Resolution-PC 90-31A r " s;;x;; , RFSQGU'PIQN,_._N_~_•__PC _9Q_31 A I2F:SOT.iJT'LON OF 'THF: ANAEiGIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION AUOPTING AND RLCOMhiL;NDING ~0 CITY COiINCIL ADOPTTON OF GL;NERAG PL,AN T~2dEN~M~;NT N0. 2fIt3 PG~2TATNTNG 'CO THE f~~ND USE EGEME:]T WFi£RF.AS, the City Couricil oL ~he City Uf Anaheim dicl adopt the Anaheim GeneraJ. P1~ n by ~tesr_]utiori Na. fi9R--6~1~~, showing tkie general cicscr:i.p~ion. and e~cY.ent of possible future ilevelopment wi.th.in the City; and WHER~AS, Planiiing C:ommissi.on directed sr.afL to initiat~ an amendment to L•he Land UsQ E1emEnt ot S:h~ GQneral P1an L-o r~designare lhe s~ud~~ area from CommQrcial Prof~s:,ianal designation to the Mediuro Den~.itl~ Residential d: sigtia~~ion far A property consi~ting ot appr~ximately 5.03 acras, havinc~ a fron~ac~e of. apQrc~ximately 955 foeL- on the south side of Romneya Drive, having a mzximum depth ot appr.oximately 47: Eeet, bc~ing locatecl approximately 3b5 fee~ wesL- of tlie centerl.inc~ of Euelid Stc•eet arid furth~r ~.~scribed as 1750 Wost Romrieya D~•~ve; ancl WI~IGREAS, the City Planning Cummiss.ion d.id hold a public hearing aL• the Civic Center in the City oE Anakieim c~n January 29, 1990 at 1;3Q p.m., notice of sai~ public he~r.iny havitiq been dtily given as requi.red by 1aw ~nd in accord~nce wi~h the provisions ot the Aiialieir~i Mun:icipal Code, Chaptc: 1F3.03, to }-ear ~r~ci consider evidence Eor anc] agaitisL- said proposed G~~era:. Plan Amendment ancl to investig~te an~] make findinqs anc? recommendatiana in cannection thcreorith; and WII~REAS, said Commiss~on, afterr due inspection, invesligati~n arad stu~iy made by itselE aticl in i~s beh~~it, aiid aFter ciue ~~onsideration of all evi.cler~ce zr.d repcrts of[ereii at said hearirig, do~s find e~nd determin~ the Fo13.owing facts: 1. 'fhat evidenco pre;enced 5~11~JLf~I~t14~L~S the need for an 2menclment to the Anaheim General Plan anti that F.xhib.it A bc adopted redesignatinq subject area fur Medium Density E:esidantial. 2. Th~i~ r.:he proposed amenciment is r_onsisceur wir.h the e:cisting land use ~lensi~ies. ~I~LIFORt7Il~__FTI'IIFtOl7M_F._idTl,_L._QIII~LT'lY._i~CT__c_INDipIG;, That. the Anahei~n City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to amen~l the Lanci Use Element nE the G~~neral Plan tc chango tk:e current land use designation from Commerc.ial P:ofessianal to Meaiurn Density Hesidential on a~~proximately 5.Q3 acses, h~ving a Eront;aqz oE approxim~~~ly 955 fc.et on the south side ot' Romneya Drive, htsvin7 a maximum dept}i o1F z~pproximate:ly 47?. feeL•, being located approximatol3~ 365 f.eet west oE the centerli.n~ of Euc1:d SGreet and turther de:;cribed zs 1750 +~~t: Romneya Dxlve; ~~.nr1 doas th~r~[~~re u~~rovn ~he Nee~ative Ueclaration on the •~~isis th~it it has cousiderad th~ pronosed Negat.ive Uecla:ation toqethet with ~ny commElnts rc~:oived duriiig the nublic review procQSS and furthr,r Eincling on the Casis of the Initial St.udy an~J any comments receive(1 that tl~ere is no substant.ial. Evid~nce that the Prujecr, will have a:,.iRnificarir eerecr, on the env.i ronmc~nt. 2270r -1- PC y,)-31 roi ~ 5'~i{` 41, i X'~ i NUW, TF15REb'OP,C, BE :['C Rf;S~:LVF D ~hP Az~aheim City Plauning Cammissi.on does therabyrad~pt ~r~~t~ eC ~ na~ ~~ lthe City Council o£ ttia Cily of. Anaheim adopkion of General Plan Amendmen~ tdo, 2&8-Land Use ElemQ.r.t, Exhibit A, ~o r9dosignatQ the stucly area ~r~m the Canmercial Profo~~io~ial designr~tion C~ MQdium Density Residential land uses,. Tf3E FOREGQING RL•'SOLIITION was adoptecl a.t the Planning Comm.ission mPet.ing of January 2g, 19g0. , /~ . . ~ - ~ ., ` .~ ~=LL:'-~ ~_L_ • % ~,_, _ r :.t~~ ~aJ J ( ~ C~T7~IRMAN', Al7AFiEIM~Ty pLANNTrI~ COt~iTSSiON ATTEST: .~ / / __~_ ~~..~ . . ~t'!Lc'2------ _ __ ---- SECRCTAf2Y, ANA'rIETM CITX PC,ANN.It~G COh4~fISSION STATE UF (;ALTFO~tNIA ) COUNTY OF OkANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM j I. Edith L. H~i•ris, Secretary of tbe Ananeim City Planning Commiss.ion, clo hereby CfiY~tifx that the foregoirig re~o~uti.on was passed anfl adoptad at a meetinc~ ~f tiie AnahQim City pl~nni~ig ~o,nmission held on Jnnuary 29, 1990, by the I~~llow.ing vote o.E th~ membQrs thereaL•': AYES: CdivIIySISSIQNERS: BOYDSTUN, LiOUAS, FELDFIAUS, HLLLXF.R, HERASI MC BURNEY, MESBE NO~S: COMMISSIONLR~: NOt7E ABSENT; COMMTSSTONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WFiEREUF, I have herevnto set my harid this uf :' ~:!ti"r~ 1990. -•-~~~~ da . y /~ ~, ~ "-----'-y~-c+`~G:~'~C/~`-'=..~. ( •~~' '~ . S~~KETARY, ANAFIEIM CI11' PLANN~~ SS10N----- ~Z PC 90-31 =