Resolution-PC 90-268~~ ,~ ~t~SOl~ ' ON N~. PC90-268 A RESOL,UTIt~N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMIuSION TERMINATING ALL P220CL~EnINCS IN CONNECTION WITFI VARIANC~ NO. 3737 W[3LRF'AS, on January 4, 1~J8~, Varianco No. 3737 was qranted under Reaolutiori No. PCBfi-14 by the Anahei~n Plar-ning Commi~~ian for waivere of maximum etructura], height ancl maxir~ium fence h~eight ~o construat a 2-etory, j~a 9-u:~it condominium r.omplex. ~ ., WHEREA3, John Dye (ropresanttnq DMST Developmen~, property owner.) has aubmittQd a l~tter raquooting terminat.iun of Variance No. ;3737 to comp].y with the conditione of appr~val of Variance No. 4068. NpW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tha Anahoim City Planning ~ommiitiAfon dooe her9by t«~rmin~te all proceedings in cannection with Vr:riance No. 37~7 on the basi.a of thQ foregoing findings. THE FOREGOiNG RFSOLUTTON was adopted at the Planning Can~mieeion ~ ma_eting or Nnvember ?.9, 1~90. 7., ,. ~.= i' f/' l .~ . i' ~~, ,., 1 _ ~L C ,l /`~~'. .i ;-'•rG~-~•c~.l.f 1...~..J _~,_ _ ~'.. --~ CHAIk~IOMAN, ANAHI;IM CITY pLx~NNING COMMISSION AT~.'EST: ~1C-J~~`~ .,._..).::.~ ;.l lI t l ,. . , . _ ~ SLCRETARY PT20 -'I'~ PORE ~.~. . ,ANA.HEiM f:ITY!.Fl~,ANNING COMMISSION STAZE OF CAI.IFORNIr~ ) COU^ITY OE' ORANGE ) eo , CTTY O~ ANAPfEIM ) I, Janet L. .Teneen, j~~,`rQt$r1r pro Tempore oF Lhe Anahoim Cit;y Planning Conunineion, dA hereby certLfy that the for~sgc~ing rQSOlution was ,~ paseed and adopted at a mec~cing of the Ana}:eim City Planning Commic~aion hold on November 39, 199a, by the following vote of the membera ther~o f: F; ~` AYE5: COMMISSIONERS: DOUAS, BOYDSTUN, FELAHA'JS, HELLXER, HENNINGFR, MGS5E, PFIiA2A NOG~s ~~MMiSSIOMERS: NONF ,: ABSEN'P: .:OMMISSIOPIER5: NONE /) IN WITNESS WHEREO~, I have hereur~to eQt my hand this ~_~,~ day of ir.~:;:~~'.,~_:,.~, 1990. ; 'J .._...:-' ~_:% ~ / ~ ~ _.:~•,_,,;..,~..''-~-'-~ , ~~' .. ~:..;.:~:.Z:.=-'-•'f~---' &~Ci2ETARX PRO TEMPAttR ~?JAHH IM CYTY PLANNItiG CONM.TS5I0~1 CR1~46MP -1- PC90-268 ~ 'µ';~ !ii ~,, ~ b ~'~, ~r ,:._ . :`id~