Resolution-PC 90-250a . . . . . . . . 1_;,1 r L~A~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~, ,~OpOi~ ~ IM~ ~Ir~~r ~ ~`. ~ESOLiJT_ION N~,, P~90-25~ A RE;S~JLUTJON OF THL~ A~?AHETM CITY YLANNTNG CaMMISSI^*` THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCG NO. 40A9 HE GRANTh'U WHEREAS, the Aciahc~i.m City Plannin~ r.4~nie~ion d{.d receive a ver.i~iod petition fnr Var:anco fnr certAi.n real propprty aituated in th~ City ~~ Anah~im, County of Orange, StatQ o£ California de~cribed a~: °~~ LO~' G1 f~F TRACT N~. 5427, :CN THR CITY OF ANAHE7M, AS SHOWN Ov A M~P THEREOF RECORDED IP7 BOOK 209, PAGES 30, 31 AND 32, MISCELLANEGUS MApS, RECORDS OF 3AID ORANGE COUNTY. WHE.2EA5, the Ctty Plannin~ C,:immission did hold a ptiblic hearing at the Civic Cen~er. .i.n the City ~f Anaheim on Octobor 22, 199Q, at 1:3d p.m., notice of said pub~ia hearing having been duly gi~en aa required by law and in accordancQ with the provi.aioi~s o£ the Anaheim Mnnici.pal Codo, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider eviclon~e for ancl againat sa~d proposed vs~riance and ~o inv~etigate. and msk~ findinge and recommendatione in connection therewlth; and , 4~1HE?2EAS, aaid Commisr~i cn, after due .ine~aectl.on, inveatj.gation * aid study made by itoelf. and i.n its behalf, and after due coneideration af all eridence and rQ~orta offerod at eaid hearing, doae fi~d and determine the followirir~ ~acts; 1. Tt~at tha petiti.oner propoaes waivers o# the fo114wing to conetruct a 950 aquare-foot additfon to an existinq two-ntory eingle-family reaidQncc: (A) SECTICN - R_eQUired nide ~ard ~minimum 24 feet required; 13 feet proposed) (H) SECTION 18.25.Oh3.03U - Rec{uirecl r~r~r vard_ (minimum ~5„~feet rEquired; ~1 feet propo3ed) 2. That the above-mentionod waivera are hereby qrant~d on the basis ttiat there are apecial. circuma*.ancas applicabl~ to tt~e pr~perty such 3e slze, ~shape, topography, locatinn and surrour~dings whi~h d~ not apply to other idQntically zoned prop~rty in the oamQ vi.cinity; and that etrict upplication of tn~ 7.oniny Cude deprivee tho property af pr!vilegen enjoyed by other properties in the idFntical zor~e arid r~.la~sstf.taut!oi~ in the vicinity. J. That therP are exceptional ~r ~sxtraordinary circumstancee or conditi.ona applir.able +.:o the propert;+ involved or to the i:itsnded use of ~the pr.operty that do nc~t apply gonerally to tr-Q ~,:~~pQrty ur clago of uae ln the st~me vicj.ni.t~~ arid zar-e. 1022RS -1- PC9A-250 ,~;. - - ~ . .. _ _ ~;~e ~ ~ ~?~ 4. That the rec~t~eAted var± anae ie noaeseRry f~~r. the preeervation and c~njo;ment af a aubatantial propazty right p~eaQea~d by ather propc~rty in the eame vicinity and zon~, and danied tn the property in qug~tl.on. 5. 'Phat tho requoeted variance will not be materially detrimental to L•he publi~ welfaro or in;jurioiae tr the pr~~arty or improvement~i in auch vi.cinLty and xone in whtr.h ttiF~ pruperi:y is locat9d. E~. That no ~na ind~_cated their proser.ce at eaid public hearing in orpoaiti.un; and that n~ earr.enpondence was roc~+ived in appoaition to eubjc~ct petiLion. _C.AT,TP'ORP~In N~ VIAONM~;N7'AI, pUALITY_ACT F'INbING: Thc~ PZanning Airer,tar or hia authorized repr~aet;L-ative has determinea that the pro~ospd project falls within the d~finitian of Cnt~s~or.ica] Fxemptior.s, Cl~ea 3, as def.inod in ~lie St~~a EIR Guidelin~~s and is, th~r-efore, categocically e;;empt f.rom the requtromen*. to preparQ an EIR. i:nW, Tki~REFi)FtE, BE Commisaion daeb hereby grant condf.*. fona wl~ich ara h~reby pr~~,oeod u.~ of tte e:~b3ect goneral. welfar.e c;f the Cit.tzens 1:T R~SOLVED that thQ Ar-aheim City P1lnning 9UIJ]F1Ct Petition for Varianco, upon the follawing fo~znd to be a necee+~ary prerequisite to the property in or.der to pzeaerve tha aafety and cf the Cii:y of Anahcim: 1. * ~:~:it plans stiall be bub~nitL•ed tc, th~ auilding 1~iviR.ton ahowing compliancQ with i:h~ minimum standar.d~, of L-he City o~ AnzhQim, includtng the un~form Hui lr~ing; t~lt~mbir~g, ~:Zectrica)., Hvusing, Mechanical and Fire Codes a~ ad~ptad bv the City of. An~hoim. ThR a~pxop:iate p~rmits shall be ob*atnod for any neceasary work. 2. That aubject property at1a:1 bc~ ,~RVelored aubsCantis.Lly iri accordance wi.th plane and specificati~r.a :~ubroitteu to tt:e c:ity of AnahQtm b,y tha petitiunor a~-ci which plana ara un file w:i:h the Pl.anning Departmen~ marked Exhibit Nor~. 1 thr~ugh 5. 3. Tl~at prior ~o i3auance ~f a bui.ldf ng ~ermit ~r ~~ithiri a perlod ~f one (1) year fr.oM thQ date o~ thin re~olutfo;~, whichevez cc~ure Eirst, Conditian Yo. 1, above-merar_ionod, aha~l.l be c~mplied witl~. F,xtenaiona for further t.im~ to compl~LQ ~said conditiune may bc~ yranted fn accordance with Section 18.0~.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Codn. 4. That ~rior t~ finrxl building and zuning ;nflpec.:iona, Condition No. 2, above-mentioried, ehall. bp complied wi.th. 5.* Tbar approva? of thin app.lication r.onatitutea ~pprova~ of ~the proposed requeet only to the extent that it cosn~lies with the Anah~im Municipol Znnicig Cude and any ottier applicabla City, State a.~d Federal regu].ations. A~pzoval does not include any action or ffndingr~ a» tc compliance or approval of th~ rec;uest rQqarc~ing any ottier applicable ardinance, regulation or. reqiii~ement. Conditione mark~:d w~th an setert.~;. (*) are raqul.red Ly eetabliahed law», codes, regula~ions and ngroem~entn and are, therefure, not subs~ct to nPgotiation. ,;,~ -~- PC90-250 ~? w . ~~: ,: , ; r.;~;'f r ~~~~;~;r~S`;t~f~ ~~ ~~ I~' FURTEIER RESOL'VFD th~t the Anahe~,m City Plannin~ c~mmieaion doc~s hereby Firid and determine ~hr1t ACjO~tj,0~1 0~ thie Resolution i.e expreeal Predicated upon applicant~e aompliTnce with ea~h and all of the canditior-s hereinabove eet forth. Should any such conditione, or an declared invalid o;. unenforcoablc~ by the final Y p~r~ thereof, k,Q compete~t jurisdi.ction, th~n this RedoXu~ion, and~gann~ ~f ~ny c°urt of contained, ahall be deemed null and voia. Y BpProvals harein TfiE FOREGOING RESO~U.iov was adapted at tha Flanni.ng Commiasion mpetin~ ~f October 22, ,~ggp. ,~'J ~~' . . ~ -, / ~-l" ~ i ~ ;~~' .~. - _~• ~" '' -~L ~, -' ~. ,~ _ : _._- ~I, ~. - ~ !C~~I.:(~ , CFIA:IgWp~;T~N~ ATVAI'E M CITY LANNING~CUMMISSIO ATTEST: /J N ~ 5~ r / .... ^( • S~CRE7..R , RNAHEit4 CITI' PLA NING (.O' MFtIBSION STATE A~' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF Or'2ANGG ) A3. CI:'Y QF ANAF]~IM ~ I I r~ ~dith L. Harr.io, hereby certify that the Seczetury of the Anah~im fore oin c City F~lanning Commiaeion do ~I ~ meeting of the Anaheim the fol.lowing vot City Planning Commisai~nw , hQldpo ~U ~p at ~ ~ $ of thQ member~ thereof: n ctob~r 22 lggp b Y ~ ' AYE~~ COMMISSTUNERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUP.S, HELLYEff, HENNTNGER ~ NOES: COMMI:iSIONERS: MLSSE, YERA~A NUNE ' ~ ~ JIBSENT: COMMISSTONERS: FEI,DHAUS ~~ IN WITNESS WI•JE or ~~i ~-r~~.~~0,~--- 1~, 1990. REpF'~ i have here~~r~ro sec my hanJ thia ;~/ /~ !S ~ ~ -~ =-~ d ~ y ~ . ~ _! .~./ .(/ ' ,,. p ~~~ SECRET Ry, ANAHEIM / . ' CITY FLANN2N~ t1MiuSION { a~ .: r, t: f, i: -3- PC90-250 - ; ; ; ;; e. ~° 1 ~~ LS"1P..^,u~,.~,~ ~ . : _ ~ ~,°.