Resolution-PC 90-191. , It :..~~~. 1 ~ ~ F• or~u~.r r orr_ rro . i~ ~~i~~ A RESOLUTTON OF TEI~ ATIAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMM7SSI()23 TIi,AT PETITION FOR VARTANCE N0. 4072 BE Gi2AN'i:ED, iN 'c'ART WFIBftiAS, tho Anaheim (:a.tx Planning Commi.ssi~ did rec.ei~rca a verifi~d Pel.ition for Variance f~r certain real pro~p~rty .cit~uated in th~ City af Anaheim, Caunry of Urange, 5taL•a of Calif.~rnia described as: PARC:EL 1: THAT PpRTIUN OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 4 SQtJTH, RA.*I~E 1G WFS:i', TN THE RANCHO SAN JL'AN CAJON DE SAI~'~A ANA, IN 7:AE CTTY OF ANAFiEIM, AS SHOWN ON A ME1P RECORD~D IN BQOK 51, PAGE 10, MISCEI.LANEOCE MAFS, RE~ORDS OF SAID ORANGE CbUATTY, DLSCRIBED ~S FOLLOWS: BCGINNING AT A POII~IT ON THk; NOEtTHERLY LINc OF I,O~ 4, AS SHOWN ON A LI(;ENSP;D SURJEYOR' S MAP OF A PORTION QF SAIL1 SCCTIQN 9, MAll FOR F.W. FLETSCC~iANN AND 'AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEX FECORllED IN BOOIC 1, PAGE~ 4G, RECORD OF' SUR~JEYS, 289.82 FEET WESTARLY' FRO1Q TH~ CENT~I2 LINE OF W~ST STREET, AS SHOYVN ON SAID MA~'; .~ THENCF SOUTFi~RLY 1,175.4 F'FET PARALLEL' WITFI THF WE57'GRLY LINE OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTf1WEST. ~UART.ER OP' SATt) S~CTION '.rA TFiE SOUTHERLX LID'fE, TO 'PFiE TRUE POINT OF F3EGINNING; THENCE NORTHERLY 426 ~'EE'!' PARALLF,L WITH TIiG EASTERLY LINE OF TFf~ WEaT HALF OF THE NORTEiWES.T. QUARTER OF SAID S~CTION 9; THFNC~ WESTERLY 11~ F'EET PARALL~:L WITFi 7'HE SOUTHERLY I~INE C'F S1ID LOT 4; TH~NCE SOUTFiFRLX 193.00 FE;ET TO TfiE NUR!'HiVEST CORNEk OP' THE LAND CC~NVEYED TU EDWARD A. TU'PTIER ANll WI~'~, fsY DEED RECOFDED ~7ANUA~X 30, 1951 TN ~ BOOK ?.137, PAGE 11, OI'IICIAL R~CURDS; TFIENCE EASTERLY 6 FFET PARALLFI~ WITH TI~E SOU'THERLY LIN~ OF SAID LOT 4 TO THE ~iORTFiEASTERL~Y CORNER OF THE LANll CONVEYED TO TUFtNER; TIiENCr ~OU'TNERLY 228.00 FE~T ALONG THE EASTCRLY I~IEN OF SAID LAND CONVk~YED TC~ TiJRNER TU 'PH~ SOUTHERLY LIN~ OF SATL1 LUT 4; THrNC~, EASTERLY' 104 F'EET 1~LONG SAID SOLlT~IFRLY' LItIE TO TFiE POINT AF BE~INNING. ~YCF~r:ItIG TFiERBFRpM THE TTURTH 7.f3U F~ET, MEASURED A~.ONG THE WESTERLY LINr OE' SAID LANU. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTTOt1 pF S~CTyO~I 9, IN T4i~P7SHIP ^: SOUTH, 1tANGE 10 WEST, uAN B~RNARDINO BASE AND MGRIDIAN, IN T~IR CITY OF ANAHEiM, COUNTY CF O::ANt;E, ST.ATG OF CAL?:URP7IA, DESCRFBED AS FQi,LUW~: 1579r -'1- PC90-191 ,~. > r ~~~ ',, . ~ t, ~A~;l'~:r.~ H^GTIQNTNG AT A u0:[NZ' 7N TEiE NORTHERLY I~INE 4F LOT 4, A5 SHOWIQ ON A I,ICENSED SURVFY'OR' S MAP OF A PORTION UF SATD SECT:ION 9, MAD I°OR F.W. FGEISCFiMANN AND FII,FD IN BOOK 1, PAGE 5G, OF' RECORD OF SURVEY.S, IN' ITS OFF'ICE OF THE COUNTY 1t~CORDER OF' SAID ORADTGE COUNTY, 289.82 FEET WESTERLY FRODf THF CGNTER L:INE OL' WEST S'PREE~, A5 SIiOWN ON SA:ID MAP; TFi~;NC~ SOL'Tx~IERLY PARAL; ~~L WITH TH~ EA5TERLY LINE OF THE WEST HALF OF TliE NORTHEAS`1' QUARTE~2 QF 5AID SECTION, 1176.9 FEFT IN T~IE SQUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THG~ICF WESTEI2LY ALONG SAID SOUTI3ERLX LINE 678 i'~LT TO 'PHE TRUE I'OTNT QF BEGINNTNG OF 'rHE EiOUNDAR'~ O1 '.L'HE LAND HER~IN DESCRTBED; THPtTCF~ NURTHERLY PARAI,LEL F1ITH THE E:~STERLY LI NE OF TFIE WES'I HALF OF 7:HE rTORT~TWEST QUARTER or SA7D SEC:CION 9, 22$.00 FEET; THENC.C S~F.uTERLY PAFtAI,LEL WITti THE SOiJTIiEFLY LINE OF S'11I1~ LOT 4, 61 F~ET; THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALLEL G~TITH THE EASTEkLY LINE OF THE WEST HAT~F OF THE NGRTHWEST Q~,TARTEFt OF SAIU SECTION 9, 228.00 FEET TO T'rIE SUUTHERLY LINh' r SAID LOT ~1; THENC~ EASTERL'~ ALUNG SAID SOUTHERL3C LIN~: OF' LOT 4, 61 FE~'.P TO THE TRUE POT*IT OI' REGINNING OF TH]:S DESCRIPTION, WH~~2EA5, tYie Ca.ty 1~lanning Com~r:~ssiun did nold a p~xblic hearing at the Civic Center in the Cit~• of. Anahois~i on Ju1y 30, 199Q, at 1:30 p.m., notiee of said public hearing tiaving beeiz c~.uly c~iven eZS required by law and in ac~o:-dance with the Provisions o;: i.he A;i~hein Municipa.l Code, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to S.nvestigate and make Pindings and recammendations in r.~nnecti~n therewith; anQ WHEREAS, s~.id Commission, aiter due insp~~tion, investigaLzon ancl stuc~y made by itself and iri its hehalf, and after due eoiisideratior. of all evidence and raports ot•`ere~~ at s~zid hearing, does ~inr1 and determin~ the following fa~ts: 1. That the petitioner proposas waivers o£ th~ following to e:stablish a 5-lot RS-5U00 zuned residential subdivzsiona (A) S~CT~AT 10.01.1'i0 - Rec~uir~d 1or fror,*.age., (All 1c~Ls x•equi.reri ~~o abut a public street or allry; Lot Nos. 2, ~i and 4 noty~ utti.ng) (B) ~~._ION~18~~_.~l ~~3.1U2 - Marimum, fenc~ hei~;•,n~. and 18.?.'1.068,021 (C) S, E~TIQIJ 1~$.27.Q65.0"1C~ - Qri@iitat,i~n of st:u, ur . (Si-~~:1e-fam.i:ly residsntial structure3 required Lo : ear orato arterial higtiwsys; Lot Nos . ]. ~ind 5 side-~r; NorLh SL•reet) _2_ PC90-191 _. .,.,i~ ,~ ,:;~,~;~ , 2. _Chat ttie above-n~erltianed waivers (A) and (C) are heroby granted on the basis that there are speci~l circumstancos applicable to the property suc:t~ ~s size, shagt, r~pngr~phy, location and surrc~uzidings which d~ not apply to other identically zoned propert,y in tho ~amo ~vicinity; and that strict a~>p].ication of: tr,c Zoning Code deprives the nroperty oE privilQgds enjoyed by other propE~r.ties i.n th~~ iden~ical zon~ and classi:Eicatian ix~ tho vicinity. 3. T1•ia~ t;he roquested waiver (B) is hereby denied on the basis ,• that it was deletcr] iollowing pub.lic r:otification. 4, 7'haL• there are exceptional or ~xCra~rdinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or t~ the int~ncied ~xse of the property that do i~ot apply geiierally to ~he property or class of use in th~ same v,icixiity and zone. 5. That thF requested variance ~s ziecessary for tlie pr~~servation and enj~ymer:t ~f a suhstanti.a.l pr~pertv riqht possessed by other prc~pert,y in ~he saane vicir~ity and z~ne, and de.nied ro the prop~rty in c~uestion. G. Tkiat; ~he reques~ed variance wi11 not be ma~erially detr:imental to t•he public welfare or injurious tc the pro~~~rty or improvemer~ts in suc.h vic.inity azid zone in which l•.he property is located. 7. That r,o one indicate~ their prQSence ai: said public hoar.ing ii, opposition; and that no corresp~nderice was recei~~ed in opposition ~o subjc~ct ~E~t:itioYi. GALIT'ORNIA FNVIRUNMENTAL,_QUAL'ITY F~T FINn. ING; That the Anaheim ' City Planning Cornmis~ion has r4vie~aed the proposal For waivers o:E requirecl lut irontage, maximum fence height and ori~ntatiun ~f strur.~ures to est2blish ~ a 5-1ot RS•-5000 zoned residential subdivisiun on a.n irregularly•- shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.91 acxe, having a frontag•e of appr~ximalely 167 feet on Lhe ziorth side of North Street, having a maximum depth of approximatoly 215 feeC, beii~g located 2T,5 feet wost of the centerline ~t Redondo Drive West and further described as 1305-1309 We~t rlorth Street; nn~ do~s h~reby approva the Negatzvo Declaration i.~gon findi:~q that i~ has consiciered the Negat3.ve Declaration together with any comments r~:ueived di~ring tho public review process and further fi.ndzng on tha basis of the initi.:l study and any coirunents receiv~;d that tl~ere is nc substantial evidQnce thaL- the ~roject wi11 have a significant efEect on t~e environment. NOW, THGREE'O~E, BE IT R~SOI,VED that i:he Anahezm CiL'.y Pla;ining Commission docs hersby grant subject PetiL-ion for Variance, in part, upon the following conditions which are heroby £ound to be a nec~ssary preroguisite to the propased use of the suuject property in order to preserve the ~afety and g~nera~ welfax•e oE t~-.e Citiaens ~f the City of. Anaheim: as a-~~ -3~ PC90-191 ;;r ,~ , ~:~. .~ -- ~ .,:.r ^ `t ~~ ~ ~ ~tr~~ 1. * Tht-t ~~7.~, privatca sCr~et~ shAll be dQVeloped i» acc~rdance .rith Enq,ii~aQring S~and~rd Dr~tail No. 122 L'or }~rivatQ stroets, including inst~aZ1~L•ion of strec~t numo ~igns. Plany Eor the priva~n ctroet 13ghting, as reguireil by the Aetr~il, stiell be submiCt~d to the Buflding Div.ision foz~ appc•~v~J. and sha11 bQ incl~xc]ed wi~h the b~lildiny plans prior to the is~uanco of b~.~ilfling permits. (Priva~e streQ~s ~re thase whir.h provic9Q primr~ry access mnci/or circulation within tho projec.t.) ,_ 2. T}iat pra.~r t~ any occupancy, tc~mporary~ street name 5igns for tha new , privat•c~ sL-ree~ sha11 ba installect iL pormanQnt street nam~ signs hAVe not bec3ri installed. 3. * ThaC a ~ract map to record the d.ivision o£ s~.ibj~ct property sha11 be suhmithetl to and approved by tho City pf Anal~~im and then no rocordQd in the OPfice oE the Orang~ County Recoz•der. 4. +~ T}~at prior ~o is:~uance oP a building permiC, ~hQ gppropri.ate trafEic signal assassmonk fee sha11 be paid to the City of Ariaheim in an amo~int as osCabl.ishcd by CiCy Council resolution. 5. ThaC thF, private stceet :,h~ll bra con3tructod with m.inimum Cwenty five (25) foot radiu:, curb ratucns Ts requirad b}~ ttie CiL} Enyinoer in coi~focmancc~ witli Engi.neerinq DQpar~ment ~tandar~'.s. 6. * ~t~at gate, shal.l ciot be installed across ~Iie private streeL- in a manner whi~h may aciversely aiCect vehir_u2ar tr.aEfic in the adjncvnt public street. Tnstallation af ~ny g~tes Shall confur~ to Engineering Standard Plan r'a. 402 and shall bQ siibjoct to tl~o 1~evi2w and approval oE the City Traffic Engineer prior L•o issua:ice of a bu°_lding permit. 7. That ro11-up g~i:~qQ ~]oors sha11 bo :~hown orx plans submitted for buildinq p~rmits. Said ~oors shs:l be in;ital.led aiid maintained as shown on the suhmiCted plans. 8. ThaL tt:c~ devalorer shall bu rQSponsible for tho paymc~nL of abandonmont fees for all exisCing watar ;;Qrvice easements to t~~e property, ancl shall furtLer be r~sponsibie for thr installa~io~i of a new water ~ystom to servico e~,ch new dwelling unit. 9. * That all ].oks within s~ibject ~ubdi.vision shall he served by ...~dorgroux~d utilities. ].t'. * T1~at tra4h storaqe areat+ ~h:~ll be provicled and m3inta.inQd 3.n a location 3cceptahle to th~ ~tr~er. Maine.enancQ and Sai~itation D.ivision and in accordancc~ with a~~proved p).ans on file with said division~. ~uch informal•ion sha11 hQ spocifically shown o~3 the plans subm.itted for bu5.ld.ing pnrmiZs. -• ~ _ PC90-;.91 ~ _~.<81., 11. * That prior to commonc~:~en~ of strt-cCural fr,3ming, fire hydrHnCs sha11 bo .install~c~ r-nd c:hsrgod eis required and ~ppro od by Che Fire Department. An ~11-weather r~ad s:~a11 be i~r.ovided to L-n ~ hydrants rat all time~, as requirUd by the Fire Dopart• ;e;nt. 12. * That firc yprink].errs shal.l be insCallo~ ti~ re.3uirc~d by the Fir.e Departman~. ].3. ~ T'haC ~lI plumbing or other similar pip~:; and Fi.xturos locatc~d on the ~xterior of the buildi.ng sha11 br~ f.ully scroened by archirc~ctural devices and/ur appro~r.iett~ buzlding mat;rials.: and, furth~r, such inF.ormation shall be specitically shown on thF~ plans submitted for builciing permits. 14. 'Chat anX fenc.ing acijacent to North Strcet ~hall be planted and mainLained wiCh cliriging vines to eliminate grzffiti opportun.i~ies. lti. * That this Variance is granted subjec~ to adoption of a zoning ordinance in conr.octio~i with. Reclassii.ication N~, R8..89_32, now pending. 16. That subject property shall bo davelope~l substaiitially in accordance wit.h p].ans and speciLi_c;ations submikc:ed tu tne City oE Anah~zm by the petitioner and wh:icYi plans are or.. file with the Planning Department marked Exl~ibit Nos. 1 throuyti 10. 17. That prior L-o issua:~ce oI :i building permi~ nr withzn a poxiod of one (1) year from rhe date o:E thzs rosqlut.xt~n, whir_heve: occurs first Condition Nos. 1, 4, 7, 10, ].3 and 15, , a.bov~-rnentionec~, ~ha11 be compli.ed with. Extension., for farther ti-ne tn complr3to said conditions may be gr~nted in accordaizccs with Section 1F3.03.090 of tho Anaheim Municipal Cod~. 18. T.hat prior to f.inal building anr] 2oninq in~?QCtions, Condition Nos. 2, 5• 4~ 9• 1~. 14 and 16, abo•r~-m~r~t.ioned, shal. b~s complied with. 1.9. * That approva]. o[ this applicaLion c~nstitutas appr~vst of tho proposed request or~ly to t.tie or.teriL- that it comp2i~s wit}i tixe Anahoim Mv.~iclpal Zon.ing Code and any other applicabl.e City, State antl rederal regulations. A~proval cioas not include any action or finciings ~s to corn~~liancQ or approval of L•hQ requesr ragarQing any other appli~able ordinance, rogulalion or requirement. Condit.ior,s markoc~ wil•h an aateri~k (*) axe rQqu.ired by established laws, cod~s, regulatioas and acreement~ and are, therofore, not subjQCt to negotiation. BC IT FURTFiGR RESOLVFD ~hat: the Anahoim ~~ity Planninq Commi~sion s~oes hcreby f.ind and determinc~ that ~doptiun of r.his Ro~olution is oxpr.essly predir.atod upon applica:~t';~ compliance wiCh ~ach and all of ttie conditions lioreinabovo sot forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thexeof, be der.l~recl invalid or unF»forco~+blr_ by Che tina7 judg;nent of any c~urt of comper_ont jurisdfction, tl~en ttsis Resolution, and any approvals herein car.~ainc~d, shall be dr,c~med nu21 and void. -5` PC90-191 i t . , ,,,~. `;` l~:',1~.` . ~~~ xHF. FORI:GOING EtF.SOf~1lTTAN was ~dapted at the Pl~nning Cnmm.ission meoting of Jul}~ 30, 199U. j % % ~~ %' • _.,l_._^::/ ~l.~ ~('•~/-. =L.,~:_c.:~T < i'~/Q .~~--- ~ i..,~..: CIiAIRWOMAN, ANAHETM CY~ PLANNING COhLtitISS20N ATT~;iT; ..--~- ~ .t ~ _`...,.::=' 7. ~'' ~ S5C .TARY PRO Tk; PORE ~f~~~~ _~-._.__..._ ~~ A~11AHcIM CTTY PLANNING COt~fISSIQN S'CATE OF CAT,IFORNIA ) COUNTY. OF' ORANG~; ) ss . GITY UF AtIAF3EIM ) I, Jane~ G. .7onsen, Secretary ~'ro T~m~or.e c:f the Aaaheim Cil;y Planning Commission, do horeby cer~ify thar. the foregoing rosnlutio~i was passod and adopY.ed ~t a meot:iuq of t}ie Anaheim City P].anning Commissio:~ held on July 3Q, 1990, by the following vote of the mombQrs therc~of: AYES: CUhIIrSISSIO?ti,~.FtS: BOYDSTUN, NUUAS, FELDHAUS, HF.LLYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOBS: COMMISSTONERS: NOI3F. VACANCY: pNE SEAT TN W"f.~ ESS Y~F1EEtF.OP', I have herQUnto set my hand. this , of ~~~ ~..r~~=._. 19~0. -~~ duy ~~ ~ ,. ./ ~ y.~ ' ,,~ .~ -u.,~ ~~ ~1t1J~:r_ •-~ S~G~~ TARY PRQ TEME~ORE,i/ ;~ A2~1lFlE:IM CFTY FL,ANNI~C;' COMMISSION ~, ~~ PC90-191