Resolution-PC 90-40~..,. Ftk~,~QLiIjTI. O~l N4~_ ~'~~~ Q A RGSOLUTION OF THF. ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TFlA'r PETtTION FOR VARIANCG NQ. 4027 H~ GRANTCD, IN PART WfiEREAS, the Anaheim Ca.t,y Planning Commission did zeceive a vexified Pa-:ition Eor Variance for certain r~a1 praporLy situai:ed ?n the City oE Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described ~s follaws: LOT 208 OF TRACT N0. 2332, AS 1'ER btA~' RECORUED SN BOOK 63, PAGES 25 TO 28 INCLiJSIVE OF MISCEI.LANEOtJS MAPS, RFCORDS OF SAID ORl~NG.°. COUNTY. WFiEREJ,S, the Gi ty Platxning Commis~ion did holc~ a public hoaring af thP C.ivi.c Center in the City o[ Anaheim on Februlry 12, 1990, at 1:30 ~.m., not.ice of s:~icl public hearing having been cluly given as required by law and in accordance wiY.i~ the provisions uf the Anahoim Municipal Code, Chapter 10.03, to hear and consider evidence f.or.• ~ir,cl 3gainst said prapr~sed variance and t~ investigatu and make f~ndings and recommcndations in conni~ction tharawith; and WHCREAS, saiii Commission, after clue inspection, invQSLi~atio~ and sludy made by itseJ.f ancl in its k~ehali, and aPrer due consid~ration of all evidence and reports of:ferc>cl at said hearing, does find 2:~d t~etermine the follocring fact.s: 1, 'That. the pE+t:itione~ reruesC3 waivPr of khe followi»g to r.~tain an Qxi~ting paCio cover, raom enclostire and bathroom :ocated in the garage: ~ a ) S_~~T 7 SLN~~~,4 ~4~.LQZ.Q s?s~.Sj _~$s ~_4 6 G.t.4? ? 4 (b) ~F.~'rz2N 12~~~~463..Q?.4. (c) YE~'['InN..x4~2f2: Qfi~...4~Q i~.j.n~m~m dime~:i,Qn~f y~r~qe s~¢c,~,g. ( 2Q_t~e~g 2f~~~~, required; ~~.f~g~ 7~~_~fg~~ QX~st~~q> Minlm~m ~i~e~,~r~_s_q_~~~~k. (~_fe~~ requir~d; 1 fQg~ exisCing) Minimum fg~+r.~a~~~t;~a.~. (10_fe.~.C requir~d; $_~~ rzxisting) 2. That thQ above-mc~ntiUnQd waiver~ aze hereby granted, ir. p~rr, to retain onH ~epar•ate J.iving quarters instc.lft of two, on the basfs that the convc~rsior~ was ~:cisting khen rlie pc~ritionQr purchased subjecC prop~rty; and fui-thez• o~i tt~e basis L•hat there arn special circumstancos applicable L•o tho pc•opsrty such a:; size, shaPcr, r.opogr.aphy, locatinn asid ~urroundings whi:;h clo tiot apply to other identically zon~d pro~~erL•y ir~ tho ~ame vicinity; and that strict application oC tho Z~ning Code de~rives the propar.ty of privi.leges enjoyed by other grop~~rkies iu khe icler-tical zono and cl~ssification in the vicin3.ty. 3. That tY~r- requested varianr,~ is her~by grantod subjer.t to thc~ dividinq w,~).1 insicie the garagP I~eing romevnd znd tharebl allowing only one dwellinq unit ~o remal~n. ~~ ,. 129Gr -1- PC 90-40 ,, . k.~~ ~ ~~~, 4. That ttie patitioner sti~ular.Qd ~h~r the struc~ure would he rc~n~ed to onQ Lamlly or~ly. 5. That there are e~;centianal or extrtsordinary c.i,rcumstancos or conditions applicabla Co the proporGy involvod or to ~he intended use of th~ property ~haf: do not apply g~r.orally ko the~ propRrty or class o.f use in the ,ame vici,aity and zone. ;~•; 6. That t2ie requQSted vaz.iance is necessary far thQ preseL~vation at~fl enjoyment of a~ubstantial property right poss~gSQ~ bx othar Property .in tr~e same vicinity and zone, and dexiiod to the property in quas~ion. 7. That Che requested variance will n~~ be ma~eri111y dQtr.imenta] t~ the public welFare uL• injur.lous to hhe ~roparty or improvemen~s in ~uch vicinit.y and znne iri whir.h the proper.ty .is lor.ated. ~• ~h~t tio uric~ indicated their. presencQ at said public hearing ; in opposition; and lha~ no correspondence was received in subject petiti~n, opposition to CALIFORNIA ._Et~VTRQN?•1ENTAL QT;ALrTY _ ACT FINDiN ; Directo~ or his autharized re Y ~ The Plannirig project faJ.ls within tha defiri t on ~ofl CategoY• cal r~xemptions~ C a5sr 5 osa~ de`ined in tlie Stato EIR Guidalines and is, there`ore, cateqorically exempt from thc requirement to prep,-~re an EIR. NOW, TriEREFpR~, nE Ir RESOLVED t:ha~ the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission does hareby grant subject Petition for Vari Followinc~ conctitions which are hereby found to be a necessar ~nC~~ upon the the propesed u,e of ~he subjecl•. property ir~ order to prese ve~thee~af~ty@ana general welLare of the Citiz~~is of thA City oi Anaheim: 1• * That plans yhall be submitted Co the Duilding Aivision stiowing compl.iance wi~h tl:e minim~xm sCan3arcis ~t the Ci~y of t~naheim, including the Uniform Bui7.di.nq, Pliimbirg, Flec*_rical, Housing, Mechanical nnd Fire Codes as adoptod by the C.ity of Anaheim. The approprxate pormits shall be obtained for .~ny nec~ssary wor;c. 2. That subject. propert.y shall be devoloped substantially in accordanc~ wikh plzns and specificat:ions submittecl to thp City o.f Anaheim by tFie peL'i;ioner and which plans are on Eil~ with the Planniny DopartmenL- rnarked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, howQVer, that t.he divid.ing wall inside t;he garaqe sha11 be removea leaving only one (1) dwolling unit inside the converted gar~ge. ;r ;r4 3. That the l~yal owner or. sub'ect; ~ anr.~ reutal of Che subjoct convert dr~,~rage tc•lonly ne~(1) hfamilyPandy Lurthermore, shall rQcord an unsubord1natec5 covo:~ank against the PrdPQr~:y so-restricting thc cccupancy of said qarage unit. Said covenant shall be subrnitted to the Zoniny Divizion ~or transmittal to the CiCy attornc~y's Uffic~ for. reviow and approvaz priur to rccord3tfon with the OEfice ot ~h~ Oranqe County Recorder. Pro~f of rPCOrdation shall then be submitted to tho 2r.nSng Divis:on. -2- pC 90-40 S' ~ ;.^,• ~ ,.;;r' 4. That Conditi.on Nos. 1, 2 a.nd 3, abnve-mc~ntionod, sha11 bo campleted within a poriod of iiinaty (90) days f.rom the datQ of thia resoli~tion. 5e k Tha~. approval of this application cons~i~utes approv~tl of tho propos3d request only to the extetiL• that it r.arnplies with tlie An~hoim Munici~41 Zoning Code and any ~ther applicable Cii:y, State ~nd I'edez~al recJ+~lations. Approval cloes n~t .includa zny nction or findings as to coir~ liatxca ar approval of. kh~ r.equQSt r~garding any otl~ier applicable ordiilanc~, regulation or requiremt~nt. Conditions marked with an asteris~ (*) aro roqu3.rQ8 by Qstab:lished law;~, codes, ~•egulatior~g and agreements and are not subject to z~egoL-iat-ion. BE '!:T FURTHER R~SOGVED that thca An~h~im Ci~y Planning C~mmission d~e;~ hereby find and detez•mine t:hat adApti.on of L•his ~teao.luti.on is expresa7.y pr3dicated up~ri applicexnt's c~mpliance w.ith zach and ~11 of the conditiona hereinabove sot forth, Shou].d any sucr, condih.ions, or any part thereof, be declareQ invalid or. unenforceable b~ the firial judgmun~ ~f any rourt af competent jurisdiction, thcn t.liis Resul.ut.ion, and ar.y approvzls herein contain~3, shall b~ Q~emed null and void. THE :'CREGOING RGSULUTION was aaopt~a at th~ Planning Commis~ion meeting ~f I'ebruary ].2, 1940. /: " ' i/J /" J/~--- -~-- ~ - ~ ` , ~,.. ' C~ -f ;;~ ._ - G fC / /.~y_./ C;J i' . ~ -~"' ~-'C.c~ •~ i.~,.~..•' CI~AZPWOMAiI, PRO TEMPOF'E ANAHEIM CI1Y P ~ANNING CU;v4rfISSION ATTF:ST: ~ ~ ' ~ , ~~ __ _ ~~-~ ~ - ~~------~-~-~---~Ly ---_-- S~CRET.'~42`!, ANAFiF.TM CI'IY PLANNIitG COMMISSION ;;TATE OF CALIF'ORNI~- ) COUN'tY. UF ORANGE ) ss. C.CTY OF ANAHEIM ) T, EditYi L. F~arris, Secretary of the rnal~eim City P.lanning Commission, do hereby certify that th~ foregoin~ resolation was pas~ec~ and adopted at a meeting oF the Anaheim r_arY planning Commission held oii ~'ebruary ]2, 19gp by the fo]..lowing vr,te of the members thereof; AYES: C0~4rS'CSSIONERS: BOUAS, DQYDSTUN, FELDFiAUS, HELLYER, MESSE, MC BURNEY NQES: COt~lISSIONERS: NONE AbSEKT: COMb:ISSTON~FSr HERIIST IN WTTNESS WHL•'I.<EnF, I havc~ hereunto set my hand o: ~,J~ _ :199G. ~ ~ ( ~.~f, ~ ' / v, _ ~~~.~. ~ ~ ~ SEI:R~~ AN:~HLIM CIZ'X PLJI:INING COMMISS't4N this ~~ day "~' PC AO-40