Resolution-PC 90-4„ew.~ ~ .~n•., .. , Ri; LUTTQN N0,_PS'~4~4 A TlESOLUTION G[' THE ANAHGIM C:CT't PL~ANNING COMMISSIQN THAT F~TTTIOli CpR CCII~UITTONAL US.; PERMIx N0. 3231 HE GRANTF,D WHEREAS, t;he Anahoim CiLy P1~z-i7ing Commi~sion did r~ceivE~ a varifiQrl petiLion L•or Iteclassification for cer~aiu real property sitattt~d in the Ci~y oF A.nah~im; County of Orango, and descr.ibed as follows: rHAT PORTIQN OF THF: WESTFF.L'Y 77.2 ACR~S OF I~OT 1 IN HLnCY. "K" OF THL•' KRAI~tF:R ~l'dAC: AS S~TOWN ON A IrWp RCCORDED IN BOOK 12, YAGES 87 AT 88 OI' MISCELLANLOUS RECORDS OF TFiL•' COiJNTl' OF L~OS AN(:r',L•F~, LYING SOUTH$RLY' OF TH~ r_~ziTF:RLTtJE Ox' T.HE LAND DESCRIBED IN ~HE DBCD T~ rE.C STATE 0~' CAT.TFORNIA RECORDED MAFCH 11, t937, ZN RUOK 872, pAGE 3C0 OF OFFICTAL RECORDS. E~!CEA'P TFIAT PORTTON LYING SQUTIiFRLY OF T.HE IN~RTHERLY I~T*IF QF THL I..AND DESCRISGD IrT THE D~ED TO SANTA FL; l~I~ND IMYROVEMENT COMPNJY, RECORDL•'D MARCH 4, 1910, IN BOOK 177, PAGE 263 OF .DFED OF SAID COUtiTS', WHERBAS, the Citx Planning Commission did hold a public hearing a.t t:he Civic Center in the Ci~y ~f Anaheim on January 3, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., n~tico of said public hearing having bean duly given as re,quired by la~, a:id in accardance with th~ provisions of r.he AnahQirn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, tn hear and cunsider evid~nce Eor and ag~inst said proposed cand.itional use permit and ta invest~ic~ate and mako findings and recommc~ndations i.n connection therewitki; arid WHE~kE..S, said Cummission, aft~r due inspoction, fnvestiqation ancl srudy made by itself and in :its bahalf, an6 after due consi~~eration of all ~videncE. and r~ports off~;ed a~ said hear.ing, daes ~ind An~i determine the f:allawing facts: 7.. That t2~e pe~itioner reSuesls approv~l of a coni~itional iisc.~ permi.t under ttuthc~r.ify of Code Section 18.4~.050.130 to perrnit; a churcti with waiver of lhe f~illou.inq ur~der auChority of Code Section 1II.06.080: ~~~ ~ i c~ t~_;,s _~ 8~.¢~.`~ Q 212 ~ ~t _ _ --~~' 1 _ p f_ .. _r k i _ c _. : ~ M:iriim m nuir, P~. _~.~ ~,~~ce~. 1-~s~•~•~~-t.~l? (?37 reqi.~ired; 1~1 exist3ng) in:4§_,_9~Q,ozs~. ~..9.s.Q~~~ R ~0 2.~~. s^.nd 1 t~ ~~Q~~~9s54 Z~ ~~hu~ the pac•Y..ing wai•rer will noC ~ause an izi~roas~ .{n txag£ic :on~QStion in tt-e .immodiake viciiiity nor :idversely af~"ect any adjoinfn~ land use~ and qranting aF t;ha parking w~eiver undgr tY,e conditions imposeci, it any, wi11 n~t be detri.mbntal to rhe pea.ce, healCh, safety t~nd genoral welfare o~ L•he ci.tizc~ns of the City cf Anaheim. 1217r yl_ FC 90-04 ~t,~g;a ! ~~~~:,, ~ 3. Tha~ the proposed use wi11 noL• ~dvursc~l.x aEfoc~ the aclj~ining lt~nd uses arad the grow4h ar~d developmonC of thQ ~trea in whi.ch it i~ propost~rl ~o be located. A, Tha~ L•he sizo arid shapQ af tha ~ite ro~os~d for Che u~o is adequate ta 3llo~a the Lull davelopmexit of the prop use in a mann~r nut detrimontal to the parkic.ulax area nor to tho ~~; ~, l~ealth, sa~ety and gen~ral wc~lCare of. the Citizen$ of l•he C.ity of Ana.heim. 5. That the granting of. the Conditional Use P~rmit under the c~nditi~~ns imY~osecl, iE ariy, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, healkh, safety and g~nQral weltare of ~he Citizens of the City of Ar~aheim. B. Thr~t the tra£f.ic gerierateti by r,ho proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the stroe~s nrid h.ighways designed ancl improved to carry the tr3ffic in the aro~. 7. ThaL- one person indicated the~.r presEnce at said publie hoaring in oppusitiori; and L•h~t no cor.responde~nce ~~as reaozvod in opposzti.an ~o the subjeci: petitioti. ~,ALIFOkN~A ENVIROrrt~:NTAL ~,~JF~LTTY A~T__FIND2N~: That th~ Anaheim City Planninq Commissiars has reviewod thU proposal to permit a church wiL-h waiver of. rc,:nzmum numb~r of parkiz~g spaces on ~n xrregularly-shapQd parcel of land consisting o£ approxirnateiy 2.91 ~crQS, having a frontage af npproximatoly 1,000 P~et on the south sido of Orangett~orpe Avenue, havzng a maximum depth of approximahely 135 £eet, being located approximately 900 foot east of the centorline of Mi11~r Street anrl fur~her desr.ribed as 3452 and 3454 East Orang~t2iorp~ Avenue (L~ake Center Shoppi.xig Center); and doQS hereby ~pprove L-he Negatzve Dcclaralion upon finding ~ha~ i.t tias consiuersd che Npgative Declaration tog~ther w.i~h any commonts received during the public review process and f.urther finding on thQ basis of ttie i:iitial study and any comments receiveci that ct~erc- i~ na subs~;aritial evi~lence t}iat the proaect will have a signxficant effect on th~ environm~nt. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESULV~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does t1P,I•eby granL• subject Potition Lor Conditianal Use PQrmit, ugon the ~ollowing condi.tions whi.ch are heraby found tu be a necossary prerc~quisite Co thQ proposod use of the subject proppr•tx in ordor to preserve the ~afeky and gQneral vrelLati-e ~E the Citizens of. the City of AnahQim: 1. ~ That trash storagn areas shall be provided ar,d mainta.inod in a].ocal•ian acceptable to tho Stre~t Maintenance and Sani.tatio:~ Divisiori and in accordance ~+ith approvod plans on Ei1e with sa?d L~ivis.ion. 2. * That all air conditioning facilities and other roof and ground motint•ed equipmenl: shall be praperly ~hieldeci from vier~, -2- PC 90-U4 ~ ~'-0 ~ ~i!~4 ` ~ 3. * Tha~ the proposal sha1:1 comply with a11 signing requirements ~t the CL + "Commercia.l, LimiL•ed" Zone, un].ess a variances allocaing sign waivers is approved by thQ City Couric.il, Planning Commission or 'Loning Admi.nisL-z~atoz~ . 1. That subject proparly sliall be deve'lnped substantially an accordance with p1~3ns and spocifications submitte~l to the City of Ana;ieim by the pPtitioner and which plans are ur file with thQ Planning Depurtment marked Exhibit Nns. 1 and 2. F, That prior to co~n~nent.em~nh. of tne ac~iv.ity authorized by thi~ resolution or witkiin a geriod of one (1) year fxom tha date of: this resoluti.on, whichevex occizr~ f.irst, Condition Nos. 1 thr.oi.igh 4, above-rnentioned, shall bo compli.c~d with. Ext~nsions for f.urther time to complete said cond.itii.ons may be granl-.ed in accordance wi.th Section 18.03.090 of L•he Anaheim Municipal Code. 6, That th.is conditioiial use permit is aprr~ved for a period of three (3) ysars ~intzl January 3, 1993 at wPiicYi ti.me the conditional use pQrmit shall expire unle~s a time extension is requested in writinq ~y the ~~etitioner ~nd ~p~roved by the F:lannirxg Commission or City Council. 7. *'Pnat appr~val ut rhis application constitutes approval of the proposea req~aest only to the e:ctent that it compl.ies with the Anaheim Municipal Z.oning C~de ancl ariy atY-er applicable City, State and Faderal regiilations. Approva.l ~ioes not include any action ox fincii.ngs as to aompliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinanea, regul~L•ic,n or requirement. C~nc~itions marked with i~n asteri~k (*) are re~uired by esta.blished laws, codes, zec~ulations and agr.eer.~ents and are riot subject to negotiation. BE IT FUP.TFiF.R [2ESOLVED that the Anaheim CiL-y Pl.anning Commiss.iozi does her.eby find and d~termine thlt adoi~~ion of this Resolutiun is sxpressly prPdir.a~ed upon applicant's compliaizce with each etnd all of the conditions here~nabo~•e set fortti. Should any such conditions, or ~ny part th~reo£, ~Q dec~arec7 invalid or unenforceable by the fina7. judymont of any court of campetent jurisdiction, tiien l•his Resolutii~:, and any approvals heroin contained, shal'1 be deemed nuZl and void. TH~ FOREGOING ItESOLUTIUN w s adop~ed at the Flannzng Commission meeting of January 3, 1.9.9'0.' ,- _ ,~ . / - _ , . ~ ti:_.,~.- ~~~~~~, =r~_c. %~" ~~ --- •-- --._ CHA'IRMr,N~ ANAE~GTT~ CTTY PLA dING COMMISSION ATTEST: /; ~ ,~ , J~ ~.= ,i j . . ; ' ~ ' ; ' ; • °-------- ----•---- -- A~I1~iG SECRE'CARY, NNIAHET*; (;.CTY PGANNING COh4fI5SI0N .' i ~ -3- E~C 90-09 ~ . , ~ ~'~ ~ `~,r ~~ ~~ ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNI,~ ) COUNTY 0~ ORANGE ) ,S, CTTY OF ANI~I~IEIM ) I, Janet L. Jense~r., Secretary of Che Anaheim Cit~r Planning Commis,;ion, do hsr.eby certif g ~ ~~~~p~~~i at a moe~ing of rhe nah im Ci ty F lannong Comm~ssion~ ~eld ons J n~~ary 3, .1990, by the tollowinc~ voLe of the m e m b a r s t h e r o o F: AYES: COA4dTSSTONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOiJAS, FGLDHATJS, HEf~LXER, HERBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE 110ES: Cf)I~gQISSIONERS: ABSFNT: COMMISS:I:ONEkS: NONL •~ , YN WITNESS WHEREOC, I havs 2iarzunto set my hand this '~'.;~ / o~,~~,:•'', ~ /' ' • , 1990. day , . -t- / ~./~ i'.~.~...r~,...._~.~.'. :~-;' . .,.~• ACZING SECRRTe~RY, T1~TAHEIM CITY PLAI~NING COMMISSION ~~ -4- ~i 1~`~~' . . PC 90-04