Resolution-PC 90-246~,K; . ,.; : '`, °± ;~t:.41 RESOT.~U'~Q~ Nn_.__ G 0-2~16 ~ A NUNC Pd~O TUNC RcSOLU'CION O~ THE ANAUT;IM CITY PLANNIPiG COMMI55ION AMENUING RESOLIJT'tUN NO. PC9G-224 GRANTEU ;N CONJUNCTION WI7'H RECLASSIT'ICA`PION NO. ~30-91-11 Wfi~REAS, the 7tnr~h~-im City Planninc~ CommiH~ion gr~i~ted REICYADfl~f~CAt.I.O[1 No. 90~91-i1 on S~sptumber 10, 1990, ~o r~clasnify oubjer.t propQrty from the C.-R (t:ommercial F.ecr.oaticn~t~ to tho CO (CommQrc:i~zl Offico} Zonej and ~~~Iir~REA5, Paragraph No. 5 conta3n~ad in RQC~olution No. PC90-224 statoe that there ~orR two (2) poroona indicating their preoence at ~aid public hearinq in oppo~it•Lon and that a~etitior- cont~ininr.~ approximUtely 2~ ni.gnat~~re~ and ~nH lett•e~• werc received in ~ppouition to oubj~ct ~et.ition. WNF.REAS, Para.grnph No. 5 ahould be nmencicd to read as Eollowo: 5. That no one i.ndicatoS tt-eir prca~ance At oaid public hearing in oppor~ition and that :~~ rorreop~nd~nc~ was rQC~ived in opposition to aubject peticion. THB FOREGQING RESOLUTION was adopt.F~d at tne Planniny Commieeion moetir~g ~f October. 8, 199U. ~ ;; , ~. f ~~ ~J /.~C.~l~ ~ / '/- GG~I.-C.tc ~ ~../ CE-IA~R OMAN, ANAHEIM CITY' PLANNIA~3 COMMtSSlON ATTEST: , ~9..-~..~ '~6~n.t'- .~_ - SF:CRETARY, ANAfiEIM CI.TY PLANNING COMMI5SION STATE OF CAJ.IIOP.rtLA C~UNTY ~F ORANGE ) s~,. C7TY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Edith I.. Harrin, Secrt3t~ry of the An,~heim City Planning Commieeion, do cQrtify th~t tt~e foregoing re~solution was pasaed and adopted at a meoting of tho Jlnaheim City Planning Comm:.etiion held on October 8, 1990, by the followinp vote of the merobQrs thereof.: AYEo: COMMtSSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOCJAS, FELDHAUS, FiEL.LYER, HENNINCER ME ~SE, I'ERAZA NOE;S: COMMISSIONER5: t•TONE a~5~N:s COMMTSSION~RS: NONE 7N WITNESS WFIF:AEOF, i havn hQrQUnto aet my hanct this ~v'~ dAy ~f ,.~l.w~ , 1990. - _,_ ..._ __._~.-~G~~ 5~~RFrk1tY, AN1tH~IM ClTY PLA:7tiING CUMMISSION 1~1OR3 -1- p~9A-246 _ .':~