Resolution-PC 90-46[ZE~OLi~T~Ott_NU,_ PC9Q: Qfi A RL•'SUf UTION OE• THE ANA}IEIM CITY PI,ANNING CUM'rtI5SI027 'fHAT YETITION F~it VARIA.NCF. N0. 4p19 B~ UCNTED F7FIEFtEAS, tho Anah~im C.iCy F~lanninr~ Cnmm,ssion did recelve t~ varifi~rd E'~tition Eor Variancc for certain ro71 propQrty situated in tha Cit.y of Anahein, C:ounty uf. Orcing~, ~taCc~ of Calil'qrnia descrl~beci as: LOT 7 OF TEtACT N0. 15G1), AS PER MAi~ RECORDED IN BUOK Q5. °AGB 46 OP MISCEI,I.ANEJUS MAYS, IN TFiF. OFrICE OF '"IiE CUUNTY RF.CQRUF.R OC SAIJ COUN~Y. ~~1HERE,~i, the City Plaririi•.ig Commission d.id y~oia a~ublic heariny at the C.',vic CenCor .in ~he City nf An~he~im on „anuary 3, 1990, ~t 1:30 p,m., nor.ic~, of :-a.id pubSic hearing hlving bevn du:y given a~ requ;rFd by :aw and iu ~ccordanco with r.he provisions c,f r.t~e Anaheim Municipal Code, ChaptQr 18.0?, to h~aar and consider evidencc, f~~r ~nd aqainst said proposed var.iance and to investigat~ and mako find.ings aacl recommcndations .in connocti~n thFrewitti; and l-ha'c said hearing was conr.inu~d to the :n~eting c~E E'ebruary 26, 7990. WEfEREAS, sai~ Commissir~n, aftei• iiue inspection, investigation ~n~9 study made by itself and in it~; behalf, ar~~3 at'ter due consicieration of a.11 evidence and reports offerec? at said hea:iny, d~es fir:d and determine the fcllcwing far.ts: 1. Th~t lhe petit:oner requests waiver of the follo~rinq r.o r~~~ir~ a 379 sq.fr, accessor.y livin~ quartUrs: $F~T~QN 1Qil_ti_,Q3Q,.QZQ_ - Minimym lQt_s.iz~_fqr a~.~_~s~pr~!_li-~in~_gp31.~r~. (`~~.._~4S!~~.f_C,. required: ~,416 ~q,_,f~,, existfnq) 2. Tt~:.it t}:e above-ment:ions~d waiver. is r~ereby iienied ~n t:he basis that the cooking unit is illegal and that Code requires ~ lut 3ize of 1 acre (4~,560 :yquare f.eet) in order Lo maintai» ac;ressory Iiving ctuarters (or serv~nl's q~aarters) with or. without kitchen facil.ttzes, provi~3ed that said q~iarters be used only by persc;ns ~mployed on the premise:~ and are not usod for commercial purposes; and. that s~+bmitt.ed plans indicate the lot size is on.ly 0.21 acre (9,q16 square feet); that thpre ArP r.o special circum~kancea appiicablQ tu the propert~ ;;uch a~ siz~, ~t~ape, topography or ~urroundings, uhich do not app3.y to other identically zonud propec•t.iQS ir. the viciniLyf and Chat strict applir.atio:~ of r_he 7.o~iinq ~:ode does not deprive thE pcopPrty ot privi2eges enjoyed by othr_r prop~rties in idE~nt:ical :.on.inq classiflcc~tfon in t1~e vjcinity. 3. That r,he reque~~ed vari~nce is herF;by denied on the basis that it wou.ld set an un~lesirable precede»t .in L•h~2 RS-IOUQ zone Eor rental units; and th~r, approval was ~riginally ~qiven for a rumpur, room, wikh a brrh and stuYayc area to be u~QQ as an addition tu th~ cxistinq hom~, Hnc7 iC wars not su~spose to b~ used as a aeparar.e liviny quarters. 4. That ~hero ~~re no excpptional or extrpordSnary circtunst~n~ea ac conc~.irions ~ppi icabla ta thc properCy involvad r,c l•o ehe int~nc'ftcl ur~o of the properCy thaC do nor, ~pply qeneral:l t~ thc pro~erty or claas of ~ase in thA aar~e vicinity and zor-o. 1308r -1- PC90-46 5. Th~t the requeaCe~ v:~riance is not necnssary :Eor the pc~aservation and enjoyment of tt subsk,antial prop~r~y right posaessed by othdr propertx :in the sttme vicinitj and r.one, ~+nd dar.ied to tho propRrty in question. 6. That tho req,,-a3t~cl varianco will bH marer.iall.5- detr.iroontal to the Yublic walcar~ or injurious t~ tha ~r.o~orty or improv~m~nts in ~uch vicinity ancl zonci i~- wh.ich the prop-~xty is loc~-t~d. 7. Th7r therc w~re 6 persons ind.xc~ting cheir presenc~ at naid ~ubtic heari~ig tn oppositi.on; tkiat n potir,.ion con!.a3.ziing 28 siqnatures crRs racei.vod i.n o~.posirion to sub;ect petition; ~r.d that thQZe were 7 pQrsons pres~nt in fa~~or oE kt-e ~+ropnsal. ~1~T~1TF'QRNI_~___ FivVIROt~Et~TAC._QUAGITY _~~(;~_ FIND~~C: The blanning Cirector ~r his authorizocl representative has deter.mineci that thQ Qr~posecl pr~ject fal,s within the def.iniCion of L'ateqorical Examptions, Clasr~ 3, as defineci in thQ StatQ EIR GuidelinQS anc3 is, tliorofore, categarically ex~mpt: from thQ roquiremont to prepare an EIR. l1~W, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOTVEU that thp Anaheim ~ity P1an~.iing Carnmission doES iiereby deny s~.~bject f~r,t~.tion for Variance on tl~e basis of khe aiore~~~entioned findinqs. THE FORGGCItiG RESOL(tTTGti was adoQt~d uf_ the Plannir~g Conrr.issioz~ meetinq of February 7b, 1~190. ,~ ,~ . -- ' ' ~ ~ % . .,:_:._:._.. \~,~' ~i c. . '.,~ _ ~ : - ,~ = r_~_~.~. .~ ~z-...!---- ~-- CFiAift:dAtl, At AFiE:it CITY PLANNINr, COMMISSION ATTEST: .i ~ v// ,,/ .~._..---__C,,,~~__4%'"=_ .~_~_~`~.Z:.s~.,c.------___,. SECRETANY, 1,IvAHE:Dt CITY YL)~21NING C0~'~SISSION BTATE OF CALIFOFNI.~ ) COUNTY OF ORAtIGE ) s~. CTTY OF ANAIiEI:N ) I, F.dith L. H~icris, Secretary ot rho Anaheim Ciky Plann.inq Commission, do hereby cerr_ify th~t tt,c fureyoing resolution was pasAQd and adopted at a neeti.ng of th~ Ar,ahcim Cil•y Pl~nni.ng ~o-runissinu held on February 2fi, 1990, by the (ollowinq vote of the mnmbers thereof: AYES: CvMQyilS.^~IOt7:,RS: Ei0li,1S, BOYUSTUt7, FELDF~At~S, Hc~i$ST, MC HUP,NEY iJOES: (;Oh4~1lSSIQ;IERS: EiE;t [,yER AaSEC7T: r~t.~•,ISStONERS: t~sESSf: Ii~ WITNE:SS 4~}fERF.OF, I have hr.reuntu se~ r,~y hand this -~G~- c;ay of ~ l~<<A.~.v~~ , l_99~). r" ' 1~ -.--._ ..__.....r_ ~~: _-~._~v __~'' _-_ ~~~~,~.~~.: _.__ 5F~F:~x'ARY, AtJ1~flEItd PJ.AP1iJTNG CC>LMISSIplt 'Z- PC90-46