Resolution-PC 90-41. ,,' +'A'• R '~S .Q~L~_T_34~L N~r.P~.4..2-4.?~ ~.cWrrq 1 A RESOLU'xION OF TI~TF ANl~HE:ibi GITY PLANNING CUNB~IrSSION THAT PFTTTION FOR VA~2IANCE N0. 40?.~ FiE GRIINTED WKERr~AS, th~ An~h~im Cit~- Planning C.ommiss3.on did receive a veri£ied Petition ~or 'Vxxian~e Lor certain real property situ~.te~ ~.n the City oP Anarieim, Couri':y of Orar.ge, Stat~ of Califo~ni~, d~scri~ied as follows: LOT 24 OF TRACT 8465 AS P~R MAP THEREOF RECORDED TN BOOK ~13, k'AGES 4£3, 49 AND 50 OF t~ISCELLANF~UUS MAPS IN THr OFEICE OF THL. RECORDER AF SAID COL'N'PY. C4H~REAS, i:he CaCy Pla:nning Commiss~.on did hold a publir. hearing at the Civic Cent~rr in tho Ciry of Ar~nhe:m on February 1'l, 1990, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of saiii publia he~rinq ha~ring b~en diily given as required by law and in accordance wiLh the pravisions of the Rn3heim Munzcipal Code, ~hs~pter 18.03, to h~ar and con~id~r evidence for and against said propo:;e~< <yariance and to invostigate and make findings and rkcommeridations in connection tY:arawit2~; and WHFREAS, said Commission, aftQr clue inbpection, inve,stigation an~ study made by itsolP and in i.ts behalf, and after aue cons.ideration or all evi.dence and reports offered at said hearing, does ~ind and determine the fol].nwing facts: l. That the pQtitioner requcsts waiver of ttie following to retain a grcund-mo~a~zted satellzte dish: SE~TIQN 1~~4,042~Q~4 - i'__r~hit~i~,.-~d~r.ound-mounsgd 2c{~.i•Pmen~. (n~gro,•-n~=mg~nt.~+~,_~a~~llite di~Y}~ permitred in t1iQ Sceni.c Corridor Overlt~y Zone; .~n_ e 1QVfg~4 diameter grour~d~*iountg~l ~lish ~xisting) 2. That the above-mentionod ~Waiver is hereby grantod on the basis that the ~atrt'•.ite dish shall bo lowerod and completely screenec] from vit~w and that ~here are agecial circumstances applicab'le ~o ~1~~ pro~erty such as size, shape, topoqraphy, loca~ion and surroundings .+2~ich do nor apply to ocher iclentically zon~d property in the same vicinit-y; and that stx~ic:t Hpplicatior of ths Zuning Code dfprives the proporGy ot ~rfvileqes enjoyed by o'~hor propertios in tl~e ident.ical zoiie and clascification in the ~~:.:inity. 3. Ttiat there are oxc~ptional or extranrai.nary circumstances or conditions applicable to L-ho property invo~ved or to the inten~a3 ~sa of ths property that do not apply gonerally to the property ar class of use in thn same vicinii:y and zone. 4. That the requNStad var!:+nce is necessar;~ for the pr~servation and enjoyment of a substaiitial proper.ty right possessed bl other proporty in the sacn~ vieinity aad zone~ and cleniad to the proparty in question. 1297r ••1- PC 90-41 ~~ . , ,~'~ r,: 5. ThaC the reguested variance will nat be mat~rielly dotrzmerital to the public w~lfare or i.~ijurious to tho pxop~rky or improvements in au::h vicinity ur.d xonr~ in which Chc~ proporty j,y ,lpr,~~@d, 6. Thak no one indic.z~ted their pre~ence at s~id p,iblic hearing in opposition; and that no cor.re3pondencc~ wa3 rece3vecl in opposiL•ion to subject ~atition. AL~F,QRN]:A Ey:I~NAl~;NTAL QUAI,ITX A~~' I'INBI~: Tha P7.anning Direr.tor or his authorized rEpresentaLive has aatQrmined that tho ~Sroposed project fA~ls w.ithi~ the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the State~ EIF2 Gixidolinss and is, thrzrafore, cateqorically Axempt £r.c~m thc~ rQquirement ta prop~re an E2F;, NOh', THEREFORE, }3E IT RESOLVED that tlie Auaheim City ~lanniny Commission does hereby grant• subject Petitiou xor Variance, upon ~k~e fol:towinq conditions which are hereby found to be ,.. necessary pr~requ.isito to the proposed use of tt:~r subjeet property in order to presarve the safety ~nd geziaral welfare of tlxe C.itizens or". th~ City of Anaheim: 1. * ~hat plans sha11 be submitt~d to the Building Div.ision showinq c~mpliance with tkie minimum standar.ds of the Czty of Anaheim, xncludirig l•he Uniform Buildinq, Electrical, Mschanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the C9.r,y oP Anaheim. ThP appropri~te permits shsll be ~btained f~r any nac~ssary work. 2. T1iat subjec~ proparty shall be developed substantially in accordance. with plans and specif.zcations ~ubmitted to tYie City ot An;aheim by tho petitioner and w:hic`+ plnns are on file with the P2annix~g Dep~rtment marked Exti~bit Nos. 1; provided, IiowQVer, t:hat the s~tellitP dish sh~ll be ].owered. ar~d t~dditianal screening sha11 be provid~cl izi ortler that it be comple:e].y hid~3en from view. 3, 'Plist Condition 27os. 1 and 2, above-mQntioned, shaYl be completed within a peri~d of sixty (6Q) days From the date of' this resolution. 4. * That approval of this app]ica+tion conatitut2s approval of the propoaed requQSt only to the extenL• tY~at: it comk~] ies with the .Anahc~im Municipal Zoning Code and any other a~;plicable City, State anCl Federal regulations. Approval does not inc~ud~ any action or findings as to camp~iance uL~ approval of the request regarding any oth~r applicable ordinance, regula~.ion or requiremer:t. Conditians ma*:ked with an asterisk (*) are raquirecl by eskabliahed laws, cudes, regulat~ons and agreements and are not sut~jer,t to neqotiatinn. BE IT FURTHGR RESOLVED r_;~~t ttic~ Anahoim City Pl~nning Commission does hereby find and cleter.mine ~hat adoptiun af ~:his Resolution is sxpres~ly predicated upon applican~c's campliance with gach and all ot' ttie cnnd3.tions hereinabove set forth. Shou.id any such conc~itions, or any part thereof, be declareQ invali.d or unenforceable by the final judgment of any courr. of compeL•er..t jur3.sdicL•iur~, then this [tesolution, and any appro•~a1s herain contained, sha~1 be deemed null and void. -Z- FC 90-41 v_,.~... ~. , I Y~ • ~ ~~!w~!',,.,_, ......_. _.. . . .. . :,c ,y. . ..,, ,r•"^• . ~ . i..l ~1 THE FORE;GOING RESOLUTION was adoptad at ~he Planninq Commisyion mee ting of Februar.y ll, 1990. r~ . % ~ ,,~ ,~ /,> .,y__._ f_,~ ,j~ . /:, ~~t c.a~~/--~%'~-~r 4,'`i~=~~e(.c..~~..~ ~~. CHAIRI~~MAN PRO T~MFOI~',E7~~ ANAHF.IM CITY PLAT;NTNG COMMISSTON T~ ~r , ;, ; `,~ ~ 71TTEST: `~ ~..~ y~' ~ __.__._-- SECRETARY, ANAHF.IM CITY PLANNING COI~SMISSTON STA.TE GF CAL,Tk'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'TY GF ANAHEIM ) I, ~d~th. L, Harris, Secretary of the Anal~Qim C.ik:y Plenning Corr.mission, d~ hereby certify that the foreguinq r~solutic~n was passed and adop~ed at a mQetxng of t:he Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion held on r'e.bruary 12, 1990 by the ~ollowi;~g vote ot~ r.he members thereof: AYE5s COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BnYDSTUN, FrLDHA(J5, HELLYEIt~ MESSE, MC IIURNEY NOE5; COMMT~SIONE~tS: NONE ABcENT: COMMl55IONERS: HERBST J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here~anto set my hand tY~is ~.~~-~ day of •~ 1990. ~ ~n ~ ~ ~ . ~- -{ ~~~~ '/~.~_~..r -Q~ ~u'ECR~,TARY, A.NAHEIDS CI'TY FLANDIING i:OMMISSION -3- PC 90-41 ., { ' _~; ;r :'~ ~