Resolution-PC 90-62[2 E.S OL~,~T~: 4H_~_4 .___~'r.~.Q_- G 2 A R1'.SOGtiTION UF TFiE ANAHEIM CITY PLTt1lTINC COh4dISSIU~I THA'!' PF.TlTIUN FOR CONDI'.flOtlAl. l1:ii: FE:RMTT N0. 3'l60 fiE G:Z1WT[:U, IN PART. FIHEREAS, r.he Atiaheim Cit;y Planning Conuni:;saon did rQCeive t~ veri~ied Patitxon :or ~ondition~l Uso Pormit Car cer~rin raal property situatQd in tho City of Ant-heim, County of Orango, State of California, described a3: ALSU ~XC~PT TNAT PORTION OF SAID LAND LYING SOUTHGRLY OF TH~ CENTERLIN6 OF JaCKSON AVF,NUE DE:SCkIBL•'D SN INSTRUMF.ivT RF.CORDEQ SEPTENBER 2~, 1971, I1~ IIOt)K 9824, FAGE 2(32, OeFICIAL RBCORD... PARCE:, 2: I,f)~ 4 Itl SLOCK 23 ANfi Tt1E WESTF.,RLY 9.92 ACRES UF I.0'P J.LiJ SAIU BLOCK 2J OE' TEIE GOLDFN STATE TZACT, It~ TNE CITY CE ANA4iEIM, .'~S SHOWN Uti A MAP ~?ECnRDED IK ISOOF. Q, PAGES 66 AtIU b7 OP MISCE!.LANEJUS b1APS, RF,C~RDS OE f2RANCE CGUt7TY. THE EI~STERLY LIt1E UE' SATU 9.92 AC12t:S TO AE PARALLEL WIT61 AtiD AISTANT WESTCI2f.Y 217.50 E'F.~T FIIOM TFiE E11aTEELY !,ZNE OE' SA1D LOT 3. EXCEPTIlIG ':HEREFROM SAZD 10.00 ~.CRES THAT P012TZON DE5CRIBED IN A DEE6 TO E'REE47AY IND'JSTRIP,L CEttTF.R, IN(:., A CAL.iFORNIA C_'OKPORATIOi7, RrC~~RDED DECEMBER 12, 1960, Iti HOOK 5544, PAGti 248 l1F OFFICIAL RF.CORDS. ALSO EXCEPTI?iG FRUM 5ATU 14.00 ACRES, TI~A'L' PORTION DBSCRIBEU IN 1~ n~EU TO THC STn'L'E ~F CALIFORNZI-, fcEC~RDED JAii(IARY ~), 1964, I2: E10C'!C 6876, PAGB 1~4 OF (IPFICIAi, RECORDS. ALSU ~7CCEP'C THAT F'ORTY~:~ Gr SAID LAtill I.YItIG NOR1'HERGY OF THE CFtrT~RLINE 0? JnCKSO!i AVF.tiUF: DESCRIFiED IN IlIS"RUMENT R~CORDY.D SEPTE:~!~3GR 29, 1'371, IN EOOK 9824, PAGE 28Z, OF OE'FICIAL R~CORDS. EkrE?T TfiEREPR~J:d Ai~[. OI[., GA°, MY:fERALS i-tiD OTFIER IiXDROCANBOt~ SUEiSTAt1CES I.YI11,r, SF.LO'vi 1, D£P'PN. UE 500 F~'ET YItTlIUUT A2IY R13FiT TG E:tJT£F UPC'N THE SURFACE OF TFi~ SU[iS~iRf'ACE OF SAID LAtiD AEiOVE A DEPTi[ OF 500 EEF.i, AS P~lOJI[1EC ItJ 1:i;i~KLME.ITS ilF RECORD. WHESEAS, ~.he City Ylar.nin3 Commis.:o~~ d.id ;iold a puti.lic hearinq et the ('iv;c Center in the City of hnaheim or. N..~rct~ ?2, ?990 at 1:30 p.m., noGice oE said pnbli~ h~arfr~q h~vin~~ •~een duly giv<:r~ ~s ro~uire~ by laM a~d in accordan~:e wich r.h~ provis.iuns r~i ttie Anaheim -'•anfcipa~ Code, Ch,~pt~+r 18.03, to hear ~nd r.onsiGar evir]encc C~~r and aqatnst sa.id prapospc] conditiona2 use permit and to inv~ntiyat~± and ma~e find.inqs aucl rer.orunen~saC.ions in connection cherc~With: and ~J.7~1 -.z- PCSO-52 { ~. f..~w ~ :VFiERF:A5, s~id Comm.Issian, ~-ft~r due inspecGion, investigation and study m,~de by .it,~elf e~nd in it:, bahr~.if, and aEter ;luo ~oc~sicSc~ration of ail evidenco and roport;; oPf~r~~t at srjid hearing, ~3oav find ~nrl cietermine tl~e follow.ing f~c~s: l. Zhar petitiuner x~eq~ic~,ty ,lpproval of r,onrlit3onal uso ~e~rmit uncler author.ity af Cocie SocCions 18.~4.Q50.061 ~nd l.t~.9C~.020, crnd C~-lifarnia Gov~rrunant; Code Section 65915 to construct ar, "afford~ble" 40-unir. clock_type housinc~ c~partmer.t complex wit}i w~aver or the Lollowing: (A) ~~~T~QN~--~Q..~'~,~.~!_S?_l~ - ~1n~m~m ~t~~~.57ic~~.~i~4'__tixg~._P.S~F SLw4~~.F1~}~~.t• ~Ad ].~~~fL•!'1_~Q (3,29Q__~~:_f~•. rt~quired; ~,¢~_.~q.Lfks. Aroposec9) (B) ~E~TIqK$_l~~!}ip~}~,~_Q2 - M~ximusn__tgn~~_h~igh4. 1$:_~ 4_`Q.~_4 _~() 7 0 ~I~S1 I~_~ 9.~sQ.~~ 2. That the above-mentioned w~iv~r (A; _s granCed un~er authority ~~f State Governrnent Code Sor_tion Fi5915, 15`b tu be for vary low incor~e ~.ous~h~.lr.is, etc. :t. That the re~juest•ed waivF~r (II) is hereby dQnied on hhe basis that it was delerQd. 4. That the propused vse w.tll nnt ad~er.sely affecr the adjoininq lancl us~rs and khe growhh and dovelopment oE the aroa in winich i~ iR proposed to bc locatecl. 5. 'Phat r.he 3izc~ and shape of the site proposed for the uss iE 3dequate l•n a~.1ow ttie f.ull ci~velopment; of rhe proposed use in a mannQr not detrimontal to the particul~r area nor to the pe~ce, health, safety ~ntl qeneral welfa-re of. the Citizer.s of tha City of Anah~i.im. 6. That the qranking of the Conditional Uso Permit under tha conditior.s smposad, if. ~iny, wi11 nor, be detriment:a7. to ~t,o peace, health, s~ifety ~nd yer.eral WQlfare of the Citfzens of tha City oE Anahofm. 7. That the traffic: generated by tho prupose~l usF will not impose an undue burden unan thE~ streets an,9 highwayx des.igned and improved to carry the traf.fic in the area. 0. That~, on~ person inclir.ateci their prusPnce at aaid public hoaring iii oppositfon; and tha~ no corre3ponderice ~~ras ~eceiver] in opposition to the subject ?etition. ~?~~ °C90-62 ~ ';•7: . ,~ . . " r!1 ~~T~IFQRNZI~_ ~NVIRQ~IMFNT~-L__QUALT'P'~._)~~~ __F~t{DYN~: That the Anuhoim Cit.p P:lanning Commission has reviowc~d the prup~sa]. to conatruct: of an "~fford~zble" £iU-•unit d~ck-type tiousing apartment compl~x with w~iivers oE minimum bui.l~ing stte area p~t• clw~].lin~ unit ar-d maximurt; fance heic~ht on an irregularly-gh~+p~d ~~~rcol at' land consist.iny of approximately 1.76 acres, having a Fz•ont.~ige uf approxi.maGely 230 f~aFt on ~he south sido oL• Jackson l~v~nus, having a m~xi.mum depth oE approximately 310 Pe~t anci being located 2ppreximat~ly .1,16~a feQt east of th~ centerlinQ of Park Vtsta Streot; and does hereby approve a mit3gater.i Negative Dec?araLion and adopt t:h~~ Mi~igation Monitoriny Program purnuant t~ Sect~inrz 21081.5 of the Public RESOUT:'~35 Code un the basis that the Ylanninr~ Comn~issi.un h~~s considared tha proposal wi.th t:he mih.igatod Nega~i~e Declax•ation arid accom~~anying Mpnftoriny Progrt~m, Cogeth~c w.ith any comments roceivod durir~g t.`~e puhl.ic review procoss, ana furCher finding on tho basis of lho Initia]. Stiicly that throuqh the implementatio,: of ~he Mitigat.ion Monitoring Prugra.~i, .id,~nL•ified envirotunental impacts related to u~,grade of the sewer system and the cleanup of the sails as well as the procedures for well abanlor.ment and prope~ venting, r.au be recluced to a level of i.zsiynificancf~. NOW, THEP.EFGR~, bE IT RESOL.VE;D thar. th~ An~nelm City P.lanning COiT1m134~Gr1 does hor.eby gran~, in part, suY~jQC~ I'et.ition for Cunditionzl tl~e Permir., uppn ttlR folloWing c~nditi~ns whic}i are hereby found to ba d necessary prereqiiisito tu the propo:,ed use of the subject property .°.n or.der to preservc~ tho saie'•y and qeneral weltarQ of. the C1t.12GA$ of the City of Anahr: im: 1• That an e.i.ght !d) inch VCP vewer line shali b~ canstructed Erom thc existing thicty tt~rer~ !33) inch se~aer at: thQ in~:c!rsecLlon uf 5unkist Street and L~~ Yalma .\venue to a point approximatQl~ one thousand eight hundrod t}~irty (1,a30) f~et easterly along i.a Pnlma J.veni~e, ExxBting lnterals alonq La Palma AvonuQ shall b~ re-connected from the existing t:welve~ (12) inch line to ~he new Eight (8) inch ;ine. The developRr ~ay e~nl'oi into a rairnbursement agreemQnt with thr~ City of Anahefm to rcc:over a portion r~E tt~e costs for construction of thc~ npw sower improvements, in accordance wit.h Anaheim Mun.icipal Code Section 17.08.430. Pr.ior ro i,ssuance oC buildiny pennits, sewer impravemont plans shall be :~ubmittad to and im~rovement secur.ity shail be posted wx~h thK Publfc Works T)eparr-nent - Su~division Sectfon. Tt~e sewer st~all be desiqned and co~istruc;ted in accordanca with standazcl plan~ and 3pocifications on file in the Office oE tne Cit.y ~ng.ineer. Ira~rovem.~nt security ~aay he in the form o[ a.~ec~arir_y Dond, irrevocabl~ .le~Cter e: credit or r.ash cieposit ~n an amount approved by the r..;~y, - AEtar thQ constxur_t.io:~ of the~ new eic~ht (Sy inch sewar iins, flow measurLments shall be t.~k~sn at Carou:;el Place, Sycamore Str~et ancl Rio VI3ta ~treet to do~:ermine iC thQ mitiyaCian m~asure was ada~~~:~tp, The developer shall piovidc~ the ~ity with an atidt~ndum tu r_hc~ previously suhmzttecl 3exer ~tudy incc,rpcra~:inq Che addLtion~l f.lor+ meter, reariinqs and deta.ttlnq th~ resu2t., ~f the nev ~ewur imprnvRments and th~ir eEfnc~s upAn ttie exfsking surch<ir.ge condlri~n. Purrhttr npNer imprnve:,ients mT.y b~ rn,;uire~i by tt~e Ciky F;~~~ineer. Ail sa~Aer ir~provemenCs requir~~d by rh~ l;iry Et~qSneer shall be con~truct•e~J pr:o: to occupanr,~• of subj~cc, proger~y. -3-- PC90~62 ,~.~b.. 2. * That. prior ~o issuunco ~f c+ building permit, the appropr.iate tx~ffi.c si.gnal. assesemant f•oe sha13. he paic~ to the City of Anak~eim in ~n amount as ~stabli3hycl by CiL•y Council rc~solution. 3. Thr~t plans sh~11 be s~ibmitted to the City Traffic Fnginc~er for his rev3ew ~nd app..~val showing how ~ha vehir.~~lar sECUri~y qate will func~i~n .i~x r~~l.ation to th~ vohicular turn-ar.ound araa. 4. * That plans shs11 bc~ submitted to tho Ciry Txaf~ic Engineez• for. his roviQw and approval showi~ig ce~nformanc.e~ with Enginearir~g Standard Plan Nos. 436, 601 and 60~ pert~iziing to parking. Subjact property shall t3iereupon bs developed lrad mainra~ned in canformance with said plans. 5. * Tha~. bot}i sgaces in each pair oi tandem parking spaces shal.l be assignod to Y.kne s~une dwellin~ unzt. Fi, That guest parking spacos shall ba cl.early marked "guest parking cnly" and ~tiall be readily accessible to mor.orists from thQ adjacent atreet~. 7. +~ xha~ a feo for street l.igb~.+~ic~ purpa3es along Jackson AveiZUe shall be p~id to the City of Anaheim bast~d hn khe lenqtti ot street fror_tage and ii- an ~mount as established by Cit•y Cotincil resolut•ion. 8. * That a fe~ for streeL tree psrposes al~nr~ Jack:~ou Avenue shall bo paid to tha Ci ty of Anaheim ba~~ed on ~he length of s~.reet fraiitagP and in an e.mounr as Qstab.lished by City Council resolution. 9. * That subjoct ~roperty sna?1 J~e sr3rved hy ur~derground utilities. 10. * That prior t~ issuance of a bi~ilding pormit, tha agQrnpriale faes for prirn~ry water mains sha.l; be paicl to tha Water Engineerinq Di~~icion in ar.cordanr,Q wi.lh Rules '15A and 2C of. the Wa~er Utili.ty Rat,es, Rules ahd Regulations. 11. That separate private fire anci CIOfRBu~ic water systams shall be i.nstallod, with undc+rground vaults, to Lhe sa~isfaction of the Water i;ngineering nivision. 12. * That traah stor~qe areas 5ha11. b~ provided and maintainvd in a location acceptable to the St~•ee~ Mainter,an~e acid Sanit~r.ion Divi;tion and in acc~r~:~nce with approveQ plans ~:~ file witb said Division. Siich i:iEor.mation shali be spec.ifir.ally ;,hown on the ~lans submittod for bu~lr~ing permits. 13. That prio: to iss»ance of a buildin~ permit, plan wi.t}i i•ecy.iciny capabiliti.es sh~,ll be Maiut~n~nce and Sanitatzon 9ivision. UFor. said plar. uhall commencR ancl rem~in In full St.reel hf~.int~ ~nce ~anQ Sanitatxon Division. i ~: _~_ ~ solfd wasta managemPnt ap~-roved by the~ 5treet occupancy of tha project, efEc~ct as :uquired bf the PC90-62 L ,,,. ~., 19. * Thrat pr3or to rommencems»t af. strtzct.ural framir-~~, f.i.re l~ydra~nts shflll be i.n~tallc, l anii charged as r~qui.r~d ancl appro~~ed by the City I'irc~ Departmont. An ~.11-wQa~her road shall bQ providc~d to the hydrant aL• a'l1 Limes, as requiz•Qd and ~pprovQCi uy t:he Fira D~~artment 15. +~ That fir~ sprinklers shal:l be insta.llod as ro~u.irod by th~ ~'ire Depar~mant. 16. T.hat a local Fire alarm system sha11 be instal.lt~d as requirad a~-d appruved ry the I'ire D~partment. Manudl pulls may be om3tted if the sprinkler ivaterflow i.s w.ired Lo activato the required bel~s aiid horns. 17. That water for fir~•-Pight:ing purpo,es sha'll be supp.lied in a manner as del•ermined by a Fire flow test. Saiii L-QSt r~sults shall be provided to the I'irE Depa:Y.ment an:; ater Engineering Division prior to the issuance of a build.inq perm.it;. 1a. That no habitable building sha11 be coustructad within onn hund.red Eifty (.150) feQt ~f any oil w~ll. Plans sub:nitteci for the building por.mits shall cle~rly show the location of all wells (axisting~ C.3~JJt3C1 or ab~ndoned, ]ocaL•ed o~i or witnin one hundrad f'ifty (15U) taot o£ subjec~ ~roperty. .~-, 19. ThaC no landsc:spe t~larikers ski~ll be cons~ructed within those areas designated as private recreational/leisurc~ areas. 20. +~ That prlor t~o Issuance of a building permit, nppropr.iate park and recreation in-li.eu £ees ~hall be paid tu the City of Anaheim in an amount a~ e~tablisl:ed by City Counril resolut.ion. 2.1. * ThTt all lockable peclestrian aiict/~r vehicular access gate~ shall Le equipped xi~h "~nox box" dc~vicos as required and appr~ved by the Firo Departme~:t. Z2. + Thal- all air ~onditioi-ing facii.itiQS auci other. roof and ground mounted equipment sna71 be ~raperly stiieldF:d trom v.iew, and ttie sound buffered from adjncan~ resiclontial propoc•t.ios. Such i.nfcrmation s?~all be spacifically shown on the pla~is s~ibmiCCed for building permits. 23. Thut all plumbirig ur other similax pip~s ~,nif fixt~~res loc:atied on the exterior oF the buil.ding stiall. be fully screeraed by archftectural I~BV).CP.3 and/ur appropriate building rnat~rial:;; and, :urther, tha4: such infarmation sha11 be spQCitir.all.y shown on the plans submitted for buildinq permits. 24. * Ttia~ g:ior to fssuance of a Luil<~inr p~rmi.t, satisfactory Qvidence shall be presen~er] to the Fsuz.id;.r.y D.ivision shoWing trat rhe pxop~sed project is fn conCorreance M1CF1 Council Polfe:y Number 5~2 "8ou:id Attanuatl~on in ResidQiitial Projc~cr:~" and with tloise Tnsular.ion Standard3 specitied in tlie Califocnia Admi~tistrat.ive Code, Titlc 25. _~_ PC90-62 L 25. ~ That thd on-sit~ lanclscapin~ ~n~ irrigution ayatern shall b~ maintained ~.n compliance with ^ity sCandara~. 26. * 7'hat prio~ ta issuanae oE a buildin~ parmit, ttio legal prop~rty awner sh;:~ll ~nter into an unsubordinate~i rncordod agr•eemQnt with the City of AriahQim pur.suant to Cal.ifornia Gaverrunent Code Se~ctior~ G5915 ta provide tkiat a~rinimum of L•ifteen percent ~15~) oP tho Code-permitted number of rt~sidential units shall be rc~nted aa ver~ low income housing ~s defined in California Governmont Co.3~ Saction 65915 and witkz appropriate rental controls as approvad by l•.hQ C~ty uf Anahcaim .for.• a period oL IIOt ~ess th;an thirty (30; Y@3Y5 from tlie dato ~k issuance ot occu~ancy pQrmits. 2''. * Tha.t ;.his CondAtional Use Fermi~ is grantod subjer.k ko the adopti.o~1 of a zoning orclinanco iri connectio~i with Recla~:~ific~:-tion No. 89-90-49, now panding. 2$. That the deve~oper sha21 be responsible for axiy diract costs associatad with the moni; or. ing and/or repot•C.ing requirc~d as set furtlx by Section 210A1.6 oE the Pub]i.c Resour~es Code to ensure implornontatian af those mitiqat.ion maasures identified in tl:e mitiqated Negalive Declaratior. that kt~1VB boer .inr.orpora~.ed tis conditions o~ approval f-~r suhj~scL• property. 39. That subjec~ property s4:a.l'1 be ~~evelopeii substan~iallX in accarda~ce witti plans and specif.ications submitl-ed to th~ Ci~y of Anaheim b~ tiie petitioiier and which plans ara oti f_.ilo with tr.e Plani ing Department ma:k~d Exhibit Nos. 1 L-hrouyh '12. 3U. That tho potitioner sha11 implament procedures establishec: hy thu C{ty of Analieim and the Califo:nia Uepartmenr uf Conservation, Bivision of Oil and Gas, for abandoning and cap~in~ tha uil wells, remuv:.r-g L•he 5torac}e t~nks an~ pi.pal.iixes and :nstalli-iy an appropriate gas venting system. 31. That r_tie applicant shal~ remove ~ny and ~~1 contaminatecl soils from [he site and sliall replace thc~ rnmoved soi! with cloan fill. in accordance with ~roceciures t~stablished by the :~ranya County Heulth Ca~e Agency. Ttie p~tit:~ner sh~ll establish a c•epa•r t.ing proced~ac•e to comply with all findings of th~ Health Care AgQncy's investigati.ons .~hould that Agancy require further reviow beyond that•. submitted by thQ peti.tioner prior to tho Planning Commission's E,uk~2i-: hearing. 37.. That the ;~roper~y o,rner shall monitur and maintain ~he gas venting ~ystam for the 2i.fe of tk:e project an~ subject to mon.itor.ing bx r.}:~ City uf Anaheim. 33. Th~'t prior t~ issuanct o[ a bixil~9ing pe.cmit ar within a period of one (1) y~~ar Crom the dat•~ ot r_hi3 resolution, whichc~ver or,~urs first, Cc~ndiCio•~. ttcs. 1. 2. .;. 4, 7, 8, ].0, I2, 13, ;.7, 1.0. 20. 22. 23. 7.4. 26, 2'I, 30 and 31 above-mc~ntionc-d, sh~-11 be compli,Qd w.ith. F.xtensionn Eor further Lime to c~mpleto sa.td conditic~r.w may be gr.anted in accn.dancQ Nith :;t~c:tion 18.03.090 ef the 1lnaheii•, Municipal Co de. -G- PC90-b2 ,,,~ 34, Th~t ~rior tc~ f.~.nal buildinq ~.nc1 zonir.g inspoctauns, Conc~itipn ~1os. 1, 5, 6, <1. 11, 15, 1(i, 19, 2J. and 29, abovQ-mcntioned, shaJ,l be c~mpl3od wit17. 35. * ThaL• arprovzl of. this a~plication c~~nstitutes argx•oval of lhc~ pr~pose~ requ~st ouly to the ~xt~nt that it complios with tht~ Anah.oim Munic.ipal Zoning Coda and any orher ~pplical~l~ City, grate ~nd F'eder.al regulations. Appro~~al daQS not includo any action or fi:idinys aR lo campliance or appr~val oi tlYe rcaquest regarding any other, applicable or~lin~nr.ti, requlatic~rx or r~:quirornent. Conditicns markocl with an asterisk (*) are r~quired bx ~stablished laws, codes, regulntions and agraemonts anc] are noL stibject to neg~t.iation. E3E IT F(3RTHER RESOY.V)sU that the Ariaheim rity Planning C~mmi~siorl docs$ hereby find axid determine hhat adopLion ni tt~~s RESOlution is exprossly predicated upon applic<Znt's corngliance witY, each and. al:l of the c;onditions here.i.~ab~~ve set.: forth. Should any such con~9itiuns, or any part tY.ereof, be declarer3 invalid or un~nfarceab''.c~ by the final judgmPnt of any couxt of cornpetenL• juri ,dickion, tlion ~Y-is Rc~solution, and any approvais herain contaiiiQd, sha11 be dPQmccl iiu11 and v~id. THE PC~REGOING RE~QLUTIUN was adopted ar thp ~lanning Commissien meeting of March 12, 1990. .~• ; _ ' , / ~,_ ,~~, . .: ~ ,. , ; ~ , ~ =~---- -~=+-._----- -=-------t--~~- --`'` ^_~~- C:FIAIR~IUMAN PRO TEMI~~RE' iaNAFIF:IDi CITY PLAi?PlING COMMIS5ION A1'TEST: ('~ _ ----- ~~ ~~C~.~___;-1_l~_-~'.F:/~_,Ut..------------ SECRFTARY, ANAFIL•'ZM CI1'Y PLAIJNTNG CQt~II+dISSION STATE GF' CALIFOI2idIA ) COUNZ'Y OF ORANGB ) sS. CITY UI' ANAHF.IM ) I~ Edith t,. Harris, S~~crc~lary ~t the Anaheim City Planni~q Commission, do hc~reby certi.fy that the foroqoir.a cc~~ol:ition was passed and ~d~ptQd at a mc~eting oJ' the t.nahQir~ City P2anning Conuoission held on Marc:~ 12, a990, by the fol.lowir.g votQ of the membars thQrEOi: AXES: COIy4'~IISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, 90UAS, eE[,Df1AUS, MC F3URNEY, M£SSG NUES: C~;rA~tISSI0t7ERS: FlELLYER AF3aENT; C7~WYfISSIONERS: HER85T' ~N ~]ITNESS WFtER1:QE, I have n~reunto set my hand this l.~"' day oE _~~.c.C~. 199A. -- . 1 I ~ ~ ! ' -~:~~{. ___-- - ' ' ` ~.L%L_ ~ . SECRETARt, AHAHRIt~f CITY PLAr tJIKC COI~II~fISSION a ; _'] _ PC90-62 ~