Resolution-PC 90-291- . . , . . . ; !. ~ ~ RE50LUTION NO. PC90-291 A k~SOLULTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CLARIFYTNG LAtdD USE RECULA7'IONS - RESOLUTION OF UNCER'I'AINTYES IN CONNECTION WITH PERMITTFU USL'S IN THE ML (INDUSTRIAL, LtMIfiED) ZON~ WFIERE~-S, 5octi~n 18.07..041 of the Anahnim Municipal Cade s~ecifies that if an ambiguity arioes concernir~y thP appropriat~ claeaLf~.cati~n for a oarti.cul.ar ueo v~ithin the meaning and intenk of the 7,oni.ng Code, it ehall be thQ clu~y of the Plann~ng Commiseian to ascei~tain all pertinent factie and eet forth i:.e findings and ~he reaenna thPrefore, anc] ouch fi.ndinge ohall bo re£c~rr~d to the City Cc~unci.l and, if approved by Councl.l, ther~a~ter auch interprctation~ st~all gover.n; and WHEREA~, a letter dat:~d I~ovember 21, 1990, wae submitted by Thamae G. Kieviet of Fa:ano ar-d Kieviet:, attorneys re~resentinG 2'raveller's Exprees, and a repre~Qntative of Travell~~r'a Exrrer~a 3nd thQir a~tarney made prestntations at tlie December 17, 19y0, Pia~ning Commi.s~for- n~eeting in connecti.on with a proposa?. that •~-hul~eal~ buainec~seg selling moriey ordera to ind~pendent sa?es pergona fo: r:e~ale to the gnneral publ.Lc ehould qual.ify ae "wholesa].e pufline+3aee" ae dencribed in Suba~ction af the Anaheim Municipal Coc~Q tor the purpoee of permi.tting euch "wholeoal.a busineRa" ae an acca8sary us~ tci a primary permi.tt•eri ML uae; and WHEkE~+s, Subaccticn 18.6:1.020.310 st<<te3 that wholesa?Q buainosees, inclucling Ktora~~e buildinge and warehouseo, are perm:tted provided that all acces~ory ~alee are to rctailera or. merchants f~r th~ ptirpc,sp of their own buaines~+ u~e or resalo onl•~ and that nuch ~cceneu~y aalen are not directly to con~::mera or the public in geieral. WHEREAS, tho AnahEim c:ity Planning Commisaion did conaide.r subject requegt at th~ir regul.ar meQ~ing oE Dc~c~ember 17, 1990, nnd ~after cue investitgati.on and oLucly made by itrself and in it~ i~ehalf, and after due conAiderati~n ox al.l Qvidenr,e and rQportR offererl, ~ioea hereby find and determine ~he fc,L~owi.ng: 1. That th5 propoaed uae sh~uld qualify as a"o~h~leeale business" as described i.n Subsectiun for the purpooe nf permi~ting "wt~olesals buaineases sell.il~q money nrder:~ to .independent sales persona for resale f.o the general public" ae a permitted acc~roaory usP *o a primary p~rmf.tted ML uge. NOW, THEREFORF., f3E T'C FESOLVT;D, that L-he Anaheim City Planning Cocuni~r+ion does hereby make the determinat:o~~ that TravellQr'A ExprQae, a ^wholenalQ bueinQOe" ealling money ordeL~ to indc~pc~ndgnk sal~es pereone °or resale to the genQr~71 nublLc, i~ a warFhoure u~se with pormitted acceeBOry ~alea, ~~hich busin~ss ahaitild bo permitteci by th~ Zoriing Code a8 a~i acceseory use eo a prirnary i.nd~c,trial uace ~n the ML "Induatrial, Limtted" 7.one (pr.~v:.d~d Lhat tna office porticna amount tu lQea than 50'A of the tot•a1 floor ar~a of th~ bul2ding). CR108fiAS -.1- PC90-291 ~~~~~ ~ ~ . . . ~1 ~' ~i~j~rC :i 4 ` ~~ 1 ,'I.1 THE FOREG~ING RESOLUTION was adoptc~d at the Planning Commie~i.on m~eti.ng nf pecember ].7, 1990. ~ ~~ 1 ~~~ '/ ~ ~) ~J---_. / - r,.~~,,.(.,t'.c,~: % ;~~ • ./_. pc~. ~.~d.~c.~.,. . ~ TT CfiATRWOMAN, ANIIHEIM CTTY ANNTNG COMMTSS~ON ,; ATTEST: ~~ _ •C • ~_ :' 2~~ _ ` - ~~ PRO T~ O12E, ANAH~IM C7TY PLANIvII~'G CdMMYSSION i_..~~ ~ ~/ '~ ST.AT~ AF California ~OUNTY. OF O~2ANG~ } ae. ` CJ.TY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ 7, Janet L. JeneQn, Secr.e•.tury Pro Temporu of the Analleim Ci~y Planning ~ Commiseian, does ti~reby cQrtify L•hat the t~)Y@CJ0111Q redolution wao oaeEed and ^' adopted at a meeting ~f th~ An~aheim City Planning Commission lield on Decembe~r ~ r I7, 1990, by the following vote c,E the member.s thereoP: G ; AYES: COMMIuSIONERS: BOUAS, SOYDSTUN, FELISHAUS, HELLYER, HF'NNINC,ER D~ESSE, PERAZA NOEu: COMMISSTONEI25: iJONE , ABSEN2': CGMMISSIONERS~ NONE k iN t'iTNi:~S WEiEP.EOF, 1 hava hereunto aet my hand thie ~'~ .~~ !~ day ~f ~:.1.s~ cLG11~,~ --~~~'-L---, i j ~ , /~ ~ 4 ~~ / l " ~ `~~ '~Gll~~^ -~ ___.. ~ 5' E'rARY ~`Rn TEMFO ', ANAH~IM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION (r (, z `. ~; ~~ r!~ ~_s ~n ~!. ° ~( ~ ~' '{ ~. t :~ ~ e ~. r ~. k~~ s; -1- .-C90~291 { ~ , v ' i: ~ ~';~ --- -- . . '~d~~