Resolution-PC 90-244.~i ~ RFSOLU'rION NO. PC90-244 i ~` ~ A R~SOI.UTION Ob' TIi~ ANF1HEiM CI'TY PLANNTNG COMMTSSIG~N TH?1T P~TITION FOR CONDITT0~IAI, US~ PFRMIT NO. 33~13 F3E GRt1N'~~D WHEkEAS, the Anahaim City Planning Commissian did recaiva a verifiad P~titian fc~r C~nditional. Uae P~rmi~. far certain r~al property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County nf Orange, 5ta~e of California, deecribed as: PARCE'L 1 A5 SHOWN UN A MAP FILED IN BOOK ~, PAGP: 44 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TFI~ O.FFICE OF THE COi1NTY RECORDER OF SA2D CnUN'CY. ~. , WHEItEAS, the Cit;y .Planning Commisaian did h~ld a public hearing at the Civic Center in the c:ity ~f Anahein- on October 8, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice of saLd public hearing having been duiy yiven a~ required by law and in accordance with tho provioiong of the }lnaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, ta hQar and conoider evidence for and againc~t said propofled conditional usE+ k~~:rmit and to invec~~iga~e and make find.inge and reeammendations in conriection therewith; and WHEREAS, eaid Coinmi~~iun, after due inspection, investigai:i~n and study made by ii:self and in its benalf~ and aEter due consideration of all evidence and repor~a offered at eaid hear.iny, dos~s ~ind and determine the following facta: 1. ThaL the pro~o~ed use ia properly one .for which d conditfonal uc~e pc~rmit ia authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to pezm.it a 5,290 sq.ft. qourm~~ ma.rlcet with take-o~it prepared foc+d, and with waiver. of t'r,e fo].lu~ving und~r authority or Code Section 18.06.080: SE:c:TIONS 1~06.050.U212 - Mir.imurt~ number of r~arkir;~epaces, 18.05.~50.022 _{,,7?t~ s~anaard-sized apaces required; : 2:i1 standard-aized and 6F~ r~mall 18l06fp50. ~' 31 car-~eized epace~ exiating) and 18. 44. Q66. ~~::0 2. 'That thE r~aqueated waiver is hezeby granted on t:~e basls that the parking waiver w?.11 nut cau~e an fncrease in traffic co.igestion ir. the immediate vicinity nnr ~xdveroely affect any adjoini.ng land usQS and granting of the parking waiver under Ch3 cunditions impoeQd, if any, wi.tl not bo detrimental to the poace, health, saf~ty and genaral wel~are of the citizens of th~ City of Anaheim. 3. That the proposed use will not adveruuly affect the adjoining land uaeR ard the qrowth and developrnent of the area i.c~ which it is prapoa$d to b~ located. 1015ItS -1- PC90-244 ~ ,A , ~', ;~i ; ,; , ~,;r ;s .. '1~,i';:"p „r.r 4~'a'' , . . . , . , ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~r"~, f, ~ f ~ ~ri~,4y ~ k, i~w ~~~ ~,' ~~'~ , ,'~:i ~ ~'~ 4. ~hat t~he aize ~nd ehn~e of tho ~ite proposed for the u~e is aciQqu,ato to allaw the f ll 1''r +, u developmant; of th~ detrimental to ~he particular zO u A area nor ta L•he peac~, health eafety and general welfare of tho Ci.tize:ie of the C.tty nf Anahei.m. 5• Ttiai: the gr~nting of i:he rondit~.ianal U~e PQrmit undQr the conditiona impoaed if , any, will not be detriment3]. to tho paa~e, health, eafety and genezal welfa.re of the Citize ` ~ na of the City of Anaheim. ~ '~ ~~' b. That the traffic generated b the impo~-e an undue burdetl u on ~ n t p a u r~ ~ ~~~ p : e ~s reets an~1 i:ighw~ys des gned and improved to carry the traf£i i c n tha .~rea. . 7. That no one inc,icated •ti~~ir preaence at oaid public hoaring in opposition; and that nn correaponde7ce was rece~.vr~d in opposttion to tha ouk~~ect petiL•ion. CAT TF'QRNTA ENVIRONMEN'PAL OQAI,TTY ACT FINDIDiG: That the Anaheim City Planning Comm,i.ssion ha:i rQViewed tha propooal to ~~rmit a 5,290 sq.ft. gour.rnet market with take-out prepsrad food, and with waiver o£ minimum number of. parki.ng apaceo OIl an irregui~:rly-flhaped parcal ~f land congieting pf appraximately 2.6 acraa locaterl at the sou~:Yiweat cor~er oE Nohl Ranch Road and Villa Real Arive, and furthor described ae 505 Sauth Villa Roal Urive; and does Itereby approve the Negative Dec7.aration upon fiitding that it kias conc~ider~d the Negative Doclaration together with any commente received during t•he giiblic review proceai3 and fur.ther finding an the basis th~t thA initial stuciy an~ any comments receivrd that there is no substantial evidence that the proj~ct wi.ll have a aignificant e.ffact on the environment. N~~W, ~'FiEkEF'ORE, BE IT RE~OL4ED thaL- the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion doe~ hereby grant eubject Petition for Conditionzl Use Permi~, upon the following conditionb which are hereby found tn be a necec~sar.y prerequioite tc~ thQ p~apos~d us~ ~f the subjuct property in order ~o praserve the safQty and general wolfara of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall bc: r~eveloped substantially ln accordana~ with p1~1ns and epecificatio:is r~uLimi~ted to ttie City of Anahelm by thQ petitioner and wh.ich plans are on file with th~ Planning Depar~men;: mark~d E.xhibit Nos. .1, 2 and 3. '•~ 2. Thar pri.or. to final builditiq and zo~ing inspections or within a periad of Fj one (].) year fro-n th,.~ date of this resolution, whichevPr occur~ fir.at, 'i Condition No. 1, a.boce-mention~d, ehall be complied with. 3. 'I'hat approval oF ~his applicatlon CO[1N~1~11~E8 appro~. 1 of the propo~ed request on).y to the extent that it compli.es with thQ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Codc~ and nny othnr. applicable Clty, state and Federal rogulatione. Approval. doQS not include any ac~i,on or finr,iinga as to compliancQ ~r appzoval of tha requeat rega.rding any othPr applicable ozdinance; ragulation ~r raquirement. ~~ M2~ PC90--244 :uMC~ ~."""„! t^'~ ... *,.,7~ !y`r~ ~I~ ;,;{ • 'j ; , "t' ~`; w. BE ZT FU~tTHER RESOLVc,D that the Anaheim City nlann,ing Commie~iUn ;~oes herE~y find and det~rmine that adaption of thie Reaoluti~n ie expLe~sly ;~~ predicat:ed upoa applicant'$ compli~nco wi~h oach and all of the conditians hereinabove set for~h. Shuuld any ouch condition, or any part therROE, bR declarecl invalid or unenForceable b~ the final judgment of. any caurL• of compQten~ juriadiction, then thia Reaalution, und anX approvalo hor9ln containQd, ,oha11 bQ deemed null and void. THE FOREG,OING RESaLU'1'IUN was adop~ted at the Planniny Commission meeting af Octobor 8, 199C. ., ~^ ~ ~~,~~~~/~~ ~~ ~.~~..~~ a~ HATRW MAN, ANAHEIM CIT~PLANNT.NG COMhYISSTON ATT~ST: ~ ~ °~ .° ~=~- SECRETARY, ANAc~EIM CITY PI,HN~IIPiG C,'OMMTSSION STATE OF CALIFORf1IA ) COUNTY UF ORIINC;F: ) s~. C:ITY OE' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sec.retary of the Anaheim City Planning ConunisEiot~, do herel~y certify that the f~regoing r.eaoiution was passed and adopted At a meeting c~f ~he Anar.Qim City Planning Commi.s~ion held on Oc}obc~r fi, 1990, by th~ foll~wing vote of the members thereof: AYE5 • COMMISSIONEERS: BUUAS ~ BOYL~STUN, FI~LDIiAUS ~ HELLYER~ HENNIN'GE12e MESSE, PI:RFIZA NOE~: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE AB~ENT: CONPMTSSIONERS: NONE 7N WITNESS WFiEREOF, I huve hereunto aet my k:and this _~ day o f `~d.P~.. , 19 9 0. - ----°~~ ~c-^.~-~. -_ SEC:<1's'rARX, ANAHEIM CITY PI~ANfQINC CU2dMIS3iON -3- PC90-244