713 " :t',~.r; f..:{~Jt' J~r:. , iJiJ. lJ-+b LEGAL---NOTICE- .. , OR.DINANCE N'O. 7J3 ! i AS ORDINANCE O:F THE CJTT OF I : ANAHEIM AMENDING SEC'L'Jr)N I 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 61"19 ]..~",_ . TITLED "AN ORDINANC~: H I~- .PEALING ORDINANCE NO. r.ll AND PROVIDING I"OR TH~ l~R.L,i- ATION'IN THE CITY OF' AN.-\- HElM OF SIX (6) ZONES. Ct'1\i- SISTlNG .. OF' VARIOUS DIS- TRICTS AND PRESCRIBING J.j'Ort THE SEVERAL ZONES... l'HI.; C LAS S E S OF R U I T.J DIN G S. I STRUCTURES. AND IMPROYJ'~. MENTS: THE USE Ol4' SUCH BUILDINGS. STRUCTURES. 11\1.. PROVEMENTS AND PREMISffiS: THE HEIGHTS AND LOCATTONS OF BUILDINGS AND THE ARE.\. OF LO:T COVERED THEIU~BY: I DEFrNING CERTAIN 'rER1\fS USED HEREIN AND PREsenIB- {NG THE PENALTY Fon TH'lt~ VIOLATION OF THE PROV}- SI>ONS HEREO'''. BY ADorN"" THERETO A SUBSECTION TO , BE KNOWN AS ".1$Y~SECTIQlN I; ~~E CITY cou~if OF THl<1! CITY AJi" ANAHEIM<OOM ,ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . , Section 1. That Seetio'n .(. of 01'. dinance No. 609 entitled "An Ordi- Jta*e'~ repealing Ordina.n-ce No. 51 t a ~ viding for the creation in ~... . of Anaheim of six (6) aslating of various dis- "~ . ..escriblng. for thE' :lI.e". .. classes of bu.ildin1Z:llC. . ':' Improvement.s: the ...... uilding~. struct IJ1 eSt I J'OVements and prem- ises; .'Ure If Iht8 and locations of . buildings 'and the area ot lot '("ov- ered thereby: defini'ng certain terms used herein and presci'ihlng the penal~y .tor the violation of th~ ! provisions herenr" b~ and the sal11~ I is hereby amended, b~. addl'ng therf'.- I to a !ilubsec-Uon to bfIJ known as Subsection (f) reading as followl;: . Section 4. ' . . (f) All pel'S,OnS. firms and oorpol.... ations making application 'fnr a eonditlonal variance to any of the Tt"strlctiofl'3 established by this Or- dinancfJ shall JlR.~ ~ filing fee of . In"..e Dollars 05.00) to the eit y or ~\.naheim :tt. tll!"! time of the filing. IOf !IlRid petition. The Cit~. Clerk shall certih. to thE'! passagp. of this Ordinance and ah.a 11 ~aUFe t.he 8smt- t!) be printed and published .')nce in the Anaheim Bul- )etin. a newsp!lpe~ of gener'll (.iJ.- culution. printed. published and eh'. ('u.Jated in PR.h1 CHy of Anaheim. California, and thicty dltvs frOln SI nd after ita tinal pasR~ge It shall take effect and be in full force. . The. fore~oing Ordinance was ap- proved an(1 signed by me t.his 13th day of May. 194;. CHAS. A. PEARSOS, Mayor 'Of the City .of Anaheim. , A l'TEST: 'wr. .', . CHARLES E. G-RUfljITH, City, Clerk of the C.lty of Anah.fJ.m STATE ,OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S8 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I.' Charles E. Griffith, Cit). Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do herE"b~' ('ertiy that the foregoing Ord'ina n('e was introduced a t a regular .11P~~- ing of the City Council of thp City of Anaheim. held on the '22nd d~ v J or April. 1947. and that the ~ame ~'as passed and adopted at a rtl/;u- lar meeting of the City C01ll1cil htold ~n the 13th day of MR.)'. 1947., by the folloWing vote. of the mem- bers thereof. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Peason; Paoce. Heying. Bcme)" 'and Van Wagoner. :.' NOES: COUNCILMEN: .None. Al:'-SENT AND; NOT VOTING: COUNCILMEN: None. I ~d I' f.urther certif.y tha.t the I Mayor ot the City. of.. Anaheim sign-' I e~ .and approved lIaia Ordinance on the 13th ~y of May, 194'1. IN WITNESS WHlDREOF~' I here- unt;to .set my hand land affix the Ileal ot the City ot Anaheim' this 13th day' of May, 1947. (SEAL) , CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim Pub. :May 16. 1941 . ,. AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) R lcl1ar.d...F .iac hl.e............... ......_. . ... ......00... ..... ..00.................... of ~aid county. being first duly sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- f~Jl'nia, oyer the age of eighteen years; that he has no In- tert""'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentloned; that he is the P.:r.1_n.c1.p.a.~...Q.l.e.rk...... ._.n..........._............................. of the ~_~_~_~ .~.~..._ ~.~~.1.~.~J.~.... _... ......._.._ ............................................ a.da1.1.Y......_.. neW:5paper printed, published and circulated in the sard County of Orange that said Anaheim... .B.u~l.e.t.1n'h' -.......... ... ......... ...................-............... is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entE"rtainrnent of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereot; that it hafl been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ord1nanc.e. ...N.o'.h...7.1.J.-..... .... .h............................................. of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published In said newspaper at least..........Q.o~.....l.~.s.u..e.....u..................m_ commencing on the...16.th..day of ...M.~...........h...mm........ 19 1+.7 and ending on the................day of ....._........._....._..._.... Not1ce 1!\ ...... and that s.ald ...-..-..................................................................... was publtshed on the following days: ..._~~ ~;r._. .~_~. ~ _._ ..~~.~1.._._. .._...._..............._............................................ .._~~:.:.=~~:.:~~~:=::::: Subscribed and sworn to before me thls/.t:.~da7 of .......... ...... .~a&J'" ..............;....19 ~ .._........fI...._...f~i!d~uLf 6 ORDIBANOE NO. 7 l.a AlT ORDIIANf" OF THE 01 TY OF AHAHEIJ4 ADIDING 8101'101_ SICTION 4 ,ORDINAICI NO. 809 EN'1'ITLED "AN ORDINANOI REPEALING ,DINANCE NO. 511 AND PROVIDING FOR TBJ: CREATION I THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF SIX (6) ZOBlB, OONSISTINGlOF VARIOUS DISTRICTS 'AND PRESCRIBING FOR THE SEVERA' ZONES, THE CLASSES OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROV MENTS: THE'USE or SUCH BUILDINGS,STRUDTURES, IKPROVEYEN S AND PREMISES; THE HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS NO THE AREA OF LOT COVERED THEREBYjDEFINING CERTAIN T S USED HEREIN AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VI LATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOr" by ADDING THERETO A . SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SUBSEOTIOlf (t). 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 THE CITY OOU~IL or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOW 10 Section 1. Tijat Section 4 of Ordinance No. 609 entitled IAn 11 Ordinance repeali~g Ordinance No. 511 and providing for the creati n 12 ,in the City of A~helm of six (6) zones, consisting of various 13 d1strlcts,and pre$cribing for the several zones,the olasses of 14 bul1d1~gs,struct~8s and improvements; the use of such buildings, 16 st~uctures, 1mpro~ements and premises; the heights and locations 18 of buildings B,nd "he area of lot covered therebYj defining' oertain 17 terms used herein :and presoribing the penalty for the violation of · 18 the ~roviBlons he~eof" be and the same is hereby amended by "adding 19 thereto a subsection to be known as Subseotion (f) reading as 20 follows: 21 Section 4. 22 (f) A~l persons, firms and corporations making ~pplica 23, tion for aomditidnal "variance to any of the restrictions establls e~, 24 by this Ordinanoe :shall pay a filing fee of Five Dollars <$S.OO)to 25 the City of Anaheim at the time of the filing of said petition. 28 27 !he Oity Clerk shall oertify to the passage of this Ordinanoe 28 and shall oause the same to be printed and published once in the 29 Anaheim ~ulletin, a newe~aper of ge'neral ciroulation, printed, 30 published and cirdulated in said City of Anaheim, California, and 31 thirty days from $nd after its final passag~ it shall take effect 32 and be in full fo~ce. ...-.........- ...~..-................... .~.........-~.... ........... ._...,.......-_..,~ .......-,..... .~_....olo......~ ... II ... _ 1 2 3 4: 5 .. tor.gOi~ Ordi:aaace vaa approYe4 &1ld Biped. 'b7 .. this 13th. d&7 of .,., l~? &t~~-- ~or ot ~he Clt7 of .~.~.1. ~ e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SJATI OJ' CALlFOUll) :. OOUI!Y ()]I ,... _.. ) ... ()Ift 0., .A:IABI.IM ) 1. I. CBARLIS :Ie! GllIJ'J'I!'B. C1'7 Clerk of the City of/AIlah.lll, d.~ her.lIT cer1ilf7 tha' the foregq1nc Orclin&1lce wal introduced. at a rapler ...'lag ot the 01t7 Council of the C1~ of Anaheim. held OD the 22Dd d~ of Apri1"l94? aDd that the BUle was pass. &rJd adopted at a regular meeting of the 01 ty Council bel 011 the 13th day of .,.. 1947. by the following Tote ot the .embers 'hereot. .lDS: COUlTC~MD: Pearson. Pace, HqiDg. BoneT and Taa Wagoner BOBS & COUNCI;LMIB: .Olle. JlSDT .AND __ TOTIIG: OOUJICILMD: I'one. 19 ~ I fur~he~ certif7 t~ the MaTor of the 01t7 of ~i. 8igne4 8D4 20 ..proved 8&id Ordinanc8 011 the 13th 4&7 of 11&7, 1947. 21 I. WI!DSS "'1' t I her"'~o B.' .,. haDd &lid aftu:. 1;.8 leal of ,... 22 City of Anaheim 1;hi. l~h 4&7 of Ifa7t 1947. 23 24 (.:IlL) 215 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~. au Ie: of the Clt--~ ':&.-Julia