Resolution-PC 90-223~~~~ 1.:~ ~ i'a i~ q ^t ~r~~ r . . , . ~ y~ ~~ ~ ~ ~;'r~~'~u~rNi~as,~,~f ~ ~~n~ y~5 . . ' . . ,... ~~~~I RF,' L,TJTTON NO,,, ~C9 -223 A~tESOLUTIOrT ~F THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COI~SMISSION TFiAT PE'].'ITION rOR CUNDTTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3328 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission d.id receive a veri£ied PetiLian for Conditional Use Fexmi~ for certain r.eal propertx situated in the Ci.ty oF ~naheim, County of Orange, Stato of Ca1i~~rnia, de~cribecl as: TIiE NORTH ~p F~~:'T OF THE SOUTH 160 FEET QF THE EAST 135.32 FEET OF LQT A OF TRACT ~10. 97, IN TF3E CITY OF ANAHEIM, CCIUNTY GF aRANGE, 5TAT~ OF CAI:TFORNIA, A.S SFiOWN ON A MAP TFiEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 11, PAGE 3S, MISCELLANEOI3S MAPS, I~EMON STRRET, WFIFREAS, the City Planiiiny Comm.ission did hold a pub].ic hearing at the Civic Center in th~ C:ity oF Anaheim on August 27, 1990 at 1;3A p,m., notics of said publi~ hearing 2iavinq beer. duly given as required by law and. in accordance with rlie provisions nf the Anaheirn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear anfl cons.ider evidence for an~] against sai.d praposed conditiunal use permit and to inves~igate and make finding~ and recomm~ndations in connection therewi*ti; an~3 that said public hearing was continued to the September 10, 1990, Planning Commission me~zing; and WHEREAS, said Coromi~sion, afL•er dua inspecticn, inves~igatipn and atu~y mada b.y itself and in its behalE, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports ,a.ff~red at said hearing, does find and deter.mine ths follovring Eacts: 1. Tl~a~ L-he proposed u.~e is properly one f.or zvhich a condational usQ psrmit i~ authorized by Anaheim Muziicipal Code Section to permit a tire shop rrith inst311ation in ~he CL "Commercial, Limited" 'L~n~ and with waiver of Lhe following: SECT_T.ON ,1H.~4.Q~i04Q - Minimum bui.l~lin~ set~~k. { 1~ f~,~,t-._ requirQd along Lemon 6Lreet; nQn~ proposed) 2. That Lhe requested waiver .is hereby grazited on ~he basis that there are special circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, loca~ian anfl surroundinqs which do not apply t~ other identica:l7.y zoned property in tho sacne vicinity; and that strict a~~lication of the 7.on:ing Cocle deprives the properY.y of privileges enjo1~ed by o~her propei•t~.e;; in t:~e identical zone anr3 classificatioii in the vicinit,y. 3. That the p:aposed use wi11 not adversely aff•ect the adjoining land us~s and tho growth and devElo~+mer~t oL• the area in whicli it is px•~posad to k~e located. 4. That r..he size and shape c~C the site proposed for the use is adequatQ to allow ~he full deve:lopment oL- the proposed use in a mannar not detrimeti~al to the particular area nor to thQ peace, liea~.th, safety anci general welfare of. the Citi,^.ens of. r_he City oE Anaheim. 1639r -1- PC90-223 ~.. ,.. ~are~ ~~ , ~ ~:y ~~~~~„fi ~ ~'r~ .,, ; ~ ~, t~ `:t::,. 5. That the granting of the Cund~tional Use Fermit under the condition;; imposed, iF ~ny, will not ba detrimantal to tl~ie peace, health, saf.ety and general wE].farQ of the Citiizens of the City of Anaheim. ' 6. ThaC the traffic generated by the proposed use wi11 not impose an un~ue burden upon the streets an8 highways designed and imgroved to carry 6 ~lie trafFic in the ar~a. , 1 7. Th~t nn on~ indicated tiheir pr.esence at said publia hearing in opposition; and that no cnrr~spondence was received in opposiL-ion to t~ie subject pPtition. ~ALIF'ORNTA ENVTRONM~NTAL QLTALITY_ ACT FINPINC~: That the Anaheim C3.ty P.lan~ing Cc~mmission has reviewed the proposal to recla~si.f.y subject property from the RM-1200 (Residential, Mult.iple Family) to the CL (Commcrci~l, Limited) zone to permit a ti.re shop with ins~allation and with waiver of minimum bu3.lding setback on a rectangularly sh~ped parcel of land cor.sistxng of approximaCely 0.1 acre, having a fr~ixL-ago of a~proximately ~10 faet on tihe west side of Lemon Street, having a maximum depth of a~~proximately 115 feet, being located appro:cimately 40Q feet north of. ;~' centerizne ~L Anaheim Boulevard and further descri~ed as 1129 North Lpmon ~' Street; and does hereby approve the Neyative Declaration upon findir,g that it has consic~ered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review process and further finding un the basis o£ the init:.ial study and any comments rece:ived that there is no substantial evidence >`~i that the project will have a szgnificant effc~~~ on the enviror.ment. `;~"; NOW, THEfiEFORE, AE I7' R~:SOLVED that Lhe Anaheym Cicy Pl~nning '~` ~ Commission doe~ hereby grant subject Petition far Cund3.tional Use Permit, :~ u~~n the f~].lawing conditions which are herPby found to be a necessaty ;•`;' prerequisite to tha proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and gQneral welfare of tlle Citizens oF the City oE Anaheim: ;~, 1. * ThaL• sic~ewalks sha]1 be instal].ed along Lemor. 5treet as requared by the f'ity Engi.neer and in acc:ordance with standard plans and specificat.ions on file in l.he Office of the City E:-gineer. 2, * That ~he parking arca adjacent to Lemon StreQt sha].1 be screened fram view in conformance wiLh Zoning Code Sec~ion "A•atorr~obile Farking Areas". 3. * That subject property shall be sc~rved by undsrground u~ilities. 4. *'~hat trash storage are~s sh~ill be provided and maintained in a loc:ation acceptab.le to the Street Mainkenance an~l Sanil:ation Division and in accordarice with approved plans on file with said divisi.on. Such information sha11 be ~psci£ical7.y shown on L•h~ plans submitted ~or buildi:~g permits. 5. * That prior to issua:ice of a building permit, the appropriate fees clue for l~rimary water mains and fire ~rotection service sha11 be paid to the Water Engineering Division in accordance with Rules 15A and 20 of the Water Utility Rates, Rules and P.egu:lations. _Z_ PC90-'223 : .:,, `~ , r" ;,; ~ I:'.:s;, ~.~~ ~ ~ 6. * Thai: fire spri.nklors shall be installed as requixed by Departmen~. 11. * That gates sha11 not be installed across any clriveway in a m~.nner which 1 may t~dversely affect vehicuZar traffic in the adjacent publia stroets. ';.',. Installation of any gates shall conform to Engin.eering Sta:ndard Plan No. ? 402 and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City TrafEic ~~ Engiiieer priur to issuancea ot a building permit. ~"~: s;':; 17.. That the water backflow equiprnent and any other large water systern ``~ eguipm~nt ~ha12 be installed tu the satisfaction o~ the i~ater Utility ,. Divzsion in either: (a) underground v~ults o: (b) behind the straQt ` ~`•:.i setback area in ~ mann~r fu11y scr~enQd from all public streets an~l al leys . _`i 7. ~ Tl~at prior to issuance of a l~uilcling permit, the appropr.iate trai•fic -," :~ signal assessment fee shall be paid to tbe City of Anaheim in an amount as established by City Cour_cil resoluti~~ :. 8. * That plans shall be suumitted to the City Traffic Fngineer for his - rovie~w ana approval showing cor,tormance with. the lat.est revisiAn of EngS.nPering Standard Pl~n rlos. 436 and 60?. pertaining to parking standard~. Subject property sha11 ~hereupon be dc:velo}?ed and mainhainea ` '; in coziiormance wi.th said plan~. 9. That thP driveway ~n Lemon Street shall b~: constructed wzth ten (10) foot radius curb rEturns as requiLed by the City rra7ineer in conformance with Engineering Standards. Exist:ing broken or cracked driveaays Shall be removed ~;nd replaced as required by the City Engineer. 10. ~ha~ no outdoor sr.orage of_-, display of, or work on vetiicles or vehicular ~arts shall be permitted. ;;; 13. * Thai, all air conditionin~.7 f3cilities anc~ other, roof and ~7round mounted '~,; oguipment sha11 b~: properly sYiieldt~3 from view, and the sound buffered `~'? f.rom adjacent residential pro~~erties. Such inEormaY.ion shall be !'` ypeci~ically shown on ~he plans submitted for building permits. ;r~ 14. •rhat all plumbixig or other similar. pipes aiid Eixtures locazed on ~he exterior of the builcling shall be l:ull~r scz•eened by architecl:ural devices and/or appropriate bui.lding materials; and, further, such informa~.ior~ sha1.1 be specifically shown nn the plans sabmitted fcr building permits. 15. * Tliat a six (6) foot hic~h masonry bl~ck wall shall ?~e const:uct~d and maintained along thP residentially zoned ~~roperty lines excepti~~g rha front se~bac:k where the wall height shall not exceed three (3) feat; provided, how~verr that L-he City Traffic EnginQer shall ha~ve the auchority to reduce the h~ighr of the *~all to prote~t visual lines-of-siyht where pe~lestria;x and/or vehicular. circulation intersoct. Said block wall slzall De planted arid m~intained witYi clinging vines to elimiuate gr.aff~.ti opportuniti~s. :.~~: ~~~ >:i -3- PC90-223 :,;~`?f ?;a <, y~ P tS ~.j~ ~ t~~{},' . , ~ ' . '~JIiJ.c . . .', ~,~i~ ' '' ~ ~ , ~ , ~ar>~i~~ r,i+'; 16. Thar any propoqed p~rking nroa lighLin,q ~I~ctur~s lacat:ed adj~ct3nt to any residentia.l pro~erty sha'll be domt--liyht~scl witli a tinaximum height of twelve (12) teat, Sfli.d lightit~g fixtures sha11 be directed aw~y from adjacont r.a:sidenti.a'1 property lin~s L•o prokoch the rt~sidential integrity oE the art~r~ ancl shall be ii~~lict~hacl on the pl~ins submitted for buildiizg p~rmits. 17. * That L•he proposa.l sha1J. co~nply with al.l ~igni:ig requirQmants af the CL "Comraercial, Limitad" ?.one unle~s a varianc~ allowiny ~ign waivers is approved by the Cit•.y Council, Planninq Commission or Zoning Administrator; ancl excQpt as otlierwis~ spc~cifi~d in Condition No. 18, bolow. 1H. Th~t an,~ exisCing or ~roposQd free~tandin7 sign on subject prop~rty shall bct a monument-type rtio~ exceeding eiyht (fi) fee~ in !~eight and sha11 ba subjoct to the :~sv.iew and approval of the Cit~ Traffic Enginc~or to veri.fy a~equat..z lii~es-of sight. 19. *'Phat the on-site lanc~sc~+pir-g and irriqation system shall bo maintained in compliance c+ith City sL•andards And, further, that a landscapo plax~ shall be 3ubmitted tc• and approved b,y the Plan-iing Department. ~0. That subject propc~rty sha,1 uQ de~~el~ped ~ubstantially in Recordance with platis and specificatio,.~ submitr.ed to tho Cxty o: l~naheim by the peL•itioner and which plans are on file wi~h t:he P2anning ~epartment marked Lxhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 2i. That prior to issuance oE a building permit or within a period of one (1) .yer~r from the date of this resolution, wli.ictiever occurs 1Eirst, Condition Nos. 4, 5, 'l, 8, il, 13, ~4, 16 anu 19, above-mentioned, stiall be complxed wich. Extc±nsaons for furthar tirne Co complflte sa:Ld cond.itions may be granCed in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of rhe Anaheim Municipal C~de. 22. That prior to final building and zr~niny inspections, Condition Nos. 1, 7., 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 20, above-mentioned, sh~]1 ~e complied with. 23. * That approval eE r_his app'licatio~~ c:onst.itutas approval n£ tho propose~d requQSt only to ttie QxLcnt tt~at it comp2iQS with tha Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code aiia any other applir.ablo City, State and ~e8eral regulatians. Approval dues not include any 3ction or fi.ndings as to compli~nce or approval of the request reqarding any othor app.ticab.le or~iii~ance, rc~gulation or requirQment. Condi.tfons marked with an asterisk (*) aro required by ostablished laws, c:odes, regulations end agreQments and are, theretorQ, not subject to neqatiation. _q_ PC90-223 '~ ~ . ~ , - ~; ~1~~ ~ ~ ~~. ; t~. , . , :r ~'}~~ ,, ,% ,~,~, $L IT FURTFIER RESfit,VED thaC, the Anaheim CiCy P.iz~nning Cornmissipn dpes h~raby find a»d ci~tormtne ~hat aduption of t;hia Besnlution is ex r , p ,easly predicaLe21 upon applicant's complianr.e wiLh ~ACh aad all of ~he candit3ona ~~ herQinabova set Eorth, Shoixld nny auch condiL•ions, or an •,I declar~j~i invalxd or unen~'orceable by the finc~l jvdgment YoFIIr~n ~h~l•eof, be competent jur.tsc]ir.tj.on, then thi~ Resolution, an~ an ~ X court of ~~;~ cont~tined, sha11 be deemed nu11 and void. ~' PProv~l~ horein •~ THE FOREGOING RESOLU'tzON wbs adopr~d at the k'lanning Commission moeting ',' ~f: Sept;ernber lU, 1g9p, '-: ::~ ~, ~ ~, Y,:, ~, ,~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~~'_' G+'~tL~-C,~:.t,~ ~ CETATRW MAN, ANAI{EIM CYTY ~PLANNING C~IrAZISSION ATT85T: /,1/~l / ~~ --_. Ll~~fi._. ~ " _,!2~t~.~ SECRf:TARY, APlAHE1M C:TY PLANNING COMMIS IS pN STATE; QF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY OE' ORANGI; } ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~. Edith L. Harris, S~cretary of the Ana}lPim City Planninq Commiss.ton, do horeby cer~ify Chat the foregoing resolti~ian was passed and adopted ~~t a meetang of the Analieim City Planning Comrnissior. hslct on Septctmber ~0, 1990, by the fo'llowirig vote of tl~e mamber~ thereof: AYES: COhR+tISSlONERS: BO!!b ~TUN, BOUAS, FELD:IAUo, F~E~fNI;1GCR, hiESSE, t~~R~lA rroES: CUi~fISSI0NER5: HEtLYER ABSENT; COt~4YfISSION~RS: PIONE of 4~,,, I~jmN~S3 WHEREOF, I have hereunY,o ~e:. my h~nd this / ~ ___. ~«-~~' 1990. ~~_ day .,- ~ ~ . ~ ______ i SF.CIt~TARY, ANAEiEiM CITY i, NNING CQh4dISSIOrT , ~ ~J~ PC90-223 ~ '~*~~~sxi`s~:~' ~ r ~~-,,~ , - .