Resolution-PC 90-68RRSOLUTTUN N0. Pr, gq-f,8 A ItCSOLUTION Or THr: ANAHF~IDS CZTY PLANNING COt~AI;;SION I~MGNL~ING RCSOLUTION ?iU. PC 9~-07. ADOPTED Ir1 CUNNECT.iON WITFI RECLAuST.['~CAT:[UN tv0. f!9-9U-30 WHL'REI~S, the Anaheim ~.:ity Pl~.~nnir.g Commisston c~rante8 RQClassificatior~ No. A9-90-30 or~ 3anuary 3, 199U, undor Ftesolution No. PCQO-•O1, Co reclassi.fy approxima~tely 2.3 ~cres on tl~e southeasterly sida of S~nderson Avenue, 13'l0 South Sanderson Avonuc~, 1320 South Sanderson Aveziue, from the MG ~I:ndustrial, Li-nitecl) 7.one to the CG (Commercial, Limi.ted) Zonef and WFiF.REA~, a rev.ision to Condit.ion No. :i, as it appersr~d in the ~tafP r~port:, was agprc~ved by tlic Planning Com-nissiori ~t eha pub.lic haaring i.n cor.nection with this reclassification arid inadvertently was nc,C incarporated into the rQSOlution. NOW Z'FiEREFORE E3~ IT RE;SUI,VED, that thF AnahQim Cit•} Planning Corrunission docs hersby amend ~ondition Plo. 3, conC~ined in Rosolution No. PC 9U-O1, nunc pio tunc, to rc~ad as follows: 3. a. That ~ny otfice use and oc~.upan~yo uf ttit~ subjoct proparty shall b~ limited to ttie existinq build.ing only (not to exceed 25,OOQ square fc~et, includi.ng a pi~oposea mezzani.ne area) and may cosisist cf thQ £ollowing usc~s: o IIusiness service fir:ns inc;luciina a:c..ii~ectural, enginoering, draftinq ~F;rvices, market researcli, seccFtarial ar answering aervices, tailors or oLher similar uses. o llusinQ~s agenciQS including ~~dvertisii,g, travel, crvdit, finance, cmployment anil oth~r similar uses. o Business offico fn~luding accounting, hookkEeping, insu:anco, .leyal, real estate, public utilit•ias, bus=inESS ar personal consultant:s, and other similar uses. o F.inancial offices and 'snstih.utions including banks, trust companies, savinqs ancl loan ~s~ocial-ion~a, security ar.d cnmmodi~x exchanyes and other similar u~es. b. ThaL• t}ie ]eg~l owner oE sub;jQCt ~roperty ~hall limit the use and occu~ancy cf: t:lie property (other than the existin~ building as specif ied abova and as otherwisQ permittecl under Conditional Utte Yermiz t~o. 7.73Z) to the fo.llowinq permitt~d c:ommorr.i.~l retail uses: q737h _~,_ PC90••G8 ~~ ,~ : ~ r,rp :~i . Ant.iquo sh~ps, . Applia:icc~ stores: sucli as raclio anci TV, wiL•h or withou~ repair se~rvice, . Eink~ries, . Book stores, . BuSinosu or krade school~ or trnin.in.q centers, . Clothing or ~p~.~drQl st;ores, . Corifectionary or reindy stores, . Delicatessons, ~ Departmant or variety sCol•eS, . Drug stores or pharmac.ies, . Furniture stores, . Hardw~re, • Health spag ar.~ t.itness centers (if ~e~s than 4,U00 sq.ft. in gross floor area), . Hobby shops, . Interi~r decoratorv, • '.~BW@1@Tu~ . Launclry and dry cleaning esrablishments, . ldarkc~ts ~r grocary storos (excluclin7 conveniencQ markets, a~ d~fineQ by tho 2onint~ Cocle), . Photographic supplies, . Rerital szrvices: such as 2iousehold, sickroum, otfice, equipment; and cc~stumes, . Reproduction services: including but not lirr+ prinhing, draft+.ng, job print.inc• and mirrofilming, t~~ to, bluP . RestauranLs (~nclosed otily), . Retail supply stores: including but not li.mited to v~hicl~ accc~ssorios and parts (c~xcluding i.l~stallatioii and repair), . Secretarial and answering services, • Shoe stores: sales and rRp~ir, . ~pnrting good~, • 7ot~acconi.;;t,, . Toys, • Yardaqa, ancl . Such oLher. uses as are specified i.n Seclion 18.44.050 "Condition3l U~BS and Structuz•~s" .in t!-e CL "~o~erci.al, Limited" Zoz~~ and a3 m~Y be approved in c;~nnecti4i~ with a conditionai uso parmit procossed in accUrdance with Cr.apt~r 18.03 "~oning Proceduros Ivnendments, Coi~dxt.ional Use Yermir.s and Variances". ~ Tho leqal propert:y owner she12 record an unsubordinated covenant agafnst the properCy so-restri.c;::ng th~ occup~ncy of subject pro ert covQnant shall bH submitr,~~i I:o the 2oninq D;[vision for trsnsmittal toSthe City Attorney's Off.ice for rev.~ew csnd ~pproval prior ta racordation. Proof of rococ~a(;.iQn shall thcii bt subrn.i*~bd C~ the 7,oning Division. Said unsubordinated covonant sh~l.l include ar: aqre~ment to in~orm, in ~~rritin~, rhe cQntQr ot gach commercial space of subject limitatlon. ._7_. PC9~ •6i3 ~ ..--~.d ~ .. ~ :,,i ~i, ~I ! 1 ~~~k~ , ~I i'J~ TEiE FOREGOING RES01'.,UTION w~s adoptea a~ tge p~~nning Commiasion meet:iny of Mt~rch 12, 1990. ~•~J~,I,L `/ '`"'~ ~•~')' ~ //J__._ ~-f ~ ~'1•1''I.J /~ .J ../j:'Y.Ir. ',~J.:1,~(f ~ % 'i~......~.~~r+a.+.~•~--------- ~.~.'~.,~_ CHI~IRV70MJ~N PRO TEMPOdE, NA~A HEIM CI!'X PI~ ~ W'~~'~ ANNING C0:•AfISSTON ATTESTs ~ -----__..-_.(:1_ilL~4~f`~--.~.G` _? v~ _ . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C TY PLANN~ ~ ~~~ ~~` '-"-' orrr.rzsszort STATE UF' CALTFURNTh ) COUNTY OF ORANGF' ) ss. Cxi.Y OF ANhHEIM ) S, F'dith L. Harris, Secr~tary of the Anaheim City Planning (;ommiss.ion, do he~reby certify that trQ Foregoinq resolut:on was adopted ak a. meeting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held onpMarch 72a ~99~• bY the fo:llowing vote of t}i~ memb~rs therenf: AYCS: CON.h1ISSLONERS: BOYUSTUN, BOUAS, FEULHAJS, HELLYEtt, MESSd, MC $URNEY NOF,';: COD4fISSIONERS: t~Qt7E e ABSENT: COMMISSIQNERS: HERHS'P I27 W3TN~:SS WHEREOF, I have hereunro Set m~~ h3cld this T o~ -. ~~.5~ _. 1990. ~~____. day --_-._. ~~~.L~~~. '~~~..,~,, _- SECRF.TARX, ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COIrIIYfISSION -3- PC90-68