Resolution-PC 90-283~1 RESOLUTTON ,}VU. PC~O,~$3 ~ ~ ~ ~ iri~~~ i, ,~~ A RESOLOTION OF '.CEiE A~1AfiETM CITY Y~LANNING CUMMISS7CIN THAT PETITInH t'OR CODIDTTIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 337]. BE GFtANT~D, IN PAF2T WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commisai.on did zeceive t~ verific~d Peti.tion Eur Conditianal UAe Permft for cartain r~a1 propQrty t~ik.uated in the CiMy of Anaheim, County of Orange~ Stat~ of. CaJ.iforna.a, daacribed ae: ' PARCEL A: PF+RCEL 3 OF F~ARCEL MAP f~7-446, IN THE CI2'Y OF }1NAHEIM, ~^.OJNTY' OF O.RANG~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~15 P~R MAP FILED IN BOQK 253, PACES 41, 42 AND 43 OF PARCEL MAPs, TN THE OFFTCE OF x'HE COUNTY R~CORDER O~ SAIU COJNTY. WHEREAS, the Cit,y Planning ~ommie~ien did hold a public hearinq at tho Civic CQnter in i:he CiL•y oF Anaheim on December 1'7, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of said publir hearing having been du.ly yiven aa required by law 1nd in accardance wii:h the provisione of tna Anaheim Muriicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conei.der eviclence for and against flaid prop~aed conditional use peimit and to inveatigate an9 make findicigc~ and recommenda~iong in connaction there~vith; and WHERLF», eaid Commission, after due inepPCtion, investigation and atudy made by itself and in ite behalf, and after due conaideration of all avtdenc~ ~nd rep~rts offered at eaid }ir~aring, door~ iind and determine the f.ollowing facte: 1, Petit•lon~r requeeta approval of a condition~l. use permit und~~r authority of Anuhoim Muc~icipa;. Cod~ S~ctton 18.73.020-100 and Sc~ctton V2.2.F.1.d(17) of Specifi.c Plan No. 88-3 (SP 88-3) t~ permi~ a 1,a35 oq.ft. pizza reataurant wfth on--Fa1Q alcohol in Development A.rc~a. 2(Induatr.ially Related Comm~rcial Una~ and 5tanciards) of S~ 88-3. 2. 2'hat the uc~e is hereby approved, in part, for the on-pr~miees ~sale and conau-nption of b~ier and ~~ine only. 3. Tliat the proposed ude will not adveraely affact the adj~ining land ueeo a~d the growth and ~~valopment oz the ar.ea in which it is ~,ropooed to be locatEd. CR1069-pk -1- F%C90-283 ,d'~ia+~ ~ , C,y,~ 4v~ ` 'c '~:~ ^ 4. ~~hat ~hQ size r~~td Qhape of the eite p.roposed for the uee ie adequate to allow tho :full developm~nt of ~t~e prapoaed ueQ in a manner no~. detri.mental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, aaf~ty and gQnezal welfate of the Citizena of thQ Ci~ty ~t Anaheim, 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Fermit under the conditions imposed, if any, wi11 not bs detLimontal to the pear.e, hc~alth, saEety and general welfare of the Citiz~ne of tho City of Anaheim. 6. 'rhat the traffi.c ger.erai:Qd by the prupased ua~ wi11 not impoae an undue burd~n unon the atr~ets sncl hiyhwaya deeigned and improved tu carry the traf~Eic in tho area. 7. That no onz indic~ted their grosence at said public hearing in oppos.ttion; and that no correapon~ence wa~ r.ec~ived in npposition to thQ sub~~ct petition. CALZFORNIA EtJVIRONMENTAL QUALZTY ACT FTNDING: That tho Anaheim C~ty Flanning Commiaeion haa reviowed the proposal to permit a 1,335 Aquare foot pizza restauraz~t with on sala alcoholi.c beverages on an ir.r.egu.larly--shaped parcel of land coneis~ing ~f approximately 2fi acreR located at the r~authwoAt corner of La Palma Avenue and Tuetin Avenue, having approximste frcntage~ of 659 f~et on th~ sauth side of• La Palcna Avenue and .1,214 feet on the west ai.de of Tur~tin Avonue and furzher dESCrfbed ae tho Santa Fe Pacific Plaza; and do~s hereby appr.ove the Negative Declaration vpon findi.ng thac it has coneidered tho NQC~ativ~ ~eclaration together with any commente received during the public review proceeo and furrher finding on tho baeie that the initial atudy and riny commente received that there ic~ no aubAtantial ovidence that the project wil.l have a aignificant effecti on tt~e environmont. NOW, 7'FiEREFORF, BE I'.l' RcSULVED that thc: AnahQim Ci.ty Planning Commisalon cloea hereby grant su~;j~ct Pe~ition far Conditional Uee Permit, ~pon the following aonditinns wkii.ch are her~by four~ri tr~ be a ne~eseary pr.arequi5ite to the proposed use nf the Qubject property in order to preaerve the saPoty and genoral welfare of ~he Citi:aen~ oi the CiLy of Anaheim: 1. That a separ.ate trash encloauze and b.tn ohall be provided f.or suLijQC:t restaurant u~o as required by the Srreet Maintenance and Sanitation Dlvieton. Plan~t aubmitted for buiZding perr~ita shsll shaw said enalo~ure. 2. * That the pr~poeal ehall cnmply ~oith a11 signing r.equirements af 5P 88-3, unlese a variance allowin~ efgn waivere is approved by the City C~unci.l, Plannfr.g Commiaaian or Zoniiig Administrator. ;;~ . .. .;~ : ,r,:~ _ 3. That no alcohalic be~erage~s except beer arid win+~ shall be eold or coneumod on the premieoe of subjec~ reataurant. 4. That eubject propezty ehall be developed subetantially in accardance with plans anc~ specificati~ns submitted to the City ~f Anaheim by tha petitianar and which plans are on file with the Planning DeFartmont marked Qf ~xhibit NoD. 1, 2 and .3. ,. r;- ~~,~;.,~~„~.~ ~_...,..~. ... . _2_ PC90-283 ~ . .. . . .. , ~)~1~}(~ ( .' ~ ~ . ~1• (}'~ A' y~; ~ , . p~1, ' , ';~ p ,; ~ . . .. ;; _ ~~ .,. ~ ~ .>. l; 5. Tha~ fln uneubordinatod cov~nant in a farm satisfaa~or,y to the City A~torney and Zoning Division ahal]. ba recardod wii:h the OfL•ice o£ tha C;ounty ~f Urange Recnrder to ,quaranter~ that L•he ent~r.e mixed use cample~c ap~r~ved i.n con~,~ect;ion with SP E~9-3 shall be managed t~nd maintained ae one (1) integral par.c~sl fo.r purpoe~~ oP parking, vehicular circulatian, eignage, land usagca and architectural cantrnl and that the cuvenant will be refererir,ed in all deedo tranefe.rririg all ar any part of the property. 6. That prior to commencemei~t of. the activity authorized by thio resr~lution, or prior tn tesuan~e of a building psrmit or. within a period of one (1) yoar From the date of this~ r.QSOlution, whichever occurs f.ira~, Coridition Nos. 1 and 5, above-mentioned, ~thall be comp].ied with. Extensiona for further ti.me to com~lpte said conditiane may be grantsd in accor~3ance with ~ection 18.03.U90 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 7. That prior to fi~1a1 building and z~ning inspections, Condition No. 4, above-mentioned, ~hall be r.omplied with. 8. The ~n-~remi~e~ aale and consumptinn of a'lcohol ahall be limited to beer '` and win~ only. 9. ~ That approval of this ap~iliaat.ion constitutea approval of the propoaed request only to th~ extent that it complies with the Anaheim M~inicipal Zoning Code and any ott~er appli~able City, State ar,d F'edc~ral regulatione. Approval c1oQe not includo any action or findings as to comoliance ar apprnval of t•.he raqueat iQgarding any other applicable ordinance, regulai:ion or requiremen~. Conciitions marked with an asterfak (*) are required by eatablidt~ed lawe, codeo, regulatfons and agreements and are, therefore, not aubjr~ct tu negatiation. SE IT FU1tTHER RBSULVED that t~ie Anaheim City Plmnning Commiaoion : d~ea hereby f.ind and determine tha~ adoption of thie Res~lution ie exprPasly prod.icated upc~n applicant's compl.tance with each and all af the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such cundition, ar any part thereof, be ~ dealared invali.d or unenforceable by L•he final judgment of any court of ~' competent jurisdiction, th~sn this Rrssolution, and any approvale herein ~ contained, shall bQ deamed n~tll and void. '!'HE FOREGUING RESOT,~J'PIC)N waa adop~ed at che Planning Cornmisc~i~n m~eting of Dpcembpr 17, 19~0, ), . _ ~~' ~, ~,~ ~ ~~, i' ~ S. :.~ __..- , CHAIRWOMA~1, ANAHEIN, CITY pLANNING COM.uISSION ; ATTEST: ~ ./ - 1 s~ I: S S~CRE ARX, ANANEIM CITX PL NNIIVG COMMISSION CR1069-pk -3- PC90-28.3 :<~,'' Y~,:: .;;'s; , r STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0-. ~„ ' COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTTY OF ANAFIEIM ) T, ~dith L. Harris, Secrc~t~ry of ~he Anaheir~~ City Plann3ng Commiasion, d~ hereby certify that the foregoing rer~olution wae paesed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P].anning Commieaion held on Lecember 1^, r990, by the following vote oE thc~ membg.:e thdreo£: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HOUAS, BOXDSTUN, FELDElAUB, FiELLYER, HENNJNGER, M~SSE, ~ERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONEFtS: NOPI~ ABSENT: COMMISSION~RS: NONE IN WITNEuS WHER~OF, I have hereun~o eat my hand th~.s ~~ day of __, 1990. } 2 ~ ~ v~-'`'~ -- --~-- SECRETARY, ANAHFIM CITY PL~NIIING CdMMISSION CR1069-pk -4- PC90-283 , ~ .,,, ;,;f,: ,`,1~ :jrv~ ~ . . ..':J.~~:i'~