Resolution-PC 90-63~',r~"1 ,, RESOL~,TIGN NQs_PC.~Q.=b~. A F2F:50LUTIOti OF TIiE ANAHEIM CITX PLAfTNING COMMISSiON THAT Pr.TIT'i0N FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 89-90-45 HE GRANT~;D WHEREAS, kne Anaheim C.ity P'lar.ninq Co~nmisr~ion dir,~ r~cei've a v~rified ~ pcatition fnr. Rocl.ausification oi r.ertain r~a7 ~•roperty situated in tYia City oi 5 Anahei.m, Cuunt.y of OrangQ, 5tata ot Cali£orriia. C~ASCL'lk1@Cj as follows: ~ s ~RRCEL lA: PAi<CEL 2, IId THE CTTI OF ANAfi~IM AS SfIOWN ~ IN A MAF' FII,ED TN HOOK ].1, PACE 16 OF PAHCEL MAPS IN TFiE QFFICE OF THF COU~]TY RECORDFR 0~ SAID COLiN7:Y. PARCEL, 1B: 'iEIIs SOUTrIERLY 10.00 ACRES OF THE k'OT~LOWIN~ DESCRiBED PARCEL: LOT 4 ILI BLOCK 23 AND TEiF. V~ESTERLY 4- 92 ACkT:5 OF' LOT 3 IN SAIL) BLUCK 23 OF TEiE GOLDEN S'lATE TRACT, IN 'PfIE CITY QF A,`IAIiLIM, AS SHOW2~ ON A MAP RECORDED ]:N BOOiC ~, PAGES 66 ANU 67 O1 MASCELLANF.UUS MAPS, RECURD~ OF OEtANCC COUN:?'Y.. 'PHE EASTEI2LY LING OF SAID ~.92 I~CRES Tp E~E PARALi~EL WITFI TFIE DISTANT WCSTE~tLY 217 .`.:~ FRF.T FRQht :CHE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID T~OT 3. E7{CEPTIi~G TFiGREFRUM SAII7 1Q.00 ACRES '!'~AT POR'PION D°SCkI}3ED IN A DEED TO I'Rr.CWI~Y INbi1SPRIAL CFNTER, INC., A CALIFORNZA CqRPQRATiON, RECORDED DECEM$ER 12, 19fi0, TN BOOK 5544, PAG~ 24$ OF' OFFICJAL FtCCORJ:~S. I~LuO EXCEPTIt1G FROM SAID lU.UO ACi2BS, TFIAT pORTION DE5CRI}3ED IN A UEED 'CO TI~E STA'~'C OF CALIFORN'!A, RECORDLD JANUARY 9, 1964, IN BOOK 6£17~, PI,G~ 164 UF qFFIrIAi, RECORAS. b~HEREAS, the Cit~ Planning CoiNn.i: sinn did ho'ld a public hearir.g at ~:~e C.iv.ic: CeYiter in the City of A~~ahe:i-n on March 12, 1990 at 1:30 p.~n. , noticc~ >f saicl publ._c hearing riavznq been duly given as required by law ancl in ' .ccordance with ~ho provisions of tlle Ar-aheim Munici~aJ. C~de, Chapter 18.03, r_o hear anci consic?er evidence C~r and against saicl propused roclassitica~ion ~ ~r-d to invUStigate and make f.indings ar.d recommendati~ns in cannec:tion thecewitl:; and WEiEI2EAS, said Commission, afC~r. due inspec~io~i, investiqation and ,j stiidX m~3e by itselt and in its behalf., and aftQr du~ c~nsideration of all ^ ~videnco and reports o£fereci ar saicl heari.ng, dues Pind and detQrmine the '; following f:actr,: _~_ PC90-63 1333r ; 4 - - '~ r: ' ~ , ~• ~1~hat ttlh peti~iorler prbp~sPS reclassi.t.ication of sub;jact property from the RS-A-q3,0~0(0) (Fesidential/Aqr.icultixral-OiI I~roduct:iun Over].ay) 'L021P. L-o the P.M-1200(0) (Residential~ Multiple-Family-pil Production Ovarlay) or a less in4:et-se zone. 2. That th~ Anaheim G~neral Plan dtsign~~tFS subj8ct ~~roperty for Meditun Density Resa.denti~l land u,,es. 3. That the proposad rer.2assification oE subject property is necessary and/nr desirable £or the orderly and pro~er 3eve~lopment of Lha commun:i ty. 4. Ch1t tha proposed reclass.if.ication of subject ~,roQerty does properl~~ relate to the z~nes ~nd their permitt-ed usas locall~ established in ~lose proximity to subject property and ~o the zane~ and their ~ermit~ad uses generally esr_ablished throuc7hout tlle con~munit;~. 5. T'ha~ t!ie proposed re~classi.fication of suuject property requires l•he ciedication of: abutting streets in accnr.dance wiL•h Lhe Circulat~on Element of th~ General Plan, du~ to tt;~ antic.ipated .increase in traLfic which will bQ generar_Pd bp trP interisificati~n of land uso. 6. Ttiat no ono i.ndicaL-ed their prese~ae at saiQ public t~earing in opposition; and tP~at no r.orresponcience was receiv~cl in oppo~itiori to subject l~el:ition. CALIFQRNIA GNViR~NMENT~I,_i (IAL,ITY ACT FTNDING: That the Ana}ieim City Plarining Comm~ssion has reviewed the proposal to cr,nstruct a 3-stoxy, 117-unit "affoi•dable" deck-type haus.ing apartmer.t compZax, wi~.h waiver of minimum building site area per dwellir.g unit oii aii irrEgularly-shaped parcel of 1Znd consisting of approximately 2.59 acres, having a trontage of appr~xim3t~ly 445 feet on the soiith sidc of Frontera ~treat, having a maximum depth of appro~cimately 306 .Eeet and b~ing .locatsd approximarQJ.y 260 f~et east of the center].ine of Park Vista Street; anc] does hereby approve a mitigated t7egat3vN Ceclaration and adupt the MiL-iqation Monitoring program pursuant to Section 210ftl.fi of tho Publ.ic Re~ources Code on the basis that tho Planning Commi3sioii has c:onsidered hhe pr~pos31 with tho mit.igated Neqative Decla~:ation and accompanyinq Monit~rinq Yrogram, t~gethc~r with any comments recu.ived duriny the public r~view process, anii further findinc~ on the basis ot the Initial Study that Chc•ough thQ implementation of the Mitiqatfon Moni~.oring Pr~grarr,, ideutiFied Fnvironmental imF~acts re.latQd to upqrade oE the sewer system and the cleanug of the .~oi1s as well as the procedures for wr17• abanclonmezir. and pz~opc~r ventine~, c, be rE~duced to a level of insiynifieance. NOW, T{iER~FOI?E, E3E IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim Ci~;y Planning Commissiori does heraby grant subjecL petition f:or Reclassiticatiun ~nd, by so doing, that Title 18-•Zonitig of lhe Anaheim Murlicipal Code be amend9d to ~xc:iuae the ~bove-d~,cr.ibed property ~rom the RS-A-43,000(0) (Residen~ial/ AqrzculCural-Oi.l Produckion OVE?I'IZY~) Zone ,,,~ct to i.ncorporate sai~ desr,ribPC1 property .into the RM-1?.00(0} (I~ng.iderlhi~31, M~iltiple-Family-Uil Producti~n Ovec _ay) 'lune upon khe following con~',:;t ~~ns wt~.:c,h arQ hereby found to be a nQCe~sary grer~quisi;:e L•o the proposea ~se o~ suUject p~•operky in order ~,~ p.reser•re ChE3 safety and gQiieral we1F~~rP oE rhe Cit:i:;ens af the City of Anaheim: `z'~ PC90-63 , ~~~<,.,, 1. * That the leqal ownor of aU~]~Ct: prapQrty sha11 irrevocably pffer Lo cledic~ta t: the City oP Anaheim a strip of land fifty one (51) foeL• in w.i~irh from the cent,~rlino of. the ~traet along Frontora St.reet for street wideuing purposes. 2. * ThzL t~ "lot Yino adjustmen~ ~1ar" shal'1 ba subrni.tteci to ths Subdivieion Sec'tion foc rov~.ew and appr.oval by the City Enginc~er and then bo ~ recorded in the Oftic~ oE th~ Cz•ang~ Ccunt~• Recorder ta combi.ne the 2 (kwo) exisCing 1ot~. 3, Tha~ ~rior to the introducl-ian of: an ordinarice rezaning subjocC property, Condition Nos. 1 znd 2, above-menL•ionec~, shall b~ com~ieted. The provisions or •cights granted by this reso3.ution sha11 becorne null and void by action of tha P].~nning CommiSSion unlnss sa~.d conditi~ns are cUmplied with within one year from the date of ~his reso'lution, or such Curther time a~ t;he Plann.ing Commission may grant. 4. * That approval of this application constitutes appr~vnl af t:he proposed requas~ only to the er.tent that it complies wiGh the Anaheim Municigal Zoziing Code and ar~y ot2•~or apnlicablo City, :;tate and FQderal regulations. Appraval doe~ n~k incl.~id~ any acCion or tindings a~ to compliance or appr~v~l ~f Che request r~;gurding any uthex ap~licabla ordinance, regul.atic,n or requirement. Conditions marked with an astezisk (*~ are require3 by established laws, code~, r~gulati.ons and agreements a:id are not subject to riegoL-iarion. BE IT FURTHER RES~LVEI) tha* the An3ha.im Citv Planning Commission do~s hereby =ind and det~rmin~ Y.haL• adoption of ~tiis Resulut.ion is Qxpressly prodicateci upon applicant'~ compliance witti each snd all of the cond.itions herexnabova set forth. Should any such conditi~ns, or any part tliereof, br~ declared itivalid o~ unenforceable by titie iinal jur~gment of any ~court of campet.ent; jur.isdiction, tlian tt~is Res~~lution, ancl ,;ny apprnvals herein cqntained, shall be 3eemeci null and void. TfiE FOP.EGOTNG RGSOLUTIUN was a;~opCed zt Lhe Planning Commission m~er_ing ~>f March 12, 1990. r1 •. ~, -,"~: . : ') .. jr~. ..~' ~;:.___ ..r_:~~ ~'~- -. -<-- ~.r L..=:~.,:_'.,._.._,. c ,J:' ; ;.,, ,• • . CIIAIRW0i•11~N PR~ T~'MI~QRE ~ ~ lv*iAFiEIM CITY PLANiJING COhIIQISSIUN ATT~:ST: /J i ~v ~~` ~~~.~ %~> • ___._-~<~-~4~-~ --~-~---~ t.~~ SECRETAE~Y, ANAFiEIM CITY PLANt7ING COr~fISSIOiJ °'3' PC90-63 '~?' rr'~? ti ~ ar nli ~ 5 !f~. i 1 STAT~E Ok' CALTFORNIA CO[1t5TY OF ~P.ANG~ ) s s . CITX OF ANAHFIM ) I, Li1itY, 'G. Harris, ~ecretary of th~~ Anarieim City Planni.ng Commiasion, do heroby c~rtify that the fUrego3,nc~ r,asolution waa passe~] and adopted at a meetir.g of th~ Anaheim CiLy PJ.anning Commission held oia Marah 12, 199Q, by th~ followinc~ ~~ote oE thc~ membQrs t}~orouf s AYESt COMMISS:[ONERS: BOYD;iTUN~ BOUAS~ FELDFiAU5~ MC BURN~Yr 1"%~SS~ NOES: COM2riISSIONERS: HELL'YER ABSENT: COMMTSSIONGRS: F.ERBST IrT W~TNESS WFIEREOP', T have herear,to set my hand Lhis '(~.,~ ~ay of ,(~,'~Q~f,~~. 199U. ~V ~ _~~_____.~ ~~'~ ---- 5ECRETARY, ANAHFIM CTTY PLAN1dING CO:~SMISSION _4_ PC90-63