Resolution-PC 90-74. ~,,.,~'~:~ '~ ~4 ;,~ 7;1 ': I RES~T~~';CTQN NQ_, P~~R _.7.h ; A RESOLUT.TQtd OI' THG ANAHF;IM C.iTX PLANI3'TNG COMMISSTON TFiA'J.' PE'PITION FQft CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NQ. 3251 8E GRANTED WHCFF.~S, the Anahe.i.m City Planniriq C~mmission, did receive a v9rifiod Petition fior Condi.tional [1se Pormit f.or cert;ain rt~al pruperty situatQd in the ,, City of Anaheim, Count,y oi Or•an7e, Sta~e oi Cali£arnia, cirscribed as; PARCEL 1: :CHOST: FORTTONS Ur LOTS 2 Z,NA 3 Ok' rS'rA'CE 01' MARY STROf3EL, IN THE CT7'Y UF ANAHETM, C~UN'.C`~C ~F ORANGE, S~'ATE OF C~i~IFURNIA, AS SI~QWN Oh A MAP TFIE!2EOI', RECORDED I11 HOOK 3 PAGES '/F AIdD '17 OF t•:ISCELLANEOUS RF:CORllS, LOS ANG~LES COIJPTTY, D~SCI2IBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGTNNING Ot7 THE NOrcTHE;:~ST CpRNER OP' uA1D LOT' 2 ANn RUNNING rHENCE' SOUTH 15° 00' 00" Ea~t, ALUNG THE EASTERLY LIN~ THEREOF, 50.32 FF.ET TQ THE NORTHEAST i:OFtNER OP' THB LAND CONV'EYED TO DGRTHA LBELI2~G, A MARRIED WOhfAtl, I3Y DEED RECORDI:n M1~RCH 22, 1957, IN Fs00K 3847 PAGI: lii2 0[' OFFICTf\L RECORDS Ok' SAiD ORANGE COUNTY; THGtar,~ SOJ~rH 74° 56 ~ 15~~ WEST, ALONG THF NORTI~EkLY LING G"r' SAID LANU CONVEXEU TQ ~BLLING, AND ITS hLSTE:RLY I~ROLQNGA'TTON 97 . 50 FF,ET: THF.NC ~ NORTIi 15° 00' 00" ~~IEST 18.07 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 7~1° 56' EAST 32.7.5 FEF'i' TO TFIF 2i0R'THWEST COfiNER OF SAID LOT; " TFiED'C~ NOltTfi 'l4° 56' 15" FAST '165 FEET; TO THB PUINT BEGINNINr,, PARCEL 2: LOT SEVEN ( 7) OF THF "EST~A1'E OF MARY STI20BF:T ", AS SFiOWN O~T A M.AP RFCORDrD tN BOUK 3, PACL'S 76 AND ~7 UF MIS('ELLANL•'Q(1S RECORDS 0'~ LOS ANGF,I,ES, COUNTY, Ci-GI F'ORNTA . ~, EXCGYTItdG :H~RE:FROM F~)R PUBLIC SIDEWAI,K ~UkPUSF'S A ~ STRIP 6 1/2 I'LET WIUE Af OPJG TFIE EASTERLY HOI)NDARY AS CONVEYE;D TO TF{I: CI1'Y Of' ANAFiEIM, BY DEED RECORDED APRII, 13, 1906, IN BOQK 131, 'PAGE 1.12 OF DEF,DS, :2uCOt2DS OF ORANGE rOUPdTY, CALIFURNIA. PARCEL, 3: LOT 8 OF T'r!C "ES'~ATE OF M7~RY STROBEL", ~N TtiE CITX OF ANAHEIM, CaUNlY OF ORAt7GE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER blAF' RF.C'UkllED IN Ei00K 3, PAGCS 76 AND %7, MIuCEL•LAN50GS RGCORDS O1~ LOS AtJI;EiL~S COUNTY, [:ALIEORPlI11. 1354r --1- FC90-74 .r,. 4l'S i 7~ ';' .. .. ... ~. . , . . .. .f,,~. ., .. , . ,~ . , .. . , . ~ , , .. i '~i'~ ~j~~, (~~ ! ~. ~~ WHrRFAw, ;:ho CiL•y Plannirxg Commission did hold a pi~blic hearing at the C~vic Cenl:er itx tha Cai;x o.f. Anaheim on Diarch 12, 1990 at 1t30 p.m., notice oE said public hoaring having bnerx duly gi~an as required by 1aw ~nd in accordance ~rith the pravisions nE che Anatieim Municipal Co3e, Chapter 18.p3, to hear and consider ovzc;ence fUr and aq~ir~st said proposed cond3tional u.se ~erinit and to investigate and mako £indi.ngs ~n~ recorunendations in connockion therewith; and sa.id. pu~lic hearing bein~ continued t~ the meel•zrig oE Ma.rch 26, 1990; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a~Cer due _+.nspection, investiqation an8 study made by .itself and in its behalf, arid after clue considerat,ion of all evidenc:e and repor~s offered at said hearzng, does Find and detarmine the Eolloiving facts : 1• That potitionor rec1uests approval of a conditional ~aSQ parmit undez authoritiy ot C~~de Sections 19.34.0~0.065 anc~ 18,96,p2p to con,ytruct a 24-unZt, 3-~tory dFCk-typQ taousing a~artmont comp'lex with ivaivc~r ot lho following: ~£(~TI~N 1 GtQ4~1. - Rgquireci e~~!~~.r~r.~• (Elevat~r rrithin ?.UO f~~;~, of e~exy unih entrZnco rf:quired; 'L72 ~g~t proposed) Z. That the 1-equested w~iver is here~.+y gr.anted ori ~he bas.is thak there are special circ w~nsCancos appl.ic:abli to ~he property such as size, shape„ topoqraphy, loratiori and surroundings which do not anply to othar identically zoned property in the sa+ae ~;zcinity; and that strict application of th~ Zoning Code deprives trio proX~ex~:y of privileges onjoyed b~ other properti.es in the identica] zone and classil:ica.tiou in tkie viwiniL•y. 3. That the ~roposr.d use wiZl not advers;.Iy affEC~ the a~joining land uses and F.he growth ~nd de~~elupmQnt of the area in wY.ich it is proposc~d to be locatec3. '~. That L-ha size and snape of the ~ite prUpns~d f'or the usc is ad?quate l:a a11ow tho fu.ll devplopmant of t2i~ proposecl use in a manner not do~~~imental to thr> particul~r area nor I:o the peac~, h~allti, saFety aiir] ganQral wRlfare ~~f the Cztizens uf the City of Anihoim. 5. imposod That the if grantiz>~ oL' the Conditional Use Permit under t;hs c~nditions , qanaral any, welf:ire nf' will not ba the Ciri det:rimUntal to L•hc~ peace, health, safety and zens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That ihe traEfic generuted by tha prAp~se~ ~,~;;e wi7.1 not impose an undue burtlen upon the str~e~::~ and hi~}iways dos.igned and improved tu carry ttie r_raffic in the area. 7. Thut nu one inQicated their n~cesence at said publi.c hoari.ng in opgositioh; and that no aorrE~snoiiclence was racei.ved in opposition to the s~xbject petiL-i.on. . .~I d~i ' ~t ~'~71~1~~±~ -2"' PC90-74 .~'~'~'I,I 1: b 11~ ~ALIFQ~N~A_~NVIR Nh1ENT 1., Ciry F~l~tnning Commission h~as rev`iewQedLthQ ~~`'~ rxNUI. ~--5: Tha~ the Anaheim Properry £rem the CG (Commerc.ial, Genaral pl~p~s$1 t° rec:lassif Mulitp.~e-•Famil r ) Zono to the ~M_ Y subjQCt ~) or. a less int~ny.~ Tplle and to cons~rucL• a 224,. ~R~sidential, deck-~,yn~ hauy~~,~ a~~~rtm~nt compl~~ Wzt~ ~~iver o.f requfred elevatars o irregularl unit.. 3-s~ory y-sh~zpEa p~rcel ot land conszstin ~ an having approxxmaie Irontages o;~ ~p fe1 g°f aPProsimatel and 125 teot on . on the east si,de o~ y U.G~ aGre, 17~ ip thQ west sa.de ~,f Lomon Str~~r Clem~ntino Str~et ek SOUtYI oF the centerline ~f Elm Street~ and~fur her~gd appror,zmately S• Clementine StreQt; and daes hereb a findin described as 416 g that it has considered Y Pprave the Neqatix~e n~claration ~;pon comments roceived du:in Lhe ~tegative Declaz•ati~n togekhc~r with b~~~~ °f ~h~ initial gStil~~ public revi~w process and furth~r fir.dir, any 5ub~tantial evidence y and any conunents received t.hat ~herP ° ~ the enviroi~ment. that the proj~~~ wi11 tiave a gignific;anr ef~ect on n~ the 2'~~'r. T:::;R~^~„`OP.u, Commission does hereb ~~ `~' n~SULV~D thac the Anaheim u on Y gi~nt SUuJe~t Petition for r ~l~Y Planning P the followixig coii~litions whzch onditional Us . Permit, prerequisite to t}ie ro are hereby f.ound to ~~ 3 ~~1e ~a~et arl~] P posec] use of the subjoct property in order nQCessary Y ~eneral w~lfare of L-he Ci~izens oF t~ ~reserve the City of Anahe.im; 1' * Th~~: prior to issuance u[ 9 F~rmit, a faithEul perform~n.ce bonc~ iI1 an amouxit anproved by the CiLy~Engi.neer shall be postect with th of. Anaheim ~o guaz•antee the r:~moval ~lon nF e~.istin e City y Cl e m e n tine Skreet and recc~nstructian/const;r~ution~ of fuli ~~ments 1R~proveinents at the u1t-imate lucation rior inSPtctior.s auttiorized b.y r,his resolution, ~'`~ ~ina1 buildin street g and zcning ~• That a new twelve Clementin~ Street ~ro2~ iilch sanitary sewer shall be constr.ucted issuance of "u~j~c~ Pr~perty ~~ EZm ~tr~o~. Pr~or in bu.ildinq p~rmi.t, s~wer improvement plans sha71 be submitted t~~ and im roveme P nt secixrity posted with thE~ Subdivision Soction. The sewez• imp:overnents sha11 be designed ~,1~ s~ecification;; on file ~,i~ saastructr~d in sha11 be installed prior l:otioccu~~ayce ~~ th9 City Engineerprdance wi'r.h CiC Er, ~' Y• The developQr ~n~ Tre Sewer Y gineer for. i•~ainhursemeiit of a p 1' aPP~Y to the the new twelve (;,2) ln~h ortion of h.h,~ cost ot installing SCreet/Clernentine SY.reet SeweraAssessmerit~DistLl~r,~ Gomponent of the Elm 3. * That prior to i.:ssuanr.c of a asses~men~ fee slia~l be building p~rmih, the appropriate sQWeT dNtermineci b p~la tO tr~ City oF An~heim y the City Enyineer, ln an amount '~ • That r ti~ ex.istin replaced with standardreuru~Ys orl t~emon Street ' •~U~r~r, sidewalk and lands~a~b n~ removed ar.d ' i ~• * That ~rasti storage are~s ,,hall be pr~vided and m,~ir.tained in a loc , acceptable to the Strect Maintenance and acccrdance with Sanitation Uivision ation approved plans pil file with said Division, and in in£ormation sha.l7. be specificall~ sl~own on the builr~ixi ~uch q permi~s. plans submztted for -3- F'C9U-74 ,~. ,;y ~- - J'w~',~ ~.r'G.;l~y` 6. That a private wator systein with separate £ire and domostic waCQr services sha11 be pr~vided. Tho water back flow systHm and large w~ter meters sha11 be installed in undergrouncl vaults, a11 to ~the satisf~ction oP ~hQ City Water Engineering Division. 7. * Tl1at sLreet lighting L•ar.ilities along Lcmon Streo~ and ClemeratlnQ Street shal~. bo installed as required by thQ (Iti.lities ~eneral Manager in accordanr.e wzth sp~r.aficati.uns on filo in ~he OfticQ of ~he Uti.litio5 General Manager; or that securi.t;l in tho form of a bund~ c~-xtificate ~£ deposit, 1~t1:er oL• crediL, or cash, in an amaunt ar~d £orm satisfactoxy ~c~ the CiL•y oL• Anaheirn, shall Ue posted wit;h ~ iie City to guarantee tho satisfactory complet.ion oE tha abc,ve-mentioned improvements. Said security shall be posted wit•h the City of AnaY~eim prior to issuance of a bui~dinq permit. The above-required improvements ~hall bo installe prior. to accupancy. 8. * That subjeL~ prop~rty shall be served by underground utilities. 9. * That ~ny lockab2e pedestri.an and/or vehicu].ar access qatos shall be equippecl with "kr.ox LIOY'~ devices, as rf~quired ancl approvc~d by the City Fi.re Del~artment. I0. * That fire sprinklers sha11 be installed as required by the ~'ire Department. 17.. * That an aut~mat.ic local fire alarm ~ystem sliall be installed ~s coquirea U,y the F'ire Depac•tment. Mariual alarm pulls may be omitted. 7.2. *'That prior to issuan~Q o.f a building permit, the appropria~te traE£ic siqnal assessmerit fee shall be paid io the City of Anaheim in an ;jmount as e~tablxahec~ by City Council resolutiion. 13. ~h~it no driveway qrar~e sha11 exceed ten percenL (10~b) Fxcopt by prior ripproval oF tha F'ire and the Public Works -- Engineering Departments. 14. * That gates skiall not be installecl acros:; the driveway in a m~nner which may adversely aftect ~~ehicular ~raffic in the adjacent ~ublic street(s}. Tnstalla;:iori of any gatas shall conform to the Engineer.ing sranaara Plan No. 4U2 ar,d sha11 be subjsct tc tho review and approval of ~he Cit•.y TrafLic Engineer. ~rior ko issuance oF a building perrnir. 15. That plans shall ~e subrni.tked to tlie Citp Traftic Fngineer for his review and lpproval shawing how the security gate will fun~tion in rP'lation to the veliicular L•urn-arotind area. 1G. * That plans sliall ue submitted ro tha City Traffic Engineer for his review zncl approvzl showing conforr.~ance ~rith Engineerzng Standard Plan Nos. 4Q2, 436, ~ir-1 ancl 6QA par~aix~inq to parking st~ndards. Subjoct ~roperty sliall thereupnn be developed and maintained in conf~xmance with said plans. _q_ PC90-74 fi~.~ %t .. 5 ,~vka~r, ~, , ~ 17. * That a f~e far str.oet trQe X~urposes sha11 be paicl to the City of Anaheim basecl on lenc~th of str.eet frontac~os along C'lcmentine Str.eet ar~c~ along Lemon 5tre~C (f.or. the southerly pat•cel onXy) in an amount as estab].ished by City Council resolutiozl. ~ 18, * That prior to issu.anc~- oE a buildzng perrn.it, appropriate p~srle r~nd r~creation in-lieu fec~s sha7.l be paid to th~3 City of Anaheim in an am~~unt as asL-ablishad by C.ity Cnuncil resolutio-~. 15. * That both spacAS in each Pair of. tlndem parkirg spaces sha11 be assigned to t:he same dwelling u:~it. r ~'~ 20. 'k T:~at a17. air conditioriing facili~ies and ol:her roof an3 ground mounted equipment sha11 k~e properly shi.~ldod from vS.ew, and l•he sound buffered from adjacent resiciential properties. Such information shall specifically be shown on the pians submitted for building permits. 2'l. That a'l1 plwnbiug ur other similar pipes and Fixtur~s loca~ed an the exterior of the building s2~a11 be £ul].y screened by architoctural devir.es and/or. agpropriate building materials; and, fur.ther, such information shall be specif.ically shawri on the pZans submitted for building permits. 12. * Ttiat prior ro issuance of a building permit, saL•isEactory evid6nce shall be submitted to th~ Ru:ildizic~ Division shawing khat the proposod project is in coYi~ormance ~vith Counci.l Policy Number 5A2 "Sound A*tenuation i.n Resic~ential Projects" and with :loise Insulation Standards speci.fied in the California Admin~strative Code, Ti~l.e 25. 23, That kriar ~o ~inal buildiiig an~t zon~.ng inspecticns, a m inimum six (6) foot high masor.ry block w~ll (the maximum sha11 be as eslablished by th3.s Crnditiona.). Use Permit) sh~.ll ba ~unsl-ructed and maintained along all interzor property linPS, excepL•ing t.he front setbacks where the waYl heigYit shall not exceed three (3) L•eet; provided, however, that the City TratFic F.ngineer shall have the authority to redur,e the hei.ght of th2 walls to prot:ecr vi~ua'1 linos-oE-sight khere pedestrian/vehicular circulati.on intarsect. Said black w~ll shall be planted and maintained kith clingit-g vines tn eliminate graffiti opportun.ities. Furthermor~, prior 'to issu~ince of a buildiny permit, precisc~ wall pl.ans showing ,, he.ig2it, materials, locaL•i.on and treatment (iziclu@ing anti-graffiti coaling or landsca~~iz.g) for t}ie wa1:L adjacent t.o Little People's Park ~ -,north property line) shall be revipwc~d anci approved by the PGrks, Recreation ancl Corrimunity Services Dcpartm~~nt. The de cision of the ~'arks, Recreation and Commuiiit~~ Sc~rvices Degartment mav b~ appealod to the Planni.ng Commission. Approveci plzns sZ1a11 tPlereupon b~ prova.ded ro tne Zoning Division. ~4. That no boundary wal? or tence shail be const.ructer.l in such a way as to create a dangez•oiis narrow void/space betweQn adjacent wa11s/L•enceslhuildings on nE:ghburi.ng pro~~rties. -5- PC90-74 ;f.: _ . ~,. , :y 25. ~ ThaL tho on••sitc 1~~ndscaping 7nd .trri.gation ~y,tom ~hall be maintt~ined i~i compli.ancc~ w.i~h C.iCy stan~ie~r.ds. 'l6. ~ ihat thiy C~ndit ionnl Use l~erinit is gr. anteci :;ut~ j~~cr. L•~a the adoption oE a ~oninq ordin7nr.o in connaction wit;h Racl~~;~si iica~ion N'o. 89-90-47, now ponding, 27. Z'1ia~ subject pcoperty s}t;tl.l bc3 de~elo~?ecl subst~~ntially in accord2~nce w.ikh ~l,ins ~--nd sF~eci f.ica~i~~ns submitGed to the City of Anr~he3m by the r)CClti~)tiCf and which plans ~irc~ on file wi~h th~ P:anning DeFa:tment marked Exhibit tios. 1 throuc~h 5. 28. 7Ch~~C pri~c• Co i;,suai~ce of a building permil or w.ithin a period of one (.i) yUar from thQ d~~te of tlti:, resolut.i~~n, whichQVar occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, ll r.hrough 1~, 20 throagh 23, and 26, aLove-ment.;ione~, s.~all b~ comZ;lied with. ExCensiuns for further time to completo sa.id condit:iens m~y be gr~uited in accoc'dc+nce with Section 18.03.090 ot th~ Att111eim Mu-~iCip~31 Cocle, 29. 2'tiet: prior Cu final building ~nd zonin~,~ inspectior.s, Candition iJOS. 1, 2, 4. G thraucJt~ 11, 23, 24 ~nd "l7, above-mentione<l, sha? 1 bs complied with. J0. * That api:~oval ot tl~is application const.itutas approval q~: thc propose~cl rec;uest only Lo the ext:ent that it complies with the AnahQim Muni.cipal '~onin~j Code an:3 any other applicable City, StaY.o and Fetdert~l rAgulations. Approval C~OP.S :ut inrlude ~ny action or findings as t~ compliance or ap~~rot•:.I oE Lhe request regarding any other applicable ocdinanec, regulat:ion or rec{uirement, Conditions ma:kod with an asterisk (~) are required by ~~stablished laws, codes, regulations and agreements and are r.ot ,ubjecL [o neqotiation. 2iE IT FUItTFiEFt KF.SOLVED that Lhe J.rialieim C.ity Planniiiq Commission does heceby find ~nd determinc t2ic~t adoptiur. nE Lhis Resolution i, expressly prud.cated upon applicant's cnmpliance with eatt; ~~:J ~.ll of the condiriou~ hereinabove set farth. Should any such conrliticns, o•: any part th3reof, be declare!d inva2i;l or uTientcrce~ble by ~he tinal juclqment of any c~urt of c~mrete~st juri:~dicL-ion, th~n tbi3 Itesolution, and any approvals hc~rein cont.~ined, ~ha~l be deemc:l uull and vo:c, THE FOKF'C07tJG RGS~t.JTIOtt w~~s ~+dopted aC the Pla~:ning Commission meetinq uf Marcn 26, 199~. ,' _ ~ . /% , ~ , . ~~ --------,.:-:~41. '-~-~-L1__~? ~ %~ 1 R1y ~ CftA2R~1~4r, ,1NJ+"if.I,~+. ~ TY PLAt~t~.itt~ c:OM.~sJSSIU:I AT7F,ST: ` /, l' / ' r,~ - _.._._.__ _.../ "'!~"_'_`,, __~ -..~ -~° w~ - -. _ ~--- --- SECRETAFt7. J111;~fif:'L:/ S:ITY I',,1,l1~tltiG CO::~:I:35I~3;7 _~''" 1'C9U-')4 y ~: ,{ 5 . . ~ , . ~ ~~ . 7 '.~~'~ y ~ p~ ~'~t~-',.y~~~;~i~ ~~ f ~ ~ y ~a;,, ~ i STATE QF CAGIF'pRNTA ) ~ CQUNTY pF URANr,,r ~ CI'~'Y OF ANI~HEIM ~ s s• A• E:dith L, flarris Commission, do hereb ~~E~c1c~rarY of lh~ adoptad at a meetin Y cortify t}~ih tha foregoin ~na}~eim C.ity Planning 1y90, b ~J of tha Att~h~rim ;.'~.~y p~anni.ng Commossiun held~on Mn ch ~b , Y rhe following ~~CQ o£ and ,., the mombers ther.eof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: , ' NOES; AOYDS7UN, F10UA5, HF,GLyGR ~ COMMTgSIQNGR~; NONF: '~1~R~~~'. MC AURNEY, rtESSE ADSG~JT; COh4r1TSStOP7ERS: FELnHAi1S TN WIq~NESS WFiF.REOH, i have hereunto oF ,_ ~ • 19y0. - _.• seC my hand thi~ ~~(, day ----- --.~i~t~~~. `h~ . ., StCP ~'-~ ~`~~ .F,rAxY. ANANEIM CITY ?LAt7NI~ r-"_..~ COMMISSION _~„ P~90-74