Resolution-PC 90-58~ RE;SQT=,UTIQN NO' -PC~O_; ~ A 2'tESULUTION OT' 'T,Fi~ ANAFIFIM CTTX P'LI~NNING COh4+2TSSTON TEIAT nETITION P'OR CONDI'lIONAf~ LJSF PCRMIT N0. 3245 BF. GRANT~U WIirREAS, tlle Anahei.m City Planning Commissian d,id recaive a voritiad Petihi~n Eor Conditional Use Yerm.it for certain real praporty situated in the City oL Anahaim, Co~xnty of prange, Stato oL• Calitornia, described as: LOT 14 AND SOUTH 34.50 I'EFT OF LOT 1~ OF TRACT N0. 3251, TN :CEIL•' CITY OF A11AHE:ThS, COUNTY OF OItAN;E, STAT~: OF CAL IFORN:[A, AS PER MAP RECORD~ll IN II OOK 100 PAGES 17 AND lf3 CF MISC.ELLANEOi15 ?dl~PS IN TFir OI'FICL OP ThE COU~ITY RECORi)ER OF SAID COUNTX. 6VTi~REAS, the City Planriing Commission did hold a public heara.ng at tl-e Civic CPnter in k)ie City of Anak:eim on ~ebruary 12, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. , natice of said public he<<rinq having be~n duly given as requirQd by la!a and iti accordance with ~he provisions uf the Anaheim btunicipal Codo, Chapter 18.03, t~ hsar and consider ev.idence for snd against said proposgd conciitzonal use perm.it and to investigate ar~d make fi2idings anc3 recommenda~zons in connecti~n therewith; and that said hearing was contii:ueci to t_l~~• meeting of• March 12, 1990. WIiGRF.'AS, said Commission, after due inspecrion, investigation and study made by itself aiid i.n its behalE, a»ra after due consideration of all evidence and r~port~ o[Cerecl at said I:earing, do~s find and determino the fpllocving far_ts: 1. Tra*_ Z~tit_ioner requPSts ar~prova:l oP a cc~nditional use permit under.• au~hority oL- Ccclc~ Section 18.G1.050.0'10 to establish an automotive body and Faint iaci3.xty with waiver of the fol.lowing: SECTION~ 1~,~~p~~~U222 - Minimum n~mLe ~_~[~~rkinc,~ s~aces. 18,Q6.08Q (1,2 required; ¢. existS.ng) ;~nd 10, ol~ 066. 050 2. That the g,~rki.ng waiver will. not ca~ase an increasA i.n traffic congesti.on in t•,)ie immedi~tc~ viciriit;y :ior adver~e.ly affect any adjo.ining land uscas and granting oF Ltie parking wa.Tver ur.der the conditions imposecl, if any, wil]. noL- be detri:nenGal to the peace, health, sa£ety and general wel£are of khe c:.itizez~s of. thr City ot Anaheim. 3. That the pr.o~osed use is hereby granted for a neriod ot three (3) years, L•o exp.iro Marcti .12, Z9g3. 9. That the pronosed use wi'_1 not ~dversely aff~ct the adjoininq iaiicl u:•~;s ar-J t:hr_ gr.owth and developmerir of the area in whic}i it is proposPd to oe located. 5. That the size and shape of: rlie ,ite p:o~ose@ 1'or the use i.s adequate to a11~~w tti~ full developm~nt of the proposed use iri a manner nat detrimental Co the p~rtic~alar area rior to the peace, health, saf:ety and g~neral welf~3re of ttie Citiizens af. the City o~ Anai-eirn. ~'328r ~1' PC90-58 , . , -,:~ 6~ Thal•. tlie granting of ~he Corid,iL•ional Use Pormit under t;i:e condita,nns imposed, if any, wi11 nut be detr.imental t~ goner.~al we1ParQ ot rtia Citizens o~ ttie Ci~y of. Ana eimea,co, health, st~Eety Hnd '~. TFiat khe lra~f.ic qerler~ted b undue t~urc~en upon the str.eQts ancl hiqhways d~ igned and5 i.mpio~~a~~~p Ca~rsa an trai•fic izi the area, y the 8• That no one indicated their. pr~sence at said pu~lic hearing in opposira~n; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject p.~til:.ion. ~ALIT?QRNTA Ft7VTR_____pNMgN_TA_L~UALITY_ I~~T . FINDI~; Tliat. the Anaheim Ci.i;y Plailning Co~ission has reviewc;d tlie proposal ~u establish an automotive bo~.y and paint facility w.ith waiver of minim~xm number of parking space~ on a rectangul~arly-shaped parcel aP land consisting oF ~ppr.oximahel having ~ fzQntage of approximatPly Y ~.52 acre, having a maximum ciepth of approximatel ~1~~ on the east side o£ Rose Street, 3y0 teet south nf t}ie conterlinc~ of Sant~ AnakStreet ana 1L•u thP describ d~as 532 South Fose Sl:reet; and do~s he.reby al~1~r~~Q the Negative Decl~ratian upon ~inding that it li3s considered the Negative nec].arati.~n ~ogethQr vrith any comments rereiv~~1 durin.~ the public rev~ e~,r process and furt2ier finding on the basis of t)ie initial SLu~~y dnd an substa.ntiai .videncE tlial the Y comments receivad th~~ there is no envira~imeiit. project will have a signi.fic;arit af.fecL- on the NOW, THE;REFORE, ~3E IT RESQLVEp that Lhe Anaheim Commission does hereby grant subject pec:l~i~ll Eor Condikional Uset Pe n~itnfar 3 Years. upon the Co~lowing conditions which nGCessary prerequisi~e to the ar`' hereby four~d to be a proposed use ~f: the subject property in order ~o preserve klie sa~e::y and general welf~3re cf tt~e Citizens o~ the Cit~ of Anaheim: i~ * That fire snrinklers shall be installeci as requarod by th~ City ~ire Department, ~• * That due to the c}~angc in use and/or uccupancy of t:lie building, plans shzll be submitted to tlie Bui. din ~• • ' g Divi„ion ~• minimurn standards oP the ~it ~howing c~mp:liance with the Eiui].dxnq, plumbin , Y ot Anaheim, includinq the Uniform tlie Cit-y of• Anahe~ir„ r~Th~~,ra~>l~ropr.eat;e~permits~shall be~obta.in a~pted by necessary work, or any 3• T.haL• prior L-o issuaiice of a buildinq permit, a tr~f:tic signal assessment iee equeling ~he difforence between the ass°ssment fecs shall bc~ paid to the Cit~~ oLn~Anahe m~ inn an c o nt f as Established by Ci1:y Louiicil. resoluti.on. 4• * That plans sha11 be submitted to the Cit i•eview and appr~val showing conformance wi h Eng neer~ng1Standard P.lan Nos. 436p an~ 6p2p pertainzng to arkin .. sha11 thereupori be developeci anci p~aii~tained~~nin r eonto maneQ tw P h psaid plans. -2- ~ d0-58 i' , w ,~ ., , , ,. , ., ,. ,, .,, ,: . . . . , , _ , _ , . , ~ , ~ r ~ ~-~~'t~, ,~ r~~ 5. Th.at, in ;.he event a parking deli~.iency ~c:curs fall~wir,g ~ccupanct of the sur.jact prqporty, addzCzanal or~-sit~ parking shall be provided 3n a mann!;r appr.c~ved by the Citl Trat'fic Engincer; and thaL- an sn~ubordinated c~vQnatit shall be recoriled, in a iorm a~proved by t.h~ C~ty ~ttnrnay's Uffice, ob:iiq~ta.ng ttie pRtit•..i~ner an~ any fur.ure assignfles to prnvxde such parking i~ a defica.ei~r.y i.s found to exist. Said caven~nt sha11 be xecorded wri~}i Y.h~ Ofi'i.r.e of t.he Urange County Recarder. A copy of i:he record~d r.ovt~nant sha.ll be submithecl to the 'l.oning Division. 6. That no outdoor w~rk on vehicles or veha.cular ~~ar.ts shall be permiL•ted. 7. Tliat., as reqtxire~3 by the Ci.ty 1`ra£fic F.ngineer, no more than three (3) unrepaired vohicles shall be parki~d. on-site and only ono (1) empl~yee shai.l p3rk on-sih~, 8. * That gates shall noC be .insta'lled acrr~ss any driveway in a mann~r which may adversely affoc~ v~hicul~L• traff.ic in the adjacent public stre~t. Cnstall.akxon ot• any gat~s shall CUIIiCTIII to ~nyin~ering Standarcl P1an No. 4G2 and shall be subject to che prior revie:•r and approval ~f thc~ City Traffic En;ineer. 9. * That all lockable pe:?estrian ~ncl/or vehicular acr_ess gates shall be equipped aith "kr.ox box" clevices as reqi.iirad and appro•~ed by ~he City Fire Department. 10. * That trash storaqe areas shall be provicied and mazntained in a location acceptable to the Street Afaintenan~e ancl Sanitation Division and in accordance with a•pproved plae~s an file wiLh s~id Division. ~~ach inf•orm~tior. sha11 be s~ecifically shown on ~he plans submitLed for building permits. 11. * T.hat all air conditioning facilities and ather roof and ground mountud equipment. sha11 be pruperly shielded from view. Such intnrmation shall be specifical.ly ^,t2own on Lhe plaris subm9.tked tor building nermits. 12 . That tY,e pro~osal stiall curnrl~ with all s~.gning requirements of L•he ML "Industrial, Limited'~ 7.OriE?~ unless a variance S~iUW111CJ sign Wc11V@I'^u 1S approved by the Ci.ty Council, Planning Comrnission or Zoning Administrat:or. , 13. That subj~ct pr.ogerty sYiall be deveJ.oped substantially in accordance with pl~ns and sFecifications submitted {:o t:he Caty of Anaheim by the pet.iti~ner anr~ wiixcY, plans are on file witYi the Planning Department marked Exhzbit Nos. 1 and 2. 1~. Th~t prior rr, commencement oL ~he resalution, or p.ior Lo issuance of a period of one (1) year from thE date occurs first, Condition A'os. 2, 3, q, sha11 be complied wi;;h. Exte risions far s:onditioxis rnay be granted in acc~~rdance Anah~:im Municipal Code. activity authoriz~d hy this building pErmit, ar witY:in a o.E this resolutiun, w}ixch~ver 5, lU and 11, above-menl-ioned, .Eurther rime to romploGe said with Sectinn 18,03.090 of the 15. lhat khis conditional use ~.~rm~.t sha11 ~errninate in three (3) years, Ma.rch 1?., 1993. -~- PC90-58 , ~ rqN~.r,at~i+ ~•G~ That pr.ior to the c.ommencemenh oF L-hQ a.~ivity authorized by this rasol.ution or pri~r to final bi,Yilding and zoning inspect•.zans, wh3chever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 9 and 13, zbove-mentioned, shall ~e complied with. ~7~ * Th~t. appr~val of this application constituCes appa~~val of the nroposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anahe.im Municipal Zoning Cocie an~3 any other apglicable City, regulations, Apprqval does not includo any ~ctic,n tox~ finci ngs~ asr~o complian~e or approval of the reguest regarding at:~y other applicak~le ordir.ance, re~7ulatiurx ur requiz•ement. Conditiuns markod ,~ith an asteris:; (*) are required by eshab].ished laws, codos, regulations and agrer:ments and arP not subjQ~t to nc~gotxata~n. ~3E IT FURTHER RESOLV~D that lhe Anah~im City Planning Commission does hereby iirzd and raQ~Qrmine that adoption of L•liis Resolutinn is expressly ~~reclicatod upon applicant's compliance wi~h ~act: anci all aE the condxtions hereinabove set forth. Stiould any sue;i conditions, or any p~rr tihereof, be dQC.lared invalid or ~inQnforceable lay the final jud~ment oE any court of ' compehent jurisdiction, then tnis R~solutiaxi, and any ~ppr~vals here.in ' c:ontainAd, shall h~ deemed nu11 and voi.d, t TH~ FOREGQING R1;SOLUTI~JN was adopted at the planning C~m~nission rneet:ing oL- bfarch 12, 1990.~.~ T~~`:"7' . ~ % l`; ~~` :~ ;~ '' ;' ;~.' ...__.. ~--- - ~, ~.,,;.+ ~., .~ ~. ~. c.:~._ . ' CHAIItWO rMA i PRp. TgMP~RG. ~+CNAAL:M CITY PI,7~NNING C02~41ISSI' ON AT7'EST: ~ _ _ `; d'L~~l.~, ~) :~/~I~ . S E R ' ~ --'Z=~=[~'~~21~! __._._ C bZAR~, ANA.H~TM CITY PC,ANNING Cl~bIIyfISSIpN ; STAI'L OF CAL:FORtITA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANaHFIN, ) ~' T. lidith L. ~ Ffarris, Secrel•ar of the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Cotnmis~i.on, do hexeby cErt;ify tliati r_h~ foregoing rasolution was passed and ' a~optec~. at a meeL-in of 9 Ck-e Ariaheim City Planning Commission held on March 12, 1990, by the f.ollowing voto of the members tnereof: ` AYES: COhIIr1zSS'LONE[2S: B(IYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDHAUS, HEL:,YF.R, MC E3JRPtEY MESSF ` Nt?ES; COMMISSTONBRS: ZIUNT' ~ ABSENT: CUbfMIS5IUNERS: HCR~3ST ~ IN WITNESS WHEF.~:GF, I have hereunto set my k;and this ~~,~ da or ~{ Q.~. 199U. y ,~f ` / i' .._.~_~~/h.~ `, i .r.~/~/~--~~ SFCRETAKY, ANAHEZM CITY F'T~ANTT NG COI~A4ISSTpN . -,_ PC90-58 •"p! ;;ii~