715 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 1 2 3 4 6 ORDINANCE NO.~~ AN ORDIli-ANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 2-A OF ORDINANOE. NO. 94, ENTITLED .. AN ORDI.NANCE CONCERNING THE OFFENSES AND PRESORIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR IN THE OITY OF ANAHEIM. II 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOL LOWS: 7 Section 1. That Seotion 2-A of Ordinance No. 94 of the City of Anahe 1m, en ti tled, If An Ordinanoe Concerning the Offenses and. 8 Prescribing Penalties Therefor in the City of Anahe1m", be and the sa.me is hereby amended to read a.s follows: Section 3-A: It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to consume any into^icating liquor while upon any public street, sidewalk, park, alley, or publio parking lot or area within the City of Anaheim, or upon any public or' private parking lot or area within 200 feet of any dance hall, or to consuwe any intoxicating liquor while being in a.n autortlobile or other llJotor d.riven vehicle upon any public street, alley, park, uarkway or public parking lot or e~eet or private parking lot or area open to the public either with or without compensation within the City of Anaheim, or upon B.ny public or !)riva,te '9arking lot or ares.. wi thin 200 feet of E.ny dance he~11. Intoxioe.til'lg liquor is defined as any liquor defined by the Liquor Control Act of the State of California as intoxicating. 28 Section 2. 29 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of 30 this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the 31 Ana,heim Bulletin, a newspaper of genera.l circula.tion published 32 and oiroulated in the Ci ty of Anaheim, California., and sha,ll 1 2 3 take effect thirty days after its final passage. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and signed by me this 22nd day of July, 1947. 4 5 (. ", ~.'::1. /) ~ ~~.....;!;/----2~.~ Mayor of the City of Anaheim- 6 7 8 . .. - --~ 01 ark of the of Anaheim 9 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 11 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 12 13 I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 14 hereby nert1fy that the forego1ng Ordinance was introduced at a 15 I regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held 16 on the 8th day of July, 1947, and that the same was passed and 17 adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 22nd I 18 I day of July, 19LQ, by the folloV!inr, vote of the members thereof: 19 AYES: CotrnCI~mN: Pearson, Boney, Hey1ng and Pace. 20 NOES: COUNCIL~~N: None. 21 ABSENT: COUNCIUmN: Van Wagoner. 22 23 24 25 .t\ND I FURTHER CEF.TIFY that the ~;layor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the 22nd day of July, 1947. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of sa1d City of Anaheim th1s 22nd day of July, 1947. 28 ~~~~ - 01 lerk of the of Anaheim 27 28 291 30 I 31 32 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )S8. County of Orange ) R 1. Qh!:!.~g...._F.l.~ Q.h l~L..... n. ..__......_. ......................_..................... of ~aid count~r, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a male- citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fo)'nia, over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- ten'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the .P_r~r':9.~p.~.~.....g.1.~.r~...... ....____....... ............................... of the .A.O: ~_h .~. ~It n. ~.y..l J. ~.~J.n........ _ ....__. _. ... ....__.. .......___....._................. a .d_eo\11~..._..... new~papel' printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said A.o fl.D.e.1m n .~.yl.l..~.~.l.D.... _._ ._. ......... ....... ...............__................... is a newspaper of general cir culation with a Ust of paid suhscribers, and is published tor the dissemination of both locnl and g-eneral news and intelligence of a general char. acter: that it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and published In the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, State of California for more t~an one year next prp.f'eding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the .9.~~~ ~~. ~~~ .~.~....~~ .?.~.....1~.5. ..... .._..... ....... ..................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in . . one issue SM Id new spa per at least.........__. ...............--.......--................................- commenf'ing on the_....?5.~h.day of ....!!.M.l:Y.......................... 19 J+] and ending on the................day of .........._...._....._..._.... 19 ...... and that said ...........!~~.~~.~.Q.~......................................... WRS puhllshed on the follow I ng days: ... __ r!..~ ~.; r _... ?5 .1.... ..~. 9 .~7..u. . _......... .......... _ ........................................... '/~T ~;~:~::::~~2~::~:::::: Subscl'ibed and sworn to before me thISl'..~...daY of ...u..:~~..........~ (u....._........<<...rf:1:........~...u~.~;:y~~ , _... ..'.. . ~ l.. Jl -.l I ORDINANCE NO. "113 _________ I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION' I' 2-A OF ORDINANCE NO. 94, EN- TITLED "AN ORDINANCE CON- CERNING THE OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PEN A L T I.E S THEREFORE IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM" . THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORllAl'If. AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1. " :' .:..! That Section 2-A of ,OrdID,.,... I No. 94 of the City of Anaheim,' eil'ot titled, "An Ordinance Co..cerniuc the Offenses and Prescribing Penal- ties Therefor in the City of Ana. IlfJim," be and the R3.me Is hetH,. amenddd to read as foll.)ws:. Section 2-A: It shall be un- lawful for any person or per- sons to conRurne any intoxicat- ing liquor while upon any pub- lic street. sidewalk, park, alley or public parking lot or are, within th~ City ()f Anaheim,~. 0.... upon any public or privat'.t parking lot or area. within .1.... feet of any dance hall, or' to consume any Intoxicating ltquIW while being in an autonlobile or other motor driven vehicle upon any publIc street. aIle).., park, parkway or public park- ing lot or area. or private park- ing lot or area open to the pub- lic either with or without com- pensation within the City of Anaheim. or upon any public or private parldng lot or area within 200 feet of any dallc~ hall. Intoxicating liquor is defined as any liquor derined b;r tlle liq- uor Control Act 'Of the Sta.te of Californ Ia. as intoxi-cating. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cerUfy to t.he ~ pa~sl\ge of th is Oruim~ nc~ &:1d : (>amse the l'ame to bf' '!.1\Ihlished o.e in the Anaheim Bulfetin. a 11~- . p~Lpt\r pf gener~l circulat ion pUb. Iished .ad circulated 1:1 th'J Cit1 ot ~\ lU, helm, California. "lnd Bhall take E."ffr'ct thi:1.y daJl~" after Its final pas'l~ge. 'J~hc f()regt)in~ C'rd inance was B,P- pI'oved an:! sign~d bv me ~his 22nd da)' of July, 1 !.4 'i". CHA9 A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST: CHARl~ES E. GRIFFITH City C:ierk of thp. City Ilf Anaheim. (SEAL) STATE Ole' CALlFOHNlA) COUN'ty OF ORANGI~. )aB C1TY OF ANAHEn~--,--) .1. CHARLES E., ~FITH.'City Clerk of th.., Clty .~:.anaheim.. .do hereby certl'fy that> Uii. toreg4tn. Ordinanoce.. wal 'int'me. at.( * regular meeUng of..th~. _ Courrdl of the City of Anahelra,;' 6lcl OR the ; 8th day of July. 1&.7. aa~l!-that the ; same was passed arid ad_fed at a regular meeting ot the City Council held on the 22nd day 01' Jujy, 1&47, by the fOllowing vote of tire mem- : bers thereof: : AYES: COUNCU"MEN: Pears->n, Boney. Heying and PRce. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUCILMEN: Van Wagoner. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the mayor 01' the City of Anah~lm approved and signed said Ordinance on the 32nd day of July, 1947. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have I hereunto Bet QlY hand and affixed 'I the seal of said City of Anaheim this 22nd. day at J.uly, 19'7. I (SEAL) . . .. CHARLBS Eo. GRIFlPlTH , City Clerk' of the City of ADaheim Lgub. JlIlJ' .~&. 19'". CI;l,