Resolution-PC 90-3M ~ ~y jfl.~.'~~~J~ RE~LL~TI N I_ 1Q. P~-Q~ ~,'~j~~ A RE50~,CJTION OF 'SHF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN THA7' P~TI7'IQN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PFRMIT N0, 3230 BR GRANTED WIiER~AS, the Anahea.m Ci-:y Planning Comm3 ssion cta.d receive a verified petition f~r Reclassi.tication Eor certain x•ea1 property situated i.n the City of Anahc~im; described as fol.low;; s L07 7 OE TRACT 1843 AS P~R ?QAP RECORD~D It3 B~OK 53, PAGF;S 45 AD?T' .~u OF MISCGLLAI~+L•'OUS MA..'~S, RECORDS aF ORANG'E COUNTY, CALTFORNIA. WliEREAS, the City Planning Cottimission did holc~ a public hearing at the Civic CEnter :.n the City of Anaheim on January 3, 1990 at 1:3U p.m., noi:~.ce o.f said public hearing having been duly given as requir~d by 1aw and in accordznc~ with the nrovisions of tho Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter ].8.03, to hear and corYSider evidenc:e for and against said pro~osPd condition:~l use Fermit and to in~esti ~to and mal:e findings and recammenda~ions a.n conneci:ion tYxerewith; and WHEItEAS, :,aid C~mmission, after due ins~ecl:iazx, inveetzgation and study made by itsel.f and in its behalf, anr] after du~ considt~ration of all evidencQ and raports uffored at said heariny, does find and det.~:xmine the follorr.ing facts: 1. That tYie petitiar:er requests approval of a conditiona7. use permit under authority oE Code Section 18.41.05U.130 to nerrnit an o£•f~ce use in a re5idential structure with waiver at the falluwing: SECTION 18 41._Qfi~~Q~~ - ~tinim~m .sid~~r.~~,~~ick. (lQ feet required; 6 and 7 f.eP~ to wesL- and east property lines e:iisting) ~. rhat r_Yie rtr,;i:QSC~cl wraiver is hereby granted on the basis thut thare are special r.ircv~,era.nces a;;~glicable to the proFerLy such as size~ shape, topograph~, l~cat;ior~ and surroun~ings wnich do riol-. apply tu other ideni,ir.ally zoned property in the same vicinity; and tliat strict: applacation of the Zoning Cude deprives ttie pro~~•rty ot privilcges enjoyed by othor proper*_ies in tYie i~lentir.al zone and classification in the vicin3.ty. 3. That L-he prpposed use wi12 not adversQly a~iect the adjoining land uses ancl the gr~wth and devc~~oprnent of the area in o~hich iL• is ~roposed to be 1or.ated. 4. That the size and shape oF the site ~roposed £or Clie use is adequa~e ro a11ow the fu]1 development at ~he proQosed use in a manner nn~ dei:rimental to the paz'ticular area r,ur to the peace, healtk~, safety ancl genaral welfare of the Cit•izens o£ the Ci.ty a.f Anaheim. 5. 7'hat the yranting of the C~nditional Use Permit under the cenditions .imposed, if any, will nut be detximen~~l to the peac~s, h~alth, saE~ty ar_d general wolfare of t2ie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. z`16r -t- PC 9Q-03 ; . . ~ . , . , . ' . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . ~1 ~i~tY~ ~i ~• 7'h•~~ ~::~e trafCic ganQra~eci by r_he proposed use wi.ll nat impose an unduo burctQn tipon the streets anct highways designeci and xmprov~d to carry rh~ L•raCf•ic in tt~e arQti. 'l~ That ono pEar~on indic~tod his or h~r presence zL• saS~d public hacjr:.ng i. opposition; and that no corr~ ,pot~dr_nce was received in opposftiun to khe si~bject pet.itiou, ~AI,IFQE2NIA__F.ir'VTF2QNMF~IT~L Q(ZALI~Y , 1~~~_ ~'~~lj~j~~; ~r11at tho An~aheirn Ci;.y~ Planning Commission has rovir~wQd r}~~ pY;~posal to per~~'~k an office uso in a residentia'1 structure r~itli waiver of mi»irnum sidoyard setback an ~n irrEgularly-•shaped parcel of land consistin~ of approxima~ely 5,850 square feet, h~ving a irar.taqo of: Rpproximatoly 65 foet on the north side of ~.incoln Avenue, h,-~ving a mar_imum depth of approximatQly 100 fcaet, being located ~pproximately 112 ~'e~t• west of the centerline ~f Olana Way and Eurther described as 2111 E. [,.incol.n Avenue; and <ioos hereby approv~- the Negative Declaration u~on findiny that it has con3id~r.ed the NegaCive Qeclar~tion fcogether with eny comments r~cQived durine~ the publir i•eview nrucRSS ai-d furkher findznq on the basis oE thc~ ir.it.ial r,tudy and ~ny rummonts receivt~d that there .is no substantial evidence thaY, thQ projACt will have u significant effect on the Qr.vir~ronent. NOVs THC1tEFQR6, ElE IT RESOLVF.U tr,ar. thc~ Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion Zcas herebj g:anL- subjc~ct Pe:tS.tion for ConditionaJ. JsQ Permit, upon the folJowing conc9i~ions whi~h are liereby fcun~ Co bc a necessary prerequisito to the pr.oposed use of the subject property in Of~~P: to preserve thr. safel.y and generul welfare of the Citizen~ of the City of Anahaim: 1. +~ That L•he legal own~r of subjer.t property shall irrevocably oEL•er to dedicaCe to the City of An.~neim a strip ~f l~nd sixty (40) feet in eri6th from the r_Qnterli.ne oE t}ie ;~treeC ulor.g Lincoln AvPnue for streett wideninq purpo,,r.s, 2. ThaC ~he leqal owner ~E subjech dedicaL~ to tne City oC Anaheir Lincolii Avenue, measurec: <:asterly the corner of khe~ intersecrion Houlc~vard, and varying in widr_h ChrQO-hundrod (300) Eeet a~n:l th~u 0 feet for thc~ r.ext t:., ~c -h~r.drecl . pr~p~!rty s}io11 i.rre~ocably offor to n~,n ad8irional strip of la.ntl along from the ultimale riyhr••of-way line at uf Linr,oln Avenue ~nd Stato Colleqe Crom twelve (12) foet :or the first transitioning trom twolve (12) feet to (3U0) fceC. 3. * That a cash pnyment• sh~ll be inade to the City oE Ai~aheim f4r the cosC ot the removal ot existinq t;!:reet improvement~ along Gincoln Avonu~ and reconstru~tior~/constru~tion ~E full sCreet improvan,ents at C~1P. ult.imate location. 5sid payment ,t,zll be madc~ ,,r•.i~~r to 133U:]11CC ~f a bvilding p~r~nit. ~. That th~a vuhiculac• ac~oss ri~~ht~s to Lin~:oln 1lvenue shall be rele~sPd and re~inqu.icshed to the CiP.y oC Anahcim. 5. That the rsxi~ting drivn.ways ~~n Lin~r,l~ Avenu~: shall be romov.r.d and reE~lace~ Wi*_h stnnclarc3 curb, qut~~er, ~xdeWalk ~n~l landscaping. " 2` ~'C 90-03 ~ ~ ~. , , , . <: ., 6. * That a fc~e shal'1 bo pniii to the Ci~y of Anaheim for street l.lghcing alorig Lincoln Avenuo in ai- amount as ostabl3shed by City Council resolution. 7. * Thal•. subjort prnpQrt:y slia] 1 l~e sr~rved by tind~rground utilitic~3. 8. * That l.he lega]. ownor. of ~u1~jE:c~ proport;~ sh~l1 dedicnt9 Lo the CiCy oF Anahoim an easemEtn~ Live (5) fe~~ in widt.h 71ong t:he noxth propc~rty line f.or public utility purposes. 9. ~ Thar p;iuc ta issu~nc~ oF a building ~ermit, the appropriate foes due Far prim;~ry mains shall be paid ~o thQ Water E;nq.ineoring Division in c7(:COL'CI?.'I1C@ wiL-h Ru1QS 15A ~nd 20 of th~ WatQr. Uhility Rates, Ru1QS a-id Reyulations. 1U. * Thar, fir~ spr.ink].ers sha11 be in~talled ~s requirE:ci ry the City r^i•re Dppar. ttnent. 11. ~- That prior ta issuarice of a Y~uildiny permiL, a traffic gignal assessment fee aqualing the dilterQnca between the residontial Gnd ~ommerC~~J, assessmont fees sha11 be paid to the City of Anah~im in an amount as established b~ rity C~uiic:l resolixtion. 12. * That a plan shall be subm;,tted to l:he City TraS'fi.c Enqinaer's Off.ice for review and appcoval, showing th.~t tha ~arking lot confoxm3 with ~nginoF,ring SCanriar~i 2Jo. 602U. Said plan shall be implemented and thp parkir..~~ lot shall be maintained in conformaiic;~ with said standard~ 13. * That• ~.:ho ar~a betwQen L-he f:ront prr,perty line and the building shall be full,• landscr~ped ar~d irriqatod and p~rmanetiCly m~intained in complia~•.ce wit•ti City standards. 1~l. * Tha". s fea 3ha11 b~ paid to the City of Anaheim for tree plantinq alc~ng Lin~~oln Avenue in an amount as nstablis?iefi by Ci.t:y Council resolut;~n. :15. * Th:at trash storage areas stiall be pr.c~vidc~d and rnaintained in a lacation acceptable tu the Street Maint:Qnance and Sanitation Divi3ion and in a~:co*dance with approv~cl plaiis on fi2e with said ~iivision. Such inEormat'ion shall be speciFically shown on the p3ai~s 3ubmittEd for 2,uilding permits. 16. * That all air conditioning faCiliti.±s anii other roof- snd qround-mountetl equipment shull 2~e propc~rll ~hielded from view and the aound buffared from a~]j~3~ent rF~sidential p~•operties. 5uch inforrrut3on nha11 brs spocif.ir.al.ly shown ~n the plans submitted for buil<linq pr~rmits. 17. ~* That due to t;h~ chanqe in use and/or occu~~ancy ~f the buildinq, plana sh~ll ba submittoa to !•ho t3uildinq Divisidn si-nwing complianc.e witts Che mii~imum sl•andards ot the Citv of: Anah~im includi.n~! the Uniform IIu.ilding, Plumbin~, Flectr5.cal, Mech~~nical and PirQ Ca11es as aclopted hy the City. Aypr.~priat~ pecmiL•s shall bc obt:tined tor uny nacess ~ry a~rk. '~- PC 90-43 , ~,,<, ,. r. 18• * xhAt th~ proposal sh11Y ~~('ommercial, OfCice t~nd P~o ~ssional al~ ni. nin ~~ g 9 roquia~emflrit~ oP the CO Zonan.n wIIi.vers .is aPProvo~l by the Cit zU~1e unlos~ a q Administra~~r, y Council, Pl~nriin r1~~Ce allowfnc~ ~7 Gornmi~sion or Ths~~ ~he ownQr ~ covananL• g o• subjact pru;~~rt w~ich m1 a raoing to rH~nove any trc~estttndin record an unsubordinaCod X be located in the future crxt~c~~ g sxgns on Linco.ln r,o co~~ to L~~~ intt~rsection i• Avenue Pr.i~r tu rWCOrdatic~nY upon improvQmonk Qt ic~h~-of-.way at with the Of.Eice ~f saici cri~icRl inrersection. covenant stiall he submittQd the U~A~ ~, aF~proval. to thQ ri~ g rQUnky Recardor, ~he Plannin A~~Py °t the recorded covenant ~ttor~~Y ~ar review and ~1 D~'partm~nt, shall su~m.itted to the That any Praposed :e3idential P~L•king ~l•~. Property shall `~ 1i9ht',.ng fixturc~s adjacenC ~~Z ~~Q~• Said be clown-lightod with a maximiun tn bny resiciential propert~htiny f.ixh.ures shal.l be ;lirac~ed hnl ht °f y linQS ~aa y 'g„'t_x area~ The lightiii ~O protf:ct the residQntial y`rom zdjacent submitL-ed for ~ fixtures shal.l ~yE S f, i~togrity of tha bui.lditiu p~rmits, p C.ifica.lly sh~~wn on Che p1a 19, 20. * Zy 1 ~ 22, 23. 24, ~S, 26. ns '~ T1ia~ ttii.s Cunditiorial Use Permit i•• . zoning ordinance " Jr~n:Qd subj~~;t ~a zn p9uldiTlg. ~ontiaction with Reclassifi~ation No, adoption ~g a 68-G9-1, n~w That suh~~~t propsrt~ with plans and p 1 shall h~~ dFVelopc~d subtihantiell s ecificatiores sub-nikted ~~ th~ Y in accordance peti tionF,r and whi.ch plans are on file oril•h -, markec( Exhibi.r Nos. City of Anaheim by ~hP I and 2, the ~2anning Department ThaC prior 20 xssuanr.e oL- a b~.iilditl, ~~) year from thE~ 3 parmit Conditio~l Nos. ~at~ af tl~is r~,.. or within a perind 1, Z~ .~~ ~olution, whichover °f one 21, aho~e•-ment.inned ~• G, A, 9• Z1• ].2 accurs ~xr4h„ tirne ~ shall bQ . 19 thl:ou~ti I7. 19, i0 to comp~~t~ co'n?Iied w°th. Cxtensions and SPCtion :~g, S~1~ conditions may be for ~urther U3.090 oE the Anaheim qrantod in ~ccordanco Mun.ic.ipa~ Code, wi~h That prior ~o final builr3ing ar~c? ~. .10, zoning inspg~~ions 1~ and 2;:, ~~bove-ment.ioned, ;hall ' C°rdition be complied wi.tn. Nos. 5. That ao i~ata.il of£ice ''~1e3 s~~all. b~, ~ermir.ted use, as specif.ied bY the ~~ .„ln c~nnect•ion Professiona.l" ~ wir.h su~~e~~ ~ne sk~ndards, ~~ "Commercial Off:ice ~n~ * That appruval of request onl , rhi~ apPlication x ~~ tt~~-~ extc, consr.iLutes apProval qf the 7,oniny ~o~~, nt rt~at it: complie., wi.th PrQPosed requlations. atld ~nY or_hQr th~ An~~hr_;im ~PP1jc.aL:e Municipal compliance or npproval doen n~t inc2udQ any Cl~Y~ s~are ~nd Fecleral oztiiinai~~~ ~P~r°val of tt~~ reque~t r~ `~ction or f.indinqs aa to • rQgulati.un 9arding any ather ~ o~kerisk (*) are re ot• r~quirement. CondiCion., PP.l.lcab,o agrc~ements and are no uired by N:;r.abl.ish~d law;~, co~es m~r3:Qd N~t}, an ~ubject to n~qo~ial•ion. • r~qulations and -4- PC 90-~3 ve ."` , k ;.i: BE IT FURTHER RCSOLVRD r.hut th4 Anahg.tm City Planning Cvmmission does herQby t.ir-~l and d~3tE rmine thaC adopt.iun o£ t;hia Resolution is Qxpro~sly prodicated upan a~plicant's comC,liance with each and all oL• the aondltions hereinabove set forth. Sliould any yUCh conditions, or.• any parL• 'choreof, be declared .invalid or unenCoreeabl~ by tho finxl juclgment of nny court of compatent jurisdia~ion, thon this Resolution, and any approvals h~rtir~ contained, slial:l be ae~mod nuJ.1 and voir:~. THE FORE ~OING RESOI~UTION was adoptacZ at thc~ Plt~nning Commission r~~eeting of J~n~iary 3, 199U. CH~'~IRMAN, ATIAHEIM CITX YLANNING COMMISSION AT'1 EST : ~r~ ~ . i~- . ~1 C_ r',~ .J ~~ ..~._-.1~.:~~ ~ f ~ "~...~_.~_~..,.~.._~._... ._._ ~ ACTZ.TG SECRETARY, AD?AFiFIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI027 STATF. OF CALIFORtdIA ) CJLiNTi' Of' ORANGE ) 5S. CITY OE' AIdAHETM ) I, Janal- L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plann:ing Cornmission, aa hereby cerrify that the faregoing resolutian w,~s passed and adopi:Qd at a meot ing c,P the Aiz~+ht~im City P~anning Commi~sion held on January 3, 1990, by thc~ following votQ of the mambers thereof: AYES: COh4~fISSIClIEkS: BOYDSTUN, [3UUAS, E'ELDHAITS, }1E1:,LY~R, HERBST, MC IIURNEY, MESSE NUES: CQMMIS5IOIiEFtS: idONE ABSENT: COt1MISSIONERS: NOt1E ,,~ , Ik7 WITNESS WHERF:OF, I h~v~ hc~reunto set my hand ~his c~~~ ~~~='"-~= day y,,,~, ~.`,.'' .L :t:~.`..~? ~:~/ 1990 . ~' ~.. : / "J'' i ""_.~l~.~~/_4',_"~ _ • ~I ~._~~ - .. ~ i4~~'-.~.,.~ ~••~...~~...4~~r~~~'~~~.~~.~.~~~~~~~. AC`~[!1C S'r:CRE:TARY, ANAHF.TM CITY PLANNlNG COMblISSTON -5- PC ~0-03