Resolution-PC 90-222~ RE L T1 QN DjQ~~Q= 2 2 2 ~ ~ ~~~ r~~~~~ : , ,,~~,~ ,, %~ . ~~~ ,:. ;, A RESOLUTI(7N OI".~HF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION '~.HAT P~Z'I'.CION FOR RECT~ASSIFICATTON N0. 90-91-pR IIE GRAN'rED WHFREAS, the h.naheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Peti~ion for Reclassification L•or certain rea]. proporty s~.tua2ed in thcs City o~ Analieim, County of• Orange, St~te of California, deseribecl as follows: THE NOEtTH 40 FEET OF TFIE SUZJTFi 1b0 F~ET OI' THE EAST 135.32 k'EET OF LqT A OF TRACT AIO. 97, IN Z'HE CITY OI' A2:AHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS S~IOWN ON A MAE' THEREOI' REC012DED IN BOOK 7.1, YAGE 39, MI:SC~,LLArTE0U5 MAPS, LEMON STRE:ET. WHrREAS, the CiL•y Plannin~ Commiss3.on did h~lct a pubiic hearing at the Civic CenCer in tho Cily o[ Anahei-n on August 27, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., noCice of. said public hearinq ~x~ving bean duly given as requiLecl by law and in accordance with the provisions ~f the Ana;zeim Muni~ipa~ Code, Chapter 18.Q3, lo hear and c~nsidor evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatiox~ and to inves~igatc~ and ma?ce findings and recommQndations in connection the~ewith; and that said public hearinc~ was continuecl to the Septembor 10, 1990 Planning Cornmission meeY.i.ng; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a£ter ~1ue inspection, investigation and study made by iL-self and in its behalF, ancl af.ter due cnnsiaerat•ion of axl , evidpnce and reports ofPc~red at said hearinq, does fincl and dQtermine the [ollowin7 facts: 1. That the petitioner. proposes reclassi£ication oE subject pro~erty fro-n the RM-12~0 (Re~idontial, Multiple Family) to the CL (Commercial L~imitec'.) zone. 2. Thal the Anaheim Genoral Plan designates subject property Cor Generai Commercial land uses. 3. '.fhat thQ proposed rec.lassi~fication of subject property is nece~sary and/or desirable r.or rha order•ly and proper development of tYie r,ommunity, 4. 'i'hat the pr~posed reclassificatiozi of sabjecC property does properly relate to the zoiies and thei.r ~ermitted uses local].y establ3shed in close proximity t:o subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses gener~lly e3tablished. throughout t2ie communaty. 5. That no one indicated thoir presence at. ~aid public hearing in opposition; and that nu corresponderice was receivod in opposition t~~ sub~ect petition, 1638r -1- PC90-222 `'~ ~'rs ~~~ 1 +.~'.°~ i~4;~";~ Yd1Ytl ~IiA1f145Y ^ ,, ;:,,,;~ - i=} ~ALIr RNI~_ED IRQ,N2~ENTAL pUALTTY A T 'I~TDIN~: That the ~naheim City Planning Commissian has rev.iawed the propc~sal to rec].assi~y subject proparty ~x•om the RM-1200 (Resi.dential, blulti~lR Family) to tho CL (Gomrnercial L~miL-E~~) zone to permir a tirF shop with insrallation with waiver ui minimum buil~ing setback on a rectanc~ul~rly shaped P~rroximato11~40 r.ar.sisting of approx~mately 0.1 acre, having a fronL-age of app Y Eeet un the west side o£ Leman Stl~~~'rox matel a 400Xfe t north of ~-~~proximately 115 Feet, beixig l.ocatecl app X centerline of Anah~:im Ao}ilevard and furtY:er described as 1129 Nort,h Leman Street; anc~ iioes hereby approve the Nc~gative Dec].art~tion upon finding that it has considered tYie Plegative Declaratz~zi togethQr with any romments received during L•he publS.c review process and furttiar finding on the bas~•s of the ir.itial s~udy and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that th~ project will have a significant eft•~c~ on th~ Fnvzronmenc.. NOW, THEREFORE, SE 7T RESOLVP:D ~hat 1:he Aziaheim City Planning Commi.ssiorl dups hereby qr~nt subject Petition for Reclassification and, 1~y' so doing, thaL• Title 18--T,on.inq of L-he Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the abpve-c~escrihod property f.rom the RM-1200 (Residen~ial, idultzple L'amily! 2one t~nd to incorporate said doscr'~br~cl proporty into ~he tia tihe CL (Commerci.al 'Limited) Zone u~on the fullowinq conditions wY~icn are hereby found to be a necoss~ry prerequisite to tlie proposed use o~ subject praperty in order to preserve ~ho .rafety anc3 gQneral welfare ~f the Citizens of the City of ~,naheim: ~~; 1, * T~iat the legal owner aP subjeat praperty sha11 dedir.ate r.r tho City of Anaheim an easemenL• five (5) feet ir~ widt.h along the west pxoperty line for public uti.lity purposes. ~, That. r,he owner of subjecL• preperty shall submit a letter requesting termination of V3ria,nce No. 1659 (pErmitL•ing a barbei• shop and a b~auCx shop) to 'ch~ Zoning Divisic~n. 3, That Prior to introauct.ion of an ordin~nce rpzonirig subject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall bP completacl. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall bocome null and void by action oP the Planning Commission un~e~s said condition~ are cu~nplied with withir. one (1) yQtar f.ram the date of: this resolutioil, or such further L•ime as th~ Pl~nning Cottunission may qrant. 4. Th~t approval oP this applicar.ion constitutes approval ot the proposed request only to r.he extont that it complias with' th;La P h`'and MuFed~ral Z~ning Cocle and any other applic~.ble City regulations. Approval does not inclucla any acCion or findings~i able compliance or 3pproval o~ the r.eque~st regarding any o:.her app urdinance, regulation or requirement. ~onditions markod with an asterisk (*) are required by established laws, aodes, regu7.ations and agrc~ements aiid are, therefore, not subjQCt L-o r~egotiution. r2_ PC90-222 ,i ~ ;,; -, : ~'~ ~~R? i~ : f !;~ ~ ~ ..~~ ~t ~ i ~ ~~ , ~l , .. ~~ i : . .. ~ , . . . a~ . . ~, i ~~ ~ ~", ~ ~1 ~ ~r~`rj ~~ r :)t Y ~ , ~,,~~ , ;. .. ~ . . ' 1•~.{ ~4 `~ ~ i4~±. ~~~ ':~1, r~ HE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Comm:ission does ;4 hareby find and determine that adoption of ~his Resolution is e~~pressly `' j; predic~ted upon applicant's campl3ance ~with each and a11 of the aondit3.ous % hereinabuvo set forth. Should any such conditions, or, any part rhorQOf, be ~`'''. declarod inva.lid or unenEorceable by the final judgment of any court o,`. competen~ jurisdiction, then thxs Resolution, and any appr..~va1s herein '`'"~ contained, shall be deerned nu7.1 and void. i; TF.(~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ad~pted at th~ Plarining Commisszon maeting :-f of SeptAmber 10, 1990. `'i~' ,; ~,~ ' ~"' ~~ ~~ G ~~tiLX.t,~y+~.~~ ( CHAIR OMAN, ANAHEIM CI PLANNING CAMMI^aSION ATTEST: :°j - _L~~ r4 k~~~2%tri-u~ _ - SECRETARY', ANAHEIbI CITX PLANNING CO:~4+~fI5STON ,,; +~ ' _; STATE OF CALTFCRNIA ) f ',.`_` COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. '" `~, ., CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ ` ~` I, Edith I,. Harris, Secre~ary of the Anaheim Czty Planning Coriunission, do hereby certiFy that Lhe f:oregoing resoluLion was passed and adopted at a mse~ing ot tkie Anaheim City Planning Cnmmissian he1~1 on Sep~ernber 10, 199U, by the ~OXZOW111f' vO~G o:f the members thereof: ` AYES: CCNIbfISSxONERS: BOYDSTU~f, BOUaS, F'~LDHAUS, , . , : ,. ~,,'.,'a H~LL'YEF, HENNINGEFt, MESS~, PFRAZA ;:+i NOES: CUA4fISSIONERS: NONC ,:;;: ABSEt7T: COt~4~fISSIONERS: NONF ;`•`+, ; i IN WtTNESS WHb~REQF I h l ~.~~/ '';:;~ ` ' , ave iereunto set my hand this __ .a ~G dax :°.!~ of ~ .u.~.~ . 1390. ~ ~ ~ _ ~~~ , `''' .. '~ i,': SECR~TA~tY, A2dAHEIM CZ~ PLANNTNG COI~IIyfISSIQN ; o., -3- PC90-222 ';j", , ,;,; ;, ~ ;~ :a,. y~y~,~g.,p~ ;~`~i: . , ~ .. , ;.' . .. ...; , . _,,. . . . .. :~~~: . ~ .,,:,Ht-e,'' , t~,47T~- r~~,.~.C~,'c.~,~ . ~t. . , . . . . . .. . .. „ , ~~ .,,, _ , wYk