Resolution-PC 90-331 •-, ~•, R~~OI,UTTON N0. PC 9U-33 A RESOLi~TION OI' TEIE Ak~TAH~;IM CTTY PI,ANNTNG C~MM.l'SSI01~ PGRTAINING TO RLCI,T_S~;IFICATION N0. 89-90-22 WH~PEAS, Reclassilication No. 89-90-22 was granted by the Anahoim Czty Ylanning Comm~ssion on December 9, 1989, on property consiating o£ approximatoly 45.09 acr.es located south and west of ~hQ souL-hwest corner of Old Canal Rnad and Weir Canyon Ftoad, having an a~praximate frontage n.f•' 6~3 feet on the west sicie of Fullman 5trc:et, haviriy ~~ maximum deptli of approximately 3, 3QA f.e~~ arld further described as 1G01 to 1100 Pullrnfln Straot tMarketfai.re aC Ar~~heim); and ~IH'EFEAS, ar thc~i.r meeting of Janua.ry 23, :i990, following their consideraL•ion and ~uL1.ic testimony rRlatinq L-~ Env3.ronmtan~al Impact Report No. 2F39, G~neral P1an Ame•ndment No. 271, Development Aqreemer-t Nos. 83-02 and 89.02 and Conr~itiona] Use Permi.t No. 3206, the Cit}• Council dirc~~ted the petit5.oner to submit revi~ed nlans to the Planning Commi;,sion ~ddressing concerns expressed at rhat meeting; and F1IiERrAS, the City Plan~ning Commissipn d~c~ ho].d a public hearing at the Civic. CentQr in ttie CiL-y of Anaheim on Febr~iar:~ 12, 1990, aL• 1s30 n.m., notice uf caid publ.ic hearing havixig k~een dulZ~ givPn as required bx iaw and in accordance wit:h the pro~=isinns of Che Anahoim Mun.icipal i:ode, Chapter 18.03, to hear ana r.onsider. ovid~nc~ for and agains~. said propusQd rec].assif.ication and ta invastigate ar.d make findings anci rocomrnendaLionc in connection therewith; and FIHER~AS, st~id Corrunis~ion, ?fter due inspa~tion, invostig.stion and st•idy made by i~self aclcl ixi its betial£, and aft~r due eonsideratic,n of al'1 evidence and re~orts off~red at said heariny, does fin8 and dotermzne the following facts: 7. T2ia~ subjecr reclassificaLion as c~rauted by tlie ~1lnning Cnmmission on Uenember 4, 1989, und.er RosoJ.ution No. PC 09-293 is apprapriate and no rovisi~~is are neces:~3ry. 2. 7~~ at thQ ~.:ondition;~ oP approval conY,ained in Resolution No. PC89-293 shal' r~main in =u11 etfect. NOW, THEREFO}tE, BF ZT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City ~'.lar.ning Commission does hereby L•ir.d tY.at Re;classifir.ation No. 89-90-22 as granted on U~ce~nber 4, J989, is appr.opriate ~:snd tnat no revisions a~e nece~sary. TF3G FQRLGUT.NC; RESOT UTTUN was adopled at the Planning Comm~.ssic~n meeting o£ Februar.v 12, 1990. ,i. i~ ~ ~~/ ~ • "~ ~~ (, -(f -- ~/'~~i~,•~.L,Q ' ~/' !~ i J1.iL~"vL4 y ... CHAiRWOMAN PRO TEMPORE/ -~~! -A-~- ANAHEIM CITX PGANN'tNG CONII~l1SSTON ATTEST: ~ (,~ ~: ~ /~ _.~_~~ (.~~-~/~ '~ ~ -- - - ~~ -. SECR~TARY, ANAHEIM i:ITY PI,ANrIING CUMMISS7.ON ~ 'i Y ~ ~..'.;~ i. ~ ., . ,1 . , . . ~ V ~ S'.fAx~ OI' (;ALLFORNTA .. .~~. ~ . ' , ,- , , I . . . . .r11 ~. . . . , .. ~.~.ial~~. COU2d7'X OF ~RANGE ) ss. CYTY OF ANAHE:[M ) I, Edi~h L,. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim C.ity Hlannirig Commission, do hereby cex•t~ify tha~ the~ .foragoiny x•eso].ution wxs passed and aciopted at a mc~e~inc~ of *_he Anaheim C_ty Planning Com..nission held on February 12, 1990, by the followir.g vote of the members thereo£: A'SCES: C",OA4iTSSIONERS: BOXDSTUN, BOUAS, FELD~AUS, H~C,LYER, M^, T.3iFRNEY, MESSE NOES: c;p2~fIS:;IONERS: NONF AHS~NT; CO'~TMISSTONEP.S: HLRBST TP7 WzTN~SS WHERGUT', I hav~~ hereunta set my hand ~his ~.~~ day 1 of ._ a.~c~~^ , 1990. i.,~ _~ ~ 4~(J~.~V r~X _/~'_~i~ SECRETARY, ANAEiEIM CIT~I PI.AtJNING COMMIS5IC2N :~ N0710b -2- PC y0-~3