Resolution-PC 90-7K'y~ ~ ! , r« ~.Q.~'1 I t~N_ IJQ .__PC,_99_-4..1. A RESOULTION UF TtTt: ANAi1GTM CITY ~'L~ANNING COMMIS5ION F.F:COMMFNDIN(i AYPROVAL OF G~NGRAL PI..AN AMENI~ML"NT N0. 283 PERTl~:CNING TO THI; LANU USE ELEMF.N:f WFII.RF.AS, tha Ci.ty C~uncil of th6 City of Ax~~+heim did adop~ tho Anaheim General E'lan by Resolut3.on ~fo. 69R-59~, showir.q tk~o genoral d~sc:ip~ion ancl extent of possible fu::ure dovelopment oE land with in rhe City; and WHEREAS, Plannizig C~:nmissiait dir~cCc:cl s' af.f ~o initiate a Ceneral Plun Nne~idmont redosignatinq the Study Aroa from ths Medi~.~m Densi.ty Rosideiztial desi.gnaL-~ori h.o ttie ~.ow-MeJium DansiCy Res~.dential T)esig~~ aving~a approximately 20.89 acrcls loca*_od on ~t~e w~st sirle of Knokt Street~ maximum deptt. of appro•xirn~tely 613 £eQt, boginning approximately 665 fac~t south of Che r.c+ntorl3.n~: of IIa11 Ito~cl and QxLendinq s~uth approuirt~~tely 1.59~ fec~t to the souL•nern Ci'cy limits; and wHERFA5, the Planning ~ommission uid hcld a public 2iearing at the Civia ~:e:~ter in ttie City of Anahe.im on January 3, 1490, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heaxing having be~n cluly g~ven as required by law ancl in accUrclance ~vitii L•he pc•ovisions oP the Anaheim Munici.pal Code, ~o hear and consider evidence for and aq~inst said General Plan Amat~ctment and to investigat~ and make finding~ and recommendations in connacCion therawi~h; and WFiL•'REAS, said Conunission, after due consicleraCion, inspection, inve~tic3ation and stu~9~• maclo bx ~~self, ancl after due cansideraLion of all evidence and repor-.s oLf.ered at sa.id hear.ing, I?UES HERFBY FrND: l, ZhaC evidence presented substantiates the need for an amendmen* to the Anaheirn c~eneral Plan and th~C Extiibit A be adc~pted redesiynating s~~bject area Eor Low Meditcm Uensit:y Re~identi~l 1~nd use~, rat.her t.han Madium Dens.ity Re :idential. 2, Th~at the proposed amendment is consistant with L•he existing l~nd use cionsiti~s. CAI.IFC1ItNIA ENVlRQ.N~4ENTrL__QUALI;~Y A~T__F'CNDI~S_ That the Ana2:eim City Ylanning Commi.ssion hus reviewed the pro~osa]. to amend the Land Use ~].emenY, oE tho Genaral Plan to change ~h~ current designation of Medium Density Kesidential t~~ Low-Mediun Densit;y Resid~nr:ial, on app:oximately 20.89 acres havinc~ a maximurn depth of :locatad on '~hc~ west sidr, ~L Knor_t Street, approximately 613 feot, beginninq upproximately 665 feet south ~f the cenCsrlir.o oc Ball Roacl ~nd extending soutih a~sproximarely 1,590 feot to tt:e southern Cit•y limits; and does tlierefore apprr~ve L•he Negative Declaration ~n t:he h~syi:; h'.~a~ iL has consi.~aored t}:e propose~l NeqativQ Uec1araL•ion toqether with any c•~mmE~nts receivad during Che gublic CQVIP,W proce .s and furth~rr find.ing on che basis of Cho Init;i~l Sturly an~'~ any comments received that ~:hF'L~E ia nn substs~ntial evidence Lha~ ~he project will havF a signific~-nt Offoct on the c~nvironnont. 1_ PC 90-07 .t"121r ~! P~ NOt9, THERLI'ORE, Ii;; JT RESOLVFD, that pursuant Y.o the ~.buve fir~d3ng~, ttxo An~he.im City Planning Cornmi~sion does hereby fldapt and racommenQ to the CiCy Coiincil o: the Cf ty o.f Anaheim ~doption of Gener~l Plan A.m~nclmc~nL No, 283 - Land tJs~ Element, F;xhibir A, i;p redes3gna~~ tha :~tudy area £rom Madium DQn;~it,y Residential to T.,ow t4edium Density Residontial land uses, THC EOREGOIIIG k2G~OLUxION was adr,pted it t2-~ Plnnninq Commiasion meoting ~~ January 3, 1990. : " ,;-•~,- ,,. /~ ~ ~ ,,`' ' r~--.._. '~ ~_L._`'..~r"__~'~ ' '~ ~ ~,:_.,.~~'L.~ `~ C.._~~.:~C-~._C,~,\._., CHAIRWObfAN PRO TEM, ANAHEIM CT 'Y PLANNItdG CObIINISSI02~ ATT~ST: _~ ~ , ~r , / ,' '~._: :;;~~ .~' !...__.:~L.:~,.t:i~•~ ~ ~~-,.'..~.:;..;.~~~__ ,~------ ACTING SECR~T]~RY;~ AtIAHEi.M r_ITY F~L,ANNiNG CUMMaSuiON ~; .. STATR OF CAT~IFORNIA ) CQUNT.X OH' ORAPIGE ) ss, CITY UF ANI~HE:IM ) I, Janet G. Jen:c~n, .,~.;t.ing .~',~cretary ot the Anahr~i.m City Planning Commission, do lieroby e~rt•i.Ey L-hat t2ie foregoing zesa?ution aas pass~d anci adopted at a meetiuc~ ni the Ana2-,~im CiC,y F'lanning Comm.ission hel~ on Janus•ry ;i, 199U, by the fo:llc~wing vot•e oP ~he members ttiereof: AYES: CChA~tISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, FsU[lAS, FGLJHAtTS, HELLY~R MC k3URPIE'Y, MASSE NOES: COA4+(ISSIONERS: NONE ADSENT: COMM.T.SSIONCE2~: HERIIST •" ~ ,' i ~+ . N WI2NESS WHRRL•'OE, I have he;eunto ;,et my hand this ,-~)' ~.: -~ ~~x ~~!~'%~~,~; :i'J~I990. -- 1~ . . -..-_.l_...~~:Y'~,.! __.`_y.~,',~ ~ ' /~,•, •'~ ? AC~Mt1G SGCRETARY, Al~Ai: MJ~CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~?- PC 90-07 . rr,: ;;r~