Resolution-PC 90-65~ ~ : . :f'~~tn ii~ RGS~C,UTION NU. ~~90•_C~ A RESOLiJTIUN Ol~ TfiL AN.~HEIM C:CTY PLANNING COyIIv1ISSTQN ~'OPTIMG h,ND RECOMlQF'NDTNG TO THE CITY COl1NCiL' ADOPTION OF C,ENIiRAL ,?I,AN A2vJEp{nA,fENT NU. 29:; PER'.CAINING TO TIiE T,AND USB ELEMENT WHEP.~A~, ttie Citp Coixncil of the City of Anahaim d,{d ac3CpL the Anaheim General Plan by Res~luti~~n No, 69It-644 description ~~d ~xtent o~ possible tixt~.~re d~velapment with n~ tht~ci~~e genc~ral y; and WIiEttEA~', P.lanning Commission C~SY'~:C~@Cl st~.~f.f to initiate an amenclment tc th~ ~,anr.l Use Element. of the General Plan ~o redesignate the study area from Medium Density Residential to Low-Me6iiim Density Rssidential, consisting of approximaY.ely 12.8 acres generally boianQecl by flruadway to thQ north, the Southern Pacifxc kailroad right-oE-way ~o the e~st, ~lexis Avenue to tho south and Loara SL-x•ee~ to the West; Y.hereof wl~EktEAS, tha Anah~im rl~y plan.ning Commissiun 3id hc~7d a hearing at L•he ~ziahe~m Ci.vic Cer.ter, Council Chamber., 200 South AnaYeim Boulevard, on Marc}i 1'L, I99~, at 1:30 p.-n., notice of said public hearing hav.ing been duly giv~n as required by la:~ and in accordance with t2~e provisaons ~P the Aiiaheim Municipal Code, to he~r and considor evidence for a~~ against said ~enoral Plaii Amendment ~nd to invesh.9gate aYicl make Pindicigs ~n~ recommendations in connectioii theL•ewith; and W!-IEI2IiA5, said Commission, afL-er CjLiP. conszderation, inspection, inve.stigation and study mader by itse:lf, anc~ attAr clue eonsiderat9.on of all ~~'i~ence and reports oftered at said hearii~.g, DQES FiEREtiY FI~ID: 1. That eviclenc:e presentect substanl:iaL-es the need for an amendrttent, to the Anaheim Ger~exal P:lan aiid tt.a~ Lfhil;it. A bo adopted redosignating subj~~t axea for Luw-Med.ium Densit~l Residential Ianci uses, rather tFian Medium Densiky Resids~tial. 2• rhar, the proposc~d arriciidmeiit is consistent wxth the er.isting lAnd use densities. ~A.L~F~RNIf\ ENV7k NM•NTAL_Q~A~try ~CT_FINDIN' ~- ~"- ~.~: Th~t lhe Anaheim City Plann.ixiq Cornmission has reviewed t:i1P, pcoposal to amend the Land Usa ~lement of the General Plar~ to change the current; l~and ~ise designation of. Medium Density F.asidenLial to Low•-Medium Density ResidenCial on approximately 12,g ac.res generzlly bounded b~~ Broar.iway to the north, the South~rn Pacific Railroad xight-of-~ay to khe ea,^,t„ Alexis Aveiiue to the south and Loara Stz•ec~l to the We~st; and daes therefore! approve t,he Negative Beclaration on the basis that ft has consic]ered the proposed Neqative Declarzetion together with any cors~,mQnts recezved du:•ing the public c•eview pror_t:s;, and furth~r finding on t.h~ basis of the Initial Study and anX comments raceivec:l thal- there is n~~ substantial evidence Ch~~t: the pro~ect wi) 1 hav~ a siqnific~nt c~ffect on Y.hQ environment, 13:15r _x_ PC90-65 „K~fr.~ ~."" hl 230W, THE:2EFORE, BE T7.' RE50LVE;D, khat pursua~lC to ~hQ aLiove finding, t:ho Anaheim Ci~y Plannxng ~~mmission does hoi~eby adopt and raaommend to th~ City Counc~.l oE the City of Anaheim acloption o.f Gener.•al P1an Amendm~nt tdo. 293-Lai1d Use Element, Exhibit A, Y.o redQSignate the stvdy aret~ from Medium ~iensity Res~.dential to Law-Medium Dexisit,y ResidenLial land uses. THF. ['OREGOxNG RESOLiJTTON was ado~,~ed at the Planning Commi~sion meoting of March :12, 199t~. ~//~ '' r , ./ 1___.._ /,~ ,:;%7._ri ~r~.f,~.,_i i~ ' ! 1,~i`.-(/; "~,iJ/f//i..i..~,.~_~~l _/-~ ~''! -'~_-;~--~..~ CHAIRWO AN PRO TEMPOR~, ANAtiEIM CTTY PLAI~NING COMMISSION ATTES'~ : `~~~..." '~f=.1~~~-~-5~.-1,%~~___-_._ SECRETAF2X, x1NAHEIM C'[TY ~'LANNING COMMLS ~ION STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA } CQLitTTY Or^ ORANGE ) C:ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. H~rris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission, do hereby certify thaC the foreguinq resolution v:as ~assed z+nd adopted at a me~ting of the An.ahPim Cit~ Planninc,~ C~mmission held on March 12, 1990, by the fo].lowing •rote of the memb~r~ thereoE: AY~S: C:OMMISSIONERS: AOX'~STUPi, BOZ1A5, FELDHAU~, FTELLY~R, MC BURNEY, ME~SE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: 21013E ABSENT: COb:tifISST027ERS: HERBST IN WITN~SS WI~ISR~OF, oE ~--~ 1990. I have hexeunto set my hand this .'~~T~ ~ dav - --/.~~-~'.c~`' `- / 'V~-'~' =-----`..~ SECHETARY, ANAHE CTT PLANNING C~t~4rfI~CtON -2- PC90-6~ ;~r ~.rS ~ 'n ~ h. ~y 1~ i ,1 F ;. ~ i~ ;;;~y. . ,;-,~~