Resolution-PC 90-204. . .~t. .. f ~~~Min:~ .. : I ~~.~~~ ~~ R~r~4_L'SI~I N N .L. PS~2Q:~~4.~ ~!~ A RE;SULUZ'ION 4F :l'HE ANAHExM ~ZTY ~LANN]:NG Cc7t~f[SSiON 7'FiAT F~TIZ'ION FOR CQt~DTTIOtJAI,, USE PGRMIT N0. '3326 DE Gi'.ANx~i) WHERk,hS, ~he Anat,eim City Planning (;ommic~~ion d.l,~l raceive n vor.~fied Pe~:ition fr~r Cond.ition~,]. t1:;e P~rmit Por r_ertain real prop~arty sit.uatetl 3.n the City of An~heim, County ot Orango, Stato of Californ3~~, describod ass PARCEGS .1, 7. AND 3 AS iHOWI1 ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK ::20, FAGES 42 AND 43 OF PARCEL MAPS, FBCORI)S OC ORANGf: COUNTY, CAI.7:rORNIA. WHE1tEAS, ttiQ City P.lantiinq Camm.iosS.~n dici liold a~~ub7.ic; henring nt t:hEZ Civic Canter in the City of Anaheim on August 13, 1990 nt 1:3p p.m „ ~iokice of said public hearfng having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wiL•h thu provisians of• the Anaheim Muriicipal Code, Chagter 18.03, ~o heai~ and considor evider~ce for and again~L• saicl pr.o7oaed ~~onditionzl use ~ermit ancl to investigaCe and make findings and recorrunen:lations in coiinection therewith; ~nd FiHF.REAS, said Cornmicsion, ~f:ter due incspecLion, invesLigaCion and sL•udy made by itsat£ and i.n its behalf, anc~ aft~~r due c~ns:iderati~n of a71 evicienr,e ansi roports of~ered at said tiearinq, d~~QS ffnd an.d de~ermine t;re i'ol lowing t~~cr s : 1. That the proposad use is properly ons for which a condiCional use permi~ is ~uthorized by Anah~im t~(unic:ipal Codo Secfion3 and 18.4£~.05U.200 to permi~c a 475 sq.ft. outdoor seatiny araa with on-sal!J boer and wina in conjunction with an existing enclosad ro;:te~irant. 2. That L•h~ pro~os~d usQ will not aclveraQly affect thu adjoining land use~ and the growth and clevelopmQnt of the area ii~ which it as pcoposed to be .located. 3. That ~},e ,,ize and shape of. tt~e site proposed for the use is adequate to allow tt~e fu11 development of. the proposed use in a manner nok dotrimental to r_h~ particular aroa nor to the peace, hoalth, safety and qen~ral weltare cf the CitizQns of. the City of Anaheim. ~1. That th~ gr:~nting of the Conditional. Uso i'ermit undc~r the condition~ im~~osed, if an}~, will, aot be de~rimental to the peace, hsalth, saf:ety and qonr_ral rrelfar.g of t-.hQ Citizens of Che City of dnaheim. 5. Thar. the traffic g~+ner;ited by thQ pr~post~d u3e Wil1 nut impo~ a an undue burden upon t}ze sr.reets and highways de3;gned and imgroved to carry the trnfEic in the are~. 6. That no one .inciicated their preser,c~ at said puhYlc hearing in opposition; and that no correspondencc~ was zeCEtfv~~3 in ~pp~sit~ion to thc subject p~titfo:i. 1603r -1- kC90-20~3 ~ f'a=~~ ,;J ~ ~~ J ~ '~'^~~rf , a f"n"' a:~ , ~I ~~i_.TF'Q$t~7,~, EN~Ig~yTMCN~L Q~G.~Ty.,,~T FINUT~J~; That Lhe Analieim City Planning Comm3sc~ion h~s reviowc~d tha proposal to pormit a 475 sq.ft. outdoor seating ,r.Pa with ~n-•~ale bQer ancl tivine iri c~njun;ction with an axisting enclosed re»taurarah on nn irregularly-~2iaped pnicol af 'lc~ncl cons.isting oI .'~pproximately ~.1 acro~, having a fronragE o~ appr.oxirnah.ely 60 faet on ~he ~oukhe~sC sido of Katalla Av~nun, having z- maximum clepth ~F approxlmatr~ly 1110 ,`.et~k. being ~ocatecl appxoxamate:ly 2100 fept east o£ ~he centerline o~ Stat~ ~~11ege ~ioul.avard and rurthor descr3bed ~s 2400 East Katislla Avdnuo; arid does hQreby ~pprovQ the Nayat:ive Declaratfon u~on finclii~g that it k~as considarc~d Che N~gaCivo DacZarzti~ri together with any commc~nts roccsived during thh public roview procoss and further fiixdiny on the basis ot the fnitial study and any c~~mmttnts cereived that Lliero is no substant?a1 evicience that the ~,.nro;e.:.t will have a signs.Ficant Offecc on rt~e environment. NOW, THCREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED Chal the Anahoim City Planning Commfss;on doos tieraby grant subj~ct F'eti.tion For Conciition~al. ~l~e Permit, upon t:he fullowing conaitions which are hsreby found ta he a necessary prerequis:ito to the pron~~od iise of. t1iP subjQCt pi•operty in order to preser.ve the safdty and genera~ welfare ~f thF~ Citizens uf. the City of Anaheim: :'L. Tti~t tho be~r rsnd wir,e sales authocizad by this resolution shall only occur in conjunction w:,th L•he sa1Q, serving ~nd cc+nsumpti.on of prepared food items (resraurent). 2. * That trash storage area~ sh~~ll be prcvided and maintained in a lucation acceptablo to ttio 8treet Meintonance -and Sanitation Division and in acccrtlance with a pproved p.l.ans on f'ile with sail division Such information Shal.l bQ spQCifiaally shown . on the plans aubmittod for building pe rmits. 3. That subject property shall be developed subs~antit~lly in accozdance with plana and spec~ticar.ions submitted to the City oC Anaheim by the petitionEr and which plans ar~ on fil~ with thP Planning Tiepa~tment mar.kec2 Exh.ibiC Nos. 1 and 2. 4. That prior to fiiia'1 building and zoning inspections, or prior to commencemant nf ttie activity au ~horiaed by t}iis reao'lution, or within a per.iud of one (1) yQar from the date of thi~ resolution, whichdver occurs f.irst, C ondition itos. 2 and 3, abov~-montioned, shall bs com li ed wiL•h. p . 5. * That approval of this appl.ication constitures approval oF the propo3ed requQSt ~n1X ta tho exten~ that it compli.es wit2i the Anssheitn t4unfcipal Zoning Codc~ an1 ai-y other applicable City, State and FoderaJ. co,qulations. Approval does not include any actfon or findi.ngs ~s ~o campliance or approval ~f the request reqarding any other applicable ordinanco, regulcr.ion or rQquirement. Condition~ markr~d with an a~terisk (~-) are rQquirea by Qstablishod l~ws, codQS, reqular_tons an3 agreQments and ~re, ~h~rr3Eoro, not 3~ibject to neqotfation. -~- PC90-204 ~.i„i'~•,~ti~+~ S ,1~ ;~(..~ . . . . . ., , 'F . . . ~ , ,'~ a., ..,. ~~r'.... .. ~ . ir , . ~.. IT~ .. .~I:~ I~~/ /~•, BF~ TT FUkTHGR RESOLVED that tho Anahoim City Planning Commisaion c1oa~ he:rok~y find aiid ct~atermino that adopt.ian of tl~ia Resolution is expreASly preciica~ed upan applicant's complianco w3.L•h each and a11 0~ khe condi.tior~s hereinabovo set rorL•h. Should any such conditions, or anl part ~hereo~E, Ae declared invalid or unenforcoablrr by tli~ final judcpnorxt of any cour~ of compe~e:~t jurisdic~ion, ~hen this Resolution, and any approv~ls horein , cont•ained, shall Ue doemQ~ nu11 and vaid. THE FOR~GOING RESOC.iI'sION wtas adopted at the Planriiny Cortu~ission meetin~ of August 13, 1990. /~r' _ i.' J,.~' ~ '~J ~~__'_' ~-' -~ -(~.I I ~~~c~-~"1 ~ ~'.~_ a._l •f.. I• ~.~..~.•.t_.-' CHAIk q4~1 MAN, wNAHgIM CE Y PLANNING COr4NlISSION ATTES7' ; _... ~,~ '~` ~~~~~-y,,.....~ '~~~_ r ~ . , . ,.y ~' S~ RETARY PRO TEMPORE ~~ C_ ;AN~AHEIM CITY PLIINNING CO:~(I5STON STA'TE UE CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTX OF UFtANGE } ~ S. CxTY UF ANAFIEIM ) I, Janat L. .Tensen, SQCretary Pro Ternpore of the Anaheim City Plann:ng Commiss:Ion, do hQreby certify that the foregoing rQSOlution waa passed and adapted ~t a meeting uf the Annhoim City Planning Corunis3ion held ~n August ", 13, 1990, by th~ following vote of the momber~ thereof: ~ AYES: COhC~fZSS70NERS: BOXDSTUN, BJLIAS, FELQHAUS, FIELLXER, HENNING~R, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONE::B: NONE AHSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: MESSE IN h~I NESS WHEFEOF, I have Y-c3reunto s~t ml tiand thi~ ~ ~~~ "~ day o L• ~~1"'~'`.G~J~. 19 9 0. ~;i -----'> ~' _ _ _'C~.'~.'.' =-_<.~_~~---~' ? ~~ .~ _ ~ ,SECRF,TARY YRU TL' I~M ORE ~ r ~'- , T,NNiETM CITY ,F~LANNING COMMTSSION -3- PC90-209 ? J. / ~.