Resolution-PC 90-242'"'~.~ ~ t ~i~'G~~,~ t 1 ;'a ~ .?,1 ~ a •.',;~ .~ ~2ESOLUTXON. NU, FC9 -242 A RESOLUTInN OF THE ANAFiEIM CTTY YLANNtNC3 I:OMMZSSION ;''-IAT p~TITION FOR CON~ITIUNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3340 ~lE pENIED Wki~REAS, ti~e Anaheim City Planning Comminsion did rer.eive a vdrifiod Petition for Conditional Ues Parmit for cortain rbal pronorty t~ituat.ad in the Ctty of Anaheim, Coun~»y of Oranye, Stata af Cali.fornia, de~ocribed ae: ~'ARCEL 'l OF YARCEL MAP NO. 79-285, AS SiiOWN ON A MAP FILEU IN BOOK 143, PAG~ 31 OF kARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFr'ICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDGR OF .",AIq URAIQr~ COUNTY. WHGREAS; the City Planning Commi~oion did hold u public heAring at the Civic Center in L•he Gity of AnahQim on October 8, 1990 at 1s30 p.m., notice of said p~blfc hQaring having been dul.y given aa rec,uired by law and .`ln accordance with the provieiona of th~ Anlheim Municipal Code, Ch~pter 18.O:f, to hQar. and r.oneider eviden:e for and agains~ enid praposed conditional use permi.t and to inveati.qr.te and make fSndings and r~commQndations in connaction theYewi.th; and WHE:REAS, said Commi.nnion, afte~r due i~iap~ctinr~, investigation and etudy made by itself and in ita behalf, a:~d aft~r due conYfderation of all evidence ~~r~d reparts offered zt oaid hearing, does find and determine th4 follow.ing facte: 1. That the ~rop~aed us~ ie proporly one for whi.ch a conditional uee pormit ic: authori2Qd by Anahc~im Munic.tpal Code Section 18.44.05~.160 to vermit a 46-u nit motel with waiver oi tho followi~g; ~A) 5ECTIONS . - P~:zmiktea loc:stion of reesta~ d n ,~g,~. and 18.44.OG7 (Q4-~qqt eetback from eagt proper~y line rPquired; ~O~eet propoesed) (A) S'f O~I S ,18.05.09 .~,_,024. - Maxim~.~.heiuht o`. fzeeflrandl.na ~ iQne. s+~}d 18 • 4~„L~~'7 (~ f~et pQrmitted withfn 750 feeL• of renidential structurea; QO feet propoead) (C) Si:CTION ],~.44.Q62.,~11. - a mum c~tructural t Q ht. ~~~~~ purmitted 1~ f~ret fram RS-7200 zoning to the nortn; Q fE'P.t propca~d) 4~) ~~2N .?,~_ .i.~3~~~ - Reaul.red setb~c~. (minimum ~,4 .`aot lar.dr~capQd betb3ck required adjacent to RS-720U zoning; Q to 7_ et propusa~i ) 1014AS -I- 1'C`JO-242 -. r~ .~ ~ ,t f~ ,::" r -,.'~ r by~. r .,~ ' ~ ~?.I 2. That the pro~oded use is heraby doniad on ~he bagie that ~h~rA nre no Eipaci.al circume~ancoa applicable t~ L•hc~ property euch as gize, shapo, topog.raphy, loaution a~d t~urroundingg wt.i.ch du r~ot apply to o~her idanticaTly zonc~d pro~erty .in the s~me vi.cinttyj aud that atriat appl.tcati~~ of the Loning ~~d~ doa~ -~ot deprtve the property of pXivileqee er.)oyed bX other propc~rtios in tho id~ntical zone and clasuification in tl~e vici.nity. 3. That the roquaoted waivera (A), (F3), (C;) and (A) are r.erQby denied becauf,a oubjoct u~e parmit wae doniecl. 4. That t}ao propooed uoe wi11 adveroaly afEect the adjof.ning land ueea and tt~e growtti ancl development of ~:hs area in whic}i it is pxopooed to be lor.ated. 5. That the aize and shape of the a~te prop~9ed for the uee i.: not udaquat~ to allow the Full dQVelopmont of the pr4por~Qd uee in a manner n~t detrimental to th9 particular are~ nor to the _o~ace, haalth, oafeCy and genpral walf~ra of tho Citizeri^ of the City of F-naheim. 6. That thQ c~ranti.ng of the Conditianal ~~sg Permit will be datrimontai to tho pc:ace, h~alth, aafety ar~d general. welfarQ of the Citize~s of the City of Anaheim. 7. That thP traffic genercited by t1~e propoaed use will impose an undus buxden upor- th~ ~treeta and hi~hwaya deAigned and improved to carry th~~ traffic in the ar~a. 8• That oix (b) people indi.catcd theii• presence at euid public hearing in opposition; ar.d thati na corrasponaence wAa received in o,~posf.tion to the Aubject petitioci. CF~LI '~O,~trIjl E„~VIRONMLNT'AI, JUAL,ITX ACT FI D NG: That the Anaheim City Planni.nq Commieoion haa reviewed the propoaal to permit a 4G-uniC motel with waivers of pormitted location or fr.eeatandinq sign, rnaximum heiqh~ of freeatanding sic~ne, maximum 9~L'UC:ural height and require~ Ac~tback on a ractanyularly-9haped parcel of land consier.ing of approxim3tely 0.54 acre, having a:rontago of a~proximately 210 feQt on the no.cth aidR of Lincoln Aver.ue, havin9 a cr.nxi.mum depth ~f 215 f~et, being located approximatQty 225 feet eaat of che centerline of Uel ALr. stroot and further deecrfbed as 2II6G Wget r,inco2n Avenua; and doee hereby disapprove rho Ne~atfve Der.laration ugon finding L•hat it haa con9idexQd th~ NegativQ oeclarat.ion togethc~r with a~y commente received during tl~e public review nrocess and furthar find±nq on thK baeie that tliQ initial at~~dy and any commQnts rgcQived thaL• there ie e~betaritinl evidQr.ce that tlie project will have a siqnificant sffect on the environment. NOW, THER.~',FOftE, BE IT RE~~OLVED that tha Anah~i.~n City Planninq Commiogior~ do~a hereby dQny subject Petition for Condit'_onal Use permit, on the baeia nf tho afaromentinn~d fi~:tinga. -2- PC90-242 .0 f'~,i~ ur :'r'~.''. . ~ ~ n . . . ;ra ~ ! ~~ ~ ~~ _ _ . ~ z"~' ~ . . , . . . . ~ . ~ ~ rrEa ~ff t ~x,l ~,"',~A ~ ~ ~, ~j~ ~{ ~;~~ ~ , t f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "~ ~~~~,~~5 ~ ~,~ ~ r;~ ~~~~,~~ ~ ~ r~. ~ , _ THL~ FOREGOING AF50LUTION wa~ adoptic~d at the Planning Commiagion meetin~ o:~ Octobar. 8, 1990. / f-)i;~ 1 ~ ~, .L_::y t Le c `. ~.,~ . ./~~ ~".. .~'~ ~ ~ CHAIRW6idAId, ANAFiEIM CITY Z'I~ANN3NG COMMIS3ION r'':; ATTESTt ) ~'i' .~G-~ ,1 ~~~~''~"~'~ ~ __~ ~,`~ S~CFtExAR , ANAFIEIM CITY PY~ANN'[NG COMMISSION ~TATE OT' CALIFORNIA COiTNTY UF OF.ANGE ? B8• CTTY OF A1vATtErM ) I, Edith L. Harria, Socretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commie~ion, do hexeby certify that the fuxec~~ing reso.lution wae paBeed and adopL•ed t~t a meeting c~f the Ar.aheim City Planning Commisnion held ~n O~tobor 8, 1990, by the fallowing vote ~f the membera thereof: AYES: COMMIS5IO~ERS: F3UUI-S, Ii~JYDSTUN, FELDHA[i5, Hr.LLYER, ~iENhINGER, M~,SSE, PEFt717~ NOES: COMMISSIONF;RS: NONC ABSENT: COMMISSIONER~: NONE IN WIZN~:35 WHERF.OF, I have hereunto aQt my t-rind this /~ .~~+ day of ~ , t9~0. ~ . ~~ ,.i ~, - . SECRETRRY, ANAHEIM CI'~ LPY ANNING COMMIS3ION ~3_ PC90-242 ~~: ! . 7 ,,~ v ~ A,~~~~'y ~ ~M~ ~ .~~"rin Y' ~,1.~a•S:J'Ri~