Resolution-PC 90-19~ q+ +~~ ItC$QLUT~UN_N_Q,__ P~9..p-1.~. ,. ;t;,,~ A I:~:SOLUT7.ON 0: TEI~~ AttAHi'IM ~ITY PL'ANNING COMMiS5IUN TfiAT PETITTON FOR CUN-~ITIQNAL ;iS[: PERMIT N0. 3239 ~E GRal~T~D WFIBREAS, the AnahQim Ci.ty P.lanni~.q Cam~nissxan did rac~ivo a voriCiaa Petition L-or Conditional Use Yermit for cerr.a3n ~cal prope~tx situ~tt~d in L•he Cit:y of Anane.im, County of Orai-7e, StaL•c~ of Cai i fornia, de~cr:ihod as: PARCEL 12, '!N T'NE CITY OF 1-NAHGIM, COU:~TY OF ORANGE, STAT~ OF CAI~IFORNTA, 1,S SFiOWN ON A PAk~EL MAP FIL~b IN f3QOK 59 PAGF. 50 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TH~: OFFIC:: OF TEIP: COUNTY Rk:CORUER OE' SA7D COUNTY. WFiLREAS, the Cit:y Planninq Comm.issiun did holo a pub:.ic i~Qarir-g at tlie~ C9.vir, Center in the City ~~f Anahaim oii Jan~~ary 15, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. , nu~.ir_e of :,aid public hcsaring I~aving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with khe orovisions of the Anr~heim M-inic.ipal Code, Chaoter 18.03, tu hear an~ cc~nsider evide..... for and againsc: said proposeci conditional use permit and to investigate an~ make fi~idinys and recommendat~oas in connection th£I'P_W1tIl; and WFiF.REAS, saic't Commission, aft:er ~lue inspection, inv~:sl:iqation anfi stndy macie by itselF and in its bahalf, and after duQ consideration of a13 evidence and renurts ocfe:ed at said hearing, dces find and determine the Eollowing facts: l.. Ttiat ~tie peti~.iuner requFSY.s approval of a cond.iti.on»1 use permi.t und~r anlharity of Code Sections 1A.61.050.607 and 18.6Z.'J50.605 to permit an indo~r boat repair, sa.les and storage facilicy with waivor of th~ l:ollowing an:ler authori~y of Code Section 16.06.UH0: ~F.~TIONS. 1~,0~.0~9_~_0222 - Minimum num~~.r_9f~~rki~_~q_s.p_~~~~. 1s.Q6,0.~2.~22~ (]2~ requi.red. ~(. proru~ed) ~tn~_ 1$.~61 . Q66_,_4~5. : That the requa~~' ed ~+aivQr i~~ hereby granted on thcs basis h.hat r_hce parking waiver wi.ll not causP an i+_~crQase in tratfic congestion in th~ immediate vici.nity nor acivQrsely affer.~ any adjoining lnnd usasf auc~ granting of the p~+rking varianco under the c~~r.ditions imposed, if any, aill not be cietriment~l to the poac~, I~naltti, ;safety ur qeneral welfaro of the c:it:ixens nf tt~~ City uf Anaheim. ~. ThaL• the proposad ~ae will not adv~rsely nt£ocC the adjoininq land uscs anc] tt-e growth and c9evcl.opmQnt of tltie ~rea in which it is propos~d tu be locar_hd. 12~3r -•1- PC 90--19 ~ ~~ri~:~ ~1. Tha~ the size an~i sh~pe of tht~ sito proposeci for the use is aileqiialo to al.luw ~h~ fu11. deve).opmant of t;he propos~d ~is~ in ~ mHnner noC datrl.mQnta~ to t;2ie pzrticiilar urea nor. to the poaco, tia~lth, safety ~.ttd gc~neral r~a? Paro of t2ie Cit.izons of. the C.ity of Anz~h~im. `i. That th~ qranting of rhe Cundition~I tlse Porm.it un~3Qr. the canditions .impost~c1, .if ar~y, w.i11 n~~t he detrimQntal to hhe pc~ac.e, health, sa:ety and gonPral we:lfar.Q ot the Cit.i::ozis of the ~i~y oF An~~heim. 6. That tho traLEi~. qeneratod by the praposed use wi11 not imposo an v.nduc~ t~ur;i~n iapon the s~reets a.nd hiqhways dc~sicJnnd and improved t~ earrx the traffic .in the ar~a, 7, That no on~ indicale~9 ~heir presene~ at said pUh1AC hearinq in oppo~ition; und th~~ nc corresPottdenee wa5 x•er.eived in opposftion to the s~~bject peti~ian. EALIFORNIA_ LNViRONMENTI~L_,QUI~LITY _t~C_T. f'INDIN~: That the Anaheim City Planniny Comrnission I.as reuic~wed tho proFosal L•o permi~ ~n ir.door boat reptiir, salrls anc~ sr,oragQ fmciliLy with waiver of minimum number of. p~rking spaces on nn irregu.larly-sh~ped parc~l of land cons:st.;ng of ap~,roximate~y 1.29 acres lnc~ted at the northwes:: corner of La ?~s.lma Avenue and Grove S~reet, hzving approximate frontage~ of 220 fee~ on t}is north side oE La Palr~a Avnnue ~ri3 255 feet on the wesL• side of Grove Street, and .urthe:• des~ribed a~ 3475 East I,a P~lma Avc~nue; ar,d dr~~~5 he~-eby approve the Negative Dec'lart~t.ion upon f.indinq Y.hat it ha~c considQred t}ie N~gative Deela•:ation togetht~r with ~ny con.roent~ r~cQived during the public review ~rocess and Eurthez• finding ot~ th4 basis ot the ;ni.tial study an~i any comments received that there :s no substanr.ial evidQnce thaL tlie projc~ct will have a significant e:fect on thQ environmenY.. NCW, TEiEREFORC, IiE If RESULVED thnt~ tt~e Ana2~oim City Planninq rommission do~:s here~y qrant sub;ect PeLition for. Conciit.ion~l Use Permit, upon rhe folluwinc~ c~nditions which ~re l~exeby f~und to be a necessary prerequisito to the proposecl use of r_h~ subject• property in order t.o pres~rve ~he safQt•.y ancl goneral walEare o£ the Citizens of the City of ~:nahe.im: 1. Tha~ sidt~walks sh~:l be inst ';eci along La Palm~ Avenue as requirAd by the City Gnqinc;c~r f~nd i:i accordance Hith standarcl ~lans and specificalir~ns on fi.l.e in Ch~ Of:fico of the C.ity EnginFQr. 2. Ttiat most northecly driveway along Grove St=eet sha7.: be repaired as required Ly th~, City E:nqineer bnd in accorclance w.ith standard plans r~nd gpecifications oii file in the OftS.ce of the City ~:ngineer. 3. *'.I'.iat u tr~tEic siqnal assessmen~ foe equaling th~s di.fforence beCween the ir.Ju~strial anr.l eommercial assessmenl fees sh~ll be paid to th~ City of A.n~~heim in an amount as estab.lishod by City Counci.l resolution. -z- pC 90-19 ~'~~ ~~~:\ '~• That the Qxir;ting rnost sn~athQrly dxivewF+y on Grove Street sY-all be removed r~nd re~rl~ced with ~hzndard cux•b, gutter landscapinq. Lanr.iscaping for. said repiacernent shall Qxto:~d to t'ho~ first usoable parking space, 5~ * That gates sha21 not be .insta.l:led ncross ~ny dri.~voway .in a m~xnner whick- may adver.soly aff~ct vehicular traff•ic zn tho adjaGent puh~~G street(s). Installatiori ot ~ny qates shr~l.l corzform ~o ~he Enginecaring St~ndard plan No. 4Q2 and sha11 be subject to thQ prior review ~nd Approval of tha City Traffic Engii~Qer. ~• That t:he remaining dri~e,,vay ~t~ L~ palma. Avenua shall a~comrnod~te fifteen (15) fout raclius c:urb re~urns i~ie confor ance~witli ~ngineeririg S~~ndard No. 137. ~• "' ~>>~r l~lans shall bc~ suhmlttQCl to the review and approval sliowin City Tratfic Enyineer tor h.is Nos. ~3~F, ~p~D and 605 p~rtairiirirmance wikh Engineering gtandard Plan that the drivsway on La Palma Ave u~~ Parking s~~andarda; and, further alsu be submi2:ted to and ~ and Grove Stree~ locat.ions sh~11 property shall thereupoti b P devAloped ard rn intafned ir~conformar,cebweth said plans. 8• * That any ior.kable pedestriaa andlor vehicular access gatQ shall b~ equipped wi~h "knox box" devices as required and apprnved by the City Fire ~epartmenh, 9• * That trash storage arQas shall be p.rovidPd and mainh.ained in a Iocation acceptable to t!-.e SCreet valntenaiic~ and Sanitat:ion Di~~ision ~i1d in accorduncR with approvQd p2~1~1,~ on fi1P wi~h said llivision. 10. ~ That all ai.r canditionir.y fac.ilities and e~quipm~nt shall be properl ~ other roof and ground mountc~d y hielded from view. 11. ThaC nu outdoor slor.age of, digplay ~f, or wo:k on bo~rs oI• b~at parts shall be permitr_e~, 1~. ~ 1}iat tho proposal stiall com 1 "Indust:ial .~~ „ P Y:~ith zll siqning re uiremeats oE . Li.ir.ed Z.one, unless a v a r i a n c e ~ l lowing oign waivors is~, ~ p P r o v Q d by the City Counril, P:lanninq Commission or. Zoning AdministraCor. 13. ~ That thA an-sir_e landsca ~ ' Y•n'~ and ir.riyaL•ion systen, shall be maintained ~ i.n compliance with City stanc3zrds, f lq• ~hal subject ro er.t ~ Wft1~ plans and spQCific t~.a~is~subnittec?~to Jthet~ir~all~. in accordance pe~~itio-~ec• ~nd which p).~n5 ~re ~n fi14 with the Plar.n nqh epartment marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. -3- p~ 90-I9 ~ ~~~'~ ~.Md'~ -. 1'i. Thnt prior ho commencemenr oL th~ activi~~y suthorized by this xASO.lution, or pri.or to issunrlce of a bu.ilding pRrmit, or within ~ per..icd of one ~1) year. fr.um ~he 3at~ ~f ~h3s resolutiun, whiehevc3r occurs first, Cundi~ion Nos. 3, 5 and 7, abovo-mc~ntioned, shall be com~l.ied with. Extensfons Ear. furt her h.i.me to comple~e said condit•.ions may be grr~ntoa in accordance :~ith Soc~ion 18.03.09Q uf thR Anaheim Municip~l Code. 13. Tii~tt prior t.o the commenromeiit oL' the activity ~~il;horiaeci by this resoYution or prior to tznal ~uilding an~.~ zoning inspections, whichevQr occurs first, Con~iition Nas. 1, 2, 4, 6, ~, 9, a0 and 14, above-montioned, sliall be compliad with. 17, *'PhaL• approval of t}iis appltcation const5.tu~es anproval of the proposed raguest only ta th~ Pxr.ent that it c.omplies w.ith the Aiiahr~im Niunicipal Zouinq Cbde and any ol:hur applicable City, StaL-e and Fe3eral ragula~ions. Approva], does not incl.ude any action or findings as ta cnn-pliance or appravr~l nf ~he requo~t regardang any o~her ~pplicable ordinanc:e, regulation or requiremont. Conditions marY.ed with an as~ari~k are t•equirec3 by established ? aws, c;od~:s, regulations anc] agreements and are not suLject to negotiation. HE IT FURT}iER R~SOLVL•'D that ~he Anaheim City P'lnnning Commission does hereby f.ind and detQrrnino that adoption of thxs RRSOlution is exprossly predicatea upon applic.ant's compliance wiCh each and a.l: of the conditions hereiiiabove set forth. Should nny s+.~cn conc'.iCioiis, ~r ~,~y parC Chersof, be (teclared invalia or unanforceablo by hhe [inal jud~ment of any r.ourt of cotnper_ent jurisdiction, then t}iis Resolution, and any ~ppi~vals herQin contain~d, sha.il. be deemed null and void. THE FOftSG0I17G RL'SOLUTION rras aclopl-.ed at the Pld.nning Commission rneeting of January 7~, 7.990. ' ~/ -, ` • / - 4, -- Y:~C._~~ . rL.~~~__~'~1 '%~..--------- CHAIf?MAN, ANl~liEItQ CITY PLI~NNING COMbfISSION AiTEST: --••~-=~...._ = -'~:: ___.___..__._____.__-=.--.._~~._.._.._._.----__.__.______T~--- ACTING SECRE;ARY, S~N1~E;ETM CTTY PGANNING COt~`J~iISSIUN a.. PC 30-19 a ~~k•;~~-~: . . . . . • , M1"T~l~l~ ~i~~'Y~".i4~ ~ .., STATE OF CALIFARNIA ) COUNlTX OF ORAN(3E ) ~s. CITY OF ANAHEIDt ) Y, ~Janet L~. Jonsen, Acting SecretP.ry of tiiQ Anaheim City Acting F~lanning Commi~ssion, do hereby cyrt.xfy that the Eorego;ng r~salution was passed ~nd aclopted at a meeting o£ ~h~ Anaheim City Plannirn~ Commission held on January 15, 15-~0, bp tha follow.ing vota of rlie memb~ra thero~f: AYESs CO:r4dISSIONE;RS: BOUAS, BOYDSTI'JN, FFLDHAUS, HEI~LX~t2, HEP.L~ST, MC BURNEY NOFS: CUMMIuSI0NEi2S: NONG ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSL ~_. _ :N WITNESS WFiEREOF, T have- hereunto set my hand this ~r"~ %.%'=' ~ day O f. ,.rr. '~~._~~ __. 0 19 9 0. __.._._.. •._..V.- l~ ~ =--`' /~ _.._..~ :1CTIJ3G SECRF.TATcY, ~.NAH~:IM CZTY PLANNING COMMISSION -~5- PC 90-19 ~. v. ~