Resolution-PC 90-79~ ,.,=,.~.~r~;~~ ;:~;'~':,~ , RLa~LUTION N0.__ PC90^79 ,,., ~r~ ,~:, A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHETM CITY' PLANNTNG COMMTSSION ADOPTINr, A.ND R~COMh1ENI)ING 'r0 THF. CITY CUUPTCT'L AD()PTTQN 0~' G~NERAL PLAN AMEN~MENT NOF. ::79-1, 2, 3, AND 5 WHER~AS, tYie Cit.y Council of• thF. City oF Anaheim cii.d 3dopt the Anahezm Gener~.l P:Lan by Resolutior. No. 69k-644, showing t.he yexier,~l description ar~d extent of possible future devPln~menti with.in the city; ata3 WFIEREAS, Plannin~1 Commissinn dirocted skaf:f to initiat:~ an amendmen~ ~.~ the Land Use T'leirient af rhe General Plan to redesiqr.ate the fo~lowing: Stucly Area 1 from the M~dium Densi t.y Residential ctesi~~n~tzon to ths Low Den~ity Re~id~:~ci.al c~esignation on an area consis~ing of aFproximatQly 2.3 aares generally bounded by ~anta Ana Street to the n~rth, Anahei m Bc,ulevarr~ to t2ie ~asi:, Water Street to the south ancl Lemon StrceL• to L•he west excl~ading the northerly 375 £eet ~nd. tk-e easL-erly 150 feet; Study Area 2 from ~he Medxum Density Residential. de~ignation L•o the Low-Mediti~m Density R~sidE~ntia.l designation on an ax•ea consistinc~ of approxi:aately 13.5 acres general?.y bounded by Water StreeL to the nori~h, Anaheim Boulevard tc i:he east, Valencia Avenue ta the ~outh ana LPmon Sl-reet to the wnsL excluding the ~ast~rly 16Q feet ancl Lho southerly 285 fee~; Study I~rea 3 from the Medium Densir.y Resid~ntza'1 designation ~o the Low•-MF:diizm nensity Resid~nL•ial designation ori an ~rea consi5ting of a~proximately i..19 acres qenerally k,our.ded by Santa Axxa Streot to the nort.h, Claudina Streat to the east, i~l~ter Street to the south and the a11ey Easr oE Anaheim Houlevard t:o tho west excZuding hhe northerly 360 feet; SL-ud_v Area A frum L•he Medium Densi ~y RES.iciential designaLion to the Lo~r Dnnsit.~ Fesid~ntial designat`:on on ~xn area consxsting o° apgroxima~tly 16.4 acres generall~• boundad by Water Street to tha norCh, nliv~ 5treet to zhe ~asr_, Soutn S~rQet to th.e south and the a11ey east of Anaheim 3c,ialevZrd ta the west, also inclvding th~ area gener~lly bounded by Santu Ana Streeh. to the norl:ti, Ulive Street to the east, Water SL-reet lo the soutti and Claudina Street to the west c::cegting Lhe norrher~y 36C Eeet and ~l.~ easterJ.y 7.40 feet nortr~ of Waler Street; . Study Area 5 trom the Me~iium Density ~eszc:QnL-ial designation to the Low-tdediu:n Uensitx Residential designatiori on an area consisting of approximately 8.9 a~:r.es generally bounded by South Street ta the north, Olive Strae~ ~o the east, Valoncia Avenue to the sou~:h ancl the a1Zey east Anaheim Boulet~ard ro the we~t. 0754b -1- PC90-'79 s~~. WF~EF2EAS, tha C.i.~;~ Pianriir,y Commission d.ici h~ld a public hoari.nq j~t th~ Civ.ir. Cc~ntHr in ~•I~o C.iLy o[ Ar~,::ieim un March ?.6, 1990 nt 1;30 p.m., r-otice ot ~aid public 1iQarinn havinq };~1c:n duly given .~s raquirec'. by law r~nd fn accurdance with thc~ prov.isions uf Lhn An:~hc~{rr. Municip~l Codc, Chapter 18.03, r,p hoar and consid~r ~v.idei~r.c~ f.c~r and against: said pxoposod yenoral plan ~mendmont ancl to investignte and rnake f.indings tin~ r~commei~iiations in r,onnocti.on t.ho:owitl~; and F!HEREAS, s~.id Cammission, aEter duc~ cons.ic~eration, inspe~:t.{on, inveKtiqat.fun and study made by itselt, and a~tor due consid4ration of all evidence ancl rQporC ofCU:ed at said hcaring, DQES HkREE3Y E'IND; l. That tV!(jPT1C@ Freserited i.r,di.cated tiiar, the propert.fea in StuJy Arc,~ 4 are tioC .~ppro~~riate t'or cedE:;ignation ~o the Low-MQaiun Density EtesiGential desiqnation and should 1~e exclud~d from t11i5 general plott rm<~s~dmenr.. 2. T~~at evid~nce present~d subs~antial-es t}~e nc~c:d Yo~' an an~en~!~ient to tt;e Anahr~im .~ener~i Pi~tn anci that t:xhibir. l~, as modified Lo exclude Azaa 4, should be ~do}.~ed r~.desiynating subjecC :;tudy AcEa 1 for I,ow Density Resld~r,tial. land usos t a~her tiian M,edium l-.~n:;ity R~sidential; an~l thar Study Areas 'l., 3 and 5 for for Low-Mediwn Density Residential land useS ;~r,he;: than Medium Density Residentia.l d~sio,nation; and deletin, Study Area 4. 3. TY~at- ~.he propr~;,~~3 amei~dment is consi ,~ent wit:1 *_he existing land use der~sir_icse. C~LFFQItt7_IA__E~tVIItQ::M:i_ITAL___Q'~.,LITY.__hCT___FIi:UJ_hG: Tbat Yhe Anaheim Ci4y Y.lanniny Commis^..io~i has c•evicwed the proposal t:o amend the Land Use E2N~nent of r_hP Gencra]. Plan to change the current lanci use cle~iqna~ions as fol2owu: Stt-dy \rea 1 trom the t~;ec:ium Densit; ~esidential des:qnaf.ivn ta Low Uensitv Residc:ntial designar.ion on appc•oximately 2.3 acres qenerally bounc:t!d by Sauta An~ Skrer~t to the norkh, Anaheim f3oulevard to the ea:tt, W~t~~- 5treet to the s~t-tti and Lemon Sr_reet to "~Q woat excludir.g the norttierly 375 feet ard the easteriy 160 fest; SC~c?y Area 2 from MecSium Density Resic:ential to f ow-Medium Dentlity Y.esidential r~n appruximar,ely 13.5 acre, qenerally bounded by Water Street to the no: t.h. A.na}ini:n Bn^ i nvard I:o the east, V~1Qn~ia Avenue to the ~outh and ',E~mon S~_rc~et t:o the wt:;t exclu~.l.inq r.he Qasterlv ]60 Eeet and rhe sot~thcr.2y iA5 Eeet; rtudy Area 3 from M~diwn Density Fe,idantial desi~ynation to Lor--Medium Density Itesi~lenti.il nesignatian for ou approximar.p2y 1.19 acres geiier.a.tly bounded by Sar;ta Ana Street tU the north, Claut~tna 5treet to th:~ east, Y7ater Stceet Lo :he so~th and the all~y Kast o.f Anahe.im Ei~ulevard tU tne w~st ~:ccluding the northerly 360 Fest; Stu.1y Area 4 dc lctr.d; Study Area 5 f rcm MeclSuin Dnn,, ity ke5 id^nt i.a'_ to L~w-Medium D~~nsity Residenr,ial tor on appr~ximately 8.~~ ac,es ~~enerally bounded by South Street r_c the nc~rth, Olivr. Str.~er_ tn r.he e.~:ct, tialoncia Avenue ta t:h~ soutt~ and Che al:ey cast t,nahei_m fioule•aar~l ro the MesC; and ^ -2- ~C 9U-79 ~...,. -----.~ , .~ .r~. ; .,: ~ " ' ~`;1;~'' ,~;~~„ ;i r.cruu . . . , dod3 ~i~c~:~F~re ~Pprov~ the Nc~qr~~iva ~ecl.ax~tion on the basi~ r.c~nsi.dc~red th~ nroposecl Neg~~tivn D~c1r~r~tion racaivod dur..in ~oga~her W~~h ~hsr it ha~s ~zio Initial Stud y Y comments y tho public revic~w process nnd furt;her finding on the basi~ af evid~nce that the proj ct~-~i11 have a signifir_antterFect on ~~ no subst~x~tial the enviranment. THG CORFGUING Kr•.sor.UTTON w~s adopte,ci ~~ thQ pl~nnin meot;.nc~ of MF~rch 26. 1990. ~ * q Commission ;,' ~ ---~~~~-~ ~-"<`' ~--~ r ~ , _CFiAIitMAN, ANAfiEItd ' ~ ~ ".""-------- ITY PLApJNING CUHMISSI0:1 ATTEST: . ~ ~~ ,~.~ / ~~~t-.__Q~f--_- --- ~'u'~`"'•-•------~- SECRE7'AR , _.__ APIAHETM CITY pLA27t1jpJG CUi~AfISSTON STATE OF CALIFOt2N1"A ) COUNTY OF OR~NG~ j ~~. CZTY OF ANAfiEIM ~ I~ EdI~}i I.. Narris Commissian, do hereio , ' Secl~otary of the iinaheim y ccrtify that the foreg~ir~g resalution as y °lanning adoptecl at a mcel-ing of the Anahe.im 1990, b ~it7 P.lannin ~agsed and y the followin 4 Com.nission held on March 26, y vot;e of the members thereof: AYF,S: CONIMTS~IONERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, I{EI,LYw'R, HCRf3ST, bfC B N03S: COhMisSIONERS; URNEY, [dBSSE Ai3SEfIT: t'J0t3E COt~fISSICPtERS; FELDNAUS =N WITp1ESS F71iEI2~UF, I havE hereunto ;,et my hand khis aE 1990. ~-/ '~ ~----~ .,~-f~~ day (1 ~ ' ----- _-f~-~--~_ _~, _ SF'.CRETARY, I~;~;~y{~I;~ ~ ~ ______ CITY PLAf7NING CObp~ISSIUN ; 1 ~ ! _~_ fC y0-~~3 ~ ~ Y . ~~ .Y ___. . .1,^!f _ ~!'S