Resolution-PC 90-214~ ,~. ,. , ..,.; , .., . . ., .~~.:. .. ... ,. .... ~~~f~1~ ~.~XOJ~~f%~ ~ ., ~ I ~~f:~~S > ~ . ., ~ ~ ~~+~'~ . . .~ ,,,, ~.~~,~. R ,,:. :n. ~~ ., . ~ , ,, ..., ,.,,.. r „r;.- ~ } , ,,,,, , , . ~ ~ ~ °•r;a~ a f ~~~:cr~ v ~4~MxA,•r2~?t~k~ i ; ! fn,t,~, i ~~ ~~ ,.au~ . ~ ~ . ~ '~ ~~ ! ;i ~.~4L, rz rr rro, ~c9c -.Z.~2,~4 A RESOLUTwUN QF THE ANA.T~iEIM CT'I."Y PLANNING COMMISStON THAT PETITION FOR CCNLITTONAL USE PLRM:[T N0. 3329 BE GRANT~D WHEI~EAS~ the Anahei~n City Planning C~mmissior_ did roceiva a~erifi~d k'Qtition Eor. Condi.t;ional Use Farmit Por ce.rtain real property wi,tuated in the City of Anaheim, Counry of Qrangc~, St:~~e oE Calilornia, described as~ , PA.RC~L 3, I27 THE CTTY OE' ANAHGIM, COLTNTY OF QFANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS SHO'AN ON A MI~P fiECORDED IN BOOK 21d, FAGES 16 AND 1'1 OF YAFCEL NIAP5 T~T TFiE OFP'ICE Ok TFIE COUNTY RECORD~R OF' SAIU COUNTX WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission did hold a public hearing at r_he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ~ugusr. 27, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said public hearitig hciving beeri duly given as rec~uired b,y 3a;a aiari in acaordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Codo, Chapter 18„03, to hQar and consider Qviaence f.or and against said proposed conditional us~ permit 3nd to investiqate an~3 mak~ £9.ndings and recommendaL•ions in connect.ion thorewith; and , ; WHEREA5, said C.onunissian, after due ixispeckion, investiga~tion a~1d ; study made by itselt and in iL•s beh~i.E, and after due consideration af a3.1 evid~nce and reports offered at said hearing, does find and dotermine trxe following Eacts: 1. That the p:oposeci use is pr~perly one~ for which a conditiona:l use pormi*. is autitorized by Anaheirn Munic?pal Code Section to ~ermit an auto repair shop wi~tiin an existin,q industrial building and with waiver of L•he Fol'owing undr~r authox5.ty ot Code Section 18.06.0~0: E T N.~18.Q6.Q~Q.=Q222 -- Minimum n~zmber,_Q uarkinc,J~pacos I8.06,05q.0 1 (6~, requir~d; 25 existing) s~~~~_~.~~~Q ~ 2. T.hat the requeslad waiver is lit~reby granted on the b3313 that . the parl:ir_g waiver wi11 not. causo an incraase in traffic congestion in the k~ i-r,modiate vicini~y nar adversoly a£fect any adjoining land usQS r~nd granting ?; ot the parking waiver under the c~i:diLions imposed, if any, will not be ! ~ detrimental to the pQacP, health, saPety and general wel£are of the citi.zans of the City of Anaheim. ~~, i~r~ 3. That the propose@ usF ~i11 not adversaly aFEect the adjoining %~ ~~ l~nd uses and the growth s~ncl dev~] pmr.: it of the area in which ik is pr~posad to be laaatsd. ~1. That thc~ size and shape oF tlie site proposQd for the usa .is adequate to allow tho full development of Ghe proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular araa nor to the peaco, hea].th, safety and general welfard r~f the Ci.tizens uf the City of Ant~hQim. 5. 'rrat th~ granting oE the Conditional Use Pe:mi~ undc~r tho conc'li~ion~ impose~, if any, ;~ill not be detrirr,er.ta2 ta tho peace, heall-h, safety and general welftare of the Citizens o~ Che City of Anaheim. 1623r •-1- PC90-214 ;:~ : ~r ~,, x ~r~~s~kYkl;' Iv .;J' , ;V ~, ,,.,"~ 1;~~ ,.~, ~; f~ ~ ~ 6. That tha traf.l'ic generated by the proposed usca wiii no~ imposc~ an undue bur~en upt~n C.he streQt;~ and highway~ dc~siqned and improved ~o enr.ry ~h~ ~raffic in the area, 7. That. no one i3zdicatocl their px@9@riCQ at said public ho~ring in opposition; and that no car.~-espondenco was received in opnosition L•o the subject poi:ition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRQNMGN~AL Qt~ALT7°Y. ACT FITIDIN~: Thak Che Anaheim City Planning rommission 'has reviewed, the proposal to pe:snit an auto repair shop within ~n existing industrial builciing with waiver o£ minimum r.umber of parki.ng spaces on a rectangularly-skiaped parcel of land consisting o,~ approx.imate).g 0.86 acrc, having a fr.ontage ~f appr9ximately 132 ~eet on thc south ~ide oT Miral~ma Avonue, liaving :~ maximum depth of approximately 285 feet, bQing locatod t~pproximately 260 foQt northeas~ of the centor].ine oi IIlue Gum ~zreet and fur~her ~escribed as 2a:16 East Miraloma Avenue; and daes hQrQby approve the ~egative Declaration upon f.incling that it kias considered the Negative Declaration L•ogetlier with any comments received during tha ~u~lic review proce~s and further finding on ttie bas~s oI the ini.tial studX and any comment~ received t~.at i:here is no substantial evidence tha~ the project wi11 have a signi~icant effoct ozi Ghe anvironment. NOW, TH~,R~FORL, RE IT R~SOLVED that the Anah~im ('~~y Planning Commi.ssion do~s hereby grailt subject ~'etitiori for Conditional U3e Permik~, upon the following conditioris which are hereby found to be a necessary prarequisite to the pr.oposed use ot L-he ~ubject propPrty in order to prQServt~ the safety an3 geri~ral wel.far~ of th~s Citizons of• thQ City of Anahaim: 1., That the ci~,~propriato fces ~ue for pri.mary watar mains and fire proceetion service shall be paid Co che Wat.er Engi.ne~ring Divisioz~ in ar.cordance with Ru1es 15A and ZO of L•lae Watr~r Utility Rat~~s, kiulgs and Regulatians. 2. ~ That prior tu issuance of: a building pcrmit, a tratf.i~ signal ~ssessment Eee equ~,ling the diff•erenco betwaen the industrial and cnmmercial ass~:ssment tPes sha11 be paid L•o the City oE Anahe:m iii an amouxit as estab].ished by City Couiici,l res~lution. 3. TYiat no outdoar storage of, display ~f. ~: work ori ~~ehicles ur vehicular parts sra11 be pe•rmittec7. 4. 7'hat the two (2) "srna'll car" sizecl ~arking spaces that apply ~a this pro;ect sha11 be restriped as "stt~nc'iard" sized spzces in acc~rdance with Engineoring Standar.d Plan Nos. 436 and b02. 5, That ~rash storags areas sha11 }~ rtr,~rbish~d to th~r satis£act:on o~ L•he Street MaintFnazice and Sanitation Div~si-,,r~ to comply with approvod plans on file with said ciivisiori. ~ _l_ PC90-214 ~' ;~~ ,, ; r~ ,' ~~, ~~ ;,,~;,. . . ~ . , . ~ . . , . h ~ i}~.~~ ~.~iV,~ ";1 „r~i~ ~~ '~ ~, 6, That an unsubordznatocl re:ciprocal access and parking aqrooment, in a form satisfactury to ~:Yae (;ii;y Attorney, shall be recarded wit,h the Office of tkie Orange Go~lnty Rocorcle.r. A copy of thR recorded agreomont shall then be submittecf to ~he 2oning Uivision. 7. ~ That all air concli~ioning !caci.lit•ies and ather roof arid graund mounL•ed equipmenL- sha11 bo properl~ shielded from view. 8. * That Lhe proposal sha1.1 cornply wi.th all signing requirements c~f the ML "InclusL-ria1, T.,imii:ed" Zone, unloss ~ variance allowinq szgn waivers is approved l.~y the Ci.~y Council, Plann,ing Commi~sion or Zon3.ng Admi.nistrator. ~~ 9. ThaL the ovrner of subject propexty sha.ll submi~ a l~tter re~7uc:sting te:cmination of Conditional Uso Permit No. 2'132 (permittii:ig a trucl~ repair faci.lity) to the Zoning Division. 10. That subjocL- property sha11 be c]eveloped substantially ~.n accarclance with plans ancl specifications submi~.Y.ed to the Citx af. Anaheim by the ' petitionor and which ~lans are on Eile with t}io Planning D~+partment ; :r marked Exhibit No~. 1 and 2. 11. That prior to commencement of the activi,ty authorized by this ~~~ resolution, or prior to issuance of a building ~ermit, or wiL-hin a ~eriud of one (1) year Lrorn Che date of this resolution, whichevr~r •,5 occurs first, Condition Nos. ]., 2, G and 9, above-mentioned, shall bQ complied wiL•h. Extensioiis tor further L•imo to c:amplQte sai3 condxt9.ons !J, ' may be granted .in accorciance wiL-h Se~tion 18.03.090 0£ the An~heim ,; Munici~al Coc3e. ~~~~t ;~ ~• 12. That prior to the aommencement ~L• Y.he activ3.ty authorized by lhis ~; resalut•.ion, or prior to fin71 buildi.ng and zor.iing inspections which~ver ?.~~' ~; occurs fi.rst, Condition N~~. 4, 5, 7 and '10, above-montiioned, sha11 bp , ,;,; ~ comp.lic;d wi*h. ~' 13. * That appr.oval oF L•his application constitutes approva7, oE the proposed `,' request ori?y to the extent that it: complies w~.th the Anaheim Municipal Zaning Cvde and any othor applicab'!e City, State and ~edert~l , regulations. Approval doQS n.oL• includo any action ar fincli.ngs ~s to ;+° ' complianc~ or apprr~val r~f rhe request regarding any other applicable r ,' ordinance, regulation or re~quirement. Conditiune mar'ced +rith an ; ;~ asterisk (*) ara required by establiskisd laws, cades, regu~ations and agrEements and are, thereFore, not subject to negot3.ation. ~! , .; BE IT I'URTHER RBSOLVEU that the Anahei;n City Planning C~mmi.ssion aoes '~:;~ hereby £ind and determine ~hat ad~ption of t}:~.s Resolution is expr~3sly !;,~; predicateR v.~on app].icant's compliance with eaci, and all of the condi~ians heroinabave se~ Portti. Should any suc:h coriditions, c,z an~ part thQreof, be ;;i declared invalid or uneuf.orceable by the final judgmant nf any couri: of •'? competent jurisdiction, t2~.en 'chis Resalutinn, and ariy approvals herein containsd, shall be deamec~ nu17. and void. ;~, _3_ PC90-214 ;~ r ~' ' ~, , `., , ;1 ::,r ~~,~".. . ...~.~,._ . ~r ...~.- .. ~.sl~~;:,.c2 .. ; L;~~~ ~. . ~~.~.. , ~ ~ hlj . -. ._ ._.. ,r ~... ~ il~ .,. _... . i tr);. ~..,,. ~r iir~.>.:~. v Pf ~ r, ^~~~`" ~ Yi~ i ~d~p niv~i~t•.~ti~ .~~u ty~~'~ ~r~,~ . . ... ., .,,~ . , .,. 5;~11 ~ ! q~, . -';:j .A~. ,.: . ,, ; ~HE FOREGOING kESQLUTION was adoptecl at thQ Plannzng ~ammissian meeting of August 27, 1990. '1~J <.,. ~J~- ~ ~ ', ~ ~-~_.t.~ % ~.,. ~,~',-° , ~ ~% ^~ ~ ~~, CHA:CRi OMAN, ANAHETM CIT't PLANNING COMMISSIOIJ ~~?~ ~~~~~ ATT3 ST ; j;';; .. , ^~~~ _.. L-~--ty SEC£tE RX AN'AHEIM CITY PLArTNIN;: ~OMhfISSTON STATE OI' CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF URANG~ ) ss. CTTY OE ANAI~iEIM ) I, JanoC L. Jcnsen, Secretary o1' the A.naheim City Planning C~mmission, do hereby certiEY that the foregoing resolution was passed and ~d~pCed at a meeting of the AnaP,eim City Plann.iny Commissir,n held on Auc~ust 27, 199Q, by the follawing vote o~ ~h.e membez•s t2iel~QOf: A~'~~~ CC~t~IIdISSIONERS: $OYDSTIIH. knttac r.c~rr,T~~~,.. ..._______ _ % NOES: CU2~41TSSIONERS: NpNE ^ •y~~ ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONER~: NONE ~ •~,ITNESS WHEREOF, T have horeunto sst my hand this O~~,l~^ ~ of ~ . 199Q. aaY ~ __._~ _~.~~.____-.~!.~' ~,f...._. i SECRL'TAJ,21', ANAHEIM CITY PLANN'L:IG COMMTSSION ~,• i' l:~.'° ;.. F'r _: _ ~~ ; ' ~~a.r ~ } ~r ~c ~e1 ~ t ~5 i ~,i ~~r,~~ . r~a; c ~1~V~ r;' ~'tiy~ ~as,i ~ ,~' i, ~~41 ~r~ ~[ a~t,, ~ ~. h ~' j~.~2!!I j Yl~,:!.Y . . , . '/~~ PC90-214 ,'~ / ~~ :~L ~~~~