Resolution-PC 90-20~ _ , ~~~~iC1TION NQ.:. ~'.~_.~.Q~~. A RESOi~UTION OE' TH~ ANAHLIM CITY PLAI+INING COI~'.r1iSSIUN ADOPTING AN~ RLCOMME;I7UTNG TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMLNI)idENT N0. "1.85 PERTAINING TO THE LAND i.T~E ELEM~NT ~ WH~RCAS, the City Council of the Ciky o£ Anaheim did adupt the An~l~eim General P1an by Resolut9on No. 69R-644, showing ~k~e g~neral descri.Q~ion «nd exLend of po~;sib~e Puture development within the Citiy; and WFIEREAS, Planning Commi.ssion directed sf:aff to 3nitiate an amendment to thQ Lancl Use Element o.f L•he General Plan to radesignate the stud~• area from MeC'•ium llensity RQSidc:ntiaJ. to Low-Medium Densit,y ResidPntial, for an ar.ea consisting of. approxfmately 6.27 acres, having a froiitage of approximate].y 7gp feet on the soath side oL Vanco~xver Prive, h~ving a maximum deptta of appr.oximately 342 fee~ and being locatQd approximakely 5x5 feet ~ast oi t}ie center].ir_e of Yardley Street; and ~~R~~S~ the C'.ty Planning Commissian did hold a public hear9.ng ~~ the Civic (:enter in tho City of Anaheim on Janusry 15, 19y0 at 1:30 p,m., notice af ~aid ptiblic hearing having been duly given as requiro3 by 1aw and in accordanr~Q with the provisians of t~~o An~heitti Municipal Coda, Chapter lg,pa, to hear and cansidar evidexice Por and against said propos~d General Plmn Arr,endmer.t and to invest;igate and make findinqs and recnmmanciations in ~~nnQCtion therewith; and S~IfiSREAS, said Commissi.un, after due inspection, investigatzon and stlldy made by ifself and in its behalf, and af~ar due considEration of a11 evideuce ~nd repart;; ~f£ered ah. sair] hearing, does fir:d and determine th~ following facts: ~.. lhat ~vidsrice pre$ei~ted substantiates L-kie need for an amendmonh to tlie Anaheim General Plan and that Gxhibit a»z adoptA~i redesignating subject area for L~w-MQdium Density R~sidential land uses, rath~r. than Medium !)ensity Residc~ntial. 2. That the proposed amendmenl is con:sisto:•.it ~itn the existing land use densiti.es. ~ALIFQRNI~ ENSiIRQNMENTAI_, Q~lAt, ..ITY A T FINDING: Th• City Planning Commission t~as reviewed the ~~ -- 3t the Anshnim Element of the General Plan to changQ the curr~entllandauseadesignatiunSfrom M~clitun Density Residen~ial to Low-M~r~ium Denszty Residen~ial on :tpproximately 6.27 acres, ha~ing a frontage of appruximately 7b0 feet on ~he south ~ir~e of Vancouver ilrive, havi.r.g a maximum Qepth of approximately 342 feet and being located ;~pproximately 5z5 feEt esst of the ~Qnt~rl.ine of Yaxciley Street; an~ does tliere~ure approve the Negative DQClaration on t2ie basis that it has cansiderec~ the proposgd Neqative Declaration toqothar with any comments rQCeive~, dur::ng the public roview process and furthQr finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments received thati the.re iR no substantial evidenco Y.hat the project will liave a significant eff.ecL on the onvironment, 1218r -1-- Page 1 PC ~0-2U ~~--- , TM 1, e ,:,~ ~ NOW, '1'HEREFOf'.E, B~~ IT RESpLVE;D, that pursuant to tho aY,uve i f3,nding, the Analieim City Planriing Commission doss hereby adopL a:td rg~ommend to the Cit~ Counc.il of• the i,.ity of Anah~im adopY.ion of Gsneral PZar. , meridment '' No. 285-Land UsP Element, ~xhi.bil A, ta redesignate ~lio study area Erorn Me~ium Don,sxty Reu:idenhial to Low-Medium DonsiL-y Residarztial iand uses. TH~ FOREGOTNG RESOL'J~ION oras ad'pted at the Planning Commission mee~ing of January 15. 199~. _ ~~ ~, ' -•-~ =~-- -~ .-l-~-~.::1 ~ ,..- :. l ,~..~1•%1..,_,, \CHAIRAfAN, ~IAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ArTF;ST: ~ // - "'•~/~~_~~! ~.-- ~f'ZI~G SECRI:TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COh4fISSTON STATE OF CALZFORNIA } COTJNTY OF pRANG~ ) s s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet I,. Jens~n, Acting Secretary of the Anaheim 'City Planninc7 C~mmissioii, do hereby certif~y that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a rn~seting of ~he Anaheim City Planning Commfs:sion held ore ~fanuary 15, 1y90, by the £ollowing vate of the momber3 thereof: aYES: COh4dISSIONERS: BOYDSTIIN, BOUAS, I'Fi,DtiAUS, H1.:,LYER, HEF.B~T MC AURrTGX, MESSE 2IOE5: COI~II~iJ~.~,TQNERS: NONC ABSENT: COMMISSIONFRS: NONE IN WI'CNESS WHEF.I;OC', I h~ve k~ereun*_o snt my hand this ~-~ ~~ day uf ~J~ . ~ I~9S0. ~ ~ " - l ---- ---~~~~~ _.,~ _ . _ ACTTPIG SFCRGTARY, ANAHEIM CIT.Y PLANNING COht?QISSI(lN -~ -2- PC 90-2Q