Resolution-PC 90-206*Vds , ~~~41~1L~'~Q~? _ N2L...~~~ Q - 2 Q@ l~ RLSOLUTION 0~' TFIR ANAHBIM CITY PLANNxNG COfr4~SISS'!ON T1i1~T PBTITION E'OR VARZANCC N0. ~',Q'17 qF GRANTEb WFIEIiEAS, the Atiat-oim City P:lanning Corrumi~s.i~n did raceive a vorifisQ Poh.it,i.on Cor Vtirianccr f~~r certain real ~roperty situatecl in the City of Anaheim, CounCy ~f Urnngo, Shate of California dt~scrlbed ~s: F'ARCEL 2, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED ZN BOOK 1]., PAGE 38 OF PARCEL hWPS, IN TIiE UFh ICE OF THG COUNTY :2ECORDER OE ARA27GE COUN'l'Y, CAl'.IFOftP~IA. WHERE7,5, the City Planning Comrnission did 1~old t- p+ablic heAring at ~he C.ivic Cen:.cr in th~ City of An~heim on Auyuat 13, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of said publ3c hQaring h~ving beei- duly given as rec;uirt~d by law and .in accordance w.ith the provisions of the Anahoim Munici~al Code, Cliapter 18.03, tv hear ~snd considor eviclence for and against s~,icl proposed variance and to i.nvestigate and m~ke findings and rocrnnmc~ndat.ions in connoction thexewithf and Wx{EREAS, said Commission, after di~e inspQCCion, investigatiun 7n~7 stu~iy made by itself and in its beh~lf, and aftQr due considaration of a11 evidence and reporr.s offered at s~id heariiig, doea find and detorrnine the followinq facts: 1. 'That thQ ~R~iLioner pcoposes xaivers di the following to construct a 7,22g sq.ft. indus~rial b~iildinq: ~~S.TIQZ~ ~.$:~`~~$.Q:022 - ImL~rSLv~m~-~.~ 2 righS~ =.of`WS~y. ~~n(1 14.¢.~_..~QQ (Imp~.Qy_~n.~;~~ of right-ot-way rec{uir~sd; ny_r~ ~roposed ) 2. .hat thare .is no rQasonab.e relationsh.ip betwQ~n the need for the requireci .improvernen~s at~cl t:he t:ype oE devcloprnent gro j~cL• on rrhich such i•equixc-nen~ i~ imnosed; or 3. That the cost nE the requir~d irnprovement unreasonably excceds tl~e burdeii or impact creared by the development oroject. 4. ThaG no one indic~ted their presQnc:e ar_ safd publi~ hQaring in oppoaitionf ancl thaL no correapondeaice was rece.fved fr, oppositfon to subject petition. ~~4ZPQlttii_1l___ Etn/IR()tiM£tITAi __._._Q1~1~S,ITY~_I~~T~_~~N_IN~: Thp Planaing Director or f~is authori~ed repreaentative has detorminecl t.het thQ pro~,oas8 projecr_ falls within the d~Einit#on ~f Cateqor.tcal ~xemption:~, C' ~~~s 's, og defined !n t,-~e Sr.ate EIR G~~f.delinps and its, thvrpfore, c:ategoric Y ex~mpt frem th~ rQguirement to pr4pare .,n F,IK. ~G05r ~1- ~C94a206 ~, ,, ~/ ! , , M , NOW, TE(EREF'OItF, EtE IT ItE50LVFD that the AnahHim City Plnt~ning Commissiori cioc~s heroby grant; Yuf~jnc:t Potitiun Lor Varianco, upon tho following condit3.ona w:•.ich ~ro horaby [ound L-o be~ s necorzs~ry proxe~uisite to the proposod usc~ oE ChR subjaat property .in order to preserve the snfeCy ancl gener~l we:lfarc~ oF tha Citizcn;; of tho C.ity of 1lnahoim: 1. * T1-at plAns sha11 bo :.cubmfttQd to the City Traffic Enginoctr for his r~v.ioW r~nd t~pprov~l shu~~rii~g contormance with the latest revision of Engineerinq Standurd Pl~n tJos, 43b, 602 ~nd 605 pertaining ~o parking stendards. 5ub3~ct propurty shall thureupon bo developed ancl maintained in c~nf.ormance with said plans. 2. Thnt all driveways on Stnto Collage Haulevard shall be r~constructed to accommoclata fiELeen (15) toot rscli~is curb returns in conformance with E-igi»eering Departmer.t sCanclards. Exiatinq brokQn or cracked drlvew~ys stiall be remov~d ~nd replac~.c~ as required by the C.ity Engi~eor. 3. 'That prior to isst:~nce of a bu.ilding pcrmit, the af~proprit~to fees due for pr.imac•y waCer. mafns a:-d :ire prot;oction service s)iall be pz-ifl to the Water F,nginQPring pivision in accord~r.r_e w.itt~ Ru~.~s 15A and 20 of the 47~~er tttllity Rate: , Rules ~Il(~ Requlations. 4. * That the new co~lstruction auttiorized by this resoluti~n shal]. be sorved by und:r~round utilitie;;. 5. That any proposei, watnr L•ackflaw equipment ancl any other larqQ water sjstem aquipment shall. bo installod to tha satisfaction of the Water tir_ility ll3vi~io~i in elther: (a) ~~r,tlerground vaults or (b) behfnd the street setback ar~a in a manner f.,lly 3creer_ed frum a11 pub.lic streets. 6. +- That all lockable pedestrian :ildior vcshicular accc~se gatoa shall be QquippRd with "knox b~x" dQVicc; as required and approved l~y the Fire DQpartmenr., 7. * That trash storag~ areas :.;ha.l bQ provided ar.d maintainod in a locat•ion accQptable ta the StrEret• Maintonance and Sanitation Uivision and fn accorr,Iance uith ap~ruve~l plans on ti1Q with said ctivision. Such ir-form~tion sha1l ~e specific~lly shcHn on the plana subn~ittor] for buildinq permita. a. * That the pruposal shall ca,nply with ~~11 nignfng rQquii•ements of the ML "Industriai, LimitQd" Zone, unl~ss a variance allo~+ing sign waivors is ~~provcd by the City Council, Plar~niny (:ommiss.ton oc Zoning 1-~minSstraL•or, and except; as otherwise speciEi~d in Condition No. 9, belor+. 9. That any propoaed treestaudinc~ sigiz on Kubj~ct property sh~ll be mor.umQnt-typn not ~xcc~ec~in~ e.tght (8) f.eet in ;.~igh[ and shal2 be aubject to tho rnvSti+w anci ~~:~pr~:va) of the City Traffic F.nginaer, °z" PC90-206 ,, , ].0. * Tl~at the on-slte land~caping c~nd icrigation sys~~m shall be refurbishc~d ar~d maintt~inod in compliance wtth Ci~y st~ndarcis. 11• * Tti~r rhF ~arkin~,~ nreu adjacent ta StaCa Co11QgR Roul~v~:~ ~hal). bo ycrnoned from vic+w in conC~rmnnco with 2oning Coc1e Secti.ou lA.G1.066.030 "Roquired Improvoment of Parkt:~g Ar~as", ~z. Th~at tho 1Qya1 ownQr of aubjQCt nroperty sh~ll icrnvocably oF~dr ~o dodicate to the City of Anaheim, 7n addih3,ona2 ~ASemont eight (R) foet in width alon~ State Colloge tioulevt~rd. ].3. That subjec:t proporty shall be developQd substantiallv in accordancg wit}~ plan~ ,ancl 3pRC~ficatior.s submitted to thQ Ci.tx oE Anaheim by tho ~~otitfonor and which pl~zis ~re on fi]e with the Pl~nning yeparCment marked Exh.ibit Na. 1. 1'~• T1~zt prior Co i~syGanco of a building p~rm~~ or wi~hin a ~l) year frnin the date of t}~is re~olut.ton, whichever occurs f.irste Coa~dition Nos. 1, 3, 7, and i2, above-mentioned, sh~11 b~ complied with. Fxtensions for further ti~ne to cornplete st~id condiciot~s may bg granted in accordance wiLh Section 18.03.090 of the Anpheim Munfc~.pal Code. ~5• Th~~ Z>rior t.n ffnal building and zoning inspecticns, Conditio.n Nos. 2, 4. 5, 6, 7.U, Y1 and 13, abovo-mentioned, ;~hall b~ complied wit;h. 16. * That approval oE this application constitutc~ a rov~l of xequesC only to the e;ctenL- rt~at it compli~,~ wir.h Pt;t,e AnahefineMun~cipal 7.oning Cooe and any otner applicable City, State and Federal regulations, Appr~val does not include any action or findings ~s Co cornpliance or apP:oval of the r~Zuest reqarding any othQr applicable ordinancQ, rogul~stion or req~;irninenr.. Cond.itlons marked with an asterisk (~) are required by astabliahed l~~ws, codes, cegulations and agreemQnts ancl are, therefore, not ,ubject tn nQqot.iation, BE IT F'URTHER RFSOL~'Ef) that the Anah~im City Plannin~ ra~;RSion does hQroby find and determino L•h~~ adoption oE thiR Rgsolution is exprossly prea:catad u~on applicanr.~s compli~nce wi;;h each and ,11~ of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Sh~uld any such conditions, or uny p~rt thereof, be declar~d invalid or usien£orc~ablo by the f.inal judgmQnt of an com}~Q~ent jurisdicCion, r_t~en this Re~olution, ~n~ an ~ Y court of conCained, ahall ba deemed null an8 v~ic2. Y PprovaLs harein -3- PC90-206 ~r~,~.::~ s;~4 ..r~ . _ _ ~'; ~' n,~'i~,~ ~ ~~ ~ ,'ii:° ~„„ . -I11~ .'',i ~;',,;t .~ TFIE ~'OF2EGOING RESOLUTTON wc~s adoptad at the Plann.tng Commission me~ting of AugusG :13~ 7.990. - ~ 't-~ ~/ f' ~~l,~ ~ ` `r ~-'<-"- ; • ~.'~~._~~ ..~._,.~ ~~ c.~~~-~ CHAIKWOMAIJ, ~NhH~IM CTTX'PLAN.NZNG COMMISSION ATTEST: , - ~~~~.~ ~~~ . -r r._ . /i~''~+ -~i~_.s~tt~~_~___ M / , SEf.'RETAR'1 PRO TE,MPORB ~ ~ ( ANAHtiIM CITY I'L,ANNING ~O2rRYSISS [ON SxAT.E OF CALIFQRNTA ) COUNTX UF ORANG~ ) ss. CLTY OF ANAHLIM ) T, Janet L. Jonsen, Secrotary Pro Tempoz•A ;,~ the Anahoim f:it,y F'1a~ining Comm.ission, do hereby cortify that the _'.~rogoinq resolution was passei! and adopCad at a meeting of thc~ An~h~,m Cit,y Planning Commi;~sion held on August ]3, 1990, by tho followina •:~~~ of the members L•hereofs h` - AYES: C(1~^;i5SI0NERS: BOYUSTUN, BOUAS, EELDHAUS, HELLYER, HI;NNiNGER, PERAZA ::~ES: CO?dMISSZONrRS: NONB AASENTt CUMMI5ST4t1ERS: MESSE IN WIT ESS WHERE01, i have her~i:nto ser my hand this ~~,L~ da a f ~,i •%`~,.~~t ~~ 19 9 0. Y i~ •~ ~ -, ,dJ>_r~~ .l~~•~_,-d.,fs-a,,.,~.-'. ~_ SE -RETARY PRO TEMPOIt~~ ~ ; A l~fiEIM CI1'Y PLANAfTIJG COMMISuION ~9- PC90-206 ~ s,