Resolution-PC 90-267~~~.:r'~I • ' ~~• / ... ~• ~, 1 . .. . . , . . . `~ ~ ~ . , i , r; ., .t+~ iV';r,. ;~'~kVY! ~ . ~.~~`,,L~ ~ . F` F fi'y; i;,t' ~•' ~ ~E pr~U~2..~p 1~N0. ~c;9U-267 .4 FE:OLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COliMTSSIQN :HA`P PE;TITION FOR R~CLASSIFIC:AT1'nN Nq. 9U-91-16 1iE GRANTED, UNCUNDITIONAL~Y WHERF.A~, the AnahQim .r,ity Planning Commiesion did rec~ive a v~rified pe~ition for Reclaao~.fication for rea.l proporty eit~.iated in ths City ' of Anaheim, County of Oranga, SratQ of Californi~, d~,ecrib~d ae followss THF APPROXIMATELY 9G ACRE$ GENEF2ALLY BOUNDED liy LA PALMA AVENUE TO :HE NORTH, '.CHE UNION PACIP'TC RAILRGAD RIGHT-CIF-W1~y Tf.1 THE EAST~ ~ypRF,SS STREET TO THF. SOGTH AND ANAHCIM BOULE;VARD 'CO TFiE WEST, EXCLUUING Tf?O~E PROPERTIES WHICFI FRUNT ON ANAHEIM HOULEVARD AND L71 PALMA, AND ~URTHER CXCLUDTNC, THE 71Ft~A GENEkALLY BC~UNpED E3Y W;T,HEI.MINA STREET TO '_NE NORTN, THC UN'ION PACIFZC RAILRUAD RIGFI;-OF-WAX TO 'PHE EAST, SYCAMORF STREET TO THE SOUTEi AND 5ABINA STRECT TO THE WEST. (RS SHUWN vN ATTACHMENi A) WHEREAS, the City Planning Commigeion did hold r~ pub2ic hearing ~t the Civic C~nter in th~ City of Anahoim on t7cvembar 19, 1990, at 1:3p p,m., notice of aaid publia hearir,q haviny been duly given :is required by law a;~d in accordance with the provic~icnb of the Anaheim Municipa2 Code. Cha~ker 18.Q3, to tiNar and conaider evidence for and againat said propused reclassification and to in~ePtigate and make findinqa and recommendatfono in connnction therQwith; and wfic:arAS, said Comniiea.ion, after due inspection, inveetigation and shudy made by itoelf and in itn behalf, and after duR conaideration of all evidUnce and roportn ofiored al eaici hcarinq, does find and detQrmitie the following facte: 1. That the propo,yal is for reclas~ifict-tion of suiaject property fr.om PD-C/RM-2400 (Parking U.iotrict-Commc:r.cial/Reaidential, Multiple- F'amilyy an~ RH-2400 (Renid~ntial, Multiple-Family) tc~ the RS_,000 (Residentfal, Single-~Fa~nily) Zone, 2. That the Anaheim Gcneral Plan cica;c~natee aubject pro~erty ~~r r•ow-itecii.um Denaity ResLdQntial l~nd uAQO, 3. Tt~at thQ propos~Qd r~claar~if.icdti.on of eubject prpperty is neceseary and/ur deair.~blA for the crdorly and proper dQVelopmen~ ~f the co~rmunit:y. 4. That the pro~oe~d reclaesification nf AubjQCt ~Sroperty doe~ ~+xopezly relate to the zoneo and their permitted uqe,~ lc:axly astabliohed iri c1oaE pzoximity to rsuF, ject prop~xry and :o thr~ zon~~s and tl:~slr permiLL•~d ua~cs general2y ~atabli~he~i throughout tl:e community. YC90-26i -1- , sn~ i ~~ '' `~ ; :.~ ~ ~ 5• '.Cha~ the Haueing E.lPment ~f the Anahoi.m Qen~ral Plan pute apecial pn~phasle on the prr~s9rvation of Qxieting houaing otock and pointe out this nQighborhood 1» qood opportunity and a better way to pLOVi.da af~o:~dablo ltouei.ng 6. Tt~at the cc,mmunity has op~Ci~Z u~~ique ch~r.acter which needt~ to ba re~ainoa and Home of the exi.eting multipl.o-famil,y davQlopmentcr have been out of churacter xnd have created dioincantivea f•ar exiating homoown91n ~o Yre~ervt tlieir prnpc~rty And *_hat a numbor of homcao in l-hx~ ~rett aro lieted in the Natlonal RQgiHt~r of Fli4torical Placae. 7. Th~t ~raffic and tran~por.ta*_ion facilitiee in this ar~a are AOIT1BWFlEth. impactad ~nd al.lowinc~ continixdd increaaed ~enaity will cauaR moro impact: s . 8• That approximately fi.Eteen (15) peAple indicatec~ their proner.ce at aaici public hoaring in oppoei.tion, and appraxirnately thirty (30j p~ople ind:.cated their preDC~nc~ in favor of subject requeat; and that four (q~ let•tpi~e ware r~ce.tved fn oppoeition ~a eUbjecr. petiti,on. CALtF~RNIA I?NVIRONMElJTA~~ QUALITX ACT FINDINGS: That the Anaheim city Planning CC~RUpiAE1~GCl has reviewed ~he propoeal to reclaselfy eubjQCt ~ropQrty from and ~uDject ~rQa coneisto of approximately 96 acres qenerally b~4^dQd by La Pal-n~ Avenue to the north, the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the eaet, Cypreas St=eet to the south and Anaheim B~u].evard to tt~e wee~, oxcluding thooe propertiea which Front on Anaheim Aoulevard and La Palma Avonue, ancl further exclu~ing the arQa generall}• bouncled by Wilhelmina Str~et t~ the north, the Union Pacifir, Railrc~ad i~grr,-of-wayr tb the Qast, Syramr~ra Street to the eouth and Sabina Skreet to the weatj ana does hereby a~prove tt~e Negative Dar.lar~tion upon find.i.ng that it hae coneidered the Negative pQClaratiori tog~ther with c~ny r,ommQnte received during the publto review procese and further findirig on the basie of the Initial Study and any commenta received that there ia no nubetantial evidonco that the project will havt~ .~ oiynificant effgct on ~he environmQnt. NOW, THLR~FOR~, BE IT RESOLVED tttat the Anahei.m City Planning Commiaaior. doeo herQby grant ei~bject Petition for Reclssn~.ficati.on and, by so doing, thaC Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal CodP b~ amendNd to exc.~l~de the above-described prnper~y from the PD-Cji~2M-24p0 (parking Dietrict-Commercia~~Residentinl, Multiple-Family) and RM-24p0 (Residontial, Multiple-pam~.].y) to incorpor~te a,.id deacribc~cl property into thQ RS-5000 i~~sidential, Singlo-Family) Z~ne. THE FGREGOING itESOLUTION was adopted nt CIlf3 Planning Convnis~fon meAting of November 19, 1990. . ~ ~, ; , ~ ,~; ~~ C '~' _--• ._.,,__~ .~..^ ... ~ . CiiA7RWOMAN, ANAtiLIM CITY~ PLANNING .CUMMISSION ATTE ;T : ~ ~ °~~......~~-~.--~=.>- ~F.CRETARY, ANAHErM CI'I'Y FLANNIIvG COMMISSION Pngc~ No. 2 PC90-2G7 ~ ~~ ~ . ~prter ~~ -`.- ~t , r ~ ABSGN'P: C(:~SbiISSIONERS: NOttN' ~ ~~ f ~ ~ ~~~~~ ! j, , 1,i}a ~~~ i . ~.: [~' ~S: ~ ;Sv! Sx'ATE OP' CALJFORNTA ) ''; COUNTY OF OItANG~ ) 99. CITY OP' ANAHEIM ~ ~' •~ ~: I, Edith L. Harra.e, Secrotary of the Anaheim City P,lanninq Commiec~iort, , 1 do hereby certii.fy th~t thA farogo~ng reeolution was passed ~nd adoptied at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planntng Commieeion hold on Nov~mber 19, 199U, by the {o~,lowing votea of thc~ membora thereof: AYES: ~',i c..'tiSMIBSIQNF.R5: BOYDS~'UN, F30UAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYE~2, HENPIING~'R, MESSE, PFRAZA NOES: CG~MMI5SIGNCRS• NONE IN WITN~SS wEiEREOI', I have hereunto aot my hanci thie ~7•~ of -~_U~ , 1990. dnY , % " -----------~ ~~ ~- Jl.~(.t~ SECRETA.R:', FWAHEIM CI'PY PL NNING CGMMISSION Pag~ Ho. 3 PCQO-267