Resolution-PC 90-289r~r"'~t RESOLUTInN i~TTO. PC90-289 ~ A RESOLUTYON OF THE ANAHEIM CIZ'Y' PLANNING COMMISSION TEFZASINATTNG AL,I, PROC~EllINGS TN ~CONNECTION WITFi CONDITIONAL USE PEFtMIT N0. 14dU AND ~'p-RIANCE NO. 3058 j/,t~ ~~N1yl. i ,.w~ra ~i,:~, ~ ;' I ~ WHEREAS, on June 11, 1973, Conditional Lise Permit No. 14pQ was granted under Resolution No. FC73-125 by the Anaheim Planr.ing Cnmmisaion to establieh a 1:?5-bed convale~cent hoopi.tal ~vith waivere of requirad rear yard and requirad nu.nber of parking spa~ea; and WHEREAS, cn Or.to~~er 23, 197F3, Variance No. 3058 was granted under Ra~alutian No. PC78-2~8 by the Anaheim P13nning Commi~sion to permit an of:ficry ~trailRr for nine years; and WHEREAS, James M. Righeimer, hati submitted a lettc:r roqussting termination of Cunditional Use Permit No. 140U and Variance Nu. 3056 to r.omply with the conditiana of ~ppr~vaL of C~c;d.ttior~t~l Use Permi.t No. ?(39F . ,;~'. ,~; NnW, THEREFOF2E, BE IT RESOLVED that the xinahQim City Planni.ng Commi.esion does hereby t~rminate 211 procaedings in conneatian with Conditiona.l U~e Permit t1o. 1400 and Vari.ance No. 3058 on t.he basis of the furegoing findings. THk: FOREGOIN'G R~50LUTION ~aas adoptecl at the Planning Commission meeting u~ Decc~mber 17, 1990. ~, ! li,~' / (;, •i ~ %' ,'_.,'i,~ ~~_. :1.. ~CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHE•SM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION AxTEST: ~~ _ c..~ ~ ~,- q ~ ~.. ~(/~ ^'li~-~e S~:CRET RX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN DTG CObiMISSION STA;'E OF CALTFOR,ITA ) COUNT3l OF ORANGE ) 3a. l".ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrie, SQr.retazy of th~ Aizaheim Ci•cy Planning Conuni.sofon, do hereby certify that the £or..going resaLution wae pa~ssed and adc~pt~d at a meet:irig of the AnahQim City Planning Commission held on ~ecember 1%, 1n90, by the follnwing vo~e ot th~ members thereof: AY~'S: C;OMMISSI4NERS: BQUZ~S, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLY~R, HENNINGEF2, MESSE, Pk~RAZA NOESs COMMISSIONr^.RS: NONE AB5ENT: COMMISSIONFRS: NONE IN WITNESS WI3~REOF, of~ , 199~l. `,/ . CR1~J71JJ ~~ I k-ave hereunto se~ my h~nd this ~ day ~ ~ ~ ,{~tJl~~ SECRRTA Y, ANAHEIM CITY PL NNIN~G COMMTSSTON -1- PC90-289 '~`t _ .. :s.~7