Resolution-PC 90-38~ ~ .. .. . . , . i.,.^.~{ i ll~{ II~! ! +' ~ , _ - , . i ~~"~r~°kti~ . „~~, ~,i; r.w... ;i:. ; R~~.4~V~ION NOa p~~.3~ ~ A RESOLUt:IpN ~F TKE ANNiEIM C1'T'~ PL ' THAT P~TZTICN FpR nECLASSTFICATIpN ~a ~NING COMMTS5IOP7 89-g~-~10 H~ DENIED verified WHER~A.S, the Anahei.m Citx Flannin F~lition f.or Roclassific~ ~ ~pmmission d3,d receic-~ ~ tho City oE An~h~im ~-tion for certain real tol'lows: ~ County of Qrange. S~ate o~ px~~Per~y situat;ec~ i2i California, descr.ibad ~S LOT 6 Ol 7.`HE GRESSWELL SUBDIVZSIQ~I~ 0~ OR~rr. STATE ~JF CAL'lFORNIA xN TH~ CZT~ nF ~~ `~' OF bfTSCELLANEOUS ~ AS PER MAP RECORDED II3 BO K~ 6~UNTy SAZ~ CUUNTY, LYING WITH N~TE 7~aT:[VE PAFCEI; ~F ~HE CqUNTY ~tECpRAER AOF ~-P N0• R8-153 i4HEREAS, the Citv k~lanr~in ~t the Ci.vi.c Ce•ril;er in the Cit g C°~"ission did hold a no~ice of said public hearin y°~ Anaheim on Fehruar , public haaring ~ccorda:~.~e with ~ h~vixlg been dul ~' Z`• 1990 at 1:30 ~,m, ~ the pravisions Y qiv~n as requireci b~• to hear and consider eviden~Q for and againsL• sa.id j law nnd in of the Anaheim Municipal ~pde~ ~haptQx 1F~,03 and L•o invo:~~iaate and m~ka findin s therewith• Pzopusod reclassifi.cat,ion . anci g t~nd recommendations :in connection aila ~tu3 WFIEREAg, sald Com,mission y mac7e by itself and in its behalf ~~~r dtie inspection, inve,^,t~.gr3tion evidence and repurts cffered ~t . and aFter due consideration of ala. following F~chs; said h•aaring, dQ~s £ind and determine the l. Tr.a~ t:~e px°pert~' Frpm the RM_12~0 p~titioner proposes reclassificaL•fon (ResidQntial (ResidenL•ial, Multiple-Famil °F sub]QCt . Multiple-Faml.ilY? Z~n~. Y) Zone to ~h~ RM-3000 Eor Medi 2' r`~at t}1e Anaheim Ceneral Plar. des5qnates subject ro er ~ n~nSi~Y F;esidential 1~nd uses, ~ P ty not n~cessar 3' That the proposRd reclassif;lcztion o~ Y nor desirable for the orderl , Juli7ect ro erty is cnmmunity. y an~. proper develop Qn p of the ~~ Tha~ ~hQ Proposed reclassific~,*.• not rroPerly relate to tho zones an~i lon ~f subject r~ . ~ P in clo„e proximir~, to sub'ect ~h~ir ermzttaa u,^,ss locaZlp per~y d~eS uses gerierally establ.ished ~hro gt~out rth~ Co~un tye zO2•e~ and th~ix srablishetl permikted t:~at ~~ ~hdt ~hP proposed recl.;~ssificalicn xt, wouid he spoL zon3.ng, xs denied on the basis ].i94r -1- .~ _ . . li. ?hat no one ir~dicaeod th~ir preaence ut snid public hF,aring .tn npposition; and th~+t r~o corr.ospondencH was recaiveA in opposiL•lon ta ~ubject petition. C. slt~~4t?Il~._~N~~~N~N;~}~.It.__S~II.~a~•.~~X_._AG~ ~~p.l.~C~: The Y.lenning UirecL•or or his a~.~tho: izeti r.opreson~Ative has dr.t;ermin~d t:ht-: t;he pi•oQoaed praject falls ,~ithin rbo definiti4n of Categorica.l Exempt3ans, Cl$98 a, as clofinocl in r_he St~-to EIR Guidolinos aud is, thexe~oro, cat,egorically ex~mpt fro;n tha roq~ilrement to prepare an EIF. N4W, TFJ~1tGFORE, FiE IT RESOLVEb that the Anahe.fm C.ity f~lannfnq Commission doos hereby deny Pe~ition for Recl~ssificatiUn on the basis of the ~+f~renantianed fanding;;. ThE; F~REGUIl~G RESOLIJTION wns adoptad ~t tho Planning Commf.ssion mQOtinq oC E'ebruary 12, 1990. _~,~/ ~ l` , ' ~ ,'J~l,` "~ ( .i- ~.~.~ CHAJRWO~t PRO TEMPqRE, ~ ~-••-~~~~ I~NAHEIM CI?'Y PI.ANNING COMMISSIOPI AT~ES~: C ~^' • ~ / / . _ _ ~ ;'~~ ~ .~_ ~. `~ ~-~.~ SLCRETARY, ANAHEIN. CITY PLI~Ni1ING COl4tISSION ST?,TE OF CALIFQP.t71A ) COUh'TY OF CRANGE ) ns, CITY OF ANAFiEIM ) I, EdiT.h i.. }iarri;,, S~cretary oL tho Anahetm City Plannfnq Cort~mission, do hereby certiiy thac the foreqoing resolution was Qassefi a,ul odopCed at a meetinq of the An~hoim City Plenning Commission held oa Yebruary 12, 1990 by the folloWing v~tA o: thq members ~:horoof: 11YESs COt~P4ISSI0NFRS: t30U11S, ROYDSxUt1, YELDHAUS. NBGLYLR, MESSE, NC ~UkiJ~Y HOESs COMWISSiONER~: NONE ABSEtI`I': COhQrfISS10l7~RS: fiF.RBST r• IN WlxtiESS WI,F,REOF, I have }-,ereunto sek mp hand this =~~~ d~,Y , of ..~G~ l/ . 1990. --• l ! (~, / , _._ ..-----~~.1.~~_~_,__;_ _~ __ ~~~~.-~.__~._ SF:CRE2'114tY, Ailt~}{~TM CI'f PLANtiINf; COMMI5SIUH °z" f'C 90-39