON A ASAP 1~ II~rI? IN BOOK t34 FAG~S 5 TA 8 IIv'CLi7SIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RFCORD~'R OF ORANGE COUTITY, CALIFOFNIA. tvHEREAS, the City Plannirig Commis:siun di~a hold a public hearing at Y_lie Civi~ Cent~r in th~ City of Anaheim on Ju1y 16, 1990 at 1:30 p~m. , nol:ic~ of said pub].ic he~ring having k:een duly given 2s rc~quireQ by 1aw a~d in acc~r.aance with ~he ~~rovisions o~' the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ciiapter 1H.03, to 2ze~r aiza consider evi.clence for and against sa:id pra~~osed rEClassif~.catian 1nd to investiga~te and make findings and recommend,~.tions in ccnn~ct;ion i:herewith; and ~hat said publi.c hearing w~s co:~tinued Lo the Planning Commission meeting of Ju1y 3U, 1990; and WHLRF.'A5, said Commissiozi, ~Ftcr due inspection, invesi:igation and study mac3e by iL•sc1F anci in its behalF, and aPter due eonsideration of all evidence and re~orts offor.ed at. said hearinc~, does finci and determine the foJ.l~wing facts: 1. That the pet.it.ioner proposes reclassification c~f subject QropertX from Lhe RS-A-43,OCJ(SC) (ResidenL-i41, Acrricultural•-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zane to t}ie CI~(SC) (Comm~rcial, Limit~d-Sceric Corridor Overlay) or a less intense zone. 2. That Lhi~ resolution does hereb~ replar.e Resolution No. PC90-76 in its entirety. 3. Tliat the Anakieim Genec•al Plan ~esignate~ subject property for General Comrnercial land uses. h. That the proposed r~cl~;ssiricution uf subject propQZtg is nece;ssary and/or desir.able far L-he orderly and proner. d~velonment of the community. 5. ThaL• ;:he p:-op~ ,ed reclassificatinn of s~xbject property does p~operly rPla~e to the zunes and their permiL•t~d ases locally established in close proximity to subject property and lo thP zone:; and thoir permitted uses generally establish~d througliout the commuuit~•. 6. That the proposed reclassifiaation of subject propez•ty requires the dedication an.d .i.mprovement of abuttinq streets in acc~rd3»ce with the Circu].ation Element of the G~neral Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which w.il]. be generated b,, tt2e intensi:fication ot land use. 7. That- one intoresled person was prescnt at saicl public hearing; an3 tliat no corresponclence was r.e~;eived in opposition ~o subject p~tition. ae ~ a , l5r -•1- PC90-188 , r: ;~ ~ .. ~,".~::r~ ~iLIF'~I2NIA rNVT~NM[~N'CI~L Q~1ALT'tY_ Fj(;~~~~rrpTN~: Thal, tho Annheim Ctt.y P1anr,3.nq Coinmissior~ has revi~wed t•.h~ pr~,pos~~1 tU roclassiFy subjec~ proporty f:ram the 1tS-A-•43,000(SC) (Residential, Agricultural-Scenic Corridor Uverlay) ?.OIlf3 to ~he CG(SC) ~CO1T11CIE?.CCli.il~ Lim.itc~d-Sce:~ic Corridor Ovarlay) or a 'la: s ?-3tc~nse zono and to pQC•m.it. a 36-uni.t r.ommercial re~ail cen~er ineluclinc~ 14,U00 square fecat: oC sc,m.i-encl~sed fas~ food rest:nurants, 1 optional .,375 squarA foot freestanding resCaurarit, 1 freestanding restaur.ant with outdoor seating ~ncl on-pr~mise sa.l~ ~nd con3umption o£ alcoholic beveraq~s, a» exish.irig 2, 500 seat movie t1ie7~or wS,th waivers of minirc~urn numbe: o[ parkinq ~pac:eti, ininimum dimensians ~f parking spacas, minimwn structural ~otUack an3 improvcment o[ re~uired s~tback adjacent to railroad right-of-way on an irregu:lnrly_;;~,~p~c~ parc~l or land cunsisti.ny oP approximat<aly 1p acres locnt~rd uorth and west of tY~e nort}iwost corner of Ln Pa1m3 Aveiiuo ~snd 'lmpc~ri~~1 Hi.c~hw~iy, rxu.inc~ frontagas of ap~rox.ima~e.ly 335 Eeet on thc~ nort,:h ;;idc ot L,a I'alni~i Avenuo and 708 feet on the west side of Imperial Highw~y and itirt:hcr described ~~s 15::1 Nor~ti Imp~rial Hig}iway and 5635 East L,a ~alma Aventie; and cioes hcreby ~pprovr•. tlie Negative Dec.laration upori findinq thaY. it ha, consid~rad the Negativc~ neclarntion t~lgether with any comments recE~ived durir:y the publ.ic review process and further finding pn the basis of ~}Ze ini ~ia). studx ;.tnci any comments :eceive~i t.ha~ thera is no s~_ibskantial ovidence that th~ projecr, wi1.1 have a;,iqnific~nt effect on the Nnvironment. NOW, TFiERE~'OR~', F3L•; TT ItESOLVGU r.t~ar. t.h~ Anaheim City Planninq '"emm.i,si~u does bereh}• grant sub;e~~t~ ie[iti~n for Reclassificltion an3, by so doing, that T'i~1e 1F3-loning of tlie Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude L-he above-described proper.ty from the t~S-A-43,000(SC) (Res3d~ntia3., Agricultural-Sce~iic Corrictor Uver].ay; ~on~ an~l to incurporate s~~id dosr~ibed propert•y into tho CC~(SC) (Commercfal, LimiCeci.•Scenir_ Corridor Overlay) Zona upon the followinq con<3itinns which are hereby tound tu be a necessary prereqiiisi.L•e to ttie proposr:d u:,e •~f subjec~ properry in order to prQS~rvQ k:he safety and qeneral wnlEare of tt:e Citizen~ of lhe City of J,naheim: 1. 'T~hat thc legal own.;r ot ~.~;;~ject properCy shall irrevocabty oEter tu dedicate to t•.he City of t,na3~~~~m, an adciitional strip o~' land Cwelve (12) Eec:t i:. w.idth ~long La Pal~a Avenue. 7.. That plan3 shall be :~ul~mitted to tho i:i*.y Enqine~r for revi.ew and approval f~~r reconstrur,tion cf t:he median or~ i,~ Falma Avenu~ from Imperial Highwa~ to t}-.~ c:civczway on the a~lj,~cent: prop~rty l-.o the wr.st of ~iibject proporty. ~a.id re~unstrur,tiori sh,i12 bc~ completed pri~r CU filial buil~inq and zoning inspections. 3. Tleat thQ leqal ow-ier of su1~Je<•r. properCy si~a11 acquire a reccrdod unsi+bora.inaCed covena-it grantinc~ ~7n a~ce~s easemei~t From the legal property owrier immedi ~tely w~st oi s~.zbjec~ propcrty for .'.ngress and e~ross gurpose , t~ subject prapei•ty. S~.td r~a:,nm~nt shall be designQd ir. a mannor sati~iactory to the ~ity Trafti;; Enqineer aml aaid r.ovenanC s1~al.l ba in a form s~tistactory to the Cit:y ~ttorney. J~ copy aP tha recorded covenank ~hal2 bc3 submi~r_ec: tu th~ Zoninq Divia~.on. -Z- PC90-188 ,'b~ ~ ~At,~rtY~l `~~ ~'ha~ tt~r~ Qwner of subjoct proper~.y s2ia11 submit a lather xeque~ting t:armination of Rec.lassifir.ation No. H4-85-4, Vc~rianco No. 2974 Ana Concii'.ioual UsQ perm3t 1•Io. 2605 t~ the 'Lon.ing Divi~ion. ~• 'l'ha 7.oga1 ow~yer of suJ~j~ct grop~rty sha11 irr.ovor.r~biy o~f.ec to dodicat;e to the C~t;y ot' Anat.eim, thr~eP kzundroci ( 300) feet o£ land twelva (] 2) fe~:~ in w:dL•h alonq Tmp~rial tiiqhway nnrth of the driv~way for use as ~ deceleration lanc~. '1}ie doceleration lane stia:il be subject to tho review and ap~~roval uf the City TraE'fic Encfir~eer and shall be improved prior t4 f'inal buil~ing ~nd ~oiiing insper.tions . ~• That ~~rior to the .introductian uf an or.dint~r.ce rezGninc~ subject prop~rty, Condit:ion Nos. '1 L•hrough 5, ubove-mentioned, shall be completQd, ThQ pruvi;;ions or ri.ghts granted by tliis re.,oltit.ion sh~ll becarnQ null and v~~id by ackion of the Planning C~mmission unlF,ss said con~aitions arp complied w.ith i•rithin ori~ (1) year from the date of tliis res~l.ution, or suctt furkhor time as th~ P.lanniny Commissioti may qrant. 7. That. apqrova]. uf this applicati.on constitutes ap}~,roval o.`.' the prapased reque~t onl.y to the Qxter.t that. it ccmnlies with the Anaheim Municipa? 2oying Car.le an~ any oCher appli~~able Cicy, Stato and Federal regulations. Approvz~l ~loes not include aiiy action or findings as to r.ompliance or a~prov;il o:E l•he reauest reg;,rding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requir~ment. BE IT FURT[iEIt KGSOLV~:D LhaL the Anaheim City Planning Co.,imission does hereby Pind and det~rmine rhat ~dopt.ioti of this Resolutir~n is Qxpressly predicat~cl u~,on aL~plicant's compliarice with aach and all of t}xe cr~nditions hereinabovE~ ~c:t fc~rl-.}i. S}~oulcl any such conditioii;;, or any parC thereof, bQ dec.lared it;valid or unc~nforceabl.e by ttie iinal jurlgment of any court o£ competent jurisdiction, L•han this Resolution, a•nd any ap?r~~vals herezn cot~tair.ed, sh-~11 b~~ deemed nul] rand void. T`~~% :ORE60IfIG kESOLUTI0t7 aas ~ao~tea at the Planning C.ommission mr_eLing of July 3p, ].g9p, 1~'~_/~~ (~(.! ~,:i' -/_a c.~ ~ ( ,~ ,l,(t -- ' ` ~- -~~1.... CHAIRWOMAN,~ A2dAHF,IM CITY PLANNING CUbR~SISSION ATTE:ST: .~ 7 _:_=~:~:~'L":~-•~.::~~Z1__.__'~~! ~'Yt.'c~:-z^____.._.---- SE:CREx1~RY ?RQ TcMPORL ANAF[EIM CiTY PLANNTNG COhII~1ISSI0N -3- I~C90-i(iH ~1 ~ ~ ST.~TE OI' CA'LTI'ORTr1A } COUNT'1 ~JF ORANGL ) ss. CtTY OF ANAfIEIM ) T, Jane~ L. J~nson, S~cretary Planniiig Commissiun, do herab c iE t ~'a'o 'Cempore oF th e Anahoim City passed and adopt~d at a y er . y that tho L•orego9.ng ni~eL-ittg of thQ Anaheim Cit Pl i resolution was on July 3Q, 1990, by the f'ol.lowing vote ~f y ann ng the members ttter.eof: Commission hRld AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: NOGS: COMMTSSIONERS F~OYDS7'UN, BUUAS, FEI,UHAUS, HELLYL•'R, MESSE, P~i2AZA : VACANCY: ONF SEAT NONE IN WITNESS WHFI2EOr, I have~ horeun~:o set rny hand o t C~1-~.~L.e~ 19 9 0. this~~~s~ ~. a ~:i l,y:-•" --=,`_: "~~:~,^°~~~ '" f r? ~ i~ ~.y~. ~: . S6,CI2ETARY PRO xEMPOFtE~'%' ~ ~?~.VAHEIM CITY PI~ANN~C~IG COMMISSI~N ~~ -~ PC90-1~8