Resolution-PC 90-260r.r~~; ~ ~ ~. ~ ri ~ ~ . , , .. . . . .~ .. ~ ~ . , . . . . . .. . . .. . ~~~~ ~ i . ~ . f 1 ~ t ~",~~}N..~~~ ~~ t . ~ !R ,: 1' . ~,9:..'~":;,~ / ;~,, RCSOLU7~ION NQ._ PC9Q-260 A RESAI,UTION Ol~ TFIE AP!AEIEIM CITY 2~LANNING l".OMMISSIQN 'PHAT PETITION FOR VARTANCE NO. 4095 HE GRANTEU wHEREAS, thQ Anahoim Ci.~y Planning Com.miaeion did recQive a . verifiAd Petition for Variance for. cE-Ltairi rer~1 pr~perty Pituated in the City of Anahoi.m, County of Oranc~e, Stato of California descri.bed aes LUT 20 OF TRACT 125~6 AS PER MAP RECORD~D IN BWK 57J PAGES 10-1f, OF MTSCFLLAN~:OUS MAPS IN THE OFFTCE OI~ SHID COUNTY. WHEItEP.S, the Cfty Planning Comroieeion did hold a public heari.nq at the Civic ~e~~tor in the City of Anrahai.m on November 5, 1990, a~ 1:30 p.rn., notice of said public hearinr~ huv.ing boen duly qiven ag require~ by law and fn accordance with the provisione of tha AnahQim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and coneidar evidonco for and againnt said propaeEd variance and tq inveatigat~a and make fin@ings an~ recommendationa ln connpction therewith; and WHEREAS, eaid CommisAion, after due inspectLon, inveetiyation and study made by itself and in ita behal.f, and after due consideration of all evidence an~ r.epnrL-s offered at daid hear?ny, cloee find anc.i determine the ~'ollowing ~acts: 1. That the petitionc:r ~,ropocaes waivHre ~L• the following tc conatruct a 55.5 font hi,yh, 9,~~14 sq,ft, sinnle family re~ider-ce: ~~T~_ ~9.23.062 O~Q - t~a~;num stru~tural haiaht. :~.:23 _06 .0 0~ (25 feet permitted in the 5cenic Corridor; and 18.84.Oa2r~~ 55.5 feet proposEd) 2. That thE+ above-;r~ntioned wniver io hereby grantod on the banis ihat there arN epecial circunistances ~pplicxble to the propsr~y ~oc:sisting of *he unusual grade differer~cQ oi the lut whe.reby tha bc~ilding height to the finiehed grade at the pe~•imeter of the building ie 35 feet although the building haight ae mea~~red to the flooc of the baeement ig 55.5 feet higt., and ~urroundii~ga whic,h doQe nat appty to other iden~ically zoned prop~srty in the sam? vicictiity; r~nd L-hat nzrict ~ppllcattUn of the Zoninq Code ~!~privee the property ~f privil+~ges Qnjoyed by othQr propertLce irt thc~ i.~entical zone and claeeitication in the vi:;inity. 3. That thPrc~ are excc~ptional o~ E~xtraordinary c~ircumatancea or conditiono npplicabl~ to the property involved or to the int~,nd~d unQ af tho Property that do nut apply genorolly to tha property or cl~aon of ue~ i.n tho eamc vicinity and zone. 4. Thar, the r.equ~Ated variance i.s necessary for the preeorv~L•ion and enjuyment of b oubetantial properky rigyt p~e~oosed by other property in the eame virini.ty and zune, and d~nieci to the pr~perty in qu6stion. t"R1036I~SP _1_ PC90-26(! ,;~~;+'~, ,~~+;~ 5. That the roqueeted varia~ice 4~i11 r-ot be materi~lly dotrimental, to the public welfare or injur:loue to the prc~perty ax improvamente in euch vicinity aad xone in which ~ho proper~y ie located. 6. Z'hat nu ana inc~icated their.• preeencA at eaid piablic hearing in opp~sition; an~ that no c~rrespondence waA r~ceivad in oppoAition ta ~ubj~ct petition. C~~IFORN~ ENVI~20NMENT~,L~UA~ITY ~CT FINA~t1G: Z`he Planriing Diroctor c~r hie au"~horizad rspro~santntive hae ds~termined thxt th~ proposed project fa11e wi.thin the definition af Cuter~orical Fxamptiona, Claee 3, ae definAd in tt~A State EIR Gui.delir~es and is, therefora, categ~rtcally exempt fr~~m tho requirement to prep~re an E:ZR. NOW, THEF2EP'ORE, BE IT RF:SOLVED that th~ Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commi~eion doee herc~k.~ grant dubject Petiti.or~ for Vari9nce, upon the following conditione which are hereby found to b$ a nQCeaeary prerequisite to the propoeed uea uf the eubject pzupezty in order to pr~aerve tho eaEety end general welfare ot the Citizer~s of the City of Anaheim: 1. * That ~rior to iesuacace of a building permit, the a~nropriata major ~horoughfare and bridge fee ahal.l bo paid to th~ City uf Anaheim iz~ an am~un~ as opecified in the Mayor 'Phoroughfar.e and Firidge Fee Progrgm for the Foothiil/Eaatern Transportation Corridor, as establighod by C.i.ty Cauncil rc~eolution. i. * That pz.tor to ideunnce of a b~:i:ldi~g permit, the appropr.tatd traffic signal aseeasm~nt fee ~hall be paid tc tne City aP Anahei.m in an amount as aet~bliAhed by Cit~ Council resolution. 3. * That firQ oprinklere ehall be installed r-e roquired by th4 Fire n~spartment . 4, * That subject property etiall be es~rved by underground utilitiea. S. That aub~ect property nhall be dove3opQd Nub6tnnti.ally in accordaiiee with plana and epecificstion9 eubmftt.ed t;a the City o;~ AnahRim by tk~Q ~titioner and which p~ans ar~ on fiLE wi'~h tho Planning Dep~rtmc~nt marY.od F:xhiblt Noe. 1 through 5. G. ~hat pri~r to ieo»ar.ce of a building permit ~r within a period of one (1) year fr.~m the date r~f this redulu~ion, whi.chever occurc fir.et, Condition voA. 1 and 2, at~ove-mentioned, ahall b9 complied with. ~xtr~nelonc~ for fuzther t.ime tr, camplete oaici conditionn may be gra.itied in accordance with SQCtion 18.03.U90 of the Anaheim N.unicipal Cod~r. 'l. That prior to final building ar.u zoning inepectione, Condi*_ion Nos. 3, 4 and ~, above~cr,.~nr~oned, ~hall. be cc~mplied wiih. -2- PC,40-260 ,: "~ .. .~ , i ~. ~ ~ ~ I. ,(~ ~,1, t _ ,~: , ~1~.%11. a~, ~ , . , , . . . :7 .. . I ' , . ° ~ "1 '~ ~t ~ ,~~~'~~~ ,r~~~ ~~~' + ;~~~< :>~x '~ ~ 8. * Tha~ approvnl of thio appli.catian canet.~tutea approval of, the propaeed rectuoat anly ta th~a e~.':ent that it :omplies with ~he Anahei.m Municipal Zoning Code and any ather applicable City, 3tate and Federal regulatione. Approv~L duaa not in~:l.udo a.ny action or flndinge a~ ~o complianco or ap~roval u£ th~ request rogarding any a~her applicable ordinanc~, regulatian or .requiremsnt. Cottd.tinne markgd with an asterir~k (*) are rc~quired by establiohed 1aws, codc~s, r9gulations and agraemente and are, therefoxe, not eubject to negotiation. 8~ IT FURT:iEFt ItESOLV~D tha~ the Anr~hei.m Ci.ty P~a:lning ~ammiec~fon 3oes heYSby find ancl determfne t11at adoption of L•his Reeolution io expresely predicated upon applicant' e compliance wit.h e~cli ancl ~11 of the c:onditione hereinabove emt furth. Should any such conditione, oi any pF~rt th~sreof, be declared inval.id oz~ unenEorcet~ble by the final jadgment oE any cuu~t cf competent juriddiction, then thie Re~olu;.i.n, and gny approvals tierein contxined, shall be aeamed null and void. THE FOREGAING RESOLL'TION ~~rae ad~ptad at the Planniny Commieaion meQting of November 5, 1990. , / . . ~~. ~.. . j" • ,.:1-,. ,. G'C-.i-••~c • i ~ C[iATRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY /PLANNZIIG COhiMISSION w ~ ATTE~7's . ~~~~~ f '~ / ~~ 47 SECRETAR , ANAHEIDS CITX PLANNING COMMISSTON STAT~ OF' CALYFORNIA ) CQJNTY AF' ORAN~E ) ee. CTT~' OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Elazx ifl, SocrPtary of the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion, do hcreby cQrtify that ths forogoing rQSO].u~i~n was passed and adopted r~t x moeting o~ the AnahQim Gity Plannir.g Commiaeion h~ld on November 5, 1990, by the f.ollowing voto of the membare thereof: AX:.S: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDHAUS, EIELL~'~R, FIENNTNGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOE;S: COMMISSION~RS: NUNF ABSEPiT: C7tdMISSIONER3: NONE /~ IN WTTNESS WFiEF2EOF, T have hereunt~ Het mx h~nd th.ts _( day o f ~ y~.~.~~. , 19 90 . ` _ n , // , ~ ~ .- ' S~CFcETAR[, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS5TON ' ' -~- PC90-260