Resolution-PC 90-36 RE~4~I~~'.~oN rt~~_ ~G9_.4-~ A R~SULIJTIUN 4C TFIE ANAHEIM CITY PLAKNING COt~4fISSION TFiAT FETITION FOR V1~RIANCE N0. 4018 AG GRANT~D WEi~RGAS, t1iQ nna}ie.tm C~.ty Planning Commis3ion did receiv~.~ ~, vur.ified PeCitlon f.or Variance ~ac cert~.in rc~al proper~y s.ituatecl in the City of Anatieim, Countyr of Oranyo, Srate of Californit~, descxibod as tallowss LOT 2t1 UF 1'RACT NU. 1194, IN TEiE CITY Ok' ANAfIFIM, AS SEIOWN ON A tMP :fHGItEO~ RECORD~D IN $OOK 38, E'AGES 1 ANU 2 0"r' MISCEGLAr~Ol15 MAPS, RF,CORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Cfty Planniny Cammisaicn dicl ho~d A public hearing ~t, r.1ie Civic Centez in th~ City o.f Ana}ieim on January 15, '1990, at ].:30 p.m., notic~ ox' said public heaxiny havinq been duly given as required by law and ii~ accordanc~, wfth ~he provisions of ~he Anaheim Munici,pal CodP, Chapter ].8.03, to hear and consider evictence for and aqainst sa.id proposed variance anCi to inveskigate a:~d mnke E;.nciinqs and rocominondations in corinec~ion therewitri; and said peL-iCxon was cont.inued to t}~e Plann.ing Commission meQtings of January i9, 1990 and F~~b:uaiy 12, 1990; and WHERIsAS, sei~3 Commissi.on, t~ft~ar due inspection, investigt~tion and study mada b,y its3lf and in i.L•s behalC, and after due cunsideration of all evidence and r~:ports offered ~r said hearinq, does Eind and detRrmine the following fack:t: 1. That r_he petitioner rei~uests waivers nf. ~he f.ollowinq to establish cummercial officc~ use of a residential 3true;ture: (a) S~S~ION .~.~.44.03~Q34 - R_~'.~uirgd 1S~S,~:9~! 9f~~r~c~i~r~~rA~• (Parkiny to rg~r of struckirc ruqufrod; ~nrking to ~isi_~ of structuro propo+s~ct) ( b ) ~E ~ + ~4_N ~.1_4~ 4 g~.9 ~? . .Q__1_.t •• t~! i n_:~.1~P~___,R-~-r u~~1:~~L. _.~.~.~~s'~G~ • ~nS; ~~,~4,Qf,3:Q4s (required: 2Q, fcset_~._[r1lini~num----._.~~ f~~ ~a_r,_~~a~~ll from single farnily residentfal zoning for 10 f~ot hiq}i biii :dinq; existinq: ~___fQ~t~ __ ~~Jo 1n~~iSCBpingx Erom RS-7Z00 zoning) (c) ~ECTlt~~~$_~44~Qr~.6LQ3'l_ - FceSlit:~~~1_3mP&~Y.4_m~.t]~4~88~~114.s'~~• (r~equi:ed: fj_~~~,_~yh~_~2.1!SZS~k.__W~~l. behini: 5-foot sgtback ralon~ Midway Manor; proposed: ~ _Et~~~~h_?~~lq~~C a~~l to~pped aith ~_. f_t~Lh.~.gt~ r,ro4gh~.~, c~r~ ) t292r _,~ _ P.C 9U-36 i : ^ ,.~i, ~ ,~ 2. That the above-moarionod waivora ~re her~,by grantod on tho basis thaL thore ~are ~p~r.inl circumstances a~iplic~-blo to the property ~ucti as aize, shape, t~pogr.~~hy, larALion ~nd surroundings which do not apply to other ident~ically zon~~i property zn tho ~ame vicinityt and L•hat strict aYplicatiun of the Zoning Code depr3.ves tha proporty of privi;ayes enjoyc~d by otihex propert:ies in tho iiiontical zone and classi~icat.3on. in tho vicinit;y. ~3. %t-at th~re are exc~pti~nal ar ~srraordinary circumstancQS or conditions applicabla to rh~ proporty involved ar to ~ho in~ended use of the proper~y thc~t do noC ap~1y generally to th~ properc.y or class of use in the s~mc~ vicinity and zone. 4. Thar. tho roquRSt~d variaxzco is necessur.y for the preservation and enj~ymant of a substantial praperty right possossocl by other properCy in the same vicinir_y and zane, ~nd clenied to tho property in quostion. 5. That the roquastaci va:iance wi11 not he materially deCrimental to the public welfare or i.njierious ~o rhe ~roperty or improvemeiit3 in such vicinity and zone in whictx khe property is locat4ct. 6. That no one indicated thnic• presen~e at sa:d public hearing in opposition; and that no corrQSgondenc~ ~aa:, rc~c:oived in opposit:zon to subject petition. ~~.i, 7F NIA R27VZ~tQ~~~N~AG f2UAL~.T~ ACT ~'~NDIN~: 2hat the Anaheim City Planning Cammission has rQViewed Y.he proposal to roclassify subjoct property from the RS-7200 (Residential, Sin~Jle-Family) 2one to Lhe CC. (C~mmerci.al, LimiteG) Zone and waivars of: required location of parking area, ioinimum structural s~-tback and required improvam~nt of parking aroa to establish a commercial use in a residential structure on a rectangularly--shnped parcel of land cnnsisting of approximate2y 0.3 ar.re lo~~~t4d c+t tha ao~ithwesL coruer oF Anaheim Boulovard and Mids+ay Ma:ior, havinq approximat~ froiitages of 111 fadt on the west side of Antiheim Boulevar3 and 114 Eset on Che south side oL Miclway tdanor, ayzd further dsscribed as 883 South Anuheim Boulev~~rcl; and doos he:eby approvQ L•ha Hegat.ive Declaration upon finding that it has considered the Negative Dociaration togQL•her with any curnment.s recoived during the public reviQw process and itirther flnding on the b~sis of tl~r~ i.nitial study anr] any commants received that tl~ere is no subst:~nkial avid~nce thaL• the prujQCt wi1l have a siqnificant effQCt on ~he environment. NUW, 'PHERF,F4RE, flE IT RESOLVED ~hat thc~ Anaheim City Planninq Commi~siun doos hnreby grant subjoct E'etitioci for 'iariunce, upon the Eollowiny cond:r.S.ons which are hgreh; found Lo ae a necessary prere~~aisite to the proposPd ~ase of the subjecL properky in order to preaerve the safety and general r+el~are of tY~Q Cirizens of t;~e City of An~-heim: l. Th~:t sidewalks shall be in~r,alled along Midway Manor as require.~t by the City Engineer and :n accordanr_o with 3tandard plans and gpecificationR osi Eilc~ in the Office of the City ~ngineer. 2.* Th~t if a drivQ~ray is germitt:ed Lo bo locatied on Anaheim H~ulevnrd, said drivc~Hay uhall be aonstructa~a with ten (10) foot radius curb roturna as c~equ.tred by the City P,nqin~er in conformancE ~+Ith. ~r,gineo: inq Department Scand~rd No. 137. ._z_ 1~C 90-34 2.* That prior ta issuance of a building permit, a traffic aignal ~sae~sment . foo aquali.ng the ]il:for~nc.H batwoen th~ residential and commercial assesament foes .hal.l be pai~ to the City of Anaheim xn an amount as ~stabl~ahed by Ci~y Counr,il re~ol.ution. 3.* That plans shr~ll he submi.Lt~d to the Citx Traffic Fngir.eer for Y-is revic~w and approvaJ. sliowing conEormance with Enginee~ring S~anc3ard Plan Nos. 436F ~nd 602D pnrtaininq L•o parking a~anclards. Subjact properL•y shall thereupan be davolopQd ~nd mainta:ined in con:ormanco wfth s~id plans. d~ ^'~^at £3ro sprirkl.ers s1xa11 b~ instelled as reRuired by the City F3re U~ ~artment. 5. That ;~ fee f.or 3treet: 1i.ghi:ing ~,ur~oses alor.q Anahe3.m IIoi:levard shall be pzid to tha C.i~y of. Anaheim in an am~urit tas established by City Council resolution. 6. That a£ee Por strocat trQt~ purposes 31onq Anahaim Houlevarr.l and Midway Manoz sha11 be~ paici to the City of Anaheim in an amount as established by Cir.y Coiinci.l resolurion. 7. lhat street liqhtinq facilihiQS along Midway Man~r shall be in~talled as requirod by the iJtilities Geneznl Manager in accordance with spacification~ on file iix th~ Office ~f the UtiliCies General Manager; or that security in th~ £orm of u bond, cQrtificaie of deposit, letter of credit•, or cash, in an amount and f.orm sa~isfactory to the Cit•y of Anakieim, shall be posted w:ith khe City ko gunrantee the satisfactorx completion of ~he above-men.tionQd improvement.. Said socurfty shall be postc~d with tk:e CiL•y of Anaheim prior to i.ssu~nce of e buildinq p~rmit. The aU~ve-required improvementa zhall -~a installed prior to occupancy. 8. That subject prnper~y sha?1 be servecl by ~~nderqround uCilities, unloss otherwisQ apnrovRd by ttie Goneral Manaqer ot the Public Jtilities Department. 9. k That gates shall not be installed across any drive~,ray in a manner Wlitch may advorsRly af:ect vahicular traffic in thc~ adjacent public stre~t(s). Installation of any qacos ehall confarm to tihe Enginoeri.ng Stt~ndard Plan No, 402 and shall be subjact to the roview ancl approval of the City Trb~~.ic Enginear prior to issuance of a building permit. 10.* That any locka~le peclestrian and/cr vehicular accesa qates ahall be ~quipped wit;h "::nox box" devicns as r~-quired ancl approved by tha City Firo Department. _;~_ I~C 90-36 . . ~ ra~,',r 11.++ That trash storag~ arens shall br~ providod and maintained in a lucation accap~a~~e to the Street MainF.enance ~nd Sanit•Ation Division and in accordance w.it;li approved plans on Eile w3.th suid Divis~on. Such 3nformation shall be spe~iC3cally shown on the plans subrnitted far nuilding ~~rmtts. 12•* 'Phat al?. a:ir condiCion.ing Lacilikies and ot}ier roof and grc~und mounc ~quipmen.t shall be properly sl~;~1~e~ from viow, and tho sound ~CEered from adjacont resir~entia] properkies. Such ici~forn~~: o;~ shall be specif.icc~llx snown on the plmns su:~mitt:ed for building germits. 13. "' That due to the chanqc~ in usa and occupancy of tlie huildin shall be submih.ted tu the ~u~.lc3ing D.ivision showing compliancepwith the minimum standaz•ds of. thP City of Anaheim, including the Uniforrn l~uilding, Plumbing, Llectri,cal, Mechanical and I'ire Coaes as adopted by the City of Anah~im, Tha approprit~te permits shall be obtafnod for any necossary work. 14'* ~'hat a aix (6)~foot high masonr~+ block wall sha11 be conskructod and mainhained alonq rhe wost propexty lino and thc three (3) fAOt block wall propospd witti three (3) feet high v~rought i~on shall ba constructed five (5j £~et soukh of khP •r.orth proporty line; providad however, h.hat thQ City Tr.aff'.ic Engineer shall 1-ave the authority to reduce thQ height of t:he wal~ ta protect visual line~_o£_sight whare p~~esCrian/vehicialar circulati.on .intersect, Said block wall shal~ be olantad and m,:~intained with c~inging vines t~ eliminato graffiti opportuniti~s, Said waZls shall be ~pecifically ~hown o:, tlie plans sub ii.ttod E'or buildir.g pgrmits. 1~•~' That any proposed parkang area light.tnr fixtures adj$cent to any residential property shall b~ down-lighto~l with a maximum height ~~ twelve (12 j fQet . ^aai~! l.ightinq fi.~rt;ures st-all be directPd away from adjacont rc~sidential property lines h_o protect L•?,e residential integriCy oL tho arQa and sha11 be, speciEically shown on the plans submitted ror buildinq p~rmits. 16• * That tho proposal shall comply ait;h all signing requi resnents of the ~~• "Commercial, LimitQd" Zone, unless a vartanco allowing sign rvaivars is approved by tlie Cir.y ('nunc{1, P].anni.ng Commission or Zon:ng Adm.inistr.ator, 17• T11at any freestandin ~ g ~i9n on subjeck pro~erty shall be moiiument-type not excQed.inq four (4) teet in heiqht and shall be subject ko thQ review ar.d approval of •.:he City Traffic Eng.{~,~~r. 1~.* Thak Cha on-r~fte landscaping and ir~ refurhishad and maintainod in complic~nce with`City standardsh~ll ~Q ly• That oubject ro ert accor~anco wtth pl ns ~ndgspecif cations esubmikt d~bto~thoa Cit og Anrsl:ei.m by the petitioner an~] which plans ~re on file wi.th ythe Plannfng Dep~rtmont rrtarked R~vision iJo. 1 of Exhibft No. 1. -4- P~ 90-36 ~ ~ , t ~':: ; ,.,~: _ ~ ~~~ 1 2~. ThRt pri.or ~o commancemenr of- tho a;tiv3.ty authorized by L•his resolutian, or k~riar to issuance o~ a building permit, or within a perioci of one yeax from t}~e date o~ this resoYution, whichevor occura PirsL•, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, JI.4, and 15 abovo-mentioned, shal]. b~ complied with. ~x~snsians for further time Co completQ ~aid conditi.ons may bE~ y~rantod in aacordar~ce with Section 18.03.090 of thd Anaheim Municigal Code. 'll. That priAr to the commencemenl• of the aativ3.ty authorizea by thi~ resoluti~n, ~r kinal bui.lding and zaniiic~ inspections whichevor occurs f.irsC, Condit.ion Nus. 1, 9, 7, 0, 14, 18, and A9 above-mentiio:ied, 3ha11 be complied wi _Yi. 22.* That approval oi' thi.s application constitutes a~provai of L•ha propoaed roquest only to the extent hhat it complies with t:~R Ant~heim Municipal Zoning Code ancl any othQr applicable City, SL-ate and Fedei•al regulationa. Appr~vu.l cloes noC incJ.ude aiiy actien or finding~ us to compliance or apprc,val of the requesk regarding any other applfcab:le orclina:~ce, regu~ati.on or requirernant. Conditions marked ~rith a» at~terisi; (~) are req~iired as established laws, cudes, regulaL•ions and ~greeme:~Cs and are not subject to negotiati~ns. BE l'T FURTHF.R RE;S~LVED that t:hc~ Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does hereby fir:d .and determine th~t adoptfan of this Resolu~ion is Qxp:esEly predicated upun arplicant's coinplianco wirh eaah and a].1 0~ the conditions heseinaUavc~ sot fort`~. Shoulc~ any suc}i conditions, or any p~rt thgrec~f, be declared invalid or unenforceable by th~ final judgment af any court of campetent jurisdi~:tion, thon this Resolution, and any ap~+rovals h~rein contained, shall be deomod null ~nd void. TA~ FUREGOING RESOT.UtION was adpoted at the Planning Cemrnis3ion meeting of February 1'l, 1994. ~- ~ ~~ ~C~-1 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~- ,-E~d.-.~c r~ ; ' =-~~ 1 I~~ C c ti.... CFiAIRFl)MAN Pi2Q TEMPORE, ~ ANAHEI61 CITY I~LANNING COM2QISSION ATTEST: ~ ~-~ ~~~ v . ~ ~ ~..___ ~-- ati~, ___ SECRETARY, ANAFiBIM CITY i'LANNING COh4fISSION -5- f~ •. PC 90-3G .i 1,~ ~ ,.~.,. ~ .,,,.,~,~.,,,, . S1'A7'E QF CALIFORNIA ~OUN7.'Y OF ORANG~ ) ~~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) '2, Edith L. Harris, SACreCary of the Anahe3.m City Planning Comm~t;~ion, do hereby certify that the :forenoing rosolution was passsd ~ttd adoptocl ac a meeting of t~he Anaheim City Plann~ng Commission held on I'ebruary 12, 1480 by ~he following vate o£ the members Chazeof: A'YES; COMMISSIONERS: BOU2~5, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLXER, HERBSI', M~S ;E, M~ BURNaY NOES: COMMISSTONEftBs ABSENT: COhIIr1ISSI0NERS: ~ I!t WITNESS WFIEkEOF, I h~ve h~rQUnto set mg h~nd this ~1~ ° ~~~~. 7.990. daY , __--~ ~. ' ~......___~ ~~ S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CIiY PLANN~NG COtr4~(ISSIO-Y ~~" PC 90-36