Resolution-PC 90-55t , ' ~.~~.,., ..`ha ftGSOL!17'I_Qr _ Np,.__(_'~--g Q :35 A R~50L:U1'I~N QF' THE ANAHEIM CI7'Y PLAi~'NING COMMISSION RI:COh41ENDING '.l'HAT TIIL'; CITY COUNCZT. ADOPT A2J ORDINANC~ TU APPROVE DEVEL~O!'Mk:NT AGREEMENT N(~. A9-p2, AS AM~:ND~A Whece~s, thc,~ An~heim (:ity Planninq Cammias;on recommRnd~d the Ct~y Counc.il ac9opC un Ordinance to ~+ppr~v~ l~c~velopment Agreement No. 89-U2 at tt~eir Dectmber lt~, t9fi9, maeting in r.onnectzcn with Resaltitiori Nu. PC 89-~19; and Wherc~as, at llicir m~Rt.ing ot January 23, 1990, followiny cons.ideral-.iur. anci public tesl-im<~ny rdlating to F:nvir~nmontal Imp~ct Report No. 289, Cr,nQral Plan ~vn~ndmont No. 2~1, Development Agreoment.tt~s, 83-02 and 85~--02 and Condxtional Usa Yermit No. 3206, the rtty Council ciiract:eci th~ petiLioner ta submit rev.isecl plan9 ~dc~rossiny tho concerns exprossed, an3 n~vclopment: Agreemont Nr, ag-p2 was withdrawn; and Whereas, tre devaloper has sub-nittec9 an amc~nded UevelopmonL• Ac~r~Qment No. II9-A2 which proposes anpror.imate.ly 315,000 square feQt of retail and support retai.l uses tracluding two rnajor rc~tai.l nnchc,r storess appraximately 85,000 r.o 3t;,p00 square E~et o£ attached. artd froestandinq retail uses, a re:;taurant; reta~ : supi;ort and re:la~.ed usos; and approximately 1792 parkii~g spaces; ~~n~ the possibility uf a c~r wasb of ~pproximately f3,574 square fget anrl a~asoline s~rvice s~at:i~n and mini-mart ~f 1,OQ0 to z,740 square feet; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim (:ity Planniny Corunissioit did hold n public hearing at tlie Civic Center ii~ Yhe City of Anaheim on Fobruary 26, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice of. safd publir hearinq haviny been duly ~iven as required by law and in accordance wir_h the pruvision,, oE tlie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapr.~r 1f3.03, t:o heac• and cr~nsider evidence for and ayainst :said developmant agreEment; ~nd Wher•eas, at their Fe'nruar:l 12, 1990, meeting, the Y~inning Commi.ssion revi.sed Conditicmal Use Permit t~o. 320fi tinder R~solut.ion No. NC 9U-34 tu permit u com.mer^ial retai.l centor, one freastand.inq rostaur~nt with on-sale al.r.ot~o2ic beveraqos anc: ~nterta.ir~ment, ~na m.ini-mark w.ith f~s~ Eood; and d~ny.ing t?~c off-sal.e bc~er and wine, :~n a.utOmGt~vC car rrash with gasoline sale~, buildinq heights in excr.ss of 35 fo~t, waivers ~f minimum number of parkiny spaces, required aite screenin~, required lan~lscopecl zet-back an~ niTi~miim lan~iscaped scthbck adjacent to a Ereeway; and WFIEREAS, pur~uant to th~ Frocedurer Re~olution, tlie DevelopPr has demonstrated eligibility ~u en[er into this Aqreemeat by showi.nq that the Projecf.: rrill result in the constructio~i of ~pproximately 31~i,000 aquarp feet of retail spar_e. 1326r ..; ~ PC 9('-55 L ...h. WNI,RF.AS, said Commlasion, agtQr due conslder8t•.ion, inspQ~tioii, investfg~tion an~ study ms~dy by itself„ and aFCer due considera~ion of all ovidanca 4t~d rQportS o.Cf.ernd trt yflid hc~~,ring, DOES IiER~$y .FTND: 1• Th~it: ~ho ~rnposod agroement Ss consistant wit.h tho Gener~l Pla~~ °F ~he ~1 ~Y c~L Ar~atieim zs recommendQd fur amandment in connectio~i with G~n~ral plun i~nQnciment No, 271. 2. ~k~~~ rhQ proposed Ayrecsment is comp~t.ible with the uses authoriz~d in and Che regulations presr.ribed £or in ihe ~pplicabl.e xo:iing distric~. 3• That the proPused Aqrc,~ement is compat.{hl~ with the or.derly deveiopmQnh of pr~pFr~Y i1~ rrQ sili•x•ounding aroa. '~. That the pcop~„ed AyrQ~m~~nL• is not otherwi.yp health, ~afety and qeneral weltare af th cit~zPnsAOfnl~aAh~~mthe N~w~ TNER~?,FORF;, i3F IT gESpLVED, t:hat the Anahaim City Planninq ~'ommis~ion does herebY find ttiat, puz•suant to the California Environmenhal Qualit.y Ac:t, thP amended and prcy.ioi~~lY ~QrtiEied Enviromnt~ntal Impact Ra or.t r• 289 .is adequate to serve <~s the requ.ir.ed environmen~al documentation for be'elopment Aqreement_ Nu. ~ _ P 8 ) ~J 2 . BE IT FURTFiER R~SOLVEp, that t}ie An.~heim r_' doc~s hereb~• find that the Develop~r has domansrrar 1`y Planni.ng Commission DQVelopment AgreQn,ent No. ~9-p2 and meets Che criterialsetbgarth aboveter into does herebp rQCOm~r~en~ to r.hF: r; ty Cowic.il that PerQlopment A reoment No. as amer,ded , and Develo~er, ' b~ ~P~ roved and entexed into the Cil:y of n=1~tl~im~with the g9_02 TtIE t'ORE;GOIN(; RE:SOLi~TICN was adopted at. the Planning ~a~issj~n meeting of Fabruar.Y 2b. 1990. - - ., , , .. ~~`/ I / , ~. / . ~. ~~. ~ ~Y ~.-l~~a.~~J t~ .~ .0~~-~~ CHAIRMAlJ, A?7ANF;,~M ClTY PY,ANNtNG COMhiISSI02~~ ATTEST: _.____ v~% - '`~ . _~~~-- ~~ -_ _._.1~ SECRETARX, ANAHF.Itd ('Imy ~i,A IN N ~ -__~'"~~--~ OA4dISSION _2_ PC90-55 ~ , ,n ~ i STATF OF CA.LIFOP.N.IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7'X OE ANAHF.'IM ) I, ~c13th L. Iiaa•ris, S~crAtar.y of Ch4 Anaheim City Planning C,ommisoion, do h~reby certify that the forc~going resolukion wae pasQod ~nd ~dopted ~t a meeting of thR Anaheim Ciky P.lanning Commi~sion held ~n F'9bruAry 26, 1940, by t:ho follnwing vote oE thb mc~mber.s ther.oo~: AYES: C~MMISSIONERS: dOYASTUN, BOUAS, FELL~FiAUS, H~LLXER, HEc^.SST, MC IIi1RNEX, I/h~SS~ NOES: COhIIySISSION~KS: NO2dE ABSCNT: COMMISSIONF,RSs NONE IN WITNESS WH~:REOF', I hav4 hereunto sot may hand this ~,,~i.day of ---~'4/~s-~-. 19<)0. ,. ~ _~ ~ ~, J . ~~-~ ~~__~ _~~-~•- SECRETARl, ANAEIh:TM CIT`L PLl~NNIPTG COb41tSuI0N s. ~ ~ ; r ~. Y. - 3 •- p~'90-55 ~~'P