Resolution-PC 90-262. . . . . :~/ .i.: '+;~g ~t~:~~'b~>:"r, .~~ .. ~. _. , k....1 .... _ ._. . . . ~ ' . . , - 'h' , ,,.~,,,, ,~'~ RESOLiJTION NO. PC90-262 A RESOL,UTICN OF THE ANAHEIt~ CITY PLANNING COMMI:570N THAT PE'IITTOP: FOR VARIANCF NO. 4093 DE DENTEQ F~HER~AS, tha Anaheim City Planning Comm!•ssion di.d rec3iv~ a verified Yetition for Variance foz certain r~al pro~erty situat.ed in the Ci~t:y of Anah~im, County af Orang~, State of C~lifornia described as: LUT 5, IN LiL~CK 4 OF TRACT NO. 221, IN THE GIT1' OF ANAHE~IM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP REC.OI2DFD IN BGOR 13, PAGE 4 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN TI-~E OFFICE OF' THE CpUNTY R~CORDER QF SAID COUNTY. Sr'H3REA5, ~the City Flanning Commisaior~ dia hold a public hearing at the Civic Cente•r in the City of Anaheim on Novembar 5, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., nc~tice af said public hearing haviny been duly given a~ requir.ed lay law and iii ticcurdarzc~ with the proviaiana o£ thP Hnaheim Municipal CodE, Ct~.aptea: 18. Q3, to hEar and consider evidenr.e xor and against said propased var.iance and to investigate and make findinga and recocnmendations in connectton therewiL-h; and that said •Qublic hearing wds continued ta rt~e N~vnmber 19, '1990, Planning Cammi.asion meet3.ng; and WH~R~.AS, said Gommiseian, aft~r due inopection, investigatf~~n and ptudy made by itself and in it:~ behalf, and af.ter ~ue consideratio~ of all ~videnca and repor~,~ offered at said hc~u~:ing, does £ind and c3etermirie the Following faci:s: 1. That the petitiorier propoaes waivere of the following to con~truct a 2-unit apartment build.ing .in conjuncti.on with an existing ai.ngle-fami.ly reeiJence. (A) SFCTION - Mini.mum bnildinq_site ar~a ner dwellinct unit. (2 q00 na.ft. r~quiced; 2,3F~0 ~n.ft.. propoc~eci) P~ ~ ' (B) SF.CT'.'ON 18.3?..063.011 - _M.inimum etructural setback. ~ (15 feet from V;lencia Avenue regcired; 8 f~eti existi.ng) (C) SECTION 18.32.063•022 - Mini:num reauired Yarcls. ( 7 fe~t from aouth praperty lir,e requir.~c3; 3 „feet Q:~iati.ng) (p) SrCTIONS 1£3.06.05Q.012 - 24inimum riumber_ of ~arkina sqaces. 18.06.0£i0 and 18.3'2.066.010 CR1041MP -1- ~C90-262 .~ ';',~~ ;j: ~~~,%tie.~ u,~ ,. . ..,,, _ , ~ ,_ ,, , r., ,. ~ ~~ ~~~r. ~Y,~~ ,. ' ~~ ~,~1 . ~ ~ ,:'v.':.~~i (~) SECTIONS AN._ D_ 1..._8_32.064.020 (rJ SECTiON ].p,3?..06F.062, Permit~ ~ncroachme~~t int_,o rccruired~,rarda. Repu.i.red~icl~, ac~a. ~BaG~~.nq onto public atreet not pErmitt:ed; 2 parking 6p3CE+A backing onto public e}reet proposed) 2• Th~1t the above-mentioned waiv~ers (A), (g~, ~~~ and (F) are hereby denied on the ba~is that there are no special circumstancee app~,~cable to the property such as aize, ahape, topogrsPhYs which d~ no~ apply to other identically zoned location and surraundings and ttiat c~tr.i,~t application of thE Zaninn Property in •the same v3.cinity; of privilegea PnjoyE~ b Code does nc+: deprive the property clas~ificatian in the ~. y`~ther pro~.~rtieA in the identic;al zone and it:inity. connecL-ion with•aubnittalhoiarevisecinpZ~n~~ W~?~V~r~ ~D~ anu (E) w~re deleted ~,n 4~ That t}lere 3re r~o exceptional. or extraordi.nary circum~tanc~s _. or c~nditiona ~ppl~.cable to the the propert~ property involved ur to the intended usa og f ~liat do not appiy general.ly to the propPrt~, pr class of use the same vicinity and zone. in 5• T1i~t ti,e requested varianc~ presa~r.v~tion and ezj~yment of a substantial ro ~~g n~~~ n~ce°sar.y for the ~'r°P~rt:.y in Lh~ sama vicirii ~y and zone p ~ rty right ppggeggp~l by a~her. queation, , and denied to the praperty in ~• That the requeeted variancc~ wi.ll ba ; t~ ~he public welfait~ o.r injurious to tha proper.ty ar~improvementtrimen~al. ~ ~ vicinity and zone in which the praperi:Y i~ loCd~~~, s in auch '7• That anF (1) intereated per.ROn indicat~d theiz ~,resenee ac 3aid public hear,i,ng; and that no correspondence was .received in oppQgitioii to subject potitfon. CALIFORNI71 ~NVIRUNMENTf1L QUAL2TY ACT FI?1UING, ~itiY Planning Commiasion hae raviewed ~h~ `--"'-'~ That the Anah~im b~,~ilding site area per dw~:tJ ir~g un~t Proposa~. £or waivere of minimum requi.red ,yar.•da, minimum numbar of parking oi~CeBm °tLUCtura.l setback, minimum required yards and required vehicle acceas tn~cone~tructci~~~4unt~tt~ae~,rtmet~ building in conjurtction with an existing eingle-famil rECtangu1ar.l ~ n~ Y"bhaPed parcel of lanr] conriati~sg og a Y z9~~dence on a located •:t the aou•th~ueat corner of Valencia Avenue and C13ud.~na~Street~, ~~avine aPPxox.imat~ frontages of 15i fe~t c,n the e~uth aide of Valencia Avenue and 4'7 Eoot on th~ weat eide oi Claudina Street and £ur~c;7er described as 855 S. Claudina S~;~ee~; and doea hQreby approve tlie Negative Declaration upori findin that it hae considered the Negative Declar~ received during thp tion together with any commonts that the ini~ial studyUandcanyecortunen~3~received thaththerelli~nn~°n the basis ~:vid~nce that the project will have a eignifican_ ~ffect on th~ environmenttja1 -2- PC90-'l52 _ . . . ~ • , ~~::n '~~ 7~'~,~~' ~'" ~ r~, ~ ~.:~. ~~,, ~,,<~~ ; NOW, TH~RE~'0~2E, EiE IT RESOLVEA tha~ the Anaheim l;ity ~lanning Commioaion cioee hereby denf subject Pe~ition far Vari.ance on th~e basis of tho aEorementionod tindingo, THE FOREGOING kESOLUTION waa adepted aL the Planning Commi,esion '`~ meeting of November 1.9, 1ggp, ~ ~, ~ ,•'~.%~ ~ ~~i :;i'~~~';G,~f~c~~ /~/~~~-•,~~.~'~,~-,~'w;,.., ( ~ " 'i~ CHAIRWO N, ANAHE7fM CI Y FLANNING COMMISSION `~~ _ i, ATTESTs " y ~ : ~ '~ ;.~} _ ~, , y ~~Y-~`~-~-'~ _. ,. ~ CRETARY PR TEMPORF. '~' '` ANATiEIM C~~t'Y PLANNING COMMI,4~SION ~ (..~~ f ~ STATE OP CALIb'ORNTA ) COCINTY OH OR~1NG~ ~ pg. CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ T, Jar.ez I.. .7eneen, Secretary Pr~ Tempare of i:he ~lnaheirn C,ity Planiiing Cammi~sl,on, da hereby cer.tify that the foregoing reaolu~ion was p3ssed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commisazon hald on Navember 19, 1990, by the following vote of•the membera thPxeof: AX~S: COMMTSSIONEFtS: BOUAS , FELDHi~US, HF.I~LYER, fiENNIPfGER, M~SSE, PERA2A NOES: COMMISSTUNERS: NONE ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONERS: Bq'1DSTUN T/N WTTNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto se~ my h3nd this J. o:f _1_ )~~,~i!.~r •r'i' '_~ 1990. -..-_.~..~ day ~4::~ _ ~l . :T ~,. ~ ~ _ : ~'. ~~ = -~1,•, r,~a 9 CRETAI2Y PP.O TFM~(~RI; r '" ~ . "~ ~ANAHEIDS PLANN.r,HC3~COMMISSION ,, _~_ f~ ~:i{71 r.~l~~`~~ '',~) PC90-2o2 , : ,; n~ t .;, :,. ,~~ ., ~. ~~ , >~; ~~,~; f ~ . . . . ~,:~.t j ~: