Resolution-PC 90-57~~~ RE50GUT:[ON N0. YC 9U-57 A RESOLCJ'iTQN OF '1'FII: r~NAEIEIM CTTY Pf~ANNING COMMISSIOt3 A~NYING THr RF.QIiEST TO 11MT;ND CONDITIONS OF AP?F:,1VAL' IN COI3NECTIQN WTTH CONGIT20NAL USE l?F:RMI'P N0. 3059 WHER~AS, on S~ptembar 12, 198~, the P'lannzng Commission grbnt~ci Conclikional Usc~ Pcrmit t1u. 305A to permit a 2?-space mobzle home nark with waivQr of minim~un sido yard setback on properL•y loceled ou the east s3dQ oE DaIF: Avenue, appro~;imat.ely G50 feet- ~.ith of l•he ccnterll.ne of Lincoln Avenue an;l furth~r desczibed as 150 Sou~h ; ~~venue; and 41H~REA5, RQSOlution No. YC8t3•-2ti0 adopted in coz:junction with Conditiona7 Use PNrmit No. 3U59 .i.ncludes tkie £ollowinct conciition: "3. That all engineering requiromnnts of ttie City of AnahWin along Dale AvEnue at the Carbon Creok Chatine:i, including prcparatiozi a£ improvement plans and installatinn of all improvement~ such as r_urbs and gutters, sidewalks, water facilities, strQ~c grading ar.d pavoment, sewc~r and drainage faciliti.es, or ~tnar ~ppurtonant work shall be complied wilh as required by t;he CiL•y Enginec~; and in accor@~+nce with spacifications on fiZe in the Of~ice of i:he CiL•y Engin~ar; or rhat secixrity in tk~e furm of a bond, certificato o~ deposi.~, letter of crodit, or casti, in an arr,ount and form s~~isfactory l:o thU Cit,y of Anal~eim, shall he posted wiCh the City to yuarantee the satisfactory completion o£ said improvom~nts. S--id seciiril:y stiall be Qosted witli the C.ity pr.ior to approval of improvement plans, to guarantee the installation of the above-requ.i.red improveme7ta prior to uccup~ncy." i9HEItEAS, the peL-.itioner has requested ~n amendm~nt to C~nrli.tion No. 3 si.nco the Public ~•lorks Deparlment -~tigineer.ing Aiv.ision indicatos the AaZe Stx•6et briclge widenirig improvement is rrqtiired to provide safe ~ight distance for. vehicular tra.ffic exitii~g L•Ize proposed mob.ilehome park ~nd ~o provide a sate turnout for vetiicles travelinr nc~rtlibound or- Dale Avenue and enter~ng the proposed mobilehome park; and thal. k}ie c~st ~f widening seid bridge is prohibitive; .and WHEREAS, the CiCy P1~~iit-inc~ Commission d.id ho.ld a public hearing at the Civic Ce~nter. in ttie C ity of An~ane;ni on February 26, 1990 at ].: 30 p.m, , not~ce uf said public hearing having been r;uly given as requirsd by law and in accorclancQ wath the provisi~ns o£ the Anaheim Mu--icipaZ Co~te, ~haptQr 18.03, to hear anc~ consider evidencc~ tor and against said pronoseci amendmenr to conditions of approval for coriCl~tional use perrnit and t~ investigate and make findings nnd recom~nendations in corinncCion therewith; ancl that said hoar.ing was continued L•o the mc~eting oI March 12, 199U. 1344r F~C 90-5? ; ~;~ .~ WHERCAS, smid Camrnissaon, afCQr duc~ inspcacr.ion, .inv~shiga~ion ~n~ study mac3e by itsel~: ~~nd in ~.t;s uehalf evider~c~ and reports offeL•ed a~, ~ ' an~ aL~er due con~ideration of all Eollowing Facts: ~aj~~ he3ring, dc~e~ finci a.,~ ,ae....._.~:--- •- Avenue 1' Th~~ Gho Cit~r Traflic Enqinoer ha:, i:~dicuted widenin the sidewalk anci mo~~iri of b l h ! provido g g ; ale a rai.linq to tlio +~lt.imate right-o adequat:e sight disL•anr f_W~ ~ g . _ o; ~ratf.ic saEety. Y would t~ ~}~e Z• ~hat thr~ relocatior. uf the sidewalk and raiXing wou].cl bQ sub'ne~ a~,proval of the Orangc~ Count Fl ~ y n~aessitate wider.ing Che bridgQ, ood ~ontrnl. D.istrict, anc? would not opposi~i 3. Th,~t no une indi-:ated rtlear pr~sence at said public }iyaring3 ~ on; and that no corr.asponden n subjECC , requQSt. ce was rec~ived in uppositi~n ~o the Planning CALi_ FORNrA ~N~r~Q~.71„~~NTAL ~I~LI' Y A T F).NIJI Coi~uniss ir t £`^~~ ~~0 ~h , approval _ . a ~n has reviewed tho Anahezm ~~t~, Pertaxnin ~ th~ pioPosal to amend the condition s of connection with , mobil~home park an3 does he eby find~th a 2'I-unit L•rl ~Ppr~ved se a t}le N~ in c;anraec:tion witli Conctit3.ona1 U ~e~~aration previously 1 se PermiC N~, rve as the rcquired ~nvironi;~ental documentation i requos~. ~e to 5 a q n c n tg ection ~ this tIOW, THERE~'URL, BE T^ RESULV~;ll Co-nmission doe~ hereb• der_ the re uest to amendaCond L•ionaNo.m3 in y Planning wi~h Condition~sl Usc~ ~PQrm r No. q Engine~r permi~ wideni.n 3059; and r~comrnends that the CiCy nTragg~~ g the ~idewalk arid relocatin ultimate szyht•-ot-wiy ].ocaEions to provia~ 3ciQquate sight distancell S;~bject to the appraval of g to tr.o the Or~nge County Flood Coiitrol Distc•ict. THE FOREGOING RES~LUTIpN was adopt~.ed ah LhQ PXanr.zng Commissian moetin~ of March 12, 1990. ~ !.'~ ~ L,' i l ~- •J:t. .;i.__~. ~ - ~_~_~~_'/ ~ ;E .;;. ~'__ < <.__~__. , =- CIiAIRWOMaN PRQ TEMPORE ! AlIAHETM (;ITY PLANNING CUh4/,tSSION ATTEST: ~ . ~ /,~, ~ ~~w -~~.~ J~ / . SE(:RETA ---~-____.__' • _._,______ _..--- . ANAfiEIM CITY P ApIhI21;, CUhL'`lISS.ON -'l - PC 90-57 ;~~~. ~.~~. ' ~ , 5TATE OC CALIFORNIA ) C4UNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Or^ AITAHFIM ) I, Edi.th L. Harris, Snarel:ary of Lhe Anahoim City I~lanning Cammission, do hez~eby csrt.i~y khat the f.oregoing re~uZuti.on wafi pa:;s~d and ~~opted at a meeting oE the Ar~ahr~im City Planning rommission hold an March 12, 1990, by the £ollowinq voto ot• Lhe mnmbers ~hereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BO'YDSTZJN, F30UAS, PSLDHAUS, HF.L,LYER, MC AURNEY M~SSE IvOES: CGMMISSIONERS; NONE AHSENT: COMMISSIONL•;Ru: EIERF3ST .TN WITNESS WHFREOF, I have herounto set my hand t2ii.s ~day of. ~ ~ 199(1. .~ t,~.~. ---- ` S~-~ _.__!~`_~L.~-'~ _ _.~ SECRE ARY, ANI~FiETM CITY PLA2dNING COMM~SSI~N -3_ PC90-57 . ,:a,