Resolution-PC 90-202~+~ ~E.~o~U~rorr rrQ. ?.~~~?.Qz. t~~'; , A RESG~U]'tON OF '.CFiE AD1AHFtM C1 ~Y PLANNTNG COMD4ISSIOr1 ~IIAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NU. 3321 EE GP.7~1PiTED 4VHERFAS, i:he Anaheim Czty Plannir~g Commi.;,sion dic3 rer,eivQ a verified Petition for Contiitional Use Permit tar cerkain x•~71 pr.oper~,y situa~~d in the City ot Anahei;n, Caunty of Or.anyQ, State ot Califurnia, dascribo~3 as: FARC~L '1 I'N Tli~: CIaX QF ANAHGIM, COUNTY OP' OR~~NC,E, STATE OP' CALiFORNIA, AS SHOWN Oc7 A MAP I'ILEA IN BOOK 247, PAG~S l6 ANI? 27 OF PAE2CrL MAPS, IN ~HE O~FICE OI T:iC COLINTY R~CORAER OF OR7~27GI; COi7PITY, CALIIORNIA.. WHFREAS, tha City Planning f.prnmission d3.d hold a public hpar. ing at the Ci•~ic Cont~r in thQ City of At~alieim oa August 13, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., noticc~ of said pi.iblic haaLing having been duly gi~en as r.equirec~ by law and in accorr~ance witih cho pravisions of t}ie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1F3.03, ta hear and consic?er evzd~ncr~ for ancl 3gainst said ~r~oposed condi~ional use , permit aiid L•o ir.ve:stigatc~ ar..d make fiiidings ar~d recommen(iationa .in connection , therevrit~h; and ~ WHERBAS, said Comm.issian, after due inspc~ct~?~on, investigation and stud,y madE by itself and in its behalf, and after du~ cons~~~ r~ition of all evidorice and reports ofEered at sai.d hea:ing, do~es find anr~ a~~~rmine th~ following fac.ts: 1. T!~at thQ pzoposed use is properly on~~ fnr whieh a conditional use ~~rm5.t is r.{uthorizad by Anah~im Municipal Code Secrion ?8.Q3.030~010 to r~~in a t_~mporary ~ffi~e trailer in connecki.on wi~h ati industr}.a1 u~e. 2. That tha propos~d use ~s harrzb,y grant;eci for a perio~3 of three (3) ycars, to exp.ire Atigust 13, 1993. 3. That the proposed use will noC adverselx alLect the acljoining ].and uses and th~ grow~li and deve ~~~prnenL• uf the arQa an whi~h it is proposed to ~e .locaY.oa. 4. Tliat the sizo and shape of *he sitc~ propti~ed f.or the use is adequ~:.te to allow hho full dQVelopment oi the proposed use in a manner not detrimental t~ the particular area r.~r to the pedc:e, healtYs, safety and genoral welfare c~E the Citizens ~f the City of AnahQim. v 5. Th1t the granti.n7 of the Condit.ional Use Pormit u:ider tPie condirions imposed, if. any, will aot bc~ dQtrimental to tr.o peace, hea:lth, sa£•ety and yenera? welfare of the Citizeti~ af the City of Anaheim. ~ 1 6. Th~~t; th~ traf£ic <;onoratQd by the proposed iise will not impasG an unduQ burden upon the streer.s :+nd highways d~signed and improved to c~rry t;he traffic in the area. 1GQ1r -1- PC90-202 r.^ ~ar~ , y.r _, ..w , 7. 'Ph~t. rio one indicaL•~d the.ir prasenco r~t said public he~ring in oppositi~n; and r.Yaat no corresrond~nco was received in opposition L-o the subjec~ L~tition. ~LIF_0_RNTA FNVTRONMFNTAL TJA,L' ITY A T FINDING,: The Planning ~9 _ ~_ Director or his authori~ed ropr~sen~.~tive has determinFrd t2iat ~ho proposed project 1:1115 ;~ithin L-he definition of Cateyor.ical E:~emptiona, Clc~ss 11, as • defin~d :in t~ic StaGe }~IR Guidelines and i~, therefore, r.ategorically exempt from the requiremenr to prepare an EIR. NOW. TtiEREFOEtr, IIL T'C kESOI~VED tha~ the ~1r,aheim City .~lanning C~mmis.^,ion does hereby grant scibject PeL-ition foz• Conclitional U'se Poz•mit, upon the Ea1low.inc,• r.ondil:ic,tts wkiich are hereby f~und L•o be a necesst~ry prerequisite to the pxopose~ usQ oP the subject property in ordcr to proserve the safety and gteneral welfare of the Citizens ~f the City or Anaheim: 1. +~ That Crash storag•r, areas ;.t:all be providod and maintained in a loaation accepLable ~o tlie Strert Maintenance and Sanitation Division and in accardance ~rith appr~ved k~lans on file with said division. `' 2. ThaL• tne .lec7al owner(s} oF subject: progerty shall ~xecut.a and record an unsu.boruinated cov~nant iii a L•nrm appr~verl by the City F~ttorney's OfEice wh~rair, such ~wner(s) agree ~ZOt to contest the Formacion of any assessmQtit ~i.str.ict( s) wh.i cl~ may h~: eafter be forme~~ pursuant to l;he pro~.isions o# Devolopmenh Agreemant No. 83-U1 batween the City of Ana.heim and Anaheim Staclium Assor.iates, which district•(s) coulcl include such legal proporty owner's pro}:erty. A copy of tliN recor.ded covenant shG~ll then be submittad to thP 2oning Division. 3• +~ Theit f.ire sprinklers shall 'be i~lsta:ll~d as reqtti•r~d by ihe 'rire De~~artment. h. * That plans shall be s+ibi~iitled to thQ Building Division showing coanpli.ance with the minimum ~t:andards of the City of Anaheim, including lhe UniL•orm Huildinq, Ylumbiny, Elech.i•i.~al and Fire Codes as adoPted by the Czty of Anaheim, The eippc•opriate perrnit~ sbal'1 be obtainod tor any necessary work. ' S. Tho subjQr,t tamporary traxlQr sY:all be removQd withizx tara~ (3) years , E~om the date of approval of. L-his r~±aolution, or prior to final bui7ding and zoning inspections for tYio permanent office huilciing appraved in conn~ction with Conditionjil Use Permit No, 3174 whiche•ver occurs fi-r;;t. f. That subjecZ property shsll be developed substar.tially in accordance with plans and specifications submitt~d to the City of Anaheim by tho peL•itioner and whzch plans are on file wiL•h the Planning llepartment maXkeri Exhibat Na. 1. 7. iY,~,r. Conciition Nos. 1 Lhro~:gh 4, above--menl:ianed, .,:~all be completQd within a periad of n.inety (~p) daj~s from the date of. thi,s zesolutxon. "z- t'C90-202 ~~ +~"°1~~"Y ,~j17~'i~ ~^ 8• * ~hat approval of, this application ronsti~ ites app.ro:~al of the propasod request on].y to the AxtQn~ that it complios with i:he Anaheim Municipal :soning Coae ancl any ottier app],ict~ble City, 8tate and Foderal r~gu~.ations. A~iproval daas not include any action or tinaings as to compliance or approv~'1 0~ the request r~garaing any c~ther applicable ordiriance, i~tgu].atiorz or requirom~nL-. Conditioris marked with an astex•ish (*) ar~; requireQ by establ.ished 2aws, code~, regulati.ons and a~~reemerits and are, thereiore, not subject to neqoti~tion. BE TT FU'RTHER 1tESOLVED that the Anaheim ;.ity Planning Cqr,imission dqes heraby fincl and detQrm.ine that aciopti.on oi: this Resolution is express:ly predicat~d upon applicant's complianGe with each and a11 of the coxidit;ions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition~, ~r any part thereo£, rie decl~red invalid or unenfurcaable by Lhe £inal jud~ment of ~sny court of compe~ent jurisdiction, theri this Resolul:io~, and any approvals 2ierein contained, shall be cieemed n~11 arid void. ~fIE P'OREGOING R~SOLU'P10A1 was adoptec3 at thg Planning Cammi.5~:i~in mQetinq of August 13, 19~i0. i"~i'' ~ ~r = , 1 ;l . r}-••-•- ~-- jl ~ ~~.(,'..1 ` ,. ~~ ~•~.~.. tC.-,d-t,c.._,.1~' CHAIRWO , ANAHEIM CITY PLANN;[NG CUtY4+~fISSION ATT.EST: "~ 2 ^ -1 '_.~-r`%a~x•.s f. . ~_~,~'~-%.3' .i) -ty._.~ '~ SFfiRExARY PRO T~t~(PORE -.._._____.------- C. . A:A'AI~EIM CITY P~,A;NNING COhfMT5SI0N STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF O.RASTGE ) 5s. CITY OF ANAHErM ) ~ z. 3anet L. .Tensen, Secretary Pro Tempo.re of the An~heim City Planninq Commi$sion, do her~:b,~ certify t;hat the fo:egoing resolution was passed and adoptod ar_ a meeting of tho Anahein: r•~ty Pl~iziiing Commissic~n held on August i3, 1990, by thQ following vote of the rr~enibers 'thereof; ~~Y~S~ COMMISSIOt3ERS: 60'1DSTUN, BOUAS, rELDEIAUS~ H~LL~IIs'R, HENNINGER, PERA'LA ~~~5~ COMMISSIONERa: NON~ ABSrNT: COtvAiISSI02IERS: MESSE / IN W TPlESS WFiERP;OF, I have hereuntn seL my l~and this /~' y of d~l~~~ . 1990. ~.~G d3y ~ .. ,,.r_%' _ /' ' ~ ~' ~a ~~i ' ~ . . r ---~- .s:y~ t...~ :~ _.,.,,1 •. y'yECRETARY PRO TEMP(yRE - ~ ~ANAFiEIM CITY PL`ANNTNG C~MMISSION ;~ -3- PC90-202