Resolution-PC 90-42.~ ~ ~.
~.'°..1.!'.~~ ~ • ~ •
nE;_sgc.uTiori_.~r~ ._..YC 90 -~ ~
WfiF,RF:AS, t:hc Ar~nhcim C.ity E'lanninq Comrni;~aion did reca.i.vo a
ver.iticd i'E:~itior~ i'ar Vt~ri.ance for certz-in real pro~ei•Ly situated in the City
of Anahe~im, Count.l o[ Or~inge, St;ite of Ca]i[ornia, ciescribecl a5 f.allows:
PARCET. ].7, AS PEIt MAP E'lLED I~T E300K 207., PAGF.S 41 'i0
':~H'r.RF.AS, the ':i Ly P3~nr:inq clid. hold a pul.>:.ic heariag
at the Civir, Cr~nt.c~~: .in the Cit.y <~r on FEbruary L2, 1990. at 1~30 p.m.,
n~~tic.e ot pu'r~l ic near. inq 2~~ivang been duly given as requir4d by, law nnd ln
,~rr.o• ;l,~nce w_'rh th~~ provisions oC th~~ Anaheim Municipal Coc1e. ChaPter 18.03,
to hcar ~nd consi~]er rvidence for ~in;i <~qain;t. ;,c~i<i proFosed ;~; riancQ and lo
i:~ve;t.ig~~Le ~ind m~.kc fiiidin.3s and recommenclat~ons in connection :.herewith; ~nd
4,FiF,RE1.S, suici Commission, aCter du~ inspect.ion, invest.igati~~n
and sttiuly made hy itse ~ i and in its T:ehalf, and afCer clue cons.ideratSon of all
evide-:c~ an:l reports oCfer~d at said 'nearin•a, does find and dotQrmine the
frlloainq facC^:
1. That ti-e petit:ioner re:~~iests waiver of the following to
cstablish a ~i-loL- CG(Sc;) "Cocnmr_rci<i1, QFCice and ProfPSSio:ia.l - Scenir_
Corrido~ Overlay" 7.o-~e :,ubdfv~sinn:
(a) ;~~cticn.lE.~1.i?0 - Ftequir~~ci__lot_~r~nt_~ge.
(required; all lots to Eran.t____Qn____~ _p~~iic
^.~rr_et ~r_ aliey;
pro~~o:;ed: P_~rcel ttos. 1 through 4 hav~ no
L: r) r.'; ~g e)
~ti~~ ~io±r'i.:Ofl._1(j.~ia_.(}~)~..~~~u - 1~lillfl'1411~! $1<<'_. iJ_Cfyc_1.
(~aquirc~d: minimur~ 2O,OOU__sg._f1:._ lot size;
pr-~~io;~ed: Yarcel. tios. 1 through 4 ranyc from
5~-~~~-''-to---~9.97~ sq. f.t. )
7.• 1`iar_ the abev~-rentioned ti+aiver:; are ts~~reby granred ~r, the basis
that there are special cirrt~mstances aE>p~ical-r.e to the prope:ty such as s.ize
=.hap~, t~op~c~: aphy, loc:-tion ana surroun~linqs xhich do not apply :.c othe;
i<'.~nti~•~lly zcsned pr~•uertJ in r_hc sam~~ vicini~y; ~nd *~tiat s~rict application
cf th~ Zoning Code ur~F,r.iv~~r. ~he property of privil~ges enj~yed by other
gsrojurrt.ic~s In r.tie ic3enLir:+l zav;e a;~ci cl~::;s:[irat:or, ir. thn vicinity.
12`11r -3 - P!: 4~-i2
;t. That t:h~i-~ are c~xcoptional ox
con~li~ions t~ppli.cab2.o to t.i~~3 pi-oporty involvec
property th..t do no~ ~pply qc~nerally to the
same vi;:iniry and zcne.
axhraorclin~ry circum~tances ar
9 or to tk~o intonclett uac~ of the
propQrty c,r class of uso in the
4. That the requ~sted variatica is neces~~sry f•or the preservation
and Qnjoyme~nt of a sub ~tanL.ial ~roper~y rlght posse~sed by othor proporty in
the samc~ vicini~y and ~on~, and deniQd to the prnpert:y in quasti~n.
5, ~hat: the rr~que5led varie~nce will r.ot be ma~erial~y detrimental
to thc~ nub~ic welfare o~.• in~juriou~ to tYie Fraperty or improvementg i:- euch
vicinit}• ~and zone~ in which the proFerty is )~~cated.
6. T}~at: no one indicated their presonc~e a~ said public hearinq ia
opposition; an3 thar_ no cnrresponc7a+~~e was rer.aived in opposition t~ subject
~AI,,T~ORNIA._ENVIRONMGNT}~t, QU~I.ITa__I~~T__F'INDItI~~_;. That ~nvirUnmental
Impact Rc~pori: No. 25ti, w~.s pieviously certifi~.•d by the Git.~- Coi~ncil on June 8,
I9b2 in conjunckion with thQ r~viged Bauer Ranct- General E~lz~n of. Dev~lopment
f~r ArFas 1, 2, 3 anc: 7; chat a-i adci~ndum Co F.IR No. 256 was previously
approvad in conneci:.ion w~th Cor.ditiont.l Use Fermit No. 2541t thet the Anaheim
City Planninq Commission has raviQ~;ed the pro~,osal. to establish a 5-lot C~(SC)
(Comrnercial Office and ProE~ssior~al; ~ce~i.i~ Corriclor Overlay) Zone subdivision
w.ith waiver~ of required lot fronCage and minimum sit~ aroa ~n an
irx•c~qularly-shlpec~ parcc~l of ].and consisting of approximately 2.13 acres
locateci at the ~,:he northea3t cornor oE R~o:tevelt Road ~nd Mcnte Vista Road;
based upon Lhe .initial study pr~pared Eor this propusal and that any comm~nts
receiv~d, it is ~3etermined tha~ no additional impacts above Cl~ose previously
a~cirefi~ed in EIR tto~ 256 and ite addsndiim are generatied by subject proposal
and tharefare, it is hereby cietermined tt~ut the previ~usly approvec~ EIR No.
256 and its addendutn are adequate to serve rs the required environmctntal
dncumentation tor ~his projecl; and does hereby Approve the Heqxtive
G~claration upon [ii~cl.irig ~hat it 1~as considerell the Neqative Declaratiott
togeti:er witS: Environmer~tal Impact Repor~ t~o. 256 and an addendum tio EIR N~.
256 and any comments racei.vcrd during the public review procesa and furthsc
Einsinq on the basi.s of the Infr,ial Study and any c~rr.rients recei.ved that there
is no sabt~tant:ial evidence that Che proj~ct wi] 1 have a slqnif'cant effer.t on
the enviranment.
2tOW, THEREIORE, EiF: I7' RESOLVF:D lhat th~ Anal~eim C`_ty Planninq C~mm.fssion
does fiQraby grant subj ~r,t F~~ition tor Variance, upnn the following conditions
al~ich are her~by td hn ~ necessary prerequisite to tho proposed us~ ot
the subject propnrty in order r.o pr~scrve the sa[ety ~ind general ~+elfare oE
Lhe Citizens of the rit,X of
1. ;hat prior to i~,uar~~e of ;~ builcliny E~E~rmiC, th~ leqal property ovner
nhall c~mpletc one of !,•is f.o11o++Eng:
(a) '~r~:el Atap :Io. pQ-109 in th~ Ottfc< of the Or;~ngct Counr.y
Rscorder; nr
PC ~0-12
Cbrre~.tcc1 3/I>/'1n
(b) Record a covenant, revieweEl and approved by the City Attorney,
r.~ver~ar~tir.q t}~at tli~ subject property i.s noL ciarrently in vio3ation
of t.h~ Subdivisi~n Map Act; and thrat priox to ~tty tiction wh3ch will
cox~stituCE a subdivi;;io~- ~.ncluding sala o~ a~iy structure
co~ist:r.i-c.ted oi: the subject prop~rty, the ~w;~er shall record a
parcel map appro~~Ed by the City nf An~heim wtiich conforms to r.he
City's requirements relativE~ tu setb%~cks, F'ire Cocte limJtatio»s aud
all other. items which woul~i have bnen r~quired if th~ par•cel map
had been pr.ucessecl at the time rhe structurea wero conskrticted.
2. * Tl.:-t drain~ge oE sub; c:C property s:,al.l be provided in • m~nner
satzsfactor.y to tlie City F~tgineer.
3. *~'ha~ pr.ior to issuance of a buildir.g,, the ap~~zopriate sewer
assessm~~nt fee shsll be paid t~ tl~~E• City of Anzheim in an amount
determined by the City En7ineer.
4. ThaC an unsubordinatecl reciprocal a~ce.:,s an~ ~arking a~reement, in a
f'orm satis£.actory ~o c1iE~ City ~ttorney, 5}~all be recocde:l with tne
Off:ice ot t:he Orange Coiinty Fecor.cler. A copy of tye,~ recorded agreFSmPnt
sh~sll then be submi.~ted tc~ thr Z.~ninq 1)ivi ~:un.
5. *'r11a~ ~xre sprin;clers shall b~r inStalled as ceqGired by t}ie CiCy I'ire
Uepartmr~nt .
G. 'I'ha~, ~s required. }~y t1;,~ ~i~y ;ire Ue~~artme~nk, the Lol,owing shail be
comi;l.ieci with:
(a) °~ci: builci.iny ;:}i~l~t be equi.pped with a separate Eirt~ service lins.
(b) The main watc~c line ~::tendir~.~ ct~rouyh the cocnmon parcel shall be a
public. main ard shall be equi~ped with a piiblic hydrant.
(c) 'The co~enants, cond.itions acid resL•rictions (CC b~ R's) shfl21 b~t
recordcd wir.h the Uffico of t}se Oranqe Count;y f2ecerdec• lo govern
:;ubject ~ro I~'ct• and shall include p:ovisiuas for ;nain~enance oE the
pri~~at.e water lines to the satisfact'.or~ of the Fire Depar.trnent.
Proot a( said re~curdrd CC ~. R' , s:~ail be submittecl to tho ~oning
7. * ThaL grior to issuance ~f i buil.dinc~, t}ce apprapri:sLe fees due
for px;,n.+r}• riains and fire ~r,~tec~iun !iCSV1CC sha1; be paid to the Water
-'tiliLy Di~isYOn i~z accorc:anrn wiLh P.,tiins 15A an!t 20 ~: the 4~atc~r
Utilit}• Ratr„ Riile , ancl Reqnla:.i,oitis.
3,a. That pr.{~r ~~, ia~u~nce oC a bui_;d'_ny ~ermit, the legal ownex oE s~'vjec~:
prop~rty ~t.711 :ledicit-F r_r. the City oE Anahefrr, a r,wpnty (2~1 foot s+!-~:e
wat:er line easemnn~, r~ ; rec~~iir~cl ny hhc: CiLy ~later Enqin~er.t-iy Oiyi~;on, That prtor ~o final builJir.g arsc2 xoning inspections, ~ rat~ac nystem luop
[:om Ct.iParra2 Court: to M~~nte Vist~ R~.;J :.;,a2I ac 3e~tync~d tor
icnplem~r.t..~r i~n, ~s rr,:~~;ir~~d ->y r_)~e Cir_y W~~.,~ f:nq:e~c~±rfr,~ ~Iviaion.
-s' PC 90••42
9. *'lh~t Lra,h sLor,~ge~ ar~as sha11 be provided ancl rnaS.ntrslned in n loc~t34r1
ticceptahlR to thc StrE~et MnintE~nc~nce and Sanita~ion Divi.sioii and in
accordane~ with a~~provecl pl~,ns on file with sa.lcl D.tvision. Such
inCorma~?on sha11 be si~UCific~~.l1y shawn on thA plans submitted fnr
bu.i.ld~ng per~m.Lts.
10. * That all lot^ tr.i~hin suUject siiL~divisir~n shall be s~rv~d by und4rground
11. * 7'hat pr.iur to i;,suance ~f a permir, hho app-~oNrlate major
r.lioroughfarU and bricige Cee shall be p~id ~o tI1P. Ctty of Anahcim in an
3mount ~e> speciti~ct xn Lhc~ Major '.Ci~nroughL~lrA and Bridge Fee f~~oyra~n For
the •r'oothi.ll/FasCern Trans~ortal:ion c'~i rid7r, as eslablisho<i Ly City
~OLISIC l l I"G'501UL1OT1.
12. * T}iaL prxo: r.o i5su:,~ice of ~; building permit t}-~; appropriate Craffic
`:ign~.i c1S5P!~~if1CI"lt fce S~~~t~..'. ~t' ~)i\.1(~ t0 t11:' i,l~:x OF A!7i]~lC.llll )l71 c111 a1T10U:lt
as ~nt~tb'! ish~ci by C_ty Council rc~s~~l~;;_ion.
13. Thal-. pr.ior tv i:,su~lncc ~'_' a building permir., the appropriate Eee sha:12
hn ~;.,i;; t~ ~~le ~i•l ~f AIi1;;ei~ r Sanr.a F,na Cclkl}~Otl Road rliuening
?~nc•poses as est~.:;,lishe~l by City Cuul:cil :esoluhion
14 .*`Ti~at g.~tes shal l not be iiistallec~ across any dr iveway iti a manner which
~^ny aftect veYiictilar access in t}-e adjacent r::;,~lic streets.
znstailatio~i of Tny gates s}iall conEorm to Engineer+:;g Sl•andard Plar. tlo.
402 and shall be subjecr_ r_o the reviuw and apr:uval of the City 't'raific
Engineer pr.ior to issuance ot a builr,ling ;:.~rmit.
:15. * Tliat pJ.~nS ;;t:alt bc submitt«;; Yo the riLy Tcaffic k:ngineer fr.r his
revicw and appro~al showiug conformance wit.h Er.qin~erinq Stand-ard Plan
tt,~s. 4~r,F, ~U2U ~~ :~., r,p, pcrtaining ta i~arking standards. Subiect
pronerty sh~ll ti:er~.:upon be <l~~•; r-:~E»~ ~.tir.d m~inLiine~~ in conCormance wif~h
said plzt~~.
16. ;ttar ~lrivew~iy, shn:i be t_onst;uctc~d with fifteert (15) f4ot rac:ius
~_urb return:> a~: rc~~uirecl hf Lhc Citf En~~i~;eer i.n confnrtnance :+Ith
~:n~iinarriiig SCand~rcl Pio. 137.
17. Ti:at uo ~~~~::.,or stor~r~e~ oL" equiptinEnt or mater. i:ils shall be pc :mitt~d.
'_~. 'I'hat Che rer.orded ~C&R's guverninq subject proj~ck stiall include
ar~visions for architert•ural ~'.es•iyn and siynaye~ compa~ibility aiCh other
or.-site sC:ucttires ~1r.d ;,iyns. ProoE ~~f. ;;aid recor~Qd docum~nt sha]1 bs
sUUm:i.iv~ ~;, ;.::~ Z;,..,.:y ~ ~.;~.on.
~19. * Thak z-11 lock~',~2e ~edAr~:~,r. ndior ~r,ces, gatos shr-11 be
rquS.pp~d wtth "!::.,,v i~~x" c;{ ~:; r~,cuirer! ~nd approved hy ~he City
Fire I?~~:nCt!,•,rt'iL.
2i1. * 1'tiat al l ai r cotid i t: i onir~g f 1~ i 1 i t;.es an~t oCt~er . ~uc ~r~d ground nounG~il
c~;uipraert :,h,~i: r~n_ (7f0(~~!KIf :il:icld~~~ f.~o:-; vie~. 5+.-ch intozmation shall
b~ ~pe~ificalay s:i~we: on ~:.~. r~:;,~i~ ;;,~r~,tr_r_<<t for pr:rmits.
~4- PC 90-42
~. ;~~,_ ,. .
21. * 4'tiat- ~~~iy rr~of-motinte~l c~c~uipmen~ sh~:11 bo subject ta Anah~im Municipal
Code SucL'ior~ 1Ft,84.OG2.032. Suc:h irifUrma-:i~n sha11 bti :;pocifically
shawn on L-he ~~.~ins submiCted L~r bui.ldlnq permits.
22~ Th1C the ~,ropusal shall ccmply with all ~i~ning requirements of L•lae
C'L(SC) "Commerciai, LtmitQd - Sc:c~nic Corridor Ovorlay" Zone, u~nless a
virianca allowing sicJri waivQrs is approvad by the City Council, Planninq
C~mmissiun or Zoning AdminisL-rakor.
~3. * That ligliting oE signage f.or subjQCt pr.~~pertt, shtill. bo prohibited the hours of midnight ~nd 6:30 a.m, tss spec.ified by Zoning Cade
Sec~ion 10.Q5.091.05~ "Limitations on S~gn Gighting" unleas a variance
ia ~~~plied Eor and qranted.
7.A .* TiiaL thr_ on--:.ita ~a>>d ,caping and irri.gation system 5~18i1 br~ main~ainQd
in compliance with City stanclards.
25. Th,it suY,jec;t propc;rL•y sha:l'1 be df;velopea stibstantially in ~ccordance
with plans a:;d :;pecificaCions submir_ted to Ch~ City of Ana;~eim by the
petitioner and wh~ch plans are on file wxth the Planning Departmont
marke.l Exhibit Nos. 1 t:hrouqh 3.
26. T}i~,t prior t:~i commencement oE Y:~e activity aut.horized by this
resoluL•ion, or ~:ri~>r to issuance of a building permit, or withi,n a
period oE onc~ ;1) year from tl~e ii~ate ~f. this rc~solution, whichever
occurs first, Condition 27os. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, Q.ct., 9, 11 tl-.ruugh 15, 18,
20 a~ici 21 abov~-mentinned shall be complied with. Extensions for
furttier time to completc~ said conditions may be grant.ed in accordanc~
with Sect.ion 7.8.03.~90 ~~ the A~iaheim Manicipeil Cod~~.
27. That prior to LiTial L~iiild:ng and zoninq inspectioris, Condition Nos. 5,
6, S.h., 10, 16 and 2F~, abr„~e-:ne~itio:iecJ, stiall be complxed wi~h.
2r3. Tt~r~t r.he rc~cordr~~ CCCRs shal.: he amondcd tc medic;al office use
an~l a copy oC t.he ~mer.clect CCSRs provideu to the CzY.y af. Anaheim.
29.* That: approval ot t}zis .ty~P.liC~tiOrl cons~itu~es ~~pproval of the prc;posad
requcast only to Lhc~ extent that it complip;, r~ith the Anaheim MunicipaZ
l~ninq Cotle and ~n~ other apPl.i.c:able City, 5rate ar.d Fecteral
rQqulatiuns. F.pproval does ~,ol: ii ac3e ~iny act!on or f:ir..dings as to
cornpli.~nce ur appr.oval ul ~he requrst reqarding any other a~plicable
ordinance, r~-~c~ula;,iun or requirem~nt. CondiCions marked with an
ast.E~risk (*} are re~su.ired by esfablisned laws, cades, regulations and
aqrre,~~en~s and arc nut subject r.o r.crgot istlun.
f3E IT FUIt'iNER FcESJLJfiD L•hat t_}~~, Anatic•'-~ C.ity F lanning Comrr.i.ssi~n
does herc~by finrl and c:r.kermine adup!.ion oL ~his RE~solution is oxprQSSly
preclicat~d upon applicanr,';; co:n;;liance w.itti e7ch ancl ~:.1 oE the co~:ditions
hereinabove get f~rtt-. 5hould any suc:s. ~,~,ndil:ions, or ra~tiy gt_~ ~ khQreot, ne
ci~clareci invaiid or ur.enforcc:ab.l~~ by the Ein~l ju.t~3ment af any caurt; oE
comp~l•r.n~ jurisdi:~tl~n, then this Rr~~olu~ion, ar~t .anf approvals hcrcfn
cor.tained, shall bs cJcr!~ncd null and void.
.. j_
PC ~10-42
{ :-ra~~.:;~.: ;. .
TfIE FOREGO'[NG RGSOLUTION w~is adoptUCl at the Ylanning CommiLSion
-neeting o[ F'obruary 12, 1990.
•-,~-'{/~~-~`'~l~`!.L.~'~ti~tf!-^ G2:.2. 7~:~_ .
_,~ L ~•'
CHI~IRW(7MAN PKO TGhlPOR~;~ / ~^ ~v_ _ -
----• -- ------ -GS~~.~'.__~~. -_ ~ --u`-'-'-.__....._..
r,pvr~~Y Or ORANG~ ) ,s,
, r. Edith L, fiarrx;, SecraCarY ~t the AnahPim City Planning
Cornir~issi~,3, do hereby certify that the resolutiun was passed ~n@
~ adopted at a mePting of the :,naheim City Planning (;ornmi~siou held on Februar,y
~ 12. 1990 by rhe followiiig ~~ote af khe members l•hereof:
M^cSS't:, D1C I3UFttiF.Y
f70~S: COMMISiIOti'r'kS: NUNE
A9SF.e7Ts CO'~4~lxSaI0t7LEi5: I~E:REiST
A Il•T WITNESS WFIEREOF, I have her~untu seL• my hand this ~~
o f~'~~.~!I.u _ 19 S~ 0. d ay
~ ,
~ ~> >
~' `_''.,~~1~~~
-----------~~..~~ . / .
4~' p~ 90-42