714 LEGAL NOTICE AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION ORDINA.NCE ~O. '1:(4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SEC- TIONS 14.5 and 20 THEREOF AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 20.5 TO ORDINANCE NO. 609. ENTITLED. "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 511 AND PROVIDING FOR THE c-REA TION IN THE CITY OF AN AHEIM OF SIX (6) ZONES CONSISTING OF VARIOUS 018. TRICTS AND PRESCRIBING FOR THE SEVERAL ZONE~ THE CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. 8TRUCT'URES AND IMPROVE- MENTS; THE USE OF SUCH BUILDINGS. STRUCTURES. IM- 'PROVEMENTS AND PREMIS- ES; THE HEIGHTS AND 110- CATIONS OF BUILDINGS A"S'D THE.AREA OF LOT COVERED THEREBY: DEFINING CER- TAIN TERMS USED HEREIN AND PRESCRIBING THE PEN- ALTY . FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVIMONS HERE- OF," BY ADDING SUBDIVI- SIONS 4, 5. 6, 7. AND S TO ZONE R-2 OF SECTION 20. AND AMENDING SUBDIVISION 2 OF I ZONE R.3 OF SECTION 20. AND REPEALING SUBDIVISION 3 OF ZONE R':! OF SECTION 20. I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I CITY OF ANAHEIM: DOES ORDAIN I AS FOLLOWS: '. ( SECTION 1 . t That Section 14~i of Ordinance I No. 609 be amended by adding thereto a Section to be designated I J as Number 29 as follows, to-wit: ~ 29. Nort.h Lemon ..Street. The set.-back along the east Elide of 1 "'North Lemon Street between ~ North Los Ange'les Street and the north city limit llne sha.ll be fltty (50) feet. . SECTIO.N J. That Section ..20 of said Or- dinance No. 609 be amended by add'ing 'Su bdivislonll 4. 5. 6. 7, and 8 to Zone R-2 as follows.. to-wit : 4. SOUTH STREET TRACT, as shown on a map recorded in Book 8. page 89. M. K.; All of said Tract. 5. SOUTH STREET TRACT ANNEX.. as shown on a map re- corded in Book ;t, ~a.ge 79, M.M.: All of, said Tract. 6. J. LLOYD MOORE SUBDI- VISION. as shown ')n II map re- corded in Bool 13, 'PtLge 4, :M.l\f.: All of said IJ1ibdivi'ton. 7. JEW." T ~UBnIVISTON. as shown o:$':jL map reeorded in Book 1'. paie 25. M.M:.; All of said IMiVhlion. 8. . HT. FREEMAN AND j\fcCL.' H SUBDIVISION. 8S shown n." a, map recorded in Book 1.'" ge 2. Licen~ed Survev- nr's Maps Records of Orange County: ThlU portion of Lot .3. lying east" 01 the .Jewett Subdi- vision and south of the J. Lloyd Moore Subdivision. And by amending Subdivision ! of Zone R-.31 to read all tollowf;: 2. SCHAFFER-OSW AI.D SUB- I DIVISION: All of. Claid Subdivi- sion lying west ot North Olive Street. SECTION 3 , I That paragraph 3 of Section .1 or , Zone R-a and the sama .ls hereby re- . pealed. , . . SECTION" I That.. new section be 'added to said Ordinance No. 609 to' be known - .as Secttoa. 30.& aDd to read as fol- lows: . . 'to.I.. BHOR T 'fITLlD. .This Or- dln_nC8 .hall bt known and mlLY be cited aDd referred to as the ..AN.AHJr1IM ZONING' ORDI- .. N"ANCB/~ ". . SECTION I The .clt~ 'Clerk 'sball. certity to the . P8:..a.... .of this ordinance and ahall cause the. same to b, 'Printed and publls~ed once In the Anaheim Bul- 16tlD~ .. newspaper ot _..eneral circu- lation. ,prlnteel, publlsa~ II.Del clrcu- i I late4 ia _id~ City of Anaheim, caI-, Itornia. alld thirty d&,..s trom and ' after It. tIDal paRage i.t ..hall take . effect ~d be In f.ull.:toree. , Tire torecolng Ordhlance wal a1'- 'I- II proved "Bel srened b,.. in. this 1:1 day o( A~.t, 19.1. ' . dR:utLES A.. PEA.RSON' . - . Kayor -ot the Clt,. of Anaheim A TTE8T: CHAR~.S E. . GRIFFITH City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim STAT!r 01' 'CALIPORHI.A.) COUl'TT'f OF ORANGE) .... CITr OF ;..A.NAHlUJrI) " I. CHARLES E. GBIPPITB. eity Clerk' of the Cltv ot Anaheim do her.,b,. 'certify that, the tore.olog Ordinall;ce. was Introcluce4 at .. _I regular ...Ung of the City Cou-ncn of the City ot AnaheiiD, hel~ on the 22nd day of July, 1947. and that the same _.. -passed and,: adopted at a - ren1ar meeting ,. of the City Council held on the 11th dy ot Au. 'gullt;. .1947. by the followlnc vote ot . the meJilber. thereof:: . .AYJU:-. COUNCILMBN: Pear.on. Pace. key till'. .~o~ey, Van Waconer. NOES:. COUNCILMaN: NOlie. ABSIJ:NT': OOUNCILMEN: None. . And. I further certify that .the Maro~ of.! t~e City of Anaheim stsn- ed. an' ...pproved ...i4. Ot4ln.nce on the 11th 4ay. ~f ....u9. . '1947. . IN ~TN.E8S WH .'. .:r h....ve bere'to '. :my h"1\d . . 4 aal*_.4 the seal 01......4 City of ;.A.R&1Mbi1 this I Ulth II...,.. Of 'A.u~t, 111'. .'. . . "~ E.' BIITITJI ". .:..~ Clerk, elf: of Ail&heam I STATE OF CAI..IFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) ., .R.1 c.h.~~r.Q~. ...~.:1. ~.Qh.l.e........... .......... . m..' .............. ...................... of ::laid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a malt' citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighte en years; that he has no In- tert'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; tha.t "he is the .._PJ~J.r;.Q~.r.~~.~....~;!.:t.~.rtm ................ .............................. ot tha ._. A.n~~J~ .~.m... ~~1J..~..~J.D..m..........__....... .m.... ........moo............... a.....g~.~.l..Y_...... new~paper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said A naheirfl BU~.let1n ... . . .. . -...... .. . ............ .......... .... . .. ...... -......-.... ..........- ......- ................................... -..-.. ......... ......................................... is a newspaper of general cir culatton with a list of paid sub~cribers, and is published tor the dissemination ot botb local and general news and intelligence ot a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment ot a partt cular class. protession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereot; t.hat it hal'l been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County ot Orange, State of Calitornla tor more than one year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the ...9. f.q J. . Q.? D.g..~....!.~.9.!..n.l1.!:!...n.........m..................u...n.........n... of which thE> annexed Is a printed copy. was published in one issue sa id newspaper at least............ ...................................n....................._ commencing on the-.....~C.tlJday ot .._~ugU.s.t.........._....... 19 41 and ending on the................day of ................-...-...-..- 19 ...... and that said .............~.~.~.~.~~....................................... WAS published on the following days: ... ~~..~.~;~ ~~. ~ .~..._. ~~_.~..... ~.2~I...._...._......._.. ..n........._..........._................. ...... .."..;:?Jr:~~(;;.::::::::::: Subscribed and sworn to betore me thls..~.da,. ot . .u... ...uu.. ... .uu.~...._":".......lrfL7 .................f...~t~,j...."-L~..~ I, Notary Public.' . . I~ ] t 1 ( ~ ( s 1: 8 f € t t r 1 2 3 4 15 ORDINANCE NO. 714 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 THE CITY COUNpIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES' ORDAIN AS AN ORDINANCE ~F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SEOTIONS 14.5 and ao ~EOF, AND ADDIRG A NEVI SECTION 20..5 TO ORDINANOE NO.; 609, ENTITLED, IAN ORDINANOE REPEALING ORDINANOE NO.; 511 AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION IN THE OITY OF ~AHEIM OF SIX (6) ZONES CONSISTING OF VARIOUS DISTEaCTS AND PRESORIBING FOR THE SEVERAL ZONES, THE CLASSEB air BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IKPROVEMEN'rS; THE USE OF SuPH BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, IMPROVEMENTS AND PREMISESi THE! HEIGHTS AND LOOATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND THE AREA JF LOT OOVERED THEREBY; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS USED HEREIN AND PRESORIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVIS~ON8 HEREOF", BY ADDING SUBDIVISIONS 4, 5, 6, 7, AND 8 TO ZbNE R-2 OF SECTION 20, AND AMENDING SUBDIVIS- ION a OF ZONE.~ R-3 OF SEOTION 20, AND REPEALING SUBDIVISION 3 OF ZONE R-3 OF SECTION 20. 14 FOLLO'/8 : lts 18 SECTION 1. 17 That Seotion 14.5 of Ordinanoe No. 609 be amended by adding 18 thereto a Seotion to be designs.ted as Nunlber 29 as follows, 19 to-wi t: 20 29. North Lelnon street. The set-back along the east 21 side of North Lemon street between North LOB Angeles street 22 and the north ~ity limit line shall be fifty (50) feet. 23 24 SECTION 2. 25 That Section 20 of said Ordinance No. 609 be amended by 26 adding Subdiv1s1ons 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to Zone R-2 as follows, 27 to-wit: 28 4. SOUTH STREET TRACT, as shown on a ma~ recorded 29 in Book 8, page 89, M. M.; All of said Tract. 30 5. SOUTa STREET TRACT ANl'YEX, as shown on a map 31 recorded in Book 9, ~age 79, M.ll.: All of said Tract. 32 6. J. LLOn IJOCR~ SUBDIVISION) as shown on a ma:o i ...d....._............ .....~.. - . .-......-t- ..r...............::p:Qr.-::.&: ..'~_...l.'II~~~...--...I_IwiI__._-.L...-.....:.-... 1 recorded in B+ok 13, pa.ge 4, M.ld.: All of said Subdivision. 2 7.. JEWEtT SUBDIVISI8N, as shown on a mB.p reoorded in 3 Book 13, page:2S, lJI.}i.1.: All of s8~id Subdivision. ". . 4 8. WB:IG~T, FREE1dAN Al~D l(cCLOUGH SUBDIVISION, as 5 shown on a ma~ recorded in Book 1, page a, Lioensed e Surveyors' MapB Records of Orange County: That portion 7 of Lot 3,lyini eRst of the Jewett Sub(.ivision and south of 8 the J. Lloyd 'oore Subdivision. 9 And by amending Su~division 2 of Zone R-3 to read &s follows: 10 2. SOHAtFER-OS~VALD SUBDIVISION: All of said 11 Subdivision lying west of North Olive street. 12 SEOTION 3 13 That paragre.ph :3 of Section 3 of Zone R-3 be and the s a~e 14 1s hereby repealed.. 15 SECTION 4 18 That a new se~tion be added to said Ordinance No. 609 17 to be known as Section 20.5 and to read as follows: 18 20.5 .SHGRT TITLE. This Ordinance . shall b~ known and 19 may be cited and referred to as the "ANAHEIM ZONING 20 ORDINANCE. II 21 SEeTIOI 5 22 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance 23 and shall cause th. s&me to be printed and published. once in the 24 Anaheim Bulletin, & newspaper of general circulation, printed, 25 published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, California, and 28 thirty days from and after its final passage. it. shall take effect 27 and be in full force. 28 The foregoing Orc.inance was approved and signed by me this ....?' day o~ J:~t..1947~ .~/:-"?/ ,-d ./~<~_'_/ ~?;/~~~ . Mayor of the 01 ty of Anaheim ~ 29 12 30 31 32 .......-.....,--. ....--....L---. 1 -2- . . 1 2 3 4: 5 STATE OF CALIFORNI~ ~ COUNTY OF ORAN" ~ sa CITY OF ANABEI~ ) I, CHARLES E.i GRIFFITH, Oity Clerk of. the City of Anaheim, do hereby oertify that the foregoing Ord1n~Qe.was introduced e at a ------- regular meeting o'f the Oi ty Counoil of the 01 ty 7 of Anaheim, held on the 22nd day of July, 1947, and that the 8 same was passed and adopted at a ------- regular' meeting 10 following '\Tote :jf the Ineiobers thereof: 9 of the Ci ty Council. held \)n the 12th day 'of ....t;..:Jt'q;7i,.~Vt..* 11 AYES: COUNCtrLMEN: Pearson, Pace, He~lng, Bone'J, Van Wagone . 12 NOES:, COUNCitLMEN : Hone. 13 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Rone. 14 And I further: oertify that the l1e.yor of the City of Anaheim 15 signed and approved said. Ordinance on tlle 12thday of ~tl ":1947 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 28 27 28 IN WITNESS ~.7HEREOF, .I ha.ve hereto set' my hand and affixed the seal of s2..id 01 ty of Anahei~ this 12th day of """8t~ :..;1947. ~€~. 29 30 31 32 -3- ............--- ..............._ ~_ .......~_t~. III~.........__..- ._......-..w.~..................