Resolution-PC 90-266~i';?l'i~ ~~ I2ESQLUTION NO. PC9G-?.66 ~>'}1Fr`.q~ ~ ~ A RES~LU'"ION OF THE ANAtiEIM ~ITY PLANNII~G COMMISSION AMENDING CONDT'tIONS OE' APPROVAL Q^ COMDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3287 A'HEREAS, on June 4, 1990, ~he Planni.ng Commiaeian yrar~tecl Con.r~itional Use Pezmit No. 32F37 under Reaolution Na. PC9t~-139, to permit a 2,~~0(' square fout drive-througli restauran~ on prop~rty located on the eas•l• siue ai Euclid Street, having a maximum ciepth of approximately 133 feet, beinq located approxtmately 240 feet aou~h af the centerli.r;e of Catalpa Dxive and further described ae 810 NorL•h Eualid Street. ~~ ,~.` WHE}2EA5, Condition Na. 5 of Resolution No. PG90-139 reads that the vehicular acces~ righta ta Euclid Str~et shall. be releaaed and relinquished to the Cii:y of Anaheim. WHEFtEAS, the petitl.oner hae requested amendment ta Reaaiut lon No. PC9U-139 to delete said conditi.on. WEIEREAS, the City Planning t;ommiaflion ~.i.d hold a public heari.ng ati the Civic C~nter in the City of Anaheim on l~ovember 19, 1990, at 1:30 p.m~, notice of said public h~aring having been duly given ae required by~ law atid i~l accordancQ with the provisions of the Anaheim Muna.c:ipal Code, Chaptez 18.03, to h~ar and r~neider evidence L•ar anci against said pr~posed variance and to invostigate and make findings and recommendatione in connection therewith; and WFII3REAi, said Comrnisaion, after due inapection, investigat ion and study madF by itaeJ.f and in its }~ehalf, and after. due co:~sid~ration of all evidence and reports of.f~:r~d at said hearing, doea find and decermine t he fol.lawing facta: r 1. ThaC the Public W~rks/Engineering Department indicate s thati the conditic,n pextaini~xg ~o the relinr,~ii~hment of stzeet access t~ Euclid 5treet was err.onQOUaly ~lacod in the .rc~olution and should be delQted. 2. That une person indicated thei.r g~QSence at ~tai~ public heari.ng in opgoaition; and that n~ correapondence ~~as receiv~3 in oppos ition to subject petition. NOW THGREFORL, B~ :CT RESOLVFD that the AnahQim ~ity Plznn ing .^.ommissi~r- doea her~by dele~p nx:Lsting GondiL-i~n No. 5 of ~t~eolution No. PC9p-139 pertaintng ta relinquieF~ment ~f street access to Euclid Street and that tt-e f~llowing condition shall replace it: "5. 'Pha~ a right-turn in only and a righ.t-turn out only ~riveway onto Euclid Street shall be conetructed anci that plane shall be submitted t~ tYie City Tra~fic Engineer for his review and approval ahowing conf~rmance with the latest xevisione o£ the applicable Enqineering D~partment Standarda." CR1045MP i:4 ~~~,~ ~ 'v ` `, ~ i t ~ *,~,,~ , v r , t; i ' ~+.W~~}.~i7Y.~ ~~ !+c r~::'~ . . ., . .. -1~ PC90-266 ;. <. ' `~~ `~~ ~~~ i~ x: ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ L v~~ ;:3~ `'~h ~; THE FOREGl7ING RESOLU7.`TON ~aa adop~ed at the ~l.anning Commiasian mc~ei:ing ,,;~, of. Navember 19, 1990. ,.y~ i "1 '~ ,i~ /~ ~ Gj~ ,, ~. ~ !~ J 'j ~, ~~~ C'aJ•~/~ 1/ -~-C ~d~,~-~ 'l ~ L~ .~.-- ;i CHAIR~OMAN, ANAHEIM CITX' pLANNYNG COMMIgSTpIV ~~~~ ATTEST: ~ G~//J~il~/ ,i~'7 ; ry~ Yil "'r . ~ ~CRE`PARY PRQ'~'• MPOF2E ~i ' ANAHEIM CTT,Yi~LANNING COMMISSIOI3 ~.~'~ ,. STATE OF CALIF022NIR ) COUNTY OF ORANG~; ) eg, CITY OF ANAH~IM ) ~;l ;:,}, i~ ,~ `i;~ I, Janet L. Jenaen, Secretary .Pro Tempore of the Anriheim City Plann~ng Com~7issior~, do hereby certify ~hat the foregr~ing resolution was passed and adopted at a meoting of the Anat-eim City Planning Com~iioaion held on November 19, 1990, by the ~ollowing vot~ of the membare thereof: AXES: COMMTSSIONERS; BOXDS'.TUN, BOUAS, FELDHAUB, P~RP,ZA NOES: COMMTSaIONF~;RS: H~LLYER, H~NNINGER, MESSE ABSEPIT: COMMISSTODIERS: NONE ~""~ TN WTTNESS WHEP.EOF, I have hereunto aet my hand this °'~ ~- ./:~ aa o f ~? ~z. ,~ =2i' Y s~."»C.~__.._, 1990. ,~7 / ~% ~ / ~/~ /7 '/ 'J„~ ~ ,,~7 w~..~..` . y--~:~~- ~".~~,!.~~ I/.~,/ '7 11~.../_ ,S ~ CRETt1RY P„O TEt~lPC~.RE --~ ~ ~r~ P,HEIM CITX PLANNI;NG COMMISSION ~~ ,.;. , r.~, 'i:. i~ "'d, .':~ ,:~ ;s 1Y, !~' ,.,~~;~~~' ili .I•. -2r PC90-266 ;. i ;w~,< 4 yf . . , .._.. . .. -:~:,:'i~.!Y