Resolution-PC 90-75~~~i ~ i , 1! I~, ~ ~'^+rti:M RE ~OG~TI(~N., IJO._, FC.9Q,=75 ~ 11 RF;SOLUTION OF TH6 ANAFiEIM CI'CY PLANNING COMMiS^a.iON TEiI~T PGTITT~N I'UR COt(f_~IT.[ONAL US~ PrfMI1' N0. 324~J BE GRANTED WEfFRi?AS, the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission did roceive a vcara£iea . Pe:~iY.ion for Conditic~nal Use permit; i.pr cerka?n rea]. property sit;uated in tho , City of Anaheim, County ot.' Orange, State of CaliEornia, cie,~scribc~d as; PARCELS :1., 2 ANC 5, AS SHOLJN Ot7 A MAP l~ ILED IN BOOK 222 • PAGL•'S 37 10 41 IPJCLUaTVE, OF PARCEL MA~S, IN THE UFF;CE UF 'PHE CUUf77'Y RF:CORUGI2 0[' ORANGE COUNTX, CAI.IFORPIiI~, WFiERE~S, the City~ Planning Commission did hold a publia hQarfnq at the Civic Center in tlie Ci~y o~ Anaheim on March 25, 1990 i~ 1;30 P,m„ natice ~t Said public he~ring havinrJ been duly given ~s required by law and in acr.arclance with the pruvisio»s of the An~he.:m Municipal Coda, Chapt:er 1t3.03, to hear ~nd consider evzcience for arid aqainst said nroposed connitiona~ use permit and to investigate ;~nd make f:ir:dings and re~om.~nenflar.ion~ in conuection lherew.ith; ~n~~ WHF,RT:AS, said (:ummis3ion, after due iri,pection, i.nvesY.iqation and s,.udy made by irself atid .in its beha.if, and after due considoration of all evi.c;ence an~ re~o~ts ofPered ar said hr~~t jr~~, ao~,~ find and dvtermine the Eollow~ng Lacts: ~•. That petitioner. req~.i~;,ti5 appr~va.1. of a condit~onal ttse permit under authority uf Code Section 18.03.C~30.010 }~~ ~~errn.it a temporary modular sr_ructure Cor medica.l ofLic~a uses. 2. That the propose:l u~e will not advers~ly afEect the adjoining lanci uses and the growth ~nt; de~elopment oE l:he ar~a in which il i~ p~opa~e~ t:o be loca.teu. :3. ade;quate to ThaC a11ow ~l~e aize ar~d shape u[' the sit~ proc~o.^,~d the Cull r i for ths~ use i cietrimPn~a.l to t1~ e~~elopment of r.ne prvposed rr:~~ . e pa: r icular zr a manner ;s not qeneral welfare of . are~ nor to ttie pe~ice, health, r_t,e Citi.zer.:: of the Cit f A saEety ~,nd y o naheim, ~~. 3 years a»c: That uc;der the ~rantiriq of the C~nciitional Us~ P~;rmiL• the condi~; for a period of tY,e peace, r. .~alth, ons iml~osecl, if an saf~ty and / 1 r e Anah~,im. qeneral weltare i the Citix~ne og the City of ~. That t~iie t:r ~f.C ic gr_ncrat~c+ ~y t;tlc -,1•op~ ;~r~ l~s~ will n_ot impose ~.~~ undun_ l~u~den u~~on the streE•r ;;ir;ci hiqhuay, .:~..3i~';e i and imrsxr~ved to r.arr~ th~ traEf{c in ttie are,,, 1355r. _.I _ PC9U-75 ~~ ~,ivr'~ Ei. That nn on~ inCi.icated th~ir ~~resQnr..e s~t sa.id publir. hearing in oppositiori; anc~ thaC no corrnsponclenc~ waa receivQd in oppocsition to ths subjQCt petition. ~A~!x~'SRT_l~._._._~NV7R9..~It~"~.N._T~Lz__...Q_U1~LITY ,•-_l~~x _ EIlI~~N~s The Plannl;ig DiY•octor or his auth~rizeii ropz•esentative has dot~rmii~ed that the proposed projac~ [alls wirh.in thn definition ~,` Ca~agorical Exemp~iona, C1Fiss 11, as d~f•inQCl in tl~a Stare I:TR Guidelines ar~d is, therefor~, cateqorically oxempt from t}ia repuireme~tiC lo prF.pare an ETR. NOW, TFiERE~'UR~', IIE I1' RESQLVLD th:t thQ A,~ahQim C.ity Planning Commission ~oQS harc~by gr~~nt subj~:cL- Petition for CondiCional Use PermiL•, upon th~ f.ollowing c~ndir_ic~n;; whic:h arc~ hereby £ound tu be ~ nsc~ssar.y pi•erequisito to tlie px•opo:;ed use of thF; siibject prope:ty in order to r:•eserve the safety, and ~,~F~nEi•al we1.F.aro of th~ Citizens ot th~ City of .Anahe.im; 1• *'lhar, tra:ah storage areas sh,i11 be providec.i and m,~in~ained in a location acco.pCable to tr~~ Streek M~inCenai,ce and Sanit~Cion flivision, in accordanco with appz•oved p.lans on £ile w.itY- said Division. 5uch intorma~i.on shall be speciPically shown an thn plan• submitted for building pcrmits. 2. * Th~tt prior to i:;suance of a building permit and unl~ss proof of exemption is subrnittc~d iii compliance with CiL-y Cauncil ItAsoluti~n No. 85R-423, the ~pproprzate major thornughCare and bridge fee shall be paid to the C.ity of An ~he±m i.n an amount as speciEied in the Majar Thorouglifar.e .znd Firidae E'eo Pr.ugram for the F'oothill/F.'astern Transportat:ion Corridor, as sstablished by City Council resolution. 3. * Tha~ prior to issuancv of a bii~'cling perm.it, the appropriate traffic signal as:~essm~nr_ fe~ ;hall be paid t:o the City of l~naheim in an amovnt as establi;;bed by City Council resolukion. 9. fi Tl~at prior L-o i:,suance of a Lu.ildinq p~~~ni~, t};e ~~px~priate fee sh~ll be paid to the C.ity of Anal~eim for S.inta Atia Canyon Road widening p,irposes, as establis}ieci by City Counci? r•esolution. 5. +~ xh~t Che ncw cunsCructic+ri aut-horir.n~~ ~ f thi.s res~lut.ion sha11 be ssrved by L~nclerground ut.i.lit3f•s, 6. That prior. Lc~ the inst:allation of the n;o:lular uni ts, an on-site fire bydrant shall be installeu anc: charged ~~s re~uired anQ ap~r.o~~ed by tho Ci.ty Fire Uepartment. An all-we~~ther. roa~l shall. be pr~v3c3oA to tt.t~ hydrant at al.l times, as requirecl and app mved by the Eire Departmen.t. 7. T'hat a smok~r clelectian sysr_Hm may be installed in liQU of f.ire sprinklars, :~3 rev;ewc~d and a~~r.roved f~y Che Yire U~:parCmQnt; proviclPd, hc~wovor, LhaC fires spririkler3 :,ha1A be installed if the stru~turo remaiys~ vn-siCe for moce r.h~r- onr• (1) ye:-r, -L` PC9U-75 ~ ~ti" ~~a . a .. ,r,,,4 8. * Th1~ a L~r Line Acljust;me.nt Flat t:o cambinc.~ the thr.ea (3) existing lots stiall bo submir.toci to the Subd.ivi.~iori S~c~ion for reviow and approval by the City Lngiiieer and th~n U~ recorded in the Ot[iee ~f. the Orniigp Ccun~y R~corder. ~. * Th~-h plans ~ha11 l~o submit~e~d tu Ch~ Buildinc~ Division showinq aom}~liance with the minzmurn s~andards o.E tiho City of AnahPim, inclucling Cho Uniform Iiuildzny, ~]umbing, Eler.tric~l, MQChan.ical and Fire Codes ~s adopted by the City oL Aiiahcim, The appropr.i~.te pQrmits sha11 bo abtained for any neces;,ary work. IG. That ~11 plumbi:~g oi ot2ier similar pik~e~s and f.i:ctures locatod on ttie exterior o[ t}~e buildinc{ sha11 bE fully screened by architectural d~:v~ces and/or appropr.iate build.ing m~-teria].s; and, fi~rthar, sucti info.mation shall be specifically sl~own oii rhe pluns submittod for building riermits. I1. * 1har. any root-mouritecl c~quipmenr. shal.l be subject, to Zonir.q Code SQCCion 1t3.84.062.032 (roof-mounted equiC~ment in l:he Sc:enic Corridor}, Such informatzoii shall be specifically sliow~i or. k}ie plans submitted for buildiiig perrnits. 12. That thc ~L•oF,csal shall romply wit2i a71 sign.ing requit.~ments of the C7(SC) "Commerc.ial, i.imited - Scenic Corridor Overlay" Zone, unless a variance allowing sign waivers is zpproved by tt::• City Council, Flanning Commissiori or 2oiiing AQmin.istratoz•. 13. * That unlc~ss a variance i.~ ap~lierl for and granl:el, lzghting ~~f sigctage Por subject pz•operty s}~all be prohibited betweeri Che hours of midnight. and 6:30 a.r~~., as requic•ed by Zonitiq Code Sect.ien 18.05.092,052. .1~. * 2}aat the on-si~e l~nclscap.ir~g and irrigation systern ;,}ia1] be maintainod in com~.liancc with Ci~y stanclards. 15. '~hat th~ parkin~ area adjacen.t to Santa l~na Cai~yc~n Road shall be screened from view in c~nLormance with Code Section 18.44.064,U1p ( lar,dscapiny r~ ~crQerc park5 ng areas ). Sai6 ~crec~~~.tng shall b~ specif.ically sliown on the plans submitted for bu.ilding p~ ,,iits. 16. That subject proper~y sh~ill be developed sunstantiall.y in accordance ailh plans and specificakions submi~ted to the City of Ar.ahe3.m b.y the petitionez• and whicti plans ar.e un Cile with the Flannil:g Uepartmont a~arked ~;xhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. ].7. That subjeet use is hec•eby granL•c±d foc a pec•iod of three (3) years t•o R~xpire on Marah 26, !9~3. 18. That pricr lo issuance ot (1) • a builc!ing ~,ermit or wikh::i ~t period cf ~x~.~• ye~r L rom th~ dstQ of, Conditi N this r.e,olution , whic:}te~~er pccur•r~ first, on os. 1, 2, 3, 9, be ccfmplied with F 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15, abov~~-mentioned, sh~a:l . xtensiuns for Eurther conditions m; b time ta comp2etet ~said y e gr.~n~.ed Anatie.irn Muz.icip~l Cod~. in accord.~n.:c with SnCY..lOfl 1t~. ,~3.090 ~f thQ ~ '3" PC90-75 fltKe.,, ~~ c ; s ,:. 19. ~hat prior to final building an~9 zoniiig .~nspections, Condition Nos. 1, 5, 7, and 16, above-~mnntion~d, sha:l b~ compliocl wiL-h. 2Q. * That approval ot t;his applicati.on constittites al~proval of the propo~ed requQSt anly to lhe extent that it complic~s with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and ariy other a~plicablc~ City, Stata and Fe8eral rog4latiions. Approval does nol- include any ac~ioii nr Eindings as to compli~..nce or approval of tha ree~uest re~az•ding any o~her applicab:~.~a ordinance, regul~tion or rQquirernent. Cond.itions marke8 w.ith an asterisk are requir~:cl by est;ablishecl laws, codas, regulations and agreem~:n~s and arQ not subject co nQgotiation. EiE IT i'URTEIER ItESOT~VED thar tho Anaheim City I~lanniny Commission ~loas hereby find ;ind dot~~mine t}:at adoption ~t t:his Resolution .is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance aar.h each ancl all of hhe ca~dit3ons here.inabove set forth. S::ould any sucti condition~, or any part tt~erAOf, be ~lec].ared invalid or unenforaeable by the final. judgmerit; of. any court oE comp~~ent juri5diction, thon this Fcesolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be a~,emEa null and void. THE E'ORECUING RESOLU'T:IQPI wras adoptad at the Planninq Commission meeting of M~.rch 26, 1990. - - -~' .~_~ `~'"r - - ~'`- ~, . -1-- GiAIRMAN, ANhHE~ CTTY ~LA NING C OMMISSION ATTEST: D ~ -~ _ ./ -a -- ~~--"~f~~ ~~ .----_...._ ~.--'-- SECRET , , ANAf1GIM CITY FLANtdILtG COD41TS5IUtt STATE OE' C7~'LTFORNIA ) COUt1TX UE ORAI~IGE ) :;s. CITY U[' ANAHGIM ) I, rdith L, Harris, Secreta:y of the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commissi.on, do horeb,y ~~ertify that the foregoing resolution was passad and adopted at a mF~eting ot ~ti~ Anah~im ~iky Planni.ng Commission helci on March 26, 199Q, by Lhe followinc;• vot~ u: the members thereof': AYES: COhII~SISSIONERS: bqYDSTUN, HCLLXF.R, FiERB5T, MF'SSE NOES: COMMIS~'tONERS: P10CIE ABSF.N~; (:Ot~fISSIONERS: 130UAS, F~LI)HAUS, 1dC BURNE:Y / ~ TN WITNESS WfiEFEOF, I hava hezeu~it~ set ny hand this ~~ day of _,~_~ . 1990. .> C`~ ~~/~'~ c..~~t _~_~i~!-~._ __...--~ v -~?-'"~.="(1.' -_ -__- SECf~'PARY , ~ ~ ~• , 1fAFiElM CITY PGAPINIhG CGA4viISoION •4- P.C90-75