Resolution-PC 90-54RGS~ILIJTT~i~] NC~,_ P~,Q-54 A R~SOLUTTON' OF THE AN'AFIEIM CITY YLANNING COMMISaION ADOPTINC AND 12ECOt~tFN~TDTG Tn THE' CITY COUN~IT, AL'OPTIOr1 OF GENERAI~ PLAIJ AM~NDMENT NQ. 2t32 WHGREAS, the Cit,y Council o[ the City o£ Anaheim did adapt the Anaheim Gen~r~l plan b,y Res~luti~ri No. 69R-644, showing tlie gQneral descript;ion and cxtent of possib].P tuture d~velopment within tho aity; and Wh~reas, pursuant to a Plnnninq Commissio:~ rsquest for ~sn amendment to the Land Use ~lemerit of lhe General Ylan, in conformance with Seatians ~ and 18.U3.030 oi the Anaheim ?~Sunir,ipal Code, ~~.atL prepared a ~eneral Plan 1~mendmFnt to reuesigzate from the existing General Industrial designa~zon to the General Comrnercial designation for P~zrcol 1 r.onsisting of approximately 2.52 acres having a Lrontage of approximatoly ?l00 £oet. on thP ziorth side of Ur.angethorpE AveYit-e, having a maximum clepth oE approximately 275 £eet and bQing lucat~d approximately 512 faet east ot 'tk-~ cantarline of Lemon Street and furthar descri.bed as ].O1 East Orangethorpe Avenue; and Par.cel 2 ~pproximately 0.63 ac:re having a fr.ontage of' a~proximately lU0 feet ~ri the nort;h side ot Orang~thorpe Arenue, having a maxiroum dapth of approximate].y 275 ~pet ~.d bQirlg located apProximately 9:15 foek eas~ o.[ the centQrlina o£ Lemon Street and further described ~s 125 East OrangethorPe 7~•~e~~ue; and WFiLREAS, the Planning Depar*ment deem~d it appropriate, pursuant: to the provi:;i.ons of' the California ~nvironmental Qu~lity act, that Lhere are no 5i,ynific~nt environmental impa~_ts and recommended that a neqative fleclaration bQ a~provscl; ancl WHEREAS, thE: City L~lannir,q Comrnission rli4 huld a public heax'ing at ~he Civic C~citer in the City ot Ar~aheim on Fcbruary 26, 1990 at 1:30 v.m., r~oti.ce of said public hearing having beon ciuly given as requir.ea by law and in accordance with the provisions of tl~e Ana2xaim Municipal C7dc~, Chapter 1H.03, to hear an~l con5ider evidence ~o: ancl ~gainst said pr~pused general Alan ,amexid+neni: and to investigaLe e.nd maks findings and recommendations in connection thcrewith; and WEiERi?I~S, saYCi Commission, a.fter due conszdor~stion, inspoction, ;nvQStigatio:i rancl stuciy made by i.l:sc1F, and sftsr a11 evid~nce and roports pf£erc~d at hearin~, DOES FIEREBY FIND: 1. That Che Ylanr..ing Cummission initiated subject yeneral plar_ amencim~nt to Provide ior contiguous fut.ure commercial land uses rlevelApmentc alon~ thQ n~rtli side ~[ Orangetharpe Aver.ue instead of the alternating C~mmercial and industri.al ].~nci uses resulting ~rorn the aclopLion of Gsneral Plan Amendment No. 265, providecl :;ubject prop~rtie~ aro r~:claasi.£ioc3 to the CL Zone at a future date. 2. That evicience presented stt}~;~~antiates t:he need for an amendmenL- to Che Anahei~ General Plan and that F'•xhibit A be adopted wedosi.gnating su~ject area For General Cornmercial land uses. 1315r -1- FC90-54 ~:1~l.II?Qg~Zl, ~NV~,RQNME:.K~~L Qf-l.Li_~Y_]~G~._g~ND~ J~S: That the Ar,ahbim City Pl~nning (:ommission has rPviawed t}~e proposal to umand thg i.sr,d Usu 'Eloment of the G~neral ~lan to chlriqa tna i:urrwnt ciesignation oF G~neral zndustrial tp Gc~nerfll CornmErc.in] lancl usos for Parcol 1~~,proximat:ely 2.52 acres hnvinq a frontago af approxirnatQ;y 4p0 foor_ ~,n tho iiorth 3ide oG Oranqethorpe Avonue, having a ma~:Imum de~t:h of ~pproximately 27, feet ar~d bHing loGa~gd approximatoly 512 foe~ ~ast of the centerllno of Lem~n Sl:roet and fur',her. described as t01 GaQt Orungothorp~ AvonuRJ e~nd Parcel 2 appzoxim~tely U.63 acrv having ct frontago of approximatPly 1Qp feoC on Lhe north side of Urnnyc~thorpe Avenue, having a maxxmum daptli oC ~gproximr.telX Z75 fget and boir~g lor,ated approximat:aly 915 feet east af the centerlinR of Lemon Street and furttio: descrlbc~d as 125 k:,~st Or~.ngothorpc~ Avo»uo; and does hereby approv4 t:he NegaCive Ueclaration upon f.indi»~ tha~ it t~as r.ansidera~3 the rreqative Ueclaration toc~ether wiC~i any commerits recc~ivod during the publfc rev?.ew process and further ti.nding oii tlie bas.is o: tho Initial Study and any comments racKiva.d that therQ is na substant.ial Qvidonr,e that thQ ~rojech .rill l~avo a siqn.ificant effect on t.-.~e c~~ivir~nment. NUW, TliF.R~FOHE, FtE IT RCSOLVED, thaC pursuant• to the above ffndings, the Anahoim City P:lann.inq Commissian Joc~s liereby adopt and recommend to the Ciky Cot,nLii o:' t:ie Ci~yo uf. Anaheim adopkion c+f Ge:ieral Pl:.~n Amendment No. 282 - Land Use i:lement -- l;xhibit n, reQesignating subj~ct area Gonaral Comnioresal land uses. THE FOREGOING RF.'SOLLiTIOt~ was adUpt~d at the Planning Coironission m~eetinc~ uE Pebruary 7.6, I9gp, r '_' ',.~-~.-.~r-~-l. s-.~~_ ~ /~~ - / /~ r -~ ~~ ClfAIR~SI,N, v,NAHEItyt C~~ p~~ ING COTtMIS.~',IUl1 A~'TR5T: ~ ~f ~ // ~-- ~ ~ -•--~ _ F(~/ /. f. ~._ . - :i_.{~,._ ~ , '- t.,_. SECRGTARY, AtJAf{gIM CI'T'f YLANNItIG i.OMMISSIOIJ 57'ATB UE CAI.LFOR27IA) (;OUtiTY OF UItAt;GE } ~g, CTTY ~F l~NAF1EIM ) I• Edii.n L. Harris, Secrr.tary cf th~ Anaheim City Plantting Commis~1on, r.~~ hereby certify that the foreqoing resolutior_ was pass~d and adoptud at a mcef;inq of the llnah~im Cit.y Planninq Commission hc±ld on Pebruary 26, 1990, bf ~~he Eollowiiiy rote oC t_hc+ riemf~er.s ~hereof: AYcS: rOt~tS5I0NER5: E3011AS, f30'tUSTUtJ, rF:GD}'.AUS, f1ELLYF.R, NEROST MC DUR1tE:Y. MES ;E: NOP.S: CO1~;i5SSUtfERS; !7pp~~ AI3SENT; C~1~:IS:i:OtiE:RS: MOlJE: TI: WLTt1F:SS W~I~REO~. 1 hr~ve ttr_-n~.nt.~~ ,er. my 1i.- -~ thf.s '/! ~l ~~y of ~-)f~~_. . 1990. . / Y , - ~. , / ~> ~~.~ :_ ~ ; ~1~a.-U~.~.~ .._ .--_ ..__--___...-------__--=--- ---_ ._---.._..~, __.._ _~.~ S~CRE:TAHY, A21Ali1:1T~ C:TY PLAtMIt~t; CO}W(ISSIOtJ - z - P('90-54