Resolution-PC 90-60~~»4,n, F.E~4.L~~TIQN Ny, P__~~_2-_~~ ADOl'TING AND 12ECOt~SENLIING TO THE C'[TY COUNC?L AUOPITON Of' GF.N~RAL PGI~N AMFNDMPNT N0. 29a PERTATN:[NG TO :CHE LI~ND USE ELEMEI'vr WHER~AS, the City Councii ut the City of AYiaheim did adopL the Anaheim GQnoral Plari by Roso].ution No. G9Ft-644, showing thc~ general descript.ion and extent of possiblo iuture de~~olopment wiL-hin tho cityt and P~FiGREAS, Plannir~g C:ommissio:i diroctod st~ft tu .init.iate an amendment to L-hH Land LJs~ Element a.t tlie General P.lan L-o rc~designat:e subjact property from Low-Medium nQnsi.t;~ Resiclenr.ia:l to Medium Density Residsntial, on an irregularly-~haped parcel of land c~z~sis~ing of approximatoly 1.78 acres, having a frontagP of aPProximatoly 230 ~oet on the south side c: Jackson x.venue, hav.ing a maximum depth of appro~cimately 310 fQet anci beinq located appr.oximately 1,.165 Leet aast: of Lhe ceiiterline of Park Vista StreeC; h`FIEREAS, the Anaheim CiL-y Planni.nq C~mmissi~n did hold a public: hearing a~ the Anaheim Civic Center, Cour~c.il Ck~amber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, on March 12, 199U, at 1:30 p.m., not•icQ of said publzc 2iearing kiaving boen duly ~iv~n as required by law arid in accorclanco witih tho provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Co~le, to hear and consider evicienca for and aga.inst said General Plan Amendmant arid to investigar° ~rid m~Y.e fi.ndings and r~commendations in connection therewitli; and WHrRE:~S, said Commission, afCer due consideration, inspoc*_ion, investigation and study made by i~self, and after due considezation of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, DOES HGREBY FIND: 1. "lhat evid.etic.e pr~sented substa~.tiates the need for an amendment to tlie: Aziaheim General Plan ar~cl th<<C Exhibit A be ad~pted redesignAtirig subject area for Medium GensiLy Res.idential land uses. 2, That L•he proposed amendm~nt is consis~ecit with the existing land use den,ities. ~ALIFQF:PTI_A___EilVZI20~'MENTAI._ QUAi.T'TY l~~T_ l?IrnINC~ _ That the Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on has reviewe~ the prot.osal to amend the Lancl Use Element of the General i'lan t;o chancJr: t.!ie current lanci use desiqnation trom Low-Med:um Density R~sidential to Mecliw~: Deu ~ity Resid~:!i~ial uri aTi irroqularly-shapQd having a front~go of narcel of land c~ns±_s~inq of app"nxin~al•e.ly 1.78 acres, appror.imately 230 feet on Che ,ou~h sid~: ot Jacksoil ~venue, havin7 ~ maximurn depth of approximately 370 ~c~o~ ~~id t,^ing locatPd ~pproximaL•ely 1,165~VQe°a t~~yr, oE the cQnt~rline ol E~ark Vista Si:reet; and cloes hereby app mi.tigated Negative Declaration and adoprs thc~ Mitiqation Mc.nitori.nq Proqram pursuant te Section 27•081.6 of thQ Yubl.ic R~so:.~rae~ Code ~n t~:e basis tha~ the Planniny Cnmmission ha:t considerc~d thH p~~oposa? wilh ehQ mitigatQd Neqati.ve Ueclaratiou bnd accomp~nying Nonitoring l~ru5ram, tog~ti:4r with any r.omments received durinq the public r~view pro~~n3s, and f~irther fiMd~ g"FionhMonitoring tihe Initinl Skudy :hat through the iinplernentati~~n o~ th~ progxam, idenkifiecl environmenta? imt~~r.ts relaY.Qd to u~grado of the sewer system aad the clQanu~: of t~ie soils as we11 a.^. the procedures '.'~r well ahlndonmer~t and proper ve~~~.inq, can bo r~duced C.o a]evel of ir~siqnificai~ce. -1~ PC90-69 1~30r z ~ , NOW, THER~FpRE, BE IT RFSOLVED, that pursu~nt to the~ above E3.ndings, the An~heim City Plannixzg Commission doo~ here~y adopr. arid rocommend to the City Council of tha City of Anaheim adopti~n of Genoral Pl~n l~mendment Na. 295-Land Use ~lemQnC, Exhibit A, to redesignate the study r~rna from Low-Medium Donsity Resic~ontia'1 to Macl.ium DeiisiL-y ResidQntial lancl uses. TFIE FO~2EGOING RESOLU'PION wzs ad~pte~1 at th~r Planning Comm.ission meeti.ng oE March 1.2, 1990. r1 ' / ~~o ~s ~+ ~i•.' ~ ,~' 1___~•~ 1!.~~-~~ -~ G'~l /i /, °-;~G' ~.. ~..~,~-~ GC.~._„~,~ 'CHAIRWOMAN PRO T~MPORE ANAHEtM CITY ~[,ANNTNG COb4fI;:STON ATTEST: / w ~ . ~ .v~ -._ ~-~l.~l~t~ `~___ SECR ARY, ANF,~;$TM CITY PLANNING COi/..`4:LSS~ON ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF' OR]-.NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE:IM ) I, Edith I„ ~farris, Sacretary of the Anaheim Cirl Planning Commis~ion, do hQreLy certi~y that the foregoing resollition was passed and adopL•eu at a meeting of tk~e Anaheim City Planning Coiiunission held on Marr_h 12, 1990, hy the tollowing voto uf the members thereof: AYES: CGhIIrfISSIONERS: HUYDSTUN, E30UAS, FEuDHAUS,hSC BURNEY', MESSE PtUES: :,'OMM.iSSIONERS~ HET,L,YER ABSENT: COt~fISSTONERS: EIERBST IN WITNESS WF(EREpF, I have hereunto set my hanc? Y.his ~2~ day o f •-~LL.~~~. 1~ 9 0. i --•--~1_~`~~ !~,_.~~(~/~...1.~...t ~ SECRExARY, ADiAHCIM CITY pLANNI:JG COt~fISSION ii ,_ -1- PC90-60 ;e