Resolution-PC 90-189~ RZ~'' ~^~ RF',~QLjJTI~?N_.0 P~~R~7:~~ A RaaULU:CIUN OF THG ANAI~IrID! CITY PLANNING COhII•fISSION TH~.T PETITION FOR CONDI'PIONAL TJS~: PERMIT N0. 331h BE GRANTED, IN PART Wci~R~AS, th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission cli.d roco3ve a veritied I~e~ition for Cond.itior-al fJso .Pc~rm.it af cort:ain rQal propc~rty Cit:y of. Anaheim, County ot• Oratige, StaL-e of Calxfornia, descr.ibed as~ted in t•ho PARCEL 1, AS SHOW27 ON PARCI;L MAP FILEU IN BpOK 8~3, PAGL'S 5, 5, 7, APID 8 OF PARCEL MT,pS IN THE pF~Ii,p, ~,(~• TIiF, COUNTY RECORDER OI' ORAN(;E COUNTY, CALIL'ORPIIA. AND YARCEL 2, A5 SfiOWN ON A MAY I'ILEp IN BOOK {34 PAGES 5 TO 8 TNCL~USIV~ 0~ PASCEL MAPS, IN TH~ OFF'TCE OF THE COUNTY RGCURDER OF ORANGE CC)UNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, ttie City Pl~nning Commission did liolcl a public hearing ~t the Civic ~enter in the Cit.Y of Anahe;m on July ].fi, 19gp aC 1:30 p.m., natice oE said pu;~.lic hearing kiaving been duly given as required hy 1aw ~nd in acrordance wir.li the provisi~ns of *.he AnahQim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.~3, l-o hear and ronsider evider_ce for and against said proposed conditional use psrrr.it and to inves~igate c~nd make findi.ngs and recommendations in connectiori therewith; and fhat said public hoarinc~ was r,onti;~ued to the planning Commission meeCiny o£ July 3~, 1g90; and WFIEREAS, said Commis;i~n, after due insp4c~ion, invAStiqarion and study mada by itsc:lf and in its br~lialP, snd ac~er c:ue considera.tion of z11 evidence and i•eports off:ered at said h~iaring, dues finr~ and determinc~ tho f.cllowing facls: 1• That the ~r.opose~ ase is proFeL'ly one for which a c:onditional ~ise ~Sermit is auL-horized by Anaheim Municipa.i Coda 5c~ctions 7.8.4~1,050.0.10, 1$.44.050.135 and to permit a 36-unit commrrcial retai.l center incl~;ding 1A,000 sq.tr, op ;,Emx_~nclosed fast £ood r 4..i~5 s Qstaurants, one ~~~ptzonal" q•ft. freastanding rastaurant, one freestanding restauranL• wi~n outdoor seati:ig ~nd on-premise sale and consumption of. alcoholic bevaraqes, an existing 2,5~p seat nov.ie thec3ter, and wr3iver of the followinq; (A) SE~TIQN,S~,1Q.2~2~.9~217, ~Q6 ~ 4.~4~0 2 2 ~8 46_~~~9?31 ~~.Q~LQ~.Qs..O 2 ? ~ ~.~z2~ .~4..5.4~4~ ~...2 ?SfsS~~ ~Q.~Q~2.~F~ 1~ ~QSZ_0 ~Q ~ld 1$~qn_-SZf~,_4.50 (s) ~~~xz.~rrs a.~_y~~o~r~..~zQ an~l.~_'~4_.. ~ ~ ~ - M.inimlam num ~r of^p~~;~i~~~~~~ ~1~2~~ requir~d; 774 proposed) - Mir~im~m_ctis,n~~n$_s~~ 9f r~~rk_in.g_5~~.~.~s. (a~z_~~_~8 fQQ.~ required; 130 spaces at ~x 'l~_ f.~e~ ~xisting) 1577r _1^ . PC90-•1$~ ^ (C; SE~IOtJ 1~~~1.0~2.,.~.12. - Minim~m s~ru~ur~+l~e~~a^~k. {~0 L_ee_t-. raquirad from Imper:ial Highway;. 2Q fze~t proposed) (D) ~~.QN ~.84.06~_~~1~ ~ ~~~Y~P~r _ 4F ~~~~ixr~~.-c~' ~?t~.~~$~c;ent rail~~_~1 =xqh~2f-~way. (ZQ. fQet required; g_1Q fee~ praposed) 2. That khe reques`.ed waive~ (AJ is hsrelay granted on t3~e ba~xs kha~ the parking vraiver wi11 noi: cause an incz•ea,Ea in tra£fic congestion in the immediaL•e vicinity nor ~dversely affect. any adjoining land uses ann granting of the parking waiver under the eonditions imposed, if any, will not bs d.atrimental to tk~e pear.e, healtli, saL•ety and goneral welfare ot the citizens o~ tY~.e City of Anaheim. 3. That the requQSted waivers (II) and LD) are heroby granted on the basis that there are special circumst~r. cQS applicable to the p:^oporty such as size, shapu, topoqraphy,. location and ,urroun~lings w~.ic h dq r,oL apply to oCher identic;ally zoned pro~erty in the same vir.inity; and tk:at strict applicataon oL• tlia Zoning Code deprives L-2ie property oP pri vileyES enjoyacl by '~ c,Cher properties ir~ Y_he iclentica]. zane and classificatian in the vicinity. ~. Tiiat waiver (C) :is hereby denied on the special circum~tances aPplicable l-.o tho property topography, locatzon and surroundings whicY~ apply to proper.ty in rhe same vici:iity; and ~hat application not daprive the proporty oE privileges enjoynd by identical zone anci classification in ~he vicini~y. basis that tY~F:re are no such as siae, shape, other idc~nti cally zoned o£ tho ?oning Code does other properties in the 5. Thut tYie prcposed use~ wii'1 not adverse].y ~sffect the adjoining I~nd usos ancl tli~ yrc~wt:h and de~elopment oC tlae area in whi.eh it ;s p.rap~sed *_o be located. ~i. That thcs size and shape of the site pr.oposed Eor the us~ I~ adequate to till~w th~: Eu~'1 devylopment of L-he pr.oPosed use ira a manner not d~trzmental tn L•ha part.icular area nor to the peace, he3lth, saf•ety and ge:ieral wel.fa:•e of th~ Citizons of the City o£ Anatieim. 7. Th1t the granting of thQ Conditionat Use Parmit un~ler the conditions impasod, if any, will not be detrimantal to -~he poace, haalth, safety and generul welfare of the Citizens oE tho Ciry of Anaheim. £1. That the traffic generated by tlze ~+roposQd +ase r~ill not iinpose an undue burclen upon the streets and hic~hways des.igned and improved to carry the tr.affic in the area. 9. That t~ro interesteci persons wero presonk ak said public hearf.ng; and that na correspunderice mas received in opposition to the subjset pet.itiun. -2- PC90-la9 ~a'~?~ ~,<;r;~.,, CALIFGRN:~7~ ENVIRONMENTAZ, Qi1rLITX A,~T FTNAlNG: xhat L-lie Anaheim CiL•y Planninq Commission has roviewed the pr~pasal tn r~c:lassify the ea5terlx q,4 ar.res of subject property from i:he RS-A-9'1,000(SC) (Residentia]./Agr.acultural - Scenic Cc~rrid~r Ovcz•lay) 7,one to the Cfa(SC) (Commarcial, Limi~oti - Sconic Corriclor averlay} or a less intense zone arxd to permit a 36-unit commRrcial r~tail ce.nt,er includin~ 14,OQ0 square feet of semi-onclosed FasL• food r~staiirants, 1 opti~nal ~1,315 square foot frees;:~nding restaus:ant, 1 freestancling restaurant wiLh outdoor :3~aking and on-nromise sale and consumpi:ion of alcuholic beverages, an existing 2, 50G seat movie t3~et~ter with waivers of mi.nimwn number of parking sp2ees, mi.n,imum d.imensi~ns of parki•ng SPaces, minimum skructural setb~ck, ~nd improvement oE required sQtb~.ck adjacent. to railroad r:igtit:-of:-way on aii irregularly-anaped parcel of land con,^,isting of approxim~t~~ly 10 acres locate;d north and west of the northwest cozner of I,a Palma Avenue ancl Impexial Highway, having frontages ~f approxzmarAly 335 Fec~t; on ttie north side of I~a P~lma AvQnue and 70f3 fael• on the west sido of Imperial Highway anti:Eurthar c3e~cribed ~s 1521 North Tmperial Highway and 5635 ~ast La Pslm~ Avenue; and does her.eby approve the Negat3.vo ~Jec].aration u~ori fincling rhaL it has con,,iderod the Negative Declar.atioxi tage~Y.er wi~h any commenL•s receivacl dusinc~ the public x3viow process and £urther finding on the basis uf the :inihial skuciy and any cornments received t~h~t there is no substantial ~vicience thak t:he ~roject wz11 tiave a 3ignificant ~f.fect or: the environment. NOW,. :~'FIEREFO~E, BF. IT RFSOLV~;D that the Anaheim City ?lannixic~ Commission cloes Y:ereby gi•ant subject ?etit,ion .for Cond,itional UsP Fermit, upon ttie followi.ng conditi.ons w~hich ara herebl foand lo Le a necossary prerequisite to the proposed use of the s~abject property in order to proscrve ~he safety ~zn~l qenera'1 w•elfare of the Citizens ot the CiL-y of Anaheim: 1-~ T.hat prior to 3.ssuance of z bui.ldinc~ permil, the ~egal property owner shall complete eat;hr~r. of Lhe following; (a) Record a Parce.l Map in ~he Otfice of tl~e Oranr~e Connty Recorder; or (b) Recc~r.•d a covenant t:u be approvod by kkie City Attorney cov~nantinr that subjQCt prop~rty is nol: currantly in violatian oE the Subdivision Map Act; anci thaL prioz~ to any acCion which will c~iistitute a sulxiivision includinq s~le oE any structure construc~:Nd on subject ~roperty, tti~ owner sh311 recr~rd a parc~l map approv~~d by L-he City of Anah~im which map conrorms to thQ Cit;y's x•equirpment;~ relative t~ serhacks, Firo Code limitations and all olher. iterns which wouyd have been required if the parcel map hail been pr~ce:;sed at t.he ~ime the 7tructures w~:re constructed. 2• * That gr,~ding and dr3inage of subject propert;y sha11 c~r.form to Cha~~ter.s 17.04 "Gr~danq, Excaval:ions, Fills and Water Caurses" ancl 1T.06 "Grad;~ng, Excavations, anci Fil'ls in Ffillside Area" ot• the Anaheim htiinicipal CodF~, -3•- ~~,;'' ", ~ ~d PC90-189 ~h i `,I ; ~~::. .,;: 0 3. * That thH ~xisting street im~rov~me~.ta alony La Palma Avt~nuo £ront.i.ng subject proporty and the adjacent prope~rty Lo the tast (ParcQl 3 of a Parcel Map recor~.ed in nook A4, pages 5-~) shall :oe removecl znd full street improvemenrs shall be reconstruc~ed at the location designated b,y the Cit-.y for the critica7. ~nterser.Y.ion. Pr.ior to issuance of a building permiL-, streAt improv~ment plans sha].1 be submittecl to and improvement socurity sha'll be posted with the Si~bdi.vi~ion Section. The plans sb;ala be desigriecl and construc~.ed in accordance witti stanc~ard ~].ans arid speci.ficai:i~ns on file in L-he OL'tice of: the City Engineer. The street improvemQnts shall be installed px•ior to occupanc•:y of the first building. 4. ~(a) That the existing street im~rovements a'long Imperia]. Fiighway f:ronting s~xbjecC property and the acljacent property to the south (Parcel 3 ot a Parcel Map recoxtled in Bouk 84, gages 5-8} yhall be removod and. L-ull st:~^eeC improvements shall be reconstructed at the location designated by the Cit•y Sor th~ cri~i.cal inl-.ersection and ttzo decelerati.on 1ano. Tha~ street improvement plans shall ini~ially be su.bmitted to C.altrans Fc~r revir.w, Pr,:~r to issuance of t:he first building permit,, said improvement plans sh~ll be submitted t~ Cb.e City oE Anahoim Subdivision Sect.ion together vrith initi.al review comment~ from Caltr~.ns, and imr~rovemer-t securitl~ shall be posted urith Y.he City oP Anaheim. The plans :;hall k~e aesignecl and cei:structed in aecordance with Caltrans st~ndard plans anc~ sp~cif.icatipns. 4. (b) Tl.iat i:~e le~~al owner oi' subject gropE~rty shall irrevocably offer t~ declicate to the City of Anaheim, three hundred (300) feet o[ lanc~ twelve (12) feet zri widL•h along :Cm~Prial Iiighway n~r.th of the drivew:~y for a cleceleration 1ane. Tli~ d~,celaration 7.ane shall be ::mpr.oved subject ~o the review ana approval of the Czty Traffic Engineer. 5. * Thaf: prx~r ta iasuance ot• a building parrr.it, the appropriate major Lhoroughfare ar..d bridge fee shall be paid to the Ci~ y of Anaheim in an amount as specified in t~he Major ThoroughFarQ anc~ Bridge Fee nrogram for thg Fourhill/1?~istern TransPor.tatian Corridor, as established by Cii:y Counc.il resolution. 6. * ThaL- prior to issuance of a hizilcling pQrmit, the 3Pnropriate trraffic sign~al a:,sessmenL• LE~e shall i~c paicl to the C'ity of Anaheim in an a;~noun~. as establisY.~d by City Council resolutic~n. 7. * Tha~: plans si~aii bQ submi~ted to l•he City Tr.•affi.c Engineex for his revic:w and approval ,howing conformance with EnSineering Standard Plan P1~:'. ~:i~, 001, 602, 604 an~i 605 per~aining to parkang standar.ds. Subje~c p1~:~~,-ty shall thereupon be developed and mainL-ained in cor~:~ormance wi ~. ~ id plans . fi, (a) Thati the drivewU~ on Imperial Hiqhway shall bQ constructed with Cif~ggr (15) foot r,~dius curb returns as required by the City 5ngineer in cen[ormance witki Engineering 5tandar.d No. 137. _q_ PC90-189 Any acc:ess to Imperi~ll Ha.ghway sha'll be on a temporary basis only and Cl~e main access to this gr~ject shalZ be establis~led from La Palma Avenue, as ~~ia~vn ori t~ie submitted pzan~ and ~peci~icati.ons. (b) ~'liat the driveways on La Pa1ma AvPriue sYaall be construc~ed ~.ith r.wenty five (25) LooG i•adius curb returns as r.aquired by t.lie Ci~,~ ~ng:ineer in cont~ormance with Engine~ring Department St~ndards. ~ 9. That no outc]oa_ storag~~ areas sha11 be permittod. 10. That an unsubordina~e3 reciprocal access t;nd parking agreement, in a form satis£actnry tr~ *h.e City Attorney, shall be recorded with the 0£Eice of tlie Ox•anqe (;ounty rtecox•der , S~id agreeme2it sha11 specifically include reciprocal ingres~ and egress to and from the driveways on both La Palma Avenue and Tm~erial HicJhway, across subjec-~ pr~port~, ta and from th~ acijacent pra~aerties t-J tiI'1P, southeask (curre:itly deve].oped with a bank) and west (c:urrEntly devtlc,pad with a theater). Additiazia'11y, said agreement slial]. inr,lude provisions t~ <7uaran~e~ that the antire subjeat property sha17. be managed ancl maintained as one i.ntsgral project ~or purposes of parking, cii•culation, sign~ge, lr~nd usage and architectural contro]. A copy of t2xe recorded agreement shall be `' submitted to the Zaning Division, 11. * That pr.ior t;o issuance of a building permit, tlie appropriato fee Por primary wdt~r mains anc~ fire s~zvz.c:. ~:311 be pain to the Water Engineeri.ng Diviszon in accordana:~ with Rules ~s?! and zu of the Water Util.it.y Itat~s, Itules ~.nd Itegulations. 12. That a private water system with separate fire and domestic watdr services shall ~e provicleG. The waCer bzckfloa system shal]. be installecl in undergrouiid vault:^„ as roquirea by the CiL•y Ylater Engineering ~ivision. All water servic~ shall bu taken from La Palma Avenue. 13. * That. street ].i5hting Eac:lities along La Palma AvenuQ and Imperial "rlighway ,,iiall be ins~r~ll~d as required by ~he Util3.tiQS General Manager zn acr,ordance wzL•~i speciEic~tions on fil~ in the Otfice of the ilt:ilities Gener.al Manager; or th~t ser,urity in t'he foxm of a bon~, c~rtificate of deposit, :letter oE credit, or cash, in an amourit and form satisfactor~ to the City ci Ana2ieim, sha11 be posr.Qd with th~ City to guTranteQ the saL-isf.cctory complQr.ion of tha above-menCioned imprnvemen~s. Said security sha11 ~e po;t~d with the City of Anaheim prior to issuance of a building permit to c~uartintee instailatior. ~r~d completion pr.ior t~ occupancy. 14. * That subjecl propc~rl-.y shal:l b~ served by undcrc~round uLilitie;~, :~ `; ~ r , -5- i'C90-1i39 ~~ i ,e, e ..... ;ff/:7i~ 15. That Y.he 1ega1 awnor/developer oE subj~ct propo~al shall pay a feo to the City of Anaheim, in an amount estiablished by tha Ci~y Fnginger, £or th~ relocation o.f existing powar poles be?ng relocated as a resul~ of street improvemeY~ts, in accordance wiY.h L•he Public UtiliY.y Rulc~s, 12ates ana Regulaticns. .16. * That t,rash stor~ge areas shall ba provided and maintairxec3 in a location accept:~ble to the Street MaintenancQ and Sanitation Divis.ion and zn '~. accordanco wiL•h appraved plans on f.ile with said Division. 5uch information sha~l be spacifically shown on the plans submztted for builc~i.ng permits. 17. * That prior to romrnoiicemonh uP structural framing, on-sito fire hydrant•s shall be ins~alled and ckia.rged as re2uirod ancl r.~provQC~ by the Ci~y ~'ire Department. ~.n all-we~t2ier ro~.~d sha].1 be providecl to tk-e hydrant at all ~imes, as required by the F'ire Departmer.t. .t$. ~ That fire sprinklers shall be installed as required by the P'ire Department. 19. That a covonant shall be recorded wirn ~he Office o£ tkie drangr~ County Recorder, to ~he satisfaction of ~he City i.' :orn~y and Fire Depaztment, guaranteeinq thau in the event a bu:.lding is sold separately from tYle xemainder of thc com~nercial center, <.~ach buildinq shall hav2 a separata and ind~pendent water service. 20. That any roof maunted equipment clxall l~e subject t:o the ~ollawing: (a) Screening o[ equipme.it shall be provided by acceptable pQrmanex~t building materi~ls ttie same as ~r sxmil~r to an~3 compatible with those whzch are used in ~he constructzon of rhe unde.r?ying builclang or sha11 be screened From vicw by acceptable architectural fQatur~~ of the builci:ig iL-self. Said screening shall not E'.XCQPCI the heigY.t limit as establishod by Sectiori 1R.84.OG2.031 "Building, and Struci:ural FJeight Limztations" of tho Zoning Code; (b) Equipment sha11 not be visib:le from any public ~treEt, or public or p:ivate property at tinished qrade level, nr any floor level of any nearby residential structure; (c) In order lo minimize the visibiliLy of scraening mRthods an~',/ar :naterials, all equipment shall be painted to match the roo~ on wbiah it is located, as ~rell as pairzted to match any materials used fo~: equipment scrQening; (d) The me+:hod an~/o!: scr~eni.ng matPrial which is used sha11 no~ be readily reccgnizable as a sr.reening d~vice, but sha11 be designed a~ an integral desigr~ componen~ of the building des.iqn; and (e) A17. equipment screening shall be retaaned anci main~ained in good condi~ion. -6- PC90-189 ~!~~ ~:. ;~,;,'~' i i' 1~~1°~~ l.:~~J~7:5 21• That prior to issuance of a buildinq pe.rmi.t, an integrated sign program for all on-site signs shal.l be ~ubmitted to the Planning Commission a~ :~ Report e.nd Recummendai:ion it;em for L•hoir review and 3pproval. Sa~,d sign program sha'11 comply with a11 signing requir.am~nts of the CL(SC) "Commercial, Limited - Scenic Corridax Ov~erlay" Zpna, uriless a var3.ance ~l~.owing sign waivers is approvec] by khe ~ity Council, Plar~ning Commission or Z~ning Administrato.r. 22. 'Phat prior ~a issuance of a building permit £~r the freestandi.nq restaur~-nt (Buildiz~y D- Knowliaoods Restaurant), tinal building plans sYia11 be submit~ted to t'tie Planning Depax•tmenti for re~~iew and anproval by the E'].anning ~ommission as a Report an.d Recommend~taori i~em. Said plans sY~al], minimally ccnsi~t of a i'loor plar., elevz~tion drawings, signaye and rooi mounLec3 equipmezit• plans. 23. That•. prior to issu.ance ai each business license application Por food ~ervice use ur medical:denta.l a£tS.cQ use, tlz~ applicant sha11 pxovide the 7ona.ng Bivision witYi a complete t~nani: list provided by the pruperty~ man~ger, indicating th~ existizxg square fuotage oE each us~ in order ~o determine tA:~ status of the parking a'1lowance for the ~ommercial center. 24. +'~ That a fee fr~r st,reet t:ree purposes shall be paid to the City oE Anaheim based on t~~e length of street irantages a;lor.g Imperial Highway and La Pa.lma Avenue, in an amour~t ~s eatab].ished by City Council rPSOluti.on. 2~. That on-premises szle and consump~ion of baer axid wzne or alcoholir. be•verages in any bui.lding othe.r than Building ll(Knowlwoods Festauxant) sha11 be subjPCk to the priar approval of an apprv~r.iate conditional use~ permii:, Tlie on-premi.ses sale oi besr and win~ or alcoholic b~verages authorizefl by this resoluCion shall on].y occur in conjunction *vith the sale of prepared food i~ems (Knowlwoads Restaurasit). 26. That all plumbing ~r other similar pipes and fixtures located on the exterior of ~.he building shali he fully scraenod by architectur.al devicos ancl/or appro~.ziate building makerial;,; and, further, such information shall be sgecif:ically shawn ora tPie pYans submitted for bui7.ding permits. 27. * That unless a variance is appl.ied for and yrarited, lighting of signage Eor subject property shall be prohibited between the hours ot• midniyht and 6:30 a.m., a~ requir.~d b1~ Zoninq Cade Section 18.U5.091.052. 2A. ~ T~hat the on-site landscapi.ng and irr.i.gaLiun system shall be riaintaineci i.n complianco wihh City sh.andards. 29. *' iat ir~ conL•~r,nance with Code Section 1a.84.Oti2.0?.0 "Landscaping", ..andscapina sYiall include a~ leasL une (1) L-ree per thzee thousand (3,OQ0; sc~uare feel- nf. parkinq area an~i/or. vehi.cular access way evenly distribuled ~hroughc~ut t;h? parkiny ar.ea. Ther~ ~hail be an averag~ ot '~' PC90-1R9 ,:ii'~il,~, £orty Riqht (~fi) square feet uf. planter area prnvided per t.roo, ~aid planter araas s~~all have a minimurn c~imensiun of six (6) feet. Landscape plans sha11 inc3icate conformance with these requiremonL-s. Sai.d landscaping sha11 be permanenL•ly maincained and refurbi:~hed as necessary. 30, * Tliat tihis Canditional Use Permit is gr.an~e~ subject to the ado~tion o~ a zoning ordinance in connectiosi with Reclassification No. ti9-9U-48, rxow oending. 31. Tha~ Etuila...igs A, B and C shall contain a maximum ~f t'ourtoen thousand (I4,0:10) sq.ft, ~f sit-down restaurant LlSP.5 (of wizich a maximum eight ~housan:i [8,000] sq.L•t. may be £ast foad restaurant uses); that Building D (itnow:lwoods P.estauranL-) sha11 hav~ a maxim;un •L•loor area of five thousanc~ one hundred (5,100) sq.ft. with a maximiun of L-h:ee ~housand (3,On0) sq.i~t. of outdoor seaL•ing; and thaL 3uilding E sha11 con~:ain a maximi~m oi eitYier six thousand L•hree hundred (5,300) sq.ft. of retail uses ~ in up to five [ 5] uni i.s ) or a four thn,isand three hundred seventy five {~,375) sq.fi:. fr.eE-standir.q sit-down restaurant. T£ such uses aso proposed to exceed these maximums, additional parkinq in accux•dance with Coc!e sha:l be obtained or a variance sha11 be sul~mitL-ed ta ami approveQ by Che City Council, Planning Cammission or Zonixig Adminzstrator. 32. That L•he owner of subj~r.r property sha11 submit a 1ei.ter :equesting t~rmination of Variance No. 2474 (pe.rmitting he3.ght and landscape s~tback waivc~rs to cons~ruct a ccnnmerci.al oifice building) ancl Conditipnal Use Permxt Nos. 1585 ;to p~.mit a lumb~r yard wit}i ~ign waiv~r), 2605 (to permi.t a multi-screen theater and restaurant with parking wai•ver), 29U5 (to permit a 2,350 seaL- th~ater with parking waiver) and 3253 (to permit a 30-unit commercial retail center, a semi-enclosed restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beveraqe and wraiv~rs) i-o the 7,oninc7 Division. 33. That subjecY. pruperty shall be devel.opEd substantially in accordance with j~lar.s and :;pecifica~:ions submitted tn thQ City of ~naheim by the netitioner and which plan.s are on £i1Q evith t:~e Pl~nnina llepar.tmont marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4; provided, howsvc~r, that a minimwn tifty (50) foat structural setback ~hall bE maintained a'long Im,perial Highway i~ accordanc~ with Coc~e. 34. That prior to issuance of a Liuilding permit or within a period of une (1) year from the date oF this resolution, whichever. ocr.ur~ first, Condition Nos. 1 i:hrough 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 26, 29, 30 ancl 32, above-mentioned, shall b~ comp].ied wi~h. EYtQnsions for further time to complete said condi.tions may be granted in accordan:;e with Sectioxi 18.03.090 of cha Hnaheiin Municipa). Code. 35. That prior to firial building and zoning .inspections, Condirion Nos. 3, 8, 12, 13, 1~1, 7.A, 20 and 33, above-mentianecl, ~hall bQ campl.ied with, -8' PC80-189 '~ ~ .,~ . . . ~`-~'.i~:'?;;;ja ~~ 36. * TYiat approval of this applic:ation con,,tiLutes approval ~~f the pro~osed regue~t only to the extent that ii-, complies with th~ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Cocie and any other applicable ~ity, State ar.d F'ederal regtilations . Approval does not ir~clude any act.ion or findizigs ~s to compliance ar approva7. oi the reguest regarding any other apglic~ble ordinance, ragulation or r•ec~uirement;. Ct~nditiuns markeci with an asterislc (*) are required by established laws, codes, regizl;:!.tior..s and lgreemen`:s and are not subject to neg~tiation. BE IT ~'UFTHER RESOLV~~7 tha~ the Anaheiin City Plannin~ Commission does hereby finci and determine that aaopr.ion of this Resolution is expressly predicatod uoor_ applicant's comp:li~nce wii.h each and ~11 of the conditions hereinabove set tc~rth. Should any such conditions: or any pari: thereot, be declai~ed inval.id or uz~,enforceable by the iinal j~xdgment of any c~~ur~ of competent jur.isdict:ion, then tt?is Resolution, and any approval~ hQrein contaiiied, sha11 he dE:emsd nuil an~ void. TH:; FOREi;OIDIG FESULUTION was adopted at tha Planning Commission mepting ot July 30, 7.990. .~! ~ ~' /// ; > J ~ ' / ~)`/~/' / / : +.~~~ ~_~l~~.i ~''V: ~ .~~~~ ~-.~t1 ~•~L~ CFiAIRWOMAN, :..Q'~HElM CI1`Y FI,ANNTNG COMMISSIO'" ATTEST: ~'? ' ~~~~_~^~~1~ ' ~ ~ 5F RETARY PRO T~2fF'OR$ ~~~ ~ ANAHI;IM CITX PL~7I~ING COMTdISSI~iv STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) s~. CITY OF ANAI3EIM ) I, :lanet L. .;~nsen, Secretary Pra Tempore of the Anaheirn C:ity P~.~nning Cornmission, ao hereby certify thal the foregoing resol.ution was pa~sed and adopted at ;: meeting of the A.~aheim City Plan.ning Commission hel-d on Ju]y 30, ].990, by the following vace of tt,e mQmbers thereof: ?~.YES: C~b4fISSTONE&S: BOYDSTUN, FEL'UHAUS, HELLYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: ~02~fZSSIONERS: 't3QT)AS VACANCY; ONE 5~AT IN WITNE S WFiEREOE', I have hereunLo sEt my hand this ~y~P/ day uf .~~..~~lJ~~ _,,,~, 1990. ~~«-~. . _ ". f - ' -^ ` l ;L:-,.:~.1w. j+~f.2.".lc.-../ S, CRETARY PRO TE~vi~0~2E ~^ /~~ ANAHEIM CITY PL1~.NNING COt~fISSION L••' ~'9` PC90-•189 .,. ~::~~